Automatic feature extraction from chess board positions - chess

I am working on a project where I take a chess board position (FEN string converted to binary) & it's evaluation score and feed it to a neural network. My aim is to make the neural network differentiate between good and bad positions.
How I encode the position : There are 12 unique pieces in chess i.e pawn, rook, knight, bishop, queen and king for white as well as black. I encode each piece using 4 bits with 0000 denoting an empty square. So the 64 squares are encoded into 256 bits and I use 6 more bits to denote game state like whose turn it is to move, king-castle status, etc.
Problem : Since the input space for chess positions is neither smooth nor uni-modal (one small change in the board position can result in a huge change in the evaluation score), the neural network doesn't learn well. Now, the next logical thing to somehow extract useful features (like material difference, center control, etc) and feed it to the network.
I do not want to hand pick the features as I want the network to learn everything by itself. Therefore I am thinking of extracting features automatically using autoencoders. Is there any better way to accomplish this?
Summary : What is the best way to automatically extract features from a chess board position so that it can be fed into a neural network?
UPDATE : To generate training data, I have modified Stockfish to dump it's evaluation process into a log file. So every new move(position) it considers is written to a file as an FEN string along with it's eval score

Neural networks can give an approximation of any function. The only consideration to do is the dimensionality of the search space, which give constraints to the amount of data you have to get a good approximation.
For a supervised network (you use autoencoders, then I think you use some variant of backpropagation), it's difficult for me to immagine how you think to do the trainig using single positions because you need similar positions in your training set. Maybe your approach is different, but I'm convinced that second strategy (using features) is more promising. I think using positions require a huge amount of data training to get good results.
For features take a look here, and to the classical work of Shannon.
I taked also useful informations from the source code of Crafty.
But you have to extract these informations from the FEN string.
Autoencoders are a way to give a reduction of data (good because increase performances). It seems to be better the use of Pincipal Component Analysys, as reported here.
I hope this can help you.


