What i am trying to do is when i click a button i created i have data imported into a table. This works great right now. What i am wondering if there is a way that when i click this button if i can have a parameter box come up asking for the date that this data is from. once the user types that date in the date will be placed into a column(field) named timestamp.
Does this make sense? I have looked up on how to do this but i just found how to use parameters on querys.
I could really use the help. Thank you for the help in advanced.
You could do something like the following:
'... your existing code
dim dtTimeStamp
dtTimeStamp = InputBox("Please enter a date:")
'may want to validate date
If not isdate(dtTimeStamp) then
msgbox "Bad date"
end if
doCmd.RunSQL "Update TableX Set TimeStamp = #" & Format(dtTimeStamp, "yyyy-mm-dd") & "# where TimeStamp is Null"
The problem I'm facing:
I try to check if inserted text from multiple text boxes is already existing in a table before saving the records to avoid duplicates.
I created a form to enter new members and save them into a table. The key to avoid duplicates is to check the combination of given name, last name and birth date with existing records. (It's most likely that there won't be two person with all three criteria matching)
I have no problem to check the existence for only one text box by setting the focus on the desired box and use the SQL query IF EXISTS...
But since I would need to set focus on several text boxes(IMO) the problem occurs.
Is there a way to set focus on multiple text boxes?
The idea would be to use an IF EXISTS...AND EXISTS statement and I would need to implement the .SetFocus statement for each text box before checking its existence.
I hope you get my point and I would be glad if someone could share some knowledge. :)
Thanks in advance
There seems to be some missing information in order to find the best solution to your problem. so the below response will be based on assumptions as to how your form is working.
I'm assuming you are using an unbound form with unbound text boxes? if this is the case, then you must have a button that is the trigger for checking/adding this information to your table. lets say your command button is called "Save". You can use the following code without the need to .setfocus to any textbox.
Private Sub Save_Click()
Dim db as DAO.Database
Dim rst as DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL as string
set db = currentdb 'This is the connection to the current database
'This is the SQL string to query the data on your table
strsql = "SELECT * " & _
"FROM [Yourtablename] " & _
"WHERE ((([YourTableName].[FirstName]) ='" & me.FormFirstNameField & "' AND ([YourTableName].[LastName]) ='" & me.FormLastNameField & "' AND ([YourTableName].[DOB]) =#" & me.FormDOBField & "#));"
set rst = db.openrecordset(strsql) 'This opens the recordset
if rst.recordcount <> 0 then
'Enter code to inform user information already exists
'Enter code if information does not exits
end if
rst.close 'Closes the recordset
set rst = nothing 'Frees memory
set db = nothing 'Frees Memory
End Sub
Let me know if this code works or if I need to make changes based on your scenario.
I am a first time coder with VBA and I am creating a database for data entry at a Psych Lab I work at. Currently the database is created, but I want to prevent duplicate entries from being put into the database (namely by have a code look for the participant number right after it is entered). I have been trying to fix this code for quite a while and I just recently hit a wall. It displays the correct error message when I enter the participant number, however it says that every number has been entered already (even though they actually haven't). Here is the code:
Private Sub Participant_Number_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Dim Participant_Number As Integer
Dim StLinkCriteria As Integer
If (Not IsNull(DLookup("[Participant_Number]", "Entry Log", "[Participant_Number] ='" & Me.Participant_Number.Value & "'"))) Then
MsgBox "Participant Number has already been entered in the database."
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub
Any help is greatly appreciated. I have never used VBA before and I am self-teaching how to code.
I guess your Participant_Number field is a number. You shouldn't enclose the criteria with single-quotes ', these are used with fields of text type. Try changing the criteria field from
"[Participant_Number] ='" & Me.Participant_Number.Value & "'"))) Then
"[Participant_Number] = " & Me.Participant_Number.Value))) Then
IF you have not used VBA you may try to do this by opening the table in Design view. This method is easy and a good choice. You may have a look here: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Prevent-duplicate-values-in-a-field-b5eaace7-6161-4edc-bb90-39d1a1bc5576?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US&fromAR=1
Im trying to perform an update query on a table that its on a separate database, so far i have this SQL:
UPDATE [;database=C:\QA_Daily_YTD_Report_Export.accdb].[YTD-Daily_Report] AS EXT_DB
SET EXT_DB.Category1 = "1"
WHERE (EXT_DB.Category1 = "status1");
When i run this it returns an "invalid operation" error. Any idea what im doing wrong?
I would recommend linking the table [YTD-Daily_Report] into your database because you can easily put the update query into your code without having your code execute the connection to the other database.
You can link a table in Access by clicking on the External Data. Then click on the Access symbol.
You should then get a dialog box like this:
Be sure you choose the second radio button because you don't want to import the data from the database, just link it.
