Ctrl R not working in SQL Server 2012 - sql-server-2012

In SQL Server 2012, Ctrl+R not working. Any other shortcuts for that.
Any setting changes available or is there any alternative?

Go to Tools > Options > Environment > Keyboard / General.
In the middle box,
Select Window.ShowResultsPane
Change the Use new shortcut dropdown to SQL Query Editor (Global did not work for me)
Put your cursor in the "Press shortcut keys:" box and hit CTRL + R. You should see the following:
Click Assign and then OK.
Unlike some other changes that still require an SSMS restart to take effect, the change takes effect immediately, and CTRL + R should start working again.
I blogged about this three years ago.

Another way is to select Default and hit the Reset button. This worked for me.

I'm using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio version 11.0.3128.0 (SSMS 2012).
Started having the above issue for no aparent reason.
Solved like this: click "Tools -> Options". On the options window, open Environment -> Keyboard on the tree. Then, on the right, press the "Reset" button.
Worked for me.

I am using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio version 12.0.4100.1 (SSMS 2014).
I had the same issue and resolved it by following below steps -
Click "Tools -> Options".
On the Options window, expand Environment -> Keyboard -> Keyboard.
Then, in the right side panel, press the "Reset" button.

Go to the Keyboard Settings as mentioned by #aaron and then change the keyboard mapping scheme (first drop down). This gave me back the shortcuts that I am used to like Ctrl+R and Ctrl+E

I am troubled with this after I installed Visual Studio 2015. When Ctrl+N is pressed in SSMS, instead of opening a query window, SSMS showed up selection page of the VS files. A Reset as posted above revert to SSMS shortcuts.
Thanks for the posts.
--In 'thoughts'...


Ctrl+N doesn't open new query window in Management Studio (MS SQL 2008)

I have install Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 10.0.1600.22
But the keyboard shortcut of Ctrl+N is not doing anything. (Not opening the new query window)
I have check in Menu >> Options >> Environment >> Keyboard but did not found any thing
Any Trick for opening new query window by shortcut key?
Your copy is broken, or your keyboard is broken, of you have some other software causing problems. If you safe boot (or at least limit the start via winconfig or suchlike) you can see if disable other software solves it.
If you can open via mouse click on the New Query button or use the Menu options you at least have a work-around.

How to bring back parameters documentation popup in SQL Server

I would like to make this appear when I want to in SQL Server.
Is there a keyboard shortcut for it ? I saw a similar question for the one in Visual Studio where you pressed Ctrl + Shift + Space.
install sql prompt software for that to use like this popup in sql-2005.

Attach a keyboard shortcut to 'Collapse All' items in solution explorer with Visual Studio 2012

Like I said in the title of this question, is it possible to attach a keyboard shortcut to collapse all items in the solution explorer with Visual Studio 2012?
In previous version; 2010, I was able to create a macro to enable this feature but in Visual Studio 2012, there is no more support for macros.
I'm able to right click onto item in the solution explorer and choose 'Collapse All' but I prefer to just typed 'Ctrl+Shift+C' to do the same job.
FWIW, this is the best I've been able to come up with so far.
Alternative 1
Press Ctrl+ยจ to put focus in the search box above the Solution Explorer.
Press Shift+Tab to move focus to the toolbar.
Use the left arrow to move focus to the left, until you hit the Collapse All button (four times. YMMV).
Alternative 2
Press Ctrl+Alt+l (or whatever your personal shortcut is) to focus the Solution Explorer.
Press Shift+Alt to focus the Solution Explorer toolbar. This puts the focus on the Home button on the toolbar.
Use the right arrow to move focus to the right, until you hit the Collapse All button (three times).
Press Enter.
Alternative 3
Press Ctrl+Alt+l (or whatever your personal shortcut is) to focus the Solution Explorer.
Press and hold the left arrow until you've reached the top node (the Solution node).
Press the up arrow to put focus in the search box above the Solution Explorer.
Press Shift+Tab to move focus to the toolbar.
Use the left arrow to move focus to the left, until you hit the Collapse All button (two times. YMMV).
As you can see in the screenshot below, there is an option called Collapse All and a shortcut key next to it.
Now this shortcut key will not work for you !
Unless ofcourse, you set it up using Tools > Options > Keyboard. The command name is CollapseInSolutionExplorerAction. Search using this command name and assign a shortcut key of your choice.
That's it and you are ready to use your shortcut key !
Visual Studio 2012 / ReSharper 8.0.1:
The command is 'ProjectAndSolutionContextMenus.Project.ReSharper_CollapseInSolutionExplorer'.
I suggest you to try CodeMaid extension for Visual Studio. It provides a command "Collapse All Projects Recursively" that has customizable shortcut (by default, it is Ctrl+M,-). It has some other nice abilities, like switching between .cpp and its .h files, joining lines, etc.
I have searched on the net a way to do this when I have first install VS2012 ..
I have just found the solution, so I share it :)
you can do this by adding your visual studio version to an existing Extension ...
Download the extension for VS 10
Change the extension from vsix to zip
extract it and open the file extension.vsixmanifest
Find this xml section : SupportedProducts
Add this :
<VisualStudio Version="11.0">
you can also try version 12 for visual studio 2013 ...
zip it, and change the extension from zip to vsix.
Now you can Install it.
after install it, Goto Tools -> Customise and click on the keyboard button.
Search "CrossProjectMultiProject.CollapseProjects" and assing the shortcut you like.
Have a nice codding.
Please +1 if this help you
ps. sorry for my bad English, im French ;-)

SQL Management Studio 2008 - Server name on Query Editor tabs...where did they go?

I recently upgraded to SQL Management Studio 2008 (full not express, if it matters).
In 2005, when I was in the Query Editor, each tab (with an unsaved query) would have the servername-instance-query name or something like that, but all I cared about was seeing the server name there so I knew which server I was running my query on.
In 2008 it appears that they've decided to change the tab title to query name-servername, and the result of this is I can't see what server I'm working on without hovering over the tab and looking at the tooltip thing that pops up, which really slows me down. So currently all my tabs are titled something like "SQLQuery5.sql..." which is useless to me.
How can I get the servername back to the front the tab title?
It can be turned off/on in SSMS 2005, so possibly in 2008 you have it switched off.
Go to Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> Editor Tab and Status Bar. Under "Tab Text" in the right hand panel, make sure "Include server name" is set to True.
If you have the SQL Editor menu checked up top then there is a drop down that tells you exactly what database you're in for the currently selected tab.
You should be running any queries in the active window? At the bottom there is a status bar with the server name and database name in it. That way you don't have to clutter the limited tab space with all that data.

Keyboard shortcut to close a tab in SQL Server Management Studio?

Is there a keyboard shortcut to close a tab in SQL Server Management Studio 2008? like Alt-W in Firefox.
The shortcut Ctrl+F4 should work.
I know this is old, but you can also change it to Ctrl + w if you want:
In Tools | Options | Environment | Keyboard
Search for Edit.SelectCurrentWord and change it to something else (Like Ctrl + B).
Search for Window.CloseDocumentWindow. Add CTRL+W as a Global shortcut
(Credits to https://gist.github.com/jpoehls/2030795)
#Lance, thanks for you answer. It works, and it makes life easier.
In addition, after doing Alt-F,C you can also press N if it shows you a 'save changes' confirmation dialog.