Reverse Image search (for image duplicates) on local computer

I have a bunch of poor quality photos that I extracted from a pdf. Somebody I know has the good quality photo's somewhere on her computer(Mac), but it's my understanding that it will be difficult to find them.
I would like to
loop through each poor quality photo
perform a reverse image search using each poor quality photo as the query image and using this persons computer as the database to search for the higher quality images
and create a copy of each high quality image in one destination folder.
Example pseudocode
for each image in poorQualityImages:
search ./macComputer for a higherQualityImage of image
copy higherQualityImage to ./higherQualityImages
I need to perform this action once.
I am looking for a tool, github repo or library which can perform this functionality more so than a deep understanding of content based image retrieval.
There's a post on reddit where someone was trying to do something similar
imgdupes is a program which seems like it almost achieves this, but I do not want to delete the duplicates, I want to copy the highest quality duplicate to a destination folder
Emailed my previous image processing prof and he sent me this
Off the top of my head, nothing out of the box.
No guaranteed solution here, but you can narrow the search space.
You’d need a little program that outputs the MSE or SSIM similarity
index between two images, and then write another program or shell
script that scans the hard drive and computes the MSE between each
image on the hard drive and each query image, then check the images
with the top X percent similarity score.
Something like that. Still not maybe guaranteed to find everything
you want. And if the low quality images are of different pixel
dimensions than the high quality images, you’d have to do some image
scaling to get the similarity index. If the poor quality images have
different aspect ratios, that’s even worse.
So I think it’s not hard but not trivial either. The degree of
difficulty is partly dependent on the nature of the corruption in the
low quality images.
Github project I wrote which achieves what I want
What you are looking for is called image hashing
. In this answer you will find a basic explanation of the concept, as well as a go-to github repo for plug-and-play application.
Basic concept of Hashing
From the repo page: "We have developed a new image hash based on the Marr wavelet that computes a perceptual hash based on edge information with particular emphasis on corners. It has been shown that the human visual system makes special use of certain retinal cells to distinguish corner-like stimuli. It is the belief that this corner information can be used to distinguish digital images that motivates this approach. Basically, the edge information attained from the wavelet is compressed into a fixed length hash of 72 bytes. Binary quantization allows for relatively fast hamming distance computation between hashes. The following scatter plot shows the results on our standard corpus of images. The first plot shows the distances between each image and its attacked counterpart (e.g. the intra distances). The second plot shows the inter distances between altogether different images. While the hash is not designed to handle rotated images, notice how slight rotations still generally fall within a threshold range and thus can usually be matched as identical. However, the real advantage of this hash is for use with our mvp tree indexing structure. Since it is more descriptive than the dct hash (being 72 bytes in length vs. 8 bytes for the dct hash), there are much fewer false matches retrieved for image queries.
Another blogpost for an in-depth read, with an application example.
Available Code and Usage
A github repo can be found here. There are obviously more to be found.
After importing the package you can use it to generate and compare hashes:
>>> from PIL import Image
>>> import imagehash
>>> hash = imagehash.average_hash('test.png'))
>>> print(hash)
>>> otherhash = imagehash.average_hash('other.bmp'))
>>> print(otherhash)
>>> print(hash == otherhash)
>>> print(hash - otherhash)
The demo script find_similar_images also on the mentioned github, illustrates how to find similar images in a directory.
I'll focus my answer on the image processing part, as I believe implementation details e.g. traversing a file system is not the core of your problem. Also, all that follows is just my humble opinion, I am sure that there are better ways to retrieve your image of which I am not aware. Anyway, I agree with what your prof said and I'll follow the same line of thought, so I'll share some ideas on possible similarity indexes you might use.
MSE and SSIM - This is a possible solution, as suggested by your prof. As I assume the low quality images also have a different resolution than the good ones, remember to downsample the good ones (and not upsample the bad ones).
Image subtraction (1-norm distance) - Subtract two images -> if they are equal you'll get a black image. If they are slightly different, the non-black pixels (or the sum of the pixel intensity) can be used as a similarity index. This is actually the 1-norm distance.
Histogram distance - You can refer to this paper: Comparing two images' histograms might be potentially robust for your task. Check out this question too: Comparing two histograms
Embedding learning - As I see you included tensorflow, keras or pytorch as tags, let's consider deep learning. This paper came to my
mind: The idea is to learn a
mapping from the image space to a Euclidian space - i.e. compute an
embedding of the image. In the embedding hyperspace, images are
points. This paper learns an embedding function by minimizing the
triplet loss. The triplet loss is meant to maximize the distance
between images of different classes and minimize the distance between
images of the same class. You could train the same model on a Dataset
like ImageNet. You could augment the dataset with by lowering the
quality of the images, in order to make the model "invariant" to
difference in image quality (e.g. down-sampling followed by
up-sampling, image compression, adding noise, etc.). Once you can
compute embedding, you could compute the Euclidian distance (as a
substitute of the MSE). This might work better than using MSE/SSIM as a similarity indexes. Repo of FaceNet: Another general purpose approach (not related to faces) which might help you:
Siamese networks for predicting similarity score - I am referring to this paper on face verification: The siamese network takes two images as input and outputs a value in the [0, 1]. We can interpret the output as the probability that the two images belong to the same class. You can train a model of this kind to predict 1 for image pairs of the following kind: (good quality image, artificially degraded image). To degrade the image, again, you can combine e.g. down-sampling followed by
up-sampling, image compression, adding noise, etc. Let the model predict 0 for image pairs of different classes (e.g. different images). The output of the network can e used as a similarity index.
Remark 1
These different approaches can also be combined. They all provide you with similarity indexes, so you can very easily average the outcomes.
Remark 2
If you only need to do it once, the effort you need to put in implementing and training deep models might be not justified. I would not suggest it. Still, you can consider it if you can't find any other solution and that Mac is REALLY FULL of images and a manual search is not possible.
If you look at the documentation of imgdupes you will see there is the following option:
dry run (do not delete any files)
So if you run imgdupes with --dry-run you will get a listing of all the duplicate images but it will not actually delete anything. You should be able to process that output to move the images around as you need.
Try similar image finder I have developed to address this problem.
There is an explanation and the algorithm there, so you can implement your own version if needed.