Navigate to the location of the Database and click on it. Then make sure your database is shown in the dialog box above and click okay.
You should then get a dialog box like this one that will show the table you won't. Highlight it and click okay. Now you can rename the linked table with any name you want and this will be a much less of a stumbling block for your work.
Try to omit ;database=
UPDATE [C:\QA_Daily_YTD_Report_Export.accdb].[YTD-Daily_Report] AS EXT_DB SET EXT_DB.Category1 = "1" WHERE (EXT_DB.Category1 = "status1");
I ended up using VBA in a form, just in case someone is wondering how here it is:
Dim SQL As String
Dim db_external As Database
Set db_external = OpenDatabase(CurrentProject.Path & "\QA_Daily_YTD_Report_Export.accdb")
SQL = "UPDATE [YTD-Daily_Report]" & Chr(13) & _
"SET [YTD-Daily_Report].Category1 = '" & New_value & "'" & Chr(13) & _
"WHERE ([YTD-Daily_Report].Category1= '" & Look_up_value & "');"
db_external.Execute SQL
Hopefully not too difficult question but I cannot figure this out and have been unable to find anything searching the forums.
I want to convert the output of my toggle boxes from 1,2,3,4,5 to the text each button displays.
Couldn't find any setting on the toggle boxes properties themselves so decided I would have to write a macro/vba to do it from the table but as it's quite new to me I am struggling on syntax.
I have tried doing this on the inbuilt data macro mainly, but also tried it via a query and vba and still couldn't figure it out.
[don't have any reputation yet so have not been allowed to post pics of my macro attmept]
please help! Any solution using vba, data macro or a query would be great
To be specific rather than a message box I want to update field1 in my table "Major Equipment" based off the option group selection this is my latest attempt but still not sure how to reference the option group. Do I need to set grp equal to the option group and if so how? Is it something like forms!myform!optiongroup ?
Option Compare Database
Function MyFunc(grp As OptionGroup)
Dim rcrdset As Recordset
set grp =
Set rcrdset = Application.CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Major Equipment", dbOpenDynaset)
Select Case grp.Value
Case 1
With rcrdset
![Field1] = "Not Reviewed"
Case 2
![Field1] = "Reviewed"
Case Else
MsgBox "Error"
End Select
End Function
Also just realised since these toggle buttons will be updated by the user and so I probably need an update rather than addnew?
Your buttons are part of an Option Group. That is what you must reference. Below is a snippet from my net search.
From the AfterUpdate() event of your Option Group:
Call MyFunc(Me.MyGroup)
... which will use Select Case to evaluate:
Function MyFunc(grp As OptionGroup)
Select case grp.Value
Case 1
MsgBox "Option value is 1."
Case 2
MsgBox "Option value is 2."
Case Else
MsgBox "Huh?"
End Select
End Function
If you are entirely new to VBA, there are a half-dozen things to learn here, but they will serve you well. VBA provides a bit less-friendly-looking start than a macro, but I can tell you have more adventures ahead and I suggest you skip macros. For most needs, VBA will serve you better; and it's much easier to trouble shoot or provide details when you need advice.
To convert this to a useful function, you will fill a string variable rather than raising a message box. Then you can use the string variable to do something like run an update query. Your latest edit suggests you will go for something like:
strSQL = "UPDATE [Major Equipment] " _
& "SET Field1='" & strUserSelection & "' " _
& "WHERE MyID=" & lngThisRecord
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
Your last edit proposes using a DAO recordset. I think you might be fine with the humble DoCmd. Less to learn. You can hammer out a prototype of the query in good ol' Access; then switch to SQL View and paste the query into your VBA module. Insert variables as seen above, taking care with the quote marks. If it doesn't work, use Debug.Print to grab the value for strSQL and take that back to good ol' Access where you can poke at it into shape; use your findings to improve the VBA.
So far I have a table with all of the customers information and a form that has all the bound fields. I have a field that has a membership expiration date on it. I want our call center to be able to see which customers membership will expire in the next "x" days/months so they can call to see if they would like to renew.
What I would like to know is if there is a way to get the form to only show those customers and not the entire database and if not maybe to start by showing the closest membership to expiration and work from there.
I am sorry I have no code to show how far I am but I have no idea how to start this procedure and all of my code is just checks to ensure saving of fields and other cosmetic stuff.
Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
One approach would be to put a button on your form (say, on the Form Header) that could set the .Filter property of the form and then toggle filtering on, something like this:
Private Sub btnFilterForExpiryWithin90Days_Click()
Me.Filter = _
"[MembershipExpiryDate] Between #" & _
Format(Now(), "yyyy-mm-dd") & _
"# And #" & _
Format(DateAdd("d", 90, Now()), "yyyy-mm-dd") & _
Me.FilterOn = True
End Sub