T-SQL Code to edit XML - sql

In the XML text below, I want to write an update script to modify the date part 2013-12-30T04:30:00.000+00:00 with dateadd(minute, 2, getdate())
How do I get the format as represented in the XML text.
What would be the best way to concatenate the date?
<ScheduleDefinition xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<StartDateTime xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2006/03/15/reporting/reportingservices">2013-12-30T04:30:00.000+00:00</StartDateTime>
<WeeklyRecurrence xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2006/03/15/reporting/reportingservices">

declare #xml varchar(max)
set #xml='<ScheduleDefinition xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<StartDateTime xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2006/03/15/reporting/reportingservices">2013-12-30T04:30:00.000+00:00</StartDateTime>
<WeeklyRecurrence xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2006/03/15/reporting/reportingservices">
declare #pos int
set #pos=charindex('</StartDateTime>',#xml)
select left(#xml,#pos-30)+
<ScheduleDefinition xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<StartDateTime xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2006/03/15/reporting/reportingservices">2014-02-19T21:27:36.348+00:00</StartDateTime>
<WeeklyRecurrence xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2006/03/15/reporting/reportingservices">
It uses charindex() to find a consistent piece of text (</StartDateTime>) in your xml. It then uses left() to cut off the start of the xml (truncating off the current date). It then uses sysutcdatetime() to get the current time of your server expressed in UTC time (so that later a consistent timezone offset of +00:00 can be applied). It then uses convert() with a style of 126 to convert the time into the format required for your xml. It then uses substring() and datalength() to add the end of your xml (the length does not need to be exact).
Hopefully, this will give you some ideas about how to go about cutting up your xml to substitute the date that you want.

DATETIMEOFFSET datatype and XML.modify(). I would not recommend treating XML as text if there is a way to do it using XML. Your namespaces make it a little tricky. This works on SQL Server 2008 R2.
set #XML='<ScheduleDefinition xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<StartDateTime xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2006/03/15/reporting/reportingservices">2013-12-30T04:30:00.000+00:00</StartDateTime>
<WeeklyRecurrence xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2006/03/15/reporting/reportingservices">
;WITH XMLNAMESPACES('http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2006/03/15/reporting/reportingservices' AS X)
SELECT #NEWVALUE = TableAlias.FieldAlias.value('(X:StartDateTime/text())[1]', 'DATETIMEOFFSET') FROM #XML.nodes('//ScheduleDefinition') AS TableAlias(FieldAlias)
SET #XML.modify('
declare namespace x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2006/03/15/reporting/reportingservices";
replace value of (/ScheduleDefinition/x:StartDateTime[1]/text())[1]
with sql:variable("#FORMAT")


SSMS Obfuscation of string

I need to create a script to obfuscate some data.
The string is quite long and I need to obfuscate only some parts of it.
In the table the records are similar to this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><CONTRACT><IBC IBC_REF="f45f1231234ae5ac2easdasdfde5dfd" IBC_TYPE="I" TELEPHONE_1="1111111" TELEPHONE_2="11111111" MOBILE_PHONE="11111111" E_MAIL="asdasdasd#hotmail.com" SOLICITATION_MAIL="0" ARREARS_MAIL="1" MAIL_REDIRECTED="0" TITLE="Mrs" SURNAME_REGISTERED_NAME="Assadasd"
And it needs to become like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><CONTRACT><IBC IBC_REF="f45f1231234ae5ac2easdasdfde5dfd" IBC_TYPE="I" TELEPHONE_1="Telephone-1" TELEPHONE_2="Telephone-2" MOBILE_PHONE="MobilePhone" E_MAIL="email-1" SOLICITATION_MAIL="0" ARREARS_MAIL="1" MAIL_REDIRECTED="0" TITLE="Mrs" SURNAME_REGISTERED_NAME="Surname"
How can I update all the rows of the table and change only some of the strings by saving the other words?
Seemingly you are working with XML strings, so I would suggest to use the SQL Server XML functionalities. Following a short example:
DECLARE #input NVARCHAR(4000) = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><CONTRACT><IBC IBC_REF="f45f1231234ae5ac2easdasdfde5dfd" IBC_TYPE="I" TELEPHONE_1="1111111" TELEPHONE_2="11111111" MOBILE_PHONE="11111111" E_MAIL="asdasdasd#hotmail.com" SOLICITATION_MAIL="0" ARREARS_MAIL="1" MAIL_REDIRECTED="0" TITLE="Mrs" SURNAME_REGISTERED_NAME="Assadasd" /></CONTRACT>';
DECLARE #x xml = CONVERT(xml, REPLACE(#input,'encoding="UTF-8"','encoding="UTF-16"'));
SELECT #x.value('(/CONTRACT/IBC/#TELEPHONE_1)[1]', 'nvarchar(100)');
DECLARE #y xml = #x
SET #y.modify('replace value of (/CONTRACT/IBC/#TELEPHONE_1)[1] with "TELEPHONE_1"');
SELECT #y.value('(/CONTRACT/IBC/#TELEPHONE_1)[1]', 'nvarchar(100)');
DECLARE #output NVARCHAR(4000) = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR(4000), #y)
SELECT #output

