Use IronWorkers while using my work - yii

My website is hosted on AWS Elastic Beanstalk (PHP). I use Yii Framework as an MVC.
A while ago I wanted to run a SQL query everyday. I looked up how to run crons on Beanstalk and it seemed complicated to merge the concepts of Cloud and Cron. I ran into Iron Worker (, and managed to create a worker that is currently doing its job fine.
Today I want to run a more complex cron (Look for notifications in my database, decide whether to send an email, build an email template and send the email (via AWS SES).
From what I understand, worker files are supposed to be self-contained items, with everything they need to work.
However, I have invested a lot of time and effort in building my MVC. I have complex models, verifications, an email templating engine, etc...
It seems very difficult to use the work I've done to create an Iron Worker. Even if I managed to port all of my code to a worker (which seems like a great deal of work), it means anytime I make changes to my main code I need to make sure the worker also has those changes. It means I would have a "branch" of my code. Even more so if I want to create more workers in the future.
What is the correct approach?

Short-term, you could likely just use the scheduling capabilities in IronWorker and have the worker hit an endpoint in your application. The endpoint will then trigger the operations to run within your app environment.
Longer-term, we do suggest you look at more of a service-oriented approach whereby you break your application up to be more loose-coupled and distributed. Here's a post on the subject. The advantages are many especially around scalability and development agility.
You can also take a look at this YII addition.
Certainly don't want you rewrite your app unnecessarily but there are likely areas where you can look to decouple. Suggest creating a worker directory and making efforts to write the workers to be self-contained. In that way, you could run them in a different environment and just pass payloads to the worker. (Push queues can also be used to push to these workers.) Once you get used to distributed async processing, it's a pretty easy process to manage.
(Note: I work at


How to proceed with query automation using

I've successfully created a query with the Extractor tool found in It does exactly what I want it to do, however I need to now run this once or twice a day. Is the purpose of as an API to allow me to build logic such as data storage and schedules tasks (running queries multiple times a day) with my own application or are there ways to scheduled queries and make use of long-term storage of my results completely within the service?
I'm happy to create a Laravel or Rails app to make requests to the API and store the information elsewhere but if I'm reinventing the wheel by doing so and they provides the means to address this then that is a true time saver.
Thanks for using the new forum! Yes, we have moved this over to Stack Overflow to maximise the community atmosphere.
At the moment, Import does not have the ability to schedule crawls. However, this is something we are going to roll out in the near future.
For the moment, there is the ability to set a Cron job to run when you specify.
Another solution if you are using the free version is to use a CI tool like travis or jenkins to schedule your API scripts.
You can query live the extractors so you don't need to make them run manually every time. This will consume one of your requests from your limit.
The endpoint you can use is:
Unfortunately the script will not be a very simple one since most websites have very different respond structures towards and as you may already know, the premium version of the tool provides now with scheduling capabilities.

Updating Redis Click-To-Deploy Configuration on Compute Engine

I've deployed a single micro-instance redis on compute engine using the (very convenient) click-to-deploy feature.
I would now like to update this configuration to have a couple of instances, so that I can benchmark how this increases performance.
Is it possible to modify the config while it's running?
The other option would be to add a whole new redis deployment, bleed traffic onto that over time and eventually shut down the old one. Not only does this sound like a pain in the butt, but, I also can't see any way in the web UI to click-to-deploy multiple clusters.
I've got my learners license with all this, so would also appreciate any general 'good-to-knows'.
I'm on the Google Cloud team working on this feature and wanted to chime in. Sorry no one replied to this for so long.
We are working on some of the features you describe that would surely make the service more useful and powerful. Stay tuned on that.
I admit that there really is not a good solution for modifying an existing deployment to date, unless you launch a new cluster and migrate your data over / redirect reads and writes to the new cluster. This is a limitation we are working to fix.
As a workaround for creating two deployments using Click to Deploy with Redis, you could create a separate project.
Also, if you wanted to migrate to your own template using the Deployment Manager API, keep in mind Deployment Manager does not have this limitation, and you can create multiple deployments from the same template in the same project.

