Mac App Sandboxing with Snow Leopard - objective-c

I can't find any information on how to enable App Sandboxing with XCode on Snow Leopard? It seems like it's not possible but maybe one of you experts can confirm this or is there any workaround possible? Any hint will be valuable.

If you're going to develop a Sandboxed app, you really should be developing on at least 10.7.5 (preferably 10.9.1 at this point), since 10.7 was the first version of OS X to support sandboxing. Even if you could manage to build a sandboxing-enabled app on 10.6.8, you won't be able to properly test it.


How to easily test cocoa app on different version of mac osx?

I have a macbook air 2011 version and have 10.8.x installed on it. I used xcode 4.6 to develop an app, I tested it using this machine and worked perfectly fine.
I want my app to support 10.6 (snow leopard) and 10.7 (lion) as well (I set my deployment target to 10.6 and base sdk to 10.7) , so in order to test it, I compiled my app using my macbook (again, 10.8 mountain lion) and copy the app to my other 10.6 machine (hackintosh).
Testing on 10.6 is a pain in the butt, I have learnt a few tricks tried to make the testing easier (ie. implementing redirectConsoleLogToDocumentFolder so that all NSLog will be added to the console.log), however sometimes my app will cause a segmentation fault, which can't be caught by try catch, and I really had no clue what caused the problem.
My questions are:
1. how to easily test my app (with ARC enabled) on a 10.6 machine without xcode? I have installed xcode 4.2 on snow leopard, however it doesn't support arc and couldn't compile, even I downloaded the 10.7 sdk and put it into my xcode folder.
2. are there any other tricks you can share with me, to make the testing on 10.7/10.6 easier?

Obtaining 10.6 Base SDK for Xcode 4.5.2

How can I obtain and use 10.6 as base SDK in Xcode 4.5.2?
I downloaded Xcode 4.5.2 from the Mac App Store (through a link on the Apple developer site).
Is there a way I can somehow download the 10.6 SDK separately and start using it as a base SDK?
Strangely enough, I can download the documentation for the 10.6 SDK through Xcode's Preferences window, but not the SDK itself. Any ideas?
No, you can't download the 10.6 SDK separately.
Is there a reason you can't use the 10.8 or 10.7 SDK?
Keep in mind that just because you build against the 10.8 SDK, that doesn't mean you can't also have that built application work on 10.8, 10.7 and 10.6. (This is often a cause of confusion among new developers). You control backwards-compatibility through the Deployment Target setting like shown in the image below.
By default, the deployment target is generally set to the same version of OS X as the SDK is, but changing it to 10.6, for example, should allow it to run on a machine with OS X 10.6. (Of course, you should really test to make sure that's the case).
Download xcode with MacOSX10.6.sdk. Now copy MacOSX10.6.sdk inside /Applications/
Its also working fine with Xcode 5.0.

Windows SDK for COCOA API

I'm just starting off with IOS app dev. I was just curious to know if there are any sdk's in windows available to simulate the cocoa API.
In simple words can i program, compile and execute an Objective-C code on windows OS through any simulators, if any?
The original question was about running Cocoa apps on Windows, not developing iOS apps under Windows. There are a few projects that are attempting to implement the Cocoa APIs under windows, but I'm not sure how successful they are being. There is one at which looks promising.
Unfortunately, the only real way to do iOS development is in a genuine Mac environment.

Testing on pre-IOS4

I have a problem with an app that works perfect on my iPhone 4, and on my 3Gs but both are on iOS 4. BUT, when a colleague installed it on his 3G with 3.1.2 on it... it crashes on startup.
Is there someway I can test to install the app in a 3.1.2 simulator of some kind?
He didn't send me his crash logs yet.
Best regards,
Paul Peelen
I haven't done this for the simulator, but you can find links for the old SDKs here:
You should be able to install the old simulator SDKs and have them show up in the simulator menu.
Dealing with multiple SDKs has proved to be extremely painful in my experience. If you end up installing an old SDK, I'd recommend you install it in a separate "Developer" folder.
In my opinion, the best way to deal with 3.x debugging is to get your hand on an old iPod touch with 3.x installed. You can get one for pretty cheap from a local classified ads site and it really makes 3.x debugging a lot easier.

Programming for Ipad from Windows [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 12 years ago.
Possible Duplicates:
iPhone development on PC
iPhone development on Windows
Do I really need a Mac to make small simple apps for iPad? Is there any kind of work around? Cool IDE?
Yes, you need an Intel-based Mac to develop for iPhone/iPad if you want to do so with their native SDK.
There are workarounds, a few of which are listed here but they may be rendered unusable with the latest version of iPhone OS since they will soon disallow just about anything that doesn't use the native SDK
I wasn't going to post it, but you did say any reply :)
Browser based (safari compatible) apps would be one "work around". I know it's a weak answer, but sometimes people miss the obvious answers so there you go.
Yes. And you can use Xcode IDE
You will likely need OS X.
Both Monotouch and XCODE run on OS X.
If you can get OS X to run on a non-Mac then no, you don't need a Mac.
However, realistically... yes you do.
The iPhone and iPad SDK relies on code that comes packaged with the Mac OS. If you want to build legitimate applications and have the possibility of listing those apps in the iTunes store, you must build them on a Mac.
There are ways around this to build apps that will never be distributed ... but those methods tend to be highly illegal.
You can still develop iPhone/iPad WebApps that look like native apps on pretty much any web development platform/toolset.
While I am not an attorney, based upon the new SDK agreement, I believe you can use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create native iPhone/iPad apps. There is actually a book already there that talks about how to do that. Here is the book,
If you want to create small simple apps for iPhone/iPad, you can create a Web app that runs in Safari using HTML. You can actually create fairly slick apps with this method and make them look like native apps. I've create some using jQTouch and they look like native apps. You can test them either in Safari on Windows or on your iPhone or iPad.
It wouldn't be easy to develop an iPhone/iPad application on Windows. You would have to install OSX86 on your PC, or run a virtualized OSX install through vmware if possible. Apple is incredibly restrictive on software provisioning and app store approval, so you may have a hard time testing and releasing your app later on. For these reasons and more, I'm switching to Android development.