Convert an XML UTF-8 encoded string to XML datatype in SQL Server

Converting an XML string using CAST( AS XML) works as expected in many scenarios, but fail with an error "illegal xml character" if the string contains accented chars.
This example fails with error "XML parsing: line 2, character 8, illegal xml character":
declare #Text VARCHAR(max) =
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ROOT>níveis porém alocação</ROOT>'
select CAST(#Text AS XML)
According to XML Specification all of them are legal XML chars, but replacing accented chars with an 'X' char will result in a sucessfull CAST:
declare #MessageText VARCHAR(max) =
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ROOT>nXveis porXm alocaXXo</ROOT>'
select CAST(#MessageText AS XML)
Result: <ROOT>nXveis porXm alocaXXo</ROOT>
Moreover, the same XML but UTF-16 encoded, inexplicably works:
declare #MessageText NVARCHAR(max) =
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<ROOT>níveis porém alocação</ROOT>'
select CAST(#MessageText AS XML)
Result: <ROOT>níveis porém alocação</ROOT>
Are those chars illegal in UTF-8? Or there is a better way to convert into an XML datatype?
SQL Server strips any XML Declaration prolog internally for XML data type and uses UTF-16 encoding. Here is how to handle correctly your use case.
-- Method #1
DECLARE #Text NVARCHAR(MAX) = N'<ROOT>níveis porém alocação</ROOT>';
-- Method #2
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<ROOT>níveis porém alocação</ROOT>';

SQL query to get most recent date from XML document

I am doing a SQL query against a column with an XML document located.
The XML document looks like the following.
As you can see the dates are out of order.
I am looking for a SQL query that will get the most recent date from the XML document (in this case: 2016-12-01).
One way is to read all data and find the maximum externally (external ORDER BY with TOP 1, like in Prdp's answer, or MAX(), eventually with GROUP BY).
Another way is a FLWOR-XQuery:
SELECT #xml.value('max(for $d in /root/date return xs:date($d))','date')
This means:
Take each value in /root/date, return it as date and find the highest!
Both approaches will need to read the whole list, but it should be a bit faster only to look for the maximum value, rather than return a full list and do some external sorting, picking again...
Try this
SET #xml = '<root>
SELECT Top 1 x.col.value('.', 'date') AS dates
FROM #xml.nodes('/root/date') x(col)

Retrieve all XML elements with the same prefix in SQL Server

I have an XML file in a format similar to:
I need to write a query that will get all of the element values that start with Field. So given the XML above the result should be
I've tried the following but it does not work:
xc.value('text()', 'int')
#XMLData.nodes('/XML/[starts-with(name(), ''Field'')]') As xt(xc)
NOTE: I am well aware that this task could be easily done if I reformatted my XML but unfortunately I have no control over the format of the XML.
One way is
declare #XMLData xml ='<XML>
xc.value('.', 'int')
From #XMLData.nodes('/XML/*') As xt(xc)
WHERE xc.value('local-name(.)', 'varchar(50)') LIKE 'Field%'
Prefix name with special character and check contains instead.
declare #x xml ='<XML>
select t.n.value('.','varchar(100)')
from #x.nodes ('XML/*[contains(concat("$",local-name()),"$Field")]') t(n);
I think it's this what you are looking for:
SELECT Fld.value('.','int') AS FieldOnly
FROM #xml.nodes('/XML/*[substring(local-name(.),1,5)="Field"]') AS A(Fld)
Just because of the discussion in comments:
DECLARE #fldName VARCHAR(100)='Field';
SELECT Fld.value('.','int') AS FieldOnly
FROM #xml.nodes('/XML/*[substring(local-name(.),1,string-length(sql:variable("#fldName")))=sql:variable("#fldName")]') AS A(Fld)
Change the first line to "Test" (case sensitive!), and you'd get just the one row with 400...

SQL Server: How to get the value of a XML element specifying an attribute?

For the usage in a SQL query I need to get the value of a specific XML element. The XML element is specified by its attribute.
My XML elements looks like this:
<value lang="en-US">example</value>
<value lang="de-DE">Beispiel</value>
and the value I am looking for would be "example" when I specify lang to be "en-US".
I found a way to get this value by using the query() function and afterwards the value() function.
declare #S varchar(max)
set #S =
<value lang="en-US">example</value>
<value lang="de-DE">Beispiel</value>
declare #X xml
set #X = CAST(#S as xml)
select #X.query('/translations/value[#lang="en-US"]').value('.','varchar(max)')
This select statement return the value "example" I am looking for by using the query() and value() function. But is there also a - more convenient - way to only use value() OR query()?
Thank you in advance!
Sure there is...
You also can shorten the declaration:
declare #X xml=
<value lang="en-US">example</value>
<value lang="de-DE">Beispiel</value>
select #X.value('(/translations/value[#lang="en-US"])[1]','varchar(max)');
The point is, that you need a singleton result when you are using .value(). You achieve this by putting the XPath in paranthesis and force the first element to be taken (in this case it's the only element).
Btw: If you need this (and sooner or later you will need this...), you might put the "en-US" as parameter into your query like this:
declare #prm VARCHAR(10)='en_US';
select #X.value('(/translations/value[#lang=sql:variable("#prm")])[1]','varchar(max)');
You can reach the similar, but with a value of the actual query by using sql:column().