How to design a neural network for input of various size?

I'm wondering, how to design a neural network, where the input data can have different shape, as the network has some fixed number of nodes in the input layer.
Typically when I want to train a image classification network for pictures with unknown (various) resolution or when I want to classify a text, with various length.
For example for images I surely can have some preprocessing pipeline which will resize the image, but I can lose some information with it, in the case of text, the "resizing" would be even harder to perform.
Is there any trick, how to design such a network?
Three possibilities come to mind.
The easiest is the zero-padding. Basically, you take a rather big input size and just add zeroes if your concrete input is too small. Of course, this is pretty limited and certainly not useful if your input ranges from a few words to full texts.
Recurrent NNs (RNN) are a very natural NN to choose if you have texts of varying size as input. You input words as word vectors (or embeddings) just one after another and the internal state of the RNN is supposed to encode the meaning of the full string of words. This is one of the earlier papers.
Another possibility is using recursive NNs. This is basically a form of preprocessing in which a text is recursively reduced to a smaller number of word vectors until only one is left - your input, which is supposed to encode the whole text. This makes a lot of sense from a linguistic point of view if your input consists of sentences (which can vary a lot in size), because sentences are structured recursively. For example, the word vector for "the man", should be similar to the word vector for "the man who mistook his wife for a hat", because noun phrases act like nouns, etc. Often, you can use linguistic information to guide your recursion on the sentence. If you want to go way beyond the Wikipedia article, this is probably a good start.
In case of images, instead of asking your NN to recognize what's in your image, you can ask it what's in a particular e.g. 256x256 size part of your picture. You train for that, and use it for certain partly overlapped rolling windows of your whole image. If your to-be-recognized pattern varies in size a lot, you can resize it, and use your NN again.

Insert skeleton in 3D model programmatically

I'm working on a project where a user gets scanned by a Kinect (v2). The result will be a generated 3D model which is suitable for use in games.
The scanning aspect is going quite well, and I've generated some good user models.
Note: This is just an early test model. It still needs to be cleaned up, and the stance needs to change to properly read skeletal data.
The problem I'm currently facing is that I'm unsure how to place skeletal data inside the generated 3D model. I can't seem to find a program that will let me insert the skeleton in the 3D model programmatically. I'd like to do this either via a program that I can control programmatically, or adjust the 3D model file in such a way that skeletal data gets included within the file.
What have I tried
I've been looking around for similar questions on Google and StackOverflow, but they usually refer to either motion capture or skeletal animation. I know Maya has the option to insert skeletons in 3D models, but as far as I could find that is always done by hand. Maybe there is a more technical term for the problem I'm trying to solve, but I don't know it.
I do have a train of thought on how to achieve the skeleton insertion. I imagine it to go like this:
Scan the user and generate a 3D model with Kinect;
1.2. Clean user model, getting rid of any deformations or unnecessary information. Close holes that are left in the clean up process.
Scan user skeletal data using the Kinect.
2.2. Extract the skeleton data.
2.3. Get joint locations and store as xyz-coordinates for 3D space. Store bone length and directions.
Read 3D skeleton data in a program that can create skeletons.
Save the new model with inserted skeleton.
Can anyone recommend (I know, this is perhaps "opinion based") a program to read the skeletal data and insert it in to a 3D model? Is it possible to utilize Maya for this purpose?
Thanks in advance.
Note: I opted to post the question here and not on Graphics Design Stack Exchange (or other Stack Exchange sites) because I feel it's more coding related, and perhaps more useful for people who will search here in the future. Apologies if it's posted on the wrong site.
A tricky part of your question is what you mean by "inserting the skeleton". Typically bone data is very separate from your geometry, and stored in different places in your scene graph (with the bone data being hierarchical in nature).
There are file formats you can export to where you might establish some association between your geometry and skeleton, but that's very format-specific as to how you associate the two together (ex: FBX vs. Collada).
Probably the closest thing to "inserting" or, more appropriately, "attaching" a skeleton to a mesh is skinning. There you compute weight assignments, basically determining how much each bone influences a given vertex in your mesh.
This is a tough part to get right (both programmatically and artistically), and depending on your quality needs, is often a semi-automatic solution at best for the highest quality needs (commercial games, films, etc.) with artists laboring over tweaking the resulting weight assignments and/or skeleton.
There are algorithms that get pretty sophisticated in determining these weight assignments ranging from simple heuristics like just assigning weights based on nearest line distance (very crude, and will often fall apart near tricky areas like the pelvis or shoulder) or ones that actually consider the mesh as a solid volume (using voxels or tetrahedral representations) to try to assign weights. Example:
However, you might be able to get decent results using an algorithm like delta mush which allows you to get a bit sloppy with weight assignments but still get reasonably smooth deformations.
Now if you want to do this externally, pretty much any 3D animation software will do, including free ones like Blender. However, skinning and character animation in general is something that tends to take quite a bit of artistic skill and a lot of patience, so it's worth noting that it's not quite as easy as it might seem to make characters leap and dance and crouch and run and still look good even when you have a skeleton in advance. That weight association from skeleton to geometry is the toughest part. It's often the result of many hours of artists laboring over the deformations to get them to look right in a wide range of poses.

