How to bring back parameters documentation popup in SQL Server - sql-server-2005

I would like to make this appear when I want to in SQL Server.
Is there a keyboard shortcut for it ? I saw a similar question for the one in Visual Studio where you pressed Ctrl + Shift + Space.

install sql prompt software for that to use like this popup in sql-2005.


What are the bigquery keyboard shortcuts?

Google's bigquery editor has keyboard shortcuts. For example ctrl+space composes a new query. I suspect there are more shortcuts, but I haven't found an useful list of them. Does anyone know them?
Ctrl + Space: If no query is open: compose new query. If query editor is open: autocomplete current word.
Ctrl + Enter: Run current query.
Tab: Autocomplete current word.
Ctrl: Highlight table names.
Ctrl + click on table name: Open table schema.
Ctrl + E: Run query from selection.
Ctrl + /: Comment current or selected line(s).
Ctrl + Shift + F: Format query.
(on Mac, replace Ctrl with Cmd)
This is the list from the official documentation:
You can see the shortcuts on the UI.
I found myself constantly refreshing bq page by accidentally hitting F5 as it is commonly used shortcut in many data tools for query/script execution. So in recently published Chrome Extension - BigQuery Mate - I have added F5 to execute query while in query editor.
Just Added:
I realized (a little ago) that one more shortcut is available now that i didn't know or see anyone mentioned before and was not available at a time this question was asked:
While your mouse is over Query Editor - pressing Alt - enters you into mode of copy of any rectangular part of your code. Quite useful!
July, 7 2016 Refresh:
I thought it also can be helpful to refresh this post with some BgQuery Mate keyboard shortcuts:
F5 – run query
Ctrl + F5 – run selection
F1 – help on selected or under-cursor-position keyword/function - opens respective documentation (SQL Version sensitive - Legacy / Standard)
Ctrl + Alt + / and Shift + Ctrl + Alt + / - comment/uncomment outside selection
Contextual Menu
Right Click > BigQuery Mate > Help on selected keyword/function – opens respective documentation (SQL Version sensitive - Legacy / Standard)
Right Click > BigQuery Mate > Preserve Format anywhere in Editor – Preserve Format – adjust Query Text such that further copy/paste preserves casing
I don't know all of them, but this seems a good place to share those I know:
ctrl+enter: runs the query
tab: autocomple
keep ctrl pressed: highlights the tables, clicking on them takes you to it
(note that in Apple ctrl might be the command key - I didn't know about ctrl+space, but it might be overloaded by mac os)
Continuing from Felipe Hoffa's answer above, the following keyboard shortcuts work on the Mac:
ctrl+enter: runs the query (same as Windows)
tab: autocompletes
keep the command key pressed: highlights the tables, clicking on them takes you to it.
Apparently, in the new tabbed view UI, there's two new keyboard shortcuts:
Alt+↑: move line of code up
Alt+↓: move line of code down
There might be others. I found them by accidentally hitting these keys. I can't find any documentation on these shortcuts, or I would include it.

Ctrl R not working in SQL Server 2012

In SQL Server 2012, Ctrl+R not working. Any other shortcuts for that.
Any setting changes available or is there any alternative?
Go to Tools > Options > Environment > Keyboard / General.
In the middle box,
Select Window.ShowResultsPane
Change the Use new shortcut dropdown to SQL Query Editor (Global did not work for me)
Put your cursor in the "Press shortcut keys:" box and hit CTRL + R. You should see the following:
Click Assign and then OK.
Unlike some other changes that still require an SSMS restart to take effect, the change takes effect immediately, and CTRL + R should start working again.
I blogged about this three years ago.
Another way is to select Default and hit the Reset button. This worked for me.
I'm using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio version 11.0.3128.0 (SSMS 2012).
Started having the above issue for no aparent reason.
Solved like this: click "Tools -> Options". On the options window, open Environment -> Keyboard on the tree. Then, on the right, press the "Reset" button.
Worked for me.
I am using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio version 12.0.4100.1 (SSMS 2014).
I had the same issue and resolved it by following below steps -
Click "Tools -> Options".
On the Options window, expand Environment -> Keyboard -> Keyboard.
Then, in the right side panel, press the "Reset" button.
Go to the Keyboard Settings as mentioned by #aaron and then change the keyboard mapping scheme (first drop down). This gave me back the shortcuts that I am used to like Ctrl+R and Ctrl+E
I am troubled with this after I installed Visual Studio 2015. When Ctrl+N is pressed in SSMS, instead of opening a query window, SSMS showed up selection page of the VS files. A Reset as posted above revert to SSMS shortcuts.
Thanks for the posts.
--In 'thoughts'...

Ctrl+N doesn't open new query window in Management Studio (MS SQL 2008)

I have install Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 10.0.1600.22
But the keyboard shortcut of Ctrl+N is not doing anything. (Not opening the new query window)
I have check in Menu >> Options >> Environment >> Keyboard but did not found any thing
Any Trick for opening new query window by shortcut key?
Your copy is broken, or your keyboard is broken, of you have some other software causing problems. If you safe boot (or at least limit the start via winconfig or suchlike) you can see if disable other software solves it.
If you can open via mouse click on the New Query button or use the Menu options you at least have a work-around.

Ctrl + Comma in Visual Studio 2008

I love control-comma in VS2010. Unfortunately, I have to now work on a project that requires (for now ...) VS2008. And my beloved short-cut doesn't work! Nor can I find any matching command in the IDE settings for Keyboard to assign Control + Comma to.
Is there a way to achieve the same thing (popup window, type the name of the class, and double-click or press enter to open it) in VS2008?
Visual Assist has an equivalent feature.

Keyboard shortcut to close a tab in SQL Server Management Studio?

Is there a keyboard shortcut to close a tab in SQL Server Management Studio 2008? like Alt-W in Firefox.
The shortcut Ctrl+F4 should work.
I know this is old, but you can also change it to Ctrl + w if you want:
In Tools | Options | Environment | Keyboard
Search for Edit.SelectCurrentWord and change it to something else (Like Ctrl + B).
Search for Window.CloseDocumentWindow. Add CTRL+W as a Global shortcut
(Credits to
#Lance, thanks for you answer. It works, and it makes life easier.
In addition, after doing Alt-F,C you can also press N if it shows you a 'save changes' confirmation dialog.