Access data from other instance - sql-server-2012

Please let me know how to get the data from other local instance in sql server 2012.
I have 2 instance in my local server. I want get data from the table that staored in other instance.
Server 1 : ICS2012\ICS2012 - Default Instance
Server 2: ICSDBONLINE\NEWINSTANCE_1 - Newly created
Table named "Black_List" stored in Default Instance(ICS2012), how to access same table in NEWINSTANCE_1.
Please help me...

The following describes in general how to connect to other data sources:
I'm not sure if there is any shortcut to doing this as the external data source is SQL Server however.


Automatic change of linked server name for a newly restored database

We are requesting backup/restore from PROD to TEST environment. Is there a way to update the linked server name of Stored Procedures pointing to Test server.
For example:
one stored procedure(prod) used a linked server like [prodservername].[database].[table]
once this stored procedure restored in test then i need to edit the linked server used in stored procedure to [testservername].[database].[table].
The thing is we have a lot of SP that used linked server in calling some data and we don't want to do that manually. Is there a way to automate this process? Please help thanks!
[ProductionServerName].[Database].dbo.[Table] --Need to change [ProductionServerName] to [TestServerName]
WHERE column1 = 'Sample'
#Meow3301, seems You are not familar with sql server. Please check below screen cap:
What you need to do is delete the existing one from Server Objects -> Linked Server and re-create the Linked Server with YOUR [ProductionServerName] and change the Data source to your TEST server (no matter the server name or ip address), that's all!

Copying an SQL table from one Server to another on SQL Server 2000 / 2005

I’m trying to copy a SQL Server table, schema and data, from Server A to Server B. The SQL Server table is just a reference table which hasn't been populated for some reason on Server B. Can anyone advise how the entire table could be copied across please? On SQL Server 2000/2005.
So far we've tried a long-winded approach by copying the .mdf and .ldf files from Server A to Server B with a plan to then copy the table across into the Server B database but we are having some difficulty re-attaching the database to Server B.
Please can anyone help?
Kind Regards
Using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS):
In Object Explorer right click on source database name, Tasks.. -> Generate Scripts.. - opens Generate and Publish Scripts dialog. Click Next to choose objects, choose "Select specific DB objects", expand Tables, choose your table. Next, setup script destination, for example New query window and (important step!!) - click Advanced, and set "Types of data to script"="Schema and data" and "Script USE DATABASE"=False, OK, Next, Next, .. wait .. Finish. Now you have got complete SQL script to reproduce this table with data. Connect to destination DB and run it.
Tested with SSMS 2014, but as I recall this feature should be available starting from SSMS 2005.
you can use the import/export data wizard in management studio, the wizard will create for you a new table in the server B with the same structure of the table in the server A. before using it you need to have at least one database in sever B.
This confirms why this is one of favourite forums.
Both these methods work beautifully :
Generate Scripts (when altering Types of data to script"="Schema and
Export and Import
Interestingly Generate Scripts works with SQL Express perfectly but the Export method does not save unless you have at least SQL Server Standard Edition.
Thanks so much everyone
Try this:
SELECT * INTO destination FROM source
But, it will not copy the indexes and key information or you can also try import/export data task from SSMS.

Sql: export database using TSQL

I have database connection to database DB1. The only thing I could do - execute any t-sql statements including using stored procedures. I want to export the specific table (or even the specific rows of specific table) to my local database. As you can read abve, DBs are on diffrent servers meaning no direct connection is possible. Therefore question: Is it possible to write query that returns the other query to execute on local server and get data? Also note, that table contains BLOBs. Thanks.
If you have SQL Server Management Studio, you can use the data import function on your local database to get the data. It works as long as you have Read/Select access on the tables you are trying to copy.
If you have Visual Studio you can use the database tools in there to move data between two servers as long as you can connect to both from your workstation.
Needs Ultimate or Premium though:
RedGate has some usefull tools too:
Maybe you should ask at instead.
If you can login to the remote db (where you can only issue t-sql), you may create linked server on your local server to the remote and use it later directly in queries, like:
select * from [LinkedServerName].[DatabaseName].[SchemaName].[TableName]

How to retrieve records from server database into local database

I have a little problem. I want to create a query in my local database (tijdsregistratie.mdf) to retrieve rows from my server database (IT Solutions Develop.dbo) on server itshou-dev03\sql2008.
But I don't know how to connect to the server database. I tried it like this :
select TOP 10 * from [IT Solutions Develop].dbo.[IT Solutions BVBA$Planning]
.. but it gives me this error :
Invalid object name 'IT Solutions Develop.dbo.IT Solutions
One way is to link the servers:
You can also define linked servers by using SQL Server Management
Studio. In the Object Explorer, right-click Server Objects, select
New, and select Linked Server. You can delete a linked server
definition by right-clicking the linked server name and selecting
This is the process by which you tell SQL Server where another server is and how to connect to it. You can do this in SQL Server Management Studio or in T-SQL. You can then refer to the linked server by a four part name (similar to what is in your question):

Duplicate table on 2 different servers (MS SQL 2000/2008)

Ok here is the thing:
I have an old MS SQL 2000 server, and this one will keep running.
however for a new website i have a SQL 2008 server.
I need 3 tables from the old server (lets call it to be on the new server too. the data on the old server still changes daily.
I would like to update the tables immediately when something changes on the old server.
how do you do this. i looked at mirroring but that doesnt seem to be the way to go, now i've checked Import function in SQL Server management studio, but i dont want to import the data all the time. 1 import, then updated like daily are ok. so i guess i need to 'write a query to specify the data to transfer' but i have no idea how that query should look.
the import will go to a SSIS package so it can be scheduled.
what is the best practice here? how should i do it?
You could set up the old server as a Linked Server in the new server.
Then, you could create the tables on the new server not as tables, but as views, directly selecting from the tables on the old server.
Like this (on the new server):
create view OldTableOnNewServer as
select * from OldServer.OldDatabase.dbo.OldTable
no replication/updating necessary -
the data comes directly from the tables on the old server
Network traffic: each time someone
selects from the view, the new
server will access the oldserver
over the network
Availability: if the
old server is not available, the
views on the new server won't work at all