Appropriate data structure for storing data read from a large text file

I need to read data from a very large (~a million entries) text file and am trying to decide which data structure is most appropriate. Each entry in the file contains two integers that represent an edge in a directed graph (the tail and the head vertices), and the vast majority of vertices have at least one outgoing edge. My "naive" solution is to use a vector of vectors, so if the tail vertex was 1 and the head vertex was 2 I'd just do something like graph[1].push_back(2) to read in the entry "1 2". Once the graph is read in I'll be using Kosaraju's algorithm to compute the strongly-connected components, so I figure it will be handy to be able to access each element via the [] operator in constant time.
What are the "typical" choices in terms of data structures in a situation like this? Also, assuming the vector of vectors idea is a bad one, why is it bad? I guess the fact that they vector will need to re-size itself will slow things down, but the number of edges/vertices isn't known until runtime so I'm not sure of a way around that.
Do you know number of vertices?
Vector of vectors isn't such bad idea as you think because you can resize the outer vector before reading edges. So copying of the whole graph would be prevented.
As far as I know vector of vectors is good structure for graph. It is often used on olympiads on computer science.

hidden markov models with multiple time independent streams

I'm trying to figure out if there is a good way to merge two HMMs into one, when the underlying states are the same, but the observations aren't temporally linked.
I have two independent observation streams describing the same hidden state space. The underlying order of each observation stream remains the same, but they are not emitted at the same time.
For instance, say I have audio recordings of two separate speakers reading aloud the same passage of text, where the hidden state space becomes the letters in the text, while the stream of phonemes from each audio comprise the observation space. Each speaker records the audio separately, and use a different cadence when reading.
I can clearly make a prediction of the text using each speaker independently, and try and reconcile the results after the fact... but I sense that combining the observation streams into a single HMM may produce a better result.
Does anyone know a good way to reconcile this?
Merging the states would require aligning these streams first... ie some kind of log-likelihood optimization.
But its possible to use statistics from multiple streams to predict the "observations" - modern data compressors basically do just that.
Eg. see
I am not sure if there are methods to merge two HMM's after they have each been fitted to different observation sequences.
But there exists an algotihm to train one Markov Model on multiple independent observation sequences.
It is coverered for example in the paper
"A tutorial to Hidden Markov models and selected applications in speech recognition"
by Rabiner
Unfortunately, I haven't yet found an implementiation of this algorithm.
Here is my corresponding question on stackexchange: