How to configure ZeroClipboard for pdf generation? - datatables

I am using Datatable Tools to export some table to PDF but I am getting error while exporting the data. The error says
This instance of ZeroClipboard is not configured for PDF export. Please use the PDF export version.
Anyone knows how I can configure ZeroClipboard.js so I can get PDF?
Any help would be appreciated!

Based on your question, I assume you have it working and its displayed properly on the DataTable. I had the same problem recently and the fix was fairly easy, all I had to do was change the location of the swf file to the PDF one. Below is an example.
"sDom": '<"clear">lfrtipT',
"oTableTools": {
"sSwfPath": "/js/DataTables-1.9.4/extras/TableTools-2.0.0/media/swf/copy_cvs_xls_pdf.swf"
Normally the default import is just "copy_cvs_xls.swf". The other file should be in the same location, check it out and import it instead.


download pdf file of blade instead of view in browser

I would like the browser to download file on button click of blade page. The following is used in controller and and added in provider file, but its showing in browser console but not downloading file.
use PDF;
// this controller
function sensorChartPDF(){
$pdf = PDF::loadView('sensorchartpdf');
return $pdf->download('invoice.pdf')->header('Content-Type','application/pdf');;
///// sensorchartpdf.blade.php this is view ///
chart static code appened in this file
To signify to the web browser that the file should be downloaded and not displayed in line you have to specify the content-disposition header with a value of attachment.
Your question, however, does not appear to be purely a question regarding Dompdf. With Dompdf you would merely use the following:
$dompdf->stream("output.pdf", array('Attachment' => 1));
I'm providing this for anyone looking for similar issue when working with the library directly.
Since you're not using Dompdf directly but via another library so you'll need to specify exactly which library or framework you're using before somebody can provide an accurate answer.

p:dataexporter columns with images

I want to export a datatable (with p:graphicImages in columns) in PrimeFaces but even in the new version of PrimeFaces I can only see the alt: value of image in my PDF file. Can't I export graphicImage itself?
It's also asked in this link comment #3.
No you can't, not without extending the exporter
I can give you two ideas of how I got to put in a pdf images:
1. Use a printer (), then print it to pdf and you're done. You will have your table with the pretty images.
2. Generate the PDF using iText and you can personalize it as far as you want.

Export from to PDF throws Internal Error: The export doesn't support one of the functionalities in this report

I'm trying to export a report into a pdf file with but i get an "Internal exception: The export select doesn't supports one of the functionalities used on the report:"
I'm using a very simple code:
cr.ExportToDisk(ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat, stringPath)
I've already check if the path exists and permissions of the folder in wich i export my file and they're all correct. I've looked already on the internet for more solutions but it seems that i'm the only one with this error...
The solution was to change the font on my report. It seems that i was using a font not readable by VS2012. So i change it back to arial and things went rigth.

Render HTML or GSP as a PDF and save it on server

I have an html template which I need to render as a .PDF and then save that pdf file on server. I'm using "rendering" plugin of grails. I'm able to render file as PDF but I don't understand how to save it on server location and not on user's system. Can anybody please help me ?
The pdfRenderingService provided by the plugin allows you to call render and get back an OutputStream. Using that output stream you can write that to a file on your server. The documentation explains the basics of using the service.
Your code may look something like this:
new File("report.pdf").withOutputStream { outputStream ->
outputStream << pdfRenderingService.render(template: '/report/report', model: [serial: 12345])
Well, actually I changed my plugin. Got Wkhtmltopdf plugin of grails more helpful. you can find it here --
Also instructions regarding using this plugin you can find on the same link or here --
Using this you can get "bytes" which you can write to file system.

Saving pdf in the background using html2pdf

Am tryng to automatically generate pdfs using html2pdf class. I got the following code which is working fine, only that someone has to save the pdf manually. However, Whenever a new product is added, I would like to automatically save the pdf to some folder without user intervention, and store this value in a database for future reference.
How do I go about saving the pdf 'silently' i.e. in the background without showing any popups or requiring the user to intervene?
Thanks in advance.
$content = ob_get_clean();
// convert to PDF
$html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('P', 'A4', 'en');
$html2pdf->writeHTML($content, isset($_GET['vuehtml']));
You can try calling this script everytime a new product is added, although then you wouldn't really do it in the "background"...
For more information, please note the question "How can I run a PHP script in the background after a form is submitted?"
If you wish to save the file on the server instead of outputting it to the browser, you can use different parameters. See also the html2pdf-wiki. Be aware that you cannot save the file on the user's computer unnoticed!
$html2pdf->Output('directory/file_xxxx.pdf', 'F');