Rails "sub-environment" -- still production (or test, etc.) but different

How should we best handle code that is part of a single Rails app, but is used in several different "modes"?
We have several different cases of an app that is driven from the same data sources (MySQL, MongoDB, SOLR) and shares core logic, assets, etc. across multiple different uses.
A common scenario is that we have HTML and REST interfaces. These differences are handled through routing (e.g. /api/v1/user/new vs /user/new) -- with minor differences they provide the same functions. This seems reasonably clean to me.
Another common scenario is that the app is "multi-tenant", determined mainly by subdomain of the URL, e.g. and (or query-string parameter for API customers) -- each has a number of features or properties that differ. This is handled by a filter ApplicationController using data largely stored in a set of tenant-specific database tables with tenant-specific functionality encapsulated by methods. This also seems reasonably clean to me.
Offline Tasks
One scenario is that a great deal of the data is acquired through a very large number of tasks, running pretty much continuously: feed loaders, scrapers, crawlers, and other tasks of this sort ... the kinds of things you would find in a search engine, which is a large part of what we do. These tasks are launched on idle server instances and run periodically ... but are just rake tasks that are part of the app.
These tasks are characteristically different than our front-end code -- they update data, run calculations, do maintenance tasks and so on -- some tasks run for days (e.g. update 30M documents from an external web service). In the end, these tasks create and keep fresh the core data that our front end app uses.
This one doesn't seem as clean to me, in particular, in some cases, these tasks are running and doing data updates at the same time as our application is using them, so occasionally need to defer to the front-end app when we're under peak loads.
Major Variants of the App
This last case is clearly wrong -- we have made major customizations of our app -- 15% or 20% different, by making branches and then running as an entirely separate app, sharing some of the core data sometimes, but using some of its own data other times. We have mostly fixed this now, as it was, of course, untenable.
OK, there's a question in here somewhere, right?
So in particular for the offline tasks I feel like the app really needs to be launched in a "mode" or perhaps "sub-environment". But we still have normal development, test, qa, demo, pre_release, production environments that have their own isolated data and other configuration parameters. For each of these, we want to be able to run, develop, test and deploy the various "modes" of the application.
Can anyone suggest an appropriate architecture that is similar to the declarative notions of standard Rails environments?
If the number of modes is ever-increasing:
Perhaps the offline tasks could be separated from the main app, into their own application (or a parent abstract task with actual tasks inheriting from it and deployed individually).
If the number of modes is relatively small and won't be changing often:
You could put the per-mode configuration into a config file, logically separate from the rest of the code. Then during the deployments, you would be able to provide a combination of (environment, mode, set of hosts) and get a good level of control of your environments while using the same codebase.

