Process command line arguments in go test - testing

Is there a way to get the command line arguments in go "tests",
When you call go test obviously your main is not run, so is there a way to process command line arguments,
One way would be to use the flags packages and check for the command line arguments in each test or function being tested, but that is not ideal for that you need to do this in lots and lots of places, unlike the way you to it just in main when you run the application.
One may think it is a wrong thing to do, and that it is against purity of unit-tests:
not all tests are unit tests
it is very functional not to rely on "ENV" variables and actually pass the stuff as arguments in command line,
For the record I ended up putting an init() function in one of my _test files, and set the variable that is set through flags when the main is called this way.

Environmental configs are best kept in environment variables, in my experience. You can rely on global variables like so:
var envSetting = os.Getenv("TEST_ENV")
Alternatively, if using flags is a requirement, you could place your initialization code inside a function called init().
func init() {
myEnv = *envFlag
// ...

An alternative approach is to make main() be a stub that merely calls into another function after arguments are processed by flag.Parse(), for example:
var flagvar int
func init() {
flag.IntVar(&flagvar, "flagname", 1234, "help for flagname")
func main() {
func submain(args []string) {
Then in your tests, flag variables can be set and arguments established before calling submain(...) simulating the command line establishment of flags and arguments. This approach can be used to maximize test coverage without actually using a command line. For example, in main_test.go, you might write:
func TestSomething(t *testing.T) {
flagvar = 23
args := []string{"a", "b", "c"}

You can directly test main function and pass arguments.
Simple example showing a flag, and a pair of positional arguments
Note: Do NOT call it 'TestMain' that has a special meaning to the testing framework as of Go 1.8.
package main
import (
func TestMainFunc(t *testing.T) {
os.Args = append(os.Args, "--addr=")
os.Args = append(os.Args, "Get")
os.Args = append(os.Args, `./some/resource/fred`)
// Test results here, and decide pass/fail.

os.Args[1] = "-conf=my.conf"
Notice that the config file name is hard-coded.


Junit - how to get test result as string?

I am trying to test the code and get a result as String to send it to API later.
class FirstClass{
fun main(){
print("Hello world!")
ort org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterEach
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
internal class FirstClassTest {
private val outContent = ByteArrayOutputStream()
private val errContent = ByteArrayOutputStream()
private val originalOut = System.out
private val originalErr = System.err
fun setUp() {
fun tearDown() {
fun main() {
val SUT = FirstClass()
val testResult = assertEquals("Hello world!", outContent.toString())
print("Test result: $testResult")
val api = Api()
val apiResult = api.sendResult(testResult.toString())
print("Api result: $apiResult")
The test is passing, however, I do not see printed messages. How to get a test result as String?
There are several issues here.  The main one is:
The redirection affects your test method too.
Because you've redirected System.out, the print() in your test method goes to outContent, along with the output from FirstClass.main() that you want to test, instead of to the screen or wherever you want it.
I can see two fixes for this.
The quick one is for your test method to output to originalOut:
originalOut.print("Test result: $testResult")
Your test method is in the class which does the redirection, so there's no problem with it knowing about the redirection, and it already has access to originalOut.
However, if you can, I think a better solution is to refactor FirstClass so that it doesn't hard-code the stream it writes to.  For example, the stream could be passed as a parameter; or it could return the string directly (and the caller, in a thin non-tested wrapper, could write it to System.out).
That would be more work, but would make your code more flexible as well as easier to test.
Other issues include:
You're using print() instead of println().
Many streams are line-buffered, writing their output only after a newline, and so you might not see any results if there isn't one.  (And even if you do, all the results would be jammed on a single line!)
You assign the result of assertEquals().
assertEquals() doesn't have a useful return value.  (It return Unit.)  So your code will simply show:
Test result: kotlin.Unit
Instead, like all the assert functions, it throws an exception if the assertion fails.  So there's no point in storing or processing the return value; simply calling the assertion is enough.
— This means that there's usually no need to call print()/println() from your test method anyway!  If there's a failure, it'll be obvious: running from the command line will stop with an exception message and stack trace; IntelliJ shows a big red mark next to that test; Maven and Gradle will stop the build (after all tests have run), showing the number of failures.  So if everything continues smoothly, you know the tests have passed.
Api is not defined.
The code you posted above won't compile, because it doesn't include a definition or import for Api.  (Those last lines can be removed, though, without affecting the question.)
main() is a confusing name for a test.
The unit testing framework will find and run all test methods annotated with #Test.  A test class will often contain many different test methods, and it's usual to name them after the aspect they're testing.  (That makes any failures clearer.)  Calling it main() not only fails to describe what's being tested, but also suggests that the method will be run from outside the testing framework, which would probably not behave properly.

How to work with custom string errors in rust? [duplicate]

In Rust the main function is defined like this:
fn main() {
This function does not allow for a return value though. Why would a language not allow for a return value and is there a way to return something anyway? Would I be able to safely use the C exit(int) function, or will this cause leaks and whatnot?
As of Rust 1.26, main can return a Result:
use std::fs::File;
fn main() -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
let f = File::open("bar.txt")?;
The returned error code in this case is 1 in case of an error. With File::open("bar.txt").expect("file not found"); instead, an error value of 101 is returned (at least on my machine).
Also, if you want to return a more generic error, use:
use std::error::Error;
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
std::process::exit(code: i32) is the way to exit with a code.
Rust does it this way so that there is a consistent explicit interface for returning a value from a program, wherever it is set from. If main starts a series of tasks then any of these can set the return value, even if main has exited.
Rust does have a way to write a main function that returns a value, however it is normally abstracted within stdlib. See the documentation on writing an executable without stdlib for details.
As was noted by others, std::process::exit(code: i32) is the way to go here
More information about why is given in RFC 1011: Process Exit. Discussion about the RFC is in the pull request of the RFC.
The reddit thread on this has a "why" explanation:
Rust certainly could be designed to do this. It used to, in fact.
But because of the task model Rust uses, the fn main task could start a bunch of other tasks and then exit! But one of those other tasks may want to set the OS exit code after main has gone away.
Calling set_exit_status is explicit, easy, and doesn't require you to always put a 0 at the bottom of main when you otherwise don't care.
use std::process::ExitCode;
fn main() -> ExitCode {
Take a look in doc
use std::process::{ExitCode, Termination};
pub enum LinuxExitCode { E_OK, E_ERR(u8) }
impl Termination for LinuxExitCode {
fn report(self) -> ExitCode {
match self {
LinuxExitCode::E_OK => ExitCode::SUCCESS,
LinuxExitCode::E_ERR(v) => ExitCode::from(v)
fn main() -> LinuxExitCode {
You can set the return value with std::os::set_exit_status.

What patterns exist for mocking a single function while testing? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to mock specific methods but not all of them in Rust?
(2 answers)
How to mock external dependencies in tests? [duplicate]
(1 answer)
How can I test stdin and stdout?
(1 answer)
Is there a way of detecting whether code is being called from tests in Rust?
(1 answer)
What is the proper way to use the `cfg!` macro to choose between multiple implementations?
(1 answer)
Closed 3 years ago.
I have a function generates a salted hash digest for some data. For the salt, it uses a random u32 value. It looks something like this:
use rand::RngCore;
use std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher;
use std::hash::Hasher;
fn hash(msg: &str) -> String {
let salt = rand::thread_rng().next_u32();
let mut s = DefaultHasher::new();
format!("{:x}{:x}", &salt, s.finish())
In a test, I'd like to validate that it produces expected values, given a known salt and string. How do I mock (swizzle?) rand::thread_rng().next_u32() in the test to generate a specific value? In other words, what could replace the comment in this example to make the test pass?
mod tests {
fn test_hashes() {
// XXX How to mock ThreadRng::next_u32() to return 3892864592?
assert_eq!(hash("foo"), "e80866501cdda8af09a0a656");
Some approaches I've looked at:
I'm aware that the ThreadRng returned by rand::thread_rng() implements RngCore, so in theory I could set a variable somewhere to store a reference to a RngCore, and implement my own mocked variant to set during testing. I've taken this sort of approach in Go and Java, but I couldn't get the Rust type checker to allow it.
I looked at the list of mock frameworks, such as MockAll, but they appear to be designed to mock a struct or trait to pass to a method, and this code doesn't pass one, and I wouldn't necessarily want users of the library to be able to pass in a RngCore.
Use the #[cfg(test)] macro to call a different function specified in the tests module, then have that function read the value to return from elsewhere. This I got to work, but had to use an unsafe mutable static variable to set the value for the mocked method to find, which seems gross. Is there a better way?
As a reference, I'll post an answer using the #[cfg(test)] + unsafe mutable static variable technique, but hope there's a more straightforward way to do this sort of thing.
In the test module, use lazy-static to add a static variable with a Mutex for thread safety, create a function like next_u32() to return its value, and have tests set the static variable to a known value. It should fall back on returning a properly random number if it's not set, so here I've made it Vec<u32> so it can tell:
mod tests {
use super::*;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use std::sync::Mutex;
lazy_static! {
static ref MOCK_SALT: Mutex<Vec<u32>> = Mutex::new(vec![]);
// Replaces random salt generation when testing.
pub fn mock_salt() -> u32 {
let mut sd = MOCK_SALT.lock().unwrap();
if sd.is_empty() {
} else {
let ret = sd[0];
fn test_hashes() {
assert_eq!(hash("foo"), "e80866501cdda8af09a0a656");
Then modify hash() to call tests::mock_salt() instead of rand::thread_rng().next_u32() when testing (the first three lines of the function body are new):
fn hash(msg: &str) -> String {
let salt = tests::mock_salt();
let salt = rand::thread_rng().next_u32();
let mut s = DefaultHasher::new();
format!("{:x}{:x}", &salt, s.finish())
Then use of the macros allows Rust to determine, at compile time, which function to call, so there's no loss of efficiency in non-test builds. It does mean that there's some knowledge of the tests module in the source code, but it's not included in the binary, so should be relatively safe. I suppose there could be a custom derive macro to automate this somehow. Something like:
let salt = rand::thread_rng().next_u32();
Would auto-generate the mocked method in the tests module (or elsewhere?), slot it in here, and provide functions for the tests to set the value --- only when testing, of course. Seems like a lot, though.

Golang test mock functions best practices

I am developing some tests for my code (using the testing package), and I am wondering what's the best way to mock functions inside the tested function:
Should I pass the function as parameter?
In that case, what if that function calls another function? Should I pass both the first and second function as parameters in the tested one?
Note: some of the functions are called on objects (i.e. someObj.Create()) and use HTTP API calls.
UPDATE for clarification:
Example: functions
func f1() error {
... //some API call
func (s *SomeStruct) f2() error {
return f1
func f3() error {
return nil
func f4() error {
err = obj.f2()
err = f3()
For the above: if I want to test f4, what's the best way to mock f2 and f3?
If I pass f2 and f3 to f4 as parameters it would work, but then what for the f2 test? Should I pass f1 to f2 as parameter?
And if that's it, should then f4 have f1 as well in the parameters?
As a general guideline, functions aren't very mockable so its in our best interests to mock structs that implement a certain interface that may be passed into functions to test the different branches of code. See below for a basic example.
package a
type DoSomethingInterface interface {
DoSomething() error
func DoSomething(a DoSomethingInterface) {
if err := a.DoSomething(); err != nil {
fmt.Println("error occurred")
fmt.Println("no error occurred")
package a_test
import (
"<path to a>/a"
type simpleMock struct {
err error
func (m *simpleMock) DoSomething() error {
return m.err
func TestDoSomething(t *testing.T) {
errorMock := &simpleMock{errors.New("some error")}
// test that "an error occurred" is logged
regularMock := &simpleMock{}
// test "no error occurred" is logged
In the above example, you would test the DoSomething function and the branches that happens eg. you would create an instance of the mock with an error for one test case and create another instance of the mock without the error to test the other case. The respective cases are to test a certain string has been logged to standard out; in this case it would be "error occurred" when simpleMock is instantiated with an error and "no error occurred" when there simpleMock is not instantiated with an error.
This can of course be expanded to other cases eg. the DoSomething function actually returns some kind of value and you want to make an assertion on the value.
I updated the code with the concern that the interface lives in another package. Note that the new updated code has a package a that contains the interface and the function under test and a package a_test that is merely a template of how to approach testing a.DoSomething.
I'm not sure what you're trying to do here but I'll explain how testing should be done in Go.
Lets say we have an application with the following directory hierarchy:
We'll assume that pack2.go has the functions you want to test:
package pack2
func f1() error {
... //some API call
func (s *SomeStruct) f2() error {
return f1
func f3() error {
return nil
func f4() error {
err = obj.f2()
err = f3()
Looks good so far. Now if you want to test the functions in pack2, you would create a file called pack2_test.go. All test files in go are named similarly (packagename_test.go). Now lets see the inside of a typical test for a package (pack2_test.go in this example):
package pack2
import (
TestF1(*testing.T) {
x := "something for testing"
f1() // This tests f1 from the package "pact2.go"
TestF2(*testing.T) {
y := new(somestruct)
y.f2() // tests f2 from package "pact2.go"
TestF3(*testing.T) {
/// some code
f3() // tests f3
TestF4(*testing.T) {
/// code
f3() // you get the gist
Let me explain. Notice how in pack2_test.go, the first line says that the package is pack2. In a nutshell, this means that we're in the "scope" of the package pack2 and thus all the functions found in pack2 can be called as if you're within pack2. Thats why, within the Testf* functions, we could've called the functions from pack2. Another thing to note is the imported package "testing". This helps with two things:
First, it provides some functionality for running tests. I won't go into that.
Second, it helps identify the functions that go test should run.
Now to the functions. Any function within a test package that has the prefix "Test" and the parameters "t *testing.T" (you can use "*testing.T" when you don't need to use the testing functionality) will be executed when you run go test. You use the variable t to reference the testing functionality I mentioned. You can also declare functions without the prefix and call them within the prefixed functions.
So, if I go to my terminal and run go test, it will execute the functions you want to test, specified in pack2_test.go
You can learn more about testing here and here

How to get test environment at run time

I want to check if codes are running for the go test,so that I could make some configurations.
Is there any function to do that?
Just specify that you run a test in test's init. For example, in pkg.go:
package pkg
var isTesting = false
// ...
And in pkg_test.go:
package pkg
func init() {
isTesting = true
// ...
This technique can be used not just with bools but with any data or function. If you have some variable in your package (in your case, a configuration variable), you can just override it in init.