How to implement the history by weekly, monthly, yearly - sql

I wrote an system to record every trade,including amount,customer,date,...
but now I need to implement a function to show the history of recent 1 month, recent 3 month,...,
what's the best practice to implement on RoR
Should I create another table to record an monthly data, weekly data ?
or just re-calculate all the history, when the user do the select query ? But I thought it may has bad performance using this method.

If your data is only ever inserted, then aggregation tables are pretty easy to manage. Deletions and updates get a bit trickier.
Don't forget that calendar weekly (ie. Mon-Sun) data doesn't aggregate to months.
One great advantage of maintaining summary tables is that you can effectively index on summary data, so finding all stocks with a monthly trade volume greater than a particular quantity becomes practically instantaneous, and if you have that kind of requirement then I'd definitely go down that route.

Better use act_as_versioned for history functionality.It's easy track the history of the record using act_as_versioned.


Data Warehouse - Storing unique data over time

Basically we are building a reporting dashboard for our software. We are giving the Clients the ability to view basic reporting information.
Example: (I've removed 99% of the complexity of our actual system out of this example, as this should still get across what I'm trying to do)
One example metric would be...the number of unique products viewed over a certain time period. AKA, if 5 products were each viewed by customers 100 times over the course of a month. If you run the report for that month, it should just say 5 for number of products viewed.
Are there any recommendations on how to go about storing data in such a way where it can be queried for any time range, and return a unique count of products viewed. For the sake of this example...lets say there is a rule that the application cannot query the source tables directly, and we have to store summary data in a different database and query it from there.
As a side note, we have tons of other metrics we are storing, which we store aggregated by day. But this particular metric is different because of the uniqueness issue.
I personally don't think it's possible. And our current solution is that we offer 4 pre-computed time ranges where metrics affected by uniqueness are available. If you use a custom time range, then that metric is no longer available because we don't have the data pre-computed.
Your problem is that you're trying to change the grain of the fact table. This can't be done.
Your best option is what I think you are doing now - define aggregate fact tables at the grain of day, week and month to support your performance constraint.
You can address the custom time range simply by advising your users that this will be slower than the standard aggregations. For example, a user wanting to know the counts of unique products sold on Tuesdays can write a query like this, at the expense of some performance loss:
select distinct dim_prod.pcode
from fact_sale
join dim_prod on dim_prod.pkey = fact_sale.pkey
join dim_date on dim_date.dkey = fact_sale.dkey
where dim_date.day_name = 'Tuesday'
group by dim_prod.pcode
The query could also be written against a daily aggregate rather than a transactional fact, and as it would be scanning less data it would run faster, maybe even meeting your need
From the information that you have provided, I think you are trying to measure ' number of unique products viewed over a month (for example)'.
Not sure if you are using Kimball methodologies to design your fact tables. I believe in Kimball methodology, an Accumulating Snapshot Fact table will be recommended to meet such a requirement.
I might be preaching to the converted(apologies in that case), but if not then I would let you go through the following link where the experts have explained the concept in detail:
I have also included another link from Kimball, which explains different types of fact tables in detail:
Hope that explains the concepts in detail. More than happy to answer any questions(to the best of my ability)

transactions and balance

I work on contracting Company database " sql server " . I'm lost what’s the best solutions to calculate their customers balance accounts.
Balance table: create table for balance and another for transactions. So my application add any transactions to transactions table and calculate the balance according to balance table value.
Calculate balance using query: so I'll create transactions table only.
Note: the records may be up to 2 million records for each year, so I think they will need to backup it every year or some thing like that.
any new ideas or comments ?!
I would have a transactions table and a balances table as well, if I were you. Let's consider for example that you have 1 000 000 users. If a user has 20 transactions on average, then getting balance from a transaction table would be roughly 20x slower than getting balance from a balances table. Also, it is better to have something than not having that something.
So, I would choose to create a balances table without thinking twice.
Comments on your 2 ways:
Good solution if you have much more queries than updates (100 times or more). So, you add new transaction, recalculate balance and store it. You can do it in one transaction but it can take a lot of time and block user action. So, you can do it later (for example, update balances onces a minute/hour/day). Pros: fast reading. Cons: possible difference between balance value and sum of transactions or increasing user action time
Good solution if you have much more updates than reads (for example, trading system with a lot of transactions). Updating current balance can take time and may be worthless, because another transaction has already came :) so, you can calculate balance at runtime, on demand. Pros: always actual balance. Cons: calculating balance can take time.
As you see, it depends on your payload profile (reads or writes). I'll advice you to begin with second variant - it's easy to implement and good DB indexies can help you to get sum very fast (2 millions per year - not so much as it looks). But, it's up to you.
Definitely you must have a separate Balance table beside transaction table. Otherwise during read balance your performance will be slower day by day as transaction increasing and transactions will be costly as other users may lock the transaction table to read balance at the same time.
This question would seem to have a lot of opinion, and I was tempted to close it.
But, in any environment where I've been where customers have "balances", a critical part of the business is knowing the current balance for each customer. This means having a historical transaction table, a current balance amount, and an auditing process to ensure that the two are aligned.
The current balance would be maintained whenever the database is changed. The "standard" method is to use triggers. My preferred method is to encapsulate data changes in stored procedures, and have the logic for the summarization in the same procedures used to modify the transaction data.