Gems/Services for autoscaling Heroku's dynos and workers

I want to know if there are any good solutions for autoscaling dynos AND workers on Heroku in a production environment (probably a different solution for each of those, as they are pretty unrelated). What are you/companies using, regarding this?
I found lots of options, but none of them seem really mature for a production environment.
There is Heroscale, which seem to introduce some latency as it does not run locally, and I also heard of some downtime. There are modifications of delayed_jobs, which have not been updated for a long time, and there are some issues with current bundlers. There is also some alternatives related to reque, which seem not to handle very well some HTTP exceptions, which results in app crashing, and others which seem to need an always-running worker to schedule other workers, and may also suffer from some HTTP exceptions problems.
Well. In the end. What is being used, nowadays, for autoscaling Heroku's dynos and workers on a production environment with Rails3?
Thanks in advance.
We ran into this a while ago and I spent quite a bit of time on this to my great frustration. I'll try to stick to the salient point. There are several Heroku autoscaling solution that seem decent at first glance.
The example that has already been given heroku-autoscaler is actually for autoscaling dynos and is pretty much the only solution out there that claims to do this (and it certainly doesn't do it well). Most others will only claim to autoscale workers for you. So, let's focus on that first. The autoscalers you'll look at for workers depend on what you're actually using for you background workers e.g. delayed_job, resque. Those are the most common background processing libs that people use, so the autoscalers will try to hook into one of them. You can use things like:
Some of these work on the Cedar stack some might need a bit of tweaking. The problem with all of them is that it's like trying to pull yourself out of the swamp by your own hair. Let's take hirefire as an example (it's probably the best one of the lot). It modifies delayed_job so that the workers themselves can look at the queue and spin up more workers if necessary, if there are no more jobs in the queue, the workers will all shut each other down. There are several problems:
if you want to put a job on the queue to be executed in the future as opposed to right now, you're out of luck. A worker starts up when jobs enter the queue, but since the job is to be executed in the future the worker will shut down and will not start up unless another job enters the queue (that's the only thing that prompts workers to start up)
you loose the ability to retry failed jobs, this is possible by default in delayed_job, but it takes a little while before a failed job is to be retried (and progressively longer) if it fail multiple times, but the workers will shut down during this time delay and there is nothing to prompt them to start up again (in essence this is the same issue as in the first scenario)
The thing that solves this problem is to have one worker running continuously it can therefore monitor the queue periodically and can execute jobs when necessary or even spin up more workers. But if you do that, you're not saving any money (you have a worker running continuously 24/7 and have to pay for that) and that's the whole premise behind autoscalers on heroku. In essence, if you only have occasional background processing to do, or you have background jobs that are likely to fail but succeed on retry, or you have background jobs that don't need to be executed instantly, there is no autoscaling library you can use that will work for you.
Here is one alternative. The guy who wrote Hirefire, later spun it off into a webapp (Hirefire app), the essence of which is to externally monitor your Heroku workers/dynos for you and spin up/shut down workers dynos as necessary. This was free in beta but it now costs money, less than what you'd pay to run a worker 24/7 but still not insignificant if you only need a few background jobs once in a while. Either way this is the only viable way to make sure your background job infrastructure does what you want (well that and rolling your own solution which means having a machine like an EC2 instance where you can put some scripts which will ping your heroku app and spin up/shut down workers as needed - a non-trivial amount of effort).
Now Hirefire app does offer to autoscale your dynos for you as well, it does this based on hooking in to the latency of your heroku request queue. However I found that this didn't work well, perhaps if you're close to the Amazon datacenter where your heroku app actually lives (we weren't), you might have a different experience. But, for us it unnecessarily spun up a whole bunch of dynos and would never spin them down no matter how much I tweaked the settings. You can put it down to the fact that it was a beta it may have improved since then, but that's the experience that I had.
Long story short, if you want to autoscale your workers, use Hirefire app, you'll be saving a lot less money than you thought, but it is still the cheapest option. If you want to autoscale dynos you're basically out of luck. This is just one of those limitations you live with for having the convenience of a platform like Heroku.
Heroku is offering a new add-on called AdeptScale which is now just out of Beta.
Here is the add-on page for AdeptScale
Here is the more detailed documentation for AdeptScale
Here is the form to sign up for Heroku's Beta Program
Hopefully this will be a robust solution for autoscaling Heroku Dynos, as I'm not still not happy with the current options.
Update (2/4/13): I signed up for Heroku's Beta program to try out this add-on, and its worked really well for me. Occasionally scaling up with traffic, but mostly sitting on the minimum number of dynos I've set of 2. It's greatly reduced my bill, and eliminated worry that I might be slow during peak usage times.
Update (3/6/13): Added link to Heroku's Sign up page for their beta program.
Update (4/14/13): Looks like auto-scaling is out of Beta. It's still working really well for me. (The Service, not the Open Source Project) now allows you to use your New Relic metrics to auto-scale your web dynos. New Relic is a performance monitoring tool provided as an add-on through Heroku. They have a free tier and it's sufficient to use with HireFire.
You can auto-scale based on:
Response Time
This is the Response Time you find on the New Relic Dashboard. It's a combination of various factors including Request Queuing, Database Performance, App-Layer, Router, etc.
Apdex Score
This allows you to scale based on your New Relic Apdex Score, enabling you to scale based on user experience/satisfaction, which is determined by this score.
Aside of this we have become language/framework agnostic. For worker dynos all you have to do to get auto-scaling working is to setup a JSON end-point at a certain path in your app that returns a very simple JSON string containing the queue size (we provide convenient, but not required, macros for the Ruby language and some out-of-the-box support for Django apps, but like I said it works for any language/framework by manually setting up a JSON end-point - it's very easy). For web dynos, you can use the HireFire Metric Source with basically any language/framework, and the above mentioned New Relic Metric Source for languages/frameworks that are supported by New Relic (these are common languages such as Ruby, Python, Java, etc).
Disclaimer: I built HireFire.
I'm trying to find a good way to autoscale dyno's too. does this but has a disclaimer about its immaturity.
I've recently written a heroku auto scaling system called Heroku Vector:
It allows you to scale multiple types of dynos based on different traffic sources. It currently supports NewRelic throughout and Sidekiq number of busy threads. As traffic goes up or down, it will scale the number of dynos up or down. It's a daemon process that can be run in its own dyno on Heroku or elsewhere.

Periodic tasks inside WCF service hosted in IIS

We would like to have some periodic actions executed by our WCF service hosted in IIS. What is the best way to do this? Creating a timer doesn't look as a good solution. Creating a windows service that would behave as some kind of a heart beat looks like a problem solution, but it still doesn't smell good. What approach will be a good solution to this problem?
That depends on what your action is trying to do. If it's a database related clean up action, e.g. deleting orphaned shopping carts, you could schedule a job for this in your database of choice, like SQL Server's very reliable job engine. A Windows service would be a great candidate if it's an OS based action like periodic clean up/deletion of files etc. Since an IIS/WCF service is usually designed more to handle external responses I don't think it'd be wrong to use the service layers of the OS or DB for your task.
I used to run into tasks like this in my PHP days, when I would want to schedule an email to be sent at a given time. After many months of tinkering (mainly trying to handle calls to a page that may never come in), I eventually came to the conclusion that an essentially stateless bit of code is not the place to do it, and scheduled a cron job to fire each night.
I'd definitely recommend going down the route of an externally triggered job (either in SQL, a windows service, etc) and handling your operations from there. The pain, as I know to my cost, is just not worth the return.
I have struggled much with this, and have, in some cases, where clean-up is required, just done an asynchronous (background) task on the back of a common function to do period clean-up, i.e. On GetCommonList(), I do a check in settings/appsetting for lastrun and then kick it off once a day or every 5 minutes, etc. That way, if the app goes to greener pastures (which does happen), I don't need to worry about any lingering tasks running somewhere. Doesn't work in all cases, but security, etc. is also automatically taken care of - whereas services, etc. you may still have issues with that. Just my 2c.