find a message from a curl request in apache logs - apache

With a linux, I send a curl message like that:
curl -X POST -d "hello" http:/server_adress
the server is a Windows. I would like to find "hello" in my Apache log but I don't know how to do this.
Do you think the curl is correct ?
What do I have to put in my php file to see "hello" in my apache log ?

I find the answer.
the message curl have to be like this:
curl -X POST -d "message = hello" _http://server_adress
and in the file php.
It returns "hello" in the apache log

Your curl command is okay. Its now you to the server log(and the administrator) to check the data on the log.
So far I know the data(means post data) doesn't come to by default in the log. You need to configure it from the log setting or something like that(if it is possible).


How to see Curl configurations

Does anyone know how to see the Curl configurations like maxtimeout, maxdelay etc.
My shell application is running a Curl command and doing some retries within Curl but I am not sure where these configurations are stored.
Is there any command like "curl --showconfig" or location of configfile to know the configurations.

Apache load balancer: enable/disable workers does not work anymore

I have a script that sends POST requests to Apache load balancer to change status_D parameter of the specified worker. This is supposed to enable or disable worker (0 - enable, 1 - disable).
This used to work, but not anymore. Script is in Perl, but I tried sending the same request using curl, same result - status does not change.
If I open load balancer web page in browser and change it from there - it works.
I even captured browser's POST request parameters from the Apache log, copied and pasted them into curl command, but it still did not work, which makes me think that parameters are fine, but perhaps something has changed in Apache or proxy_balancer_module recently? Apache version is
In new versions you need to add the referer in the http request.
curl -s -o /dev/null -XPOST "http://${server}:${port}/${manager}?" \
-H "Referer: http://${server}:${port}/${manager}?b=${balancer}&w=${worker}&nonce=${nonce}" -d b="${balancer}" \
-d w="${worker}" -d nonce="${nonce}" -d w_status_D=1

How to get Bearer access token in Jmeter

I have problems to get Bearer access token in Jmeter. Problem's cause most probably is in
server authentication - do not really understand how to properly setup this in Jmeter.
curl consist of several parts:
curl -X POST -v -u
-d "grant_type=password" -d "username=xxxxxxx" -d "password=xxxxxx" -d "scope=scop"
I have tried to use HTTP AuthorizationManager, HTTP Request and HTTP Header Manager without any successful results. Any advices?
I think you should do something like:
HTTP Request sampler:
these protocol and Server Name bits can be moved to HTTP Request Defaults so you won't have to specify them for each and every HTTP Request sampler
HTTP Authorization Manager:
In general since JMeter 5.1 it's possible to create a test plan from curl command line, the option lives under "Tools -> Import from cURL" main menu entry:

Is possible to execute curl in Karate tests?

I need to run some test that use a NTLM proxy.
Due to Karate doesn´t support NTLM proxy, I think that if karate can "execute" a curl command like below, I will get kate working with NTLM:
curl -X GET '' -u siteuser:sitepasswd --proxy-ntlm --proxy-user ckuser:ckpasswd --proxy internal-ntlm-proxy:8080 -s
Anyone knows if I can call a curl command in Karate? (instead of the internal http request that Karate use when call Given... Path...)
Yes, Karate has very good CLI support, if curl is present on your OS, it can be done. See this answer for details, available in 0.9.6
In your case, try first with karate.exec()
* def result = karate.exec("curl -X GET '' -u siteuser:sitepasswd --proxy-ntlm --proxy-user ckuser:ckpasswd --proxy internal-ntlm-proxy:8080 -s")
And result will contain the console text. Note that there are regex helpers to make scraping values out easier, for e.g.:
* def token = karate.extract(result, 'some(pattern).+', 1)

In uploadcare, I'm getting an empty 403 error when using the upload POST endpoint

I'm using a raw post since I'm using react native and I didn't see a react-native library.
I'm getting a 403 response when trying to upload using the raw upload form post- is there a setting that I need to set or is my public key not activated or something? I don't see a text response in the 403 response so not sure what the specific error is.
Here's my sample CURL from postman
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=..."
-F "file=#logo.jpg" ""
Here are few things you should look at:
content-type is not needed here
reason for 4xx should be stated in response body or headers
make sure that you don't have typos in API key
make sure that automatic storing is enabled in the project or send "UPLOADCARE_STORE=auto"
make sure that your account is not blocked, has some quota left, file type is allowed, etc.
don't rely on Postman, check the command with cURL
This works:
curl -vv -X POST \
-F "UPLOADCARE_PUB_KEY=demopublickey" \
-F "file=#logo.png" "
I see you are trying to use multipart upload, how big is logo.jpg? Are you able to upload the same file using the dashboard?