Best way to calculate sum depending on dates with SQL

I don't know a good way to maintain sums depending on dates in a SQL database.
Take a database with two tables:
I need to propose a list of the clients and order it by overdue amount (sum of not paid past invoices of the client). On big database it isn't possible to calculate it in real time.
The problem is the maintenance of an overdue amount field on the client. The amount of this field can change at midnight from one day to the other even if nothing changed on the invoices of the client.
This sum changes if the invoice is paid, a new invoice is created and due date is past, a due date is now past and wasn't yesterday...
The only solution I found is to recalculate every night this field on every client by summing the invoices respecting the conditions. But it's not efficient on very big databases.
I think it's a common problem and I would like to know if a best practice exists?
You should read about data warehousing. It will help you to solve this problem. It looks similar as what you just said
"The only solution I found is to recalculate every night this field
on every client by summing the invoices respecting the conditions. But
it's not efficient on very big databases."
But it has something more than that. When you read it, try to forget about normalization. Its main intention is for 'show' data, not 'manage' data. So, you would feel weird at beginning but if you understand 'why we need data warehousing', it will be very very interesting.
This is a book that can be a good start , classic one.
Firstly, I'd like to understand what you mean by "very big databases" - most RDBMS systems running on decent hardware should be able to calculate this in real time for anything less than hundreds of millions of invoices. I speak from experience here.
Secondly, "best practice" is one of those expressions that mean very little - it's often used to present someone's opinion as being more meaningful than simply an opinion.
In my opinion, by far the best option is to calculate it on the fly.
If your database is so big that you really can't do this, I'd consider a nightly batch (as you describe). Nightly batch runs are a pain - especially for systems that need to be available 24/7, but they have the benefit of keeping all the logic in a single place.
If you want to avoid nightly batches, you can use triggers to populate an "unpaid_invoices" table. When you create a new invoice record, a trigger copies that invoice to the "unpaid_invoices" table; when you update the invoice with a payment, and the payment amount equals the outstanding amount, you delete from the unpaid_invoices table. By definition, the unpaid_invoices table should be far smaller than the total number of invoices; calculating the outstanding amount for a given customer on the fly should be okay.
However, triggers are nasty, evil things, with exotic failure modes that can stump the unsuspecting developer, so only consider this if you have a ninja SQL developer on hand. Absolutely make sure you have a SQL query which checks the validity of your unpaid_invoices table, and ideally schedule it as a regular task.

Azure Table Storage - Calculate or Persist Totals

I'm looking into using Table Storage for storing some transactional data, however, I need to support some very high level reporting over it, basically totals per day / month.
Couple of options I have though of:
Use a partition / row key structure and dynamically perform sum
e.g. 20101101_ITEMID_XXXXXXXX (x = guid or time, to make unique)
then I would query for a months data using a portion of the row key (ITEMID_201011), and to a total on the "Cost" property in the type.
How would the query limit of 1000 records be managed by this though? (i.e. if there are more than 1000 transactions for the day, totaling would be hard)
Use another record to store the total for the day, and update this as new records are added
e.g. row key "20101101_ITEMID_TOTAL"
then query off this for the days totals, or months, or years totals.
What is the best way to do this? Is there a 'best practice' for this type of requirement using table storage?
I'm not sure what is the best practice but I can comment that we have a similar situation with AzureWatch and are definitely using pre-aggregated values in tables.
Mostly for performance reasons -- table storage is not instantaneous even if you query by single partition-key and a range in row-key. The time it takes to download the records is somewhat significant and depending on the records might spike the CPU up, because it needs to de-serialize the data into objects. If you get to travel to the table storage multiple times because of the 1000 record limit, you'll be paying more as well.
Some other thoughts to consider:
Will your aggregated totals ever change? If no, the this is another nudge toward pre-aggregation
Will you need to keep aggregated values after raw data is gone or will you ever need to purge raw data? If yes, then it is another nudge toward pre-aggregation

How would you maintain a history in SQL tables?

I am designing a database to store product informations, and I want to store several months of historical (price) data for future reference. However, I would like to, after a set period, start overwriting initial entries with minimal effort to find the initial entries. Does anyone have a good idea of how to approach this problem? My initial design is to have a table named historical data, and everyday, it pulls the active data and stores it into the historical database with a time stamp. Does anyone have a better idea? Or can see what is wrong with mine?
First, I'd like to comment on your proposed solution. The weak part of course is that, there can, actually, be more than one change between your intervals. That means, the record was changed three times during the day, but you only archive the last change.
It's possible to have the better solution, but it must be event-driven. If you have the database server that supports events or triggers (like MS SQL), you should write a trigger code that creates entry in history table. If your server does not support triggers, you can add the archiving code to your application (during Save operation).
You could place a trigger on your price table. That way you can archive the old price in an other table at each update or delete event.
It's a much broader topic than it initially seems. Martin Fowler has a nice narrative about "things that change with time".
IMO your approach seems sound if your required history data is a snapshot of the end of the day's data - in the past I have used a similar approach with overnight jobs (SP's) that pick up the day's new data, timestamp it and then use a "delete all data that has a timestamp < today - x" where x is the time period of data I want to keep.
If you need to track all history changes, then you need to look at triggers.
I would like to, after a set period, start overwriting initial entries with minimal effort to find the initial entries
We store data in Archive tables, using a Trigger, as others have suggested. Our archive table has additional column for AuditDate, and stores the "Deleted" data - i.e. the previous version of the data. The current data is only stored in the actual table.
We prune the Archive table with a business rule along the lines of "Delete all Archive data more than 3 months old where there exists at least one archive record younger than 3 months old; delete all archive data more than 6 months old"
So if there has been no price change in the last 3 months you would still have a price change record from the 3-6 months ago period.
(Ask if you need an example of the self-referencing-join to do the delete, or the Trigger to store changes in the Archive table)