Auto deploy on save Netbeans entreprise project using maven - maven-2

I have a NetBeans mavenized project Contaning:
web project (war)
ejb project (jar)
parent project
maven project
After every change I must clean an build the maven project and Run the Parent project
How canI configure my projects to auto deploy on save ?
the configuration file(nb-configuration.xml) is as follows :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
This file contains additional configuration written by modules in the NetBeans IDE.
The configuration is intended to be shared among all the users of project and
therefore it is assumed to be part of version control checkout.
Without this configuration present, some functionality in the IDE may be limited or fail altogether.
<properties xmlns="">
Properties that influence various parts of the IDE, especially code formatting and the like.
You can copy and paste the single properties, into the pom.xml file and the IDE will pick them up.
That way multiple projects can share the same settings (useful for formatting rules for example).
Any value defined here will override the pom.xml file value but is only applicable to the current project.

right click on your project then select 'properties'. Now, click on 'run' option here select deploy on save. Hope it helps.

Sometimes, restarting NetBeans and server helps to solve autosave problem. It's truly strange, but in my case it helped.


IntelliJ, JRebel, Maven and a JEE 6 application

My setup is
IDE: IntelliJ
Application: JEE6 with an EAR and a WAR module
Build: Maven
Hot-Code-Replacement: JRebel
App-Server: Glassfish 3.1
I configured the application in IntelliJ in a way that the ear gets deployed. The ear "target" folder looks like this
In the default configuration JRebel listens for changes in the classes/ folder.
When I change something in the web module, and build this, the classes are only updated in appWeb/target/classes/ but not in appEar/target/appEar/appWeb-version-Snapshot.war/.
If I want to update those classes I have to select "Build Artifacts" in IntelliJ after building the project.
To sum up, I have to do these steps for a hot code replacement:
(once) Configure JRebel correctly.
Make project
Build Artifacts
This whole procedure appears to be too complicated to me. Does anyone have a clue how to setup IntelliJ/Maven/Glassfish/JEE/JRebel correctly? I have not found an example containing all my tools. I'd like to have only one action for the code replacement, not two.
There's "build on make" checkbox in your project artifact settings, that will always recreate your artifact on compiling, if that's what you are looking for. However JRebel should remap where your application is reading class files and resources based on rebel.xml, so you probably should just rewrite rebel.xml to look for classes where they are compiled to, not where they end up after building the artifact.
Why do you need to Build Artifacts every time?
Your war should contain the rebel.xml that maps to the classes in /target/classes folder.
When you make changes to said classes, your server then knows to load the changes from those classes.
So you only need to build your project in order to see the changes assuming your rebel.xml classpath points to /target/classes.

How to refresh lib folder when update pom.xml?

I create a simple sample Spring MVC project, where IntelliJ 14 by default generate a pom with
I change it to
and choose Maven -> Reimport, I can see the dependencies are downloaded to my local .m2 folder
However, when I expend lib folder, all dependencies stays with previous version:
How can I get the latest dependencies showing in \lib folder? I tried to synchronize current project, but it doesn't help this matter
here is my maven setting
I forget some detail, which is I create a Spring MVC project in the beginning(so I think it may not be a maven project at the moment), then I right click pom.xml and set current project to maven project.
So I think the jar files listed in \lib folder may be downloaeded via intellij for Spring MVC application, however when I set current project to maven project, it does not remove or update the jar file under the \lib folder.
You should do:
1. Choose menu File \ Project Settings..., In section Build, Execution, Deployment \ Build Tools \ Maven \ Importing, check Import Maven projects automatically. It means IntelliJ IDEA will Synchronize Maven project model and IDEA project model each time when pom.xml is changed.
2. Try closing project, restart IntelliJ IDEA, then reopen the project.
3. Check your internet connection.
IntelliJ isn't shouldn't be looking there for your Maven project dependencies. It is should be using the libraries and resources in your .m2 directory instead.
Mind you, I've left those comments struck out on purpose; depending on your configuration, you may accidentally be doing that.
This is a picture of what the Dozer project looks like. It's a Maven project which I cloned a ways back to see how it worked.
You're going to have to check your Project Structure (Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S) to ensure that the libraries that are coming through are prefixed with "Maven:".
If they are, then the files in your lib folder aren't being used by your project.
In all actuality, those are your global libraries (which you can also find under Project Structure > Global Libraries). Any project has access to them.
If that's causing a conflict, consider deleting those JARs from your global libraries. If you need them for another project, consider adding it to the project's local libraries instead.

