Calling Specflow from LinqPad? - linqpad

Does anyone have any examples / tutorials of calling Specflow from LinqPad?
I was just thinking that it would be useful for experimenting with pre-populated mocks.
A quick Google search didn't find anything.


What language (or framework) can i use to build auto do some specific task in a website

I want to write a program to do some specific task in a website (ie: Auto order, auto login and post some comments). But i don't know what language or framework can help me do that.
If you know plase help me.
It sounds like you want to automate some user actions on a website, for that Selenium/Webdriver is the best library/framework if you want to do it on a Desktop or Appium if you want to do it on mobile.
Seeing as you are a beginner I would also recommend to use Python as its not only easy to get started with but its also one of the better languages in current times for anything related to automation.
I actually have multiple playlists that teach:
beginner to senior concepts in Selenium
beginner Appium concepts
how to build an advanced framework in Appium

Testing an MVVMCross application

I am working on my first MVVMCross application and I am trying to set up a good testing framework. I have looked at the testing Stuart is doing in his TwitterSearch app but I have found nothing that explains his approach or any other approach to testing MVVMCross. Has anyone come across a good post/tutorial on the proper way to test an MVVMCross application? Other than just code that a newb (like myself) may not completely understand...
I'm not sure what you are asking...
What do you mean by a 'proper way'?
Is this a question about mechanics of "how to write a unit test?" Or a question about "how many unit tests to write; Which components to test; How deep to go; etc?"
For the mechanics:
I personally use NUnit for testing (from NuGet)
I include this in a .net4.5 class library project.
I use Moq for most of my Mocking (from NuGet)
There are a few MvvmCross objects I manually mock - as shown in that TwitterSearch message
There's an MvvmCross base test class which provides IoC/ServiceLocation - but I generally only use this when I need to use real MvvmCross classes - e.g. when the class under test inherits from MvxViewModel
I only run tests within Resharper in Visual Studio
There are plenty of other approaches, including some people choose to run tests on devices - e.g. using the excellent MonoTouch Nunit test runner.
There are also plenty of people interested in BDD testing - e.g. things like Frank, Calabash (coming in Xamarin Test Cloud) and the Windows Phone Test Framework that I wrote - :)
For the philosophy, I have no strong opinion, but I like this answer:
I too get paid to write code

Pex – test input generator

I have created sample method in c#.I use Pex add-in in Visual Studio 2010. I have to test my sample method with few tests.I should do this automatically not manually.I read a lot of articles about PUT(Parameterized Unit Testing) with Pex.I dont't understand how Pex automatically create test inputs.I am not really good at programming so I don't do that myself. Can anybody suggest me some good tutorial for beginners?
The official website offers not only docs but also comprehensive tutorials.
You can also try out Pex4Fun which is a web-based Pex-frontend.

Where can I find Rspec + Capybara 'Getting Started' guides?

I've been meaning to get into testing. After reading about a few testing frameworks (test::unit, Rspec, etc). I've decided give Rspec and Capybara a try.
I'd like to understand how experienced developers utilize these libraries properly. Which in-turn will help me write better application code and find bugs or little errors in the smallest cracks in the application.
Approaching this as a total TDD nooby. What online sources have you come across to help you learn about Rspec + Capybara. I found this Railscast, which is a good starting point. Are there any other sources / articles I should be reading?
I came across The Rspec Book, which is great for Rspec, but touches more on Cucumber examples.
In addition, how can I find out all the functions available for Capybara. i.e. fill_in, click_link, etc. The Github page mentions a few, but not all.
I also use Rspec with Capybara, and i get along very well with this references:
Action methods:
Find methods:
Match methods:
Hope it helps!

QuickStart Tutorials for Rational Functional Tester (RFT)

I am new to RFT. Infact I have seen the interface only once. But now my next project seems to be an automation using RFT. I would like to get some quick start on learning RFT(Rational Functional Tester).
Can anyone show me some quick links as to where can I start with this?
Thanks in advance.
Your best bet is to first download RFT from here
Once the installation is done, Click the Help tab, and then click Tutorials. That will be a good quick start IMO.
Then access the sample projects in RFT and it is Eclipse based, so if you have used Eclipse before, it will be fairly easy to pick up.
You could go in more detail later, and look up features like "keyword driven frameworks" etc for a real world example.
Best of luck!
Please refer to IBM Release notes link where you can find Simple tutorials to get started with RFT.