Activate certain Maven profile in Intellij IDEA only

I'm looking for a way to activate the certain profile, which includes some dependencies and settings, related to the development mode only, when the project is opened in IDEA.
I know that you can specify the profile to be used - on project import, or in "Maven projects" tab. However it requires some interactions, which are easy to forget.
So it would be nice to instruct idea to always activate the appropriate profile, may be by providing some property or runtime configuration, or whatever.
This profile should be active only for IDEA import.
For auto-activation of the profile, you can base the activation on a system property that is only present when running through the IDEA embedded Maven:
idea.maven.embedder.version works with IDEA's bundled Maven and also works if you override that with your own locally installed version of Maven in preferences - the idea.maven.embedder.version property is always set when executed from within the IDEA when importing, generating sources, etc.
If you import a maven project in intellij, you can choose profiles in the maven tool window (usually on the right of the screen). Once these profiles are selected they will persist in the project configuration for that project and will become effective every time the project loads, until you choose to change them. These profile selections will only affect intellij and instances of maven run within intellij.
Another way to achieve this is in Intellij's maven configuration, by specifying a settings file that is specific to intellij development. This can be a copy of your standard settings, named something like intellij-settings.xml, but you can add an active profiles section to it:
Be sure to specify the settings file in your intellij maven config before importing the project. That way it will apply to all projects on import.

Using Netbeans to configure context-root for JBoss

I have a Spring application that is being deployed to JBoss 4.2. I can manually edit the generated WAR file and alter the jboss-web.xml file to set the context-root value and that works perfectly well. I would like to be able to do the samething via netbeans (6.9.1), but I have been unable to locate where to make the adjustment. I've tried tweaking the project's properties and setting the Context Path value. When I Run the application that value is reset to the Project's name. I've located the jboss-web.xml file in the project and changed it there, also reset upon run. So it appears that Netbeans is deciding that the value need to be set but I can't locate where. If it's of any use, the project also uses Maven2, but all the controls I can find for impacting context-root are geared towards EAR files instead of WAR.
Has anyone been able to do this or am I just in a world of making the change post build?
I had a similar problem once where netbeans was sometimes removing the context-root element from the glassfish-web.xml configuration. I have not been able to track it down exactly but you could try to remove the file nb-configuration.xml in the project root folder and see if that helps.

Release problems with Nexus + Maven + Hudson

When using the release plug-in for Maven on Hudson(1.368), I am getting an error that my distributionManagement section is missing during the deployment phase to our Nexus Maven Repository Manager. If I deploy without using release It woks just fine so should not be a misconfiguration with the server, the section or the settings.
It is worth noting that my company uses different pom files for Hudson and have named them differently. Also the settings.xml in in the individual project directories. This has never been a problem as Hudson allows for the name of the pom and the location and name of the settings file to be specified.
The reason I note the above is that when distributionManagement is moved into the regular pom.xml it does find it (but still doesn't work because its missing the username and password in the settings file). This confuses the heck out of me since for the prior parts of the release process, it uses the correct pom and settings. It just seems to forget them later on. What is going on here?
Thank you in advance.
It seems that the maven release plug-in spins up a new instance of maven which, it seems, is using the default pom.xml rather than our differently named pom. More testing is needed.
The answer (for any lost souls who stumble upon this question) is that maven was indeed forking out a new process which was not using the correct pom file and settings. The solution was to add a section to the pom file as thus:
<goals>-f POMFILE -s SETTINGSFILE deploy</goals>
This specified those two files to the new maven process.
If I deploy without using release It woks just fine so should not be a misconfiguration with the server, the section or the settings.
Well, there is clearly a misconfiguration somewhere, be it at the Hudson level. But it will be hard to spot it without seeing the pom, the settings, the active profiles, the profiles used during the release, the Hudson setup, etc.
First step: try to reproduce the problem on the command line using the exact same configuration as Hudson.
Second step: use the Maven Help Plugin to understand and debug the issue. More specifically, the following goals:
The reason I note the above is that when distributionManagement is moved into the regular pom.xml it does find it (but still doesn't work because its missing the username and password in the settings file).
It's unclear where the distributionManagement is specified if outside the project's pom.xml (in a corporate environment, it goes typically in a corporate pom.xml, is it the case here?).
It's also unclear if you are actually providing the username and password for a server id matching the repository id of the distributionManagement.
But somehow, a wrong combination is used here. Double check what profiles/settings are active during release/deploy to spot the problem as suggested.
See also
The Maven Deploy Plugin Usage page