Visual Basic run webbrowser with java -

I'm trying to make a Runescape Client in Visual Basic, but when I run in a web browser it tells me to install java
It brings up an error saying:
*An error has occurred in the script on this page.
line: 48
Char: 325
Error: Expected ')'
code: 0
Do you want to continue running the scripts on this page?
I need a way to run Runescape inside a visual basic Application.
Is there any way to add java to the web browser?
Any help would be appreciated :)

This is due to a JS error, the easiest fix is to input in the Form load,
WebBrowser1.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = True
Hopefully that works?

It looks like you are getting this error, which is a JavaScript error on the page, not a Java error on your machine.
To resolve, you need to clear the "Display a notification about every script error" check box in the Advanced section of the Internet Options menu. Here's a lengthy article on Microsoft Support describing how to access and change the Internet Options via VB.Net.
The relevant code from that page to access the Internet Options:
Public Sub InternetOptions()
Dim cmdt As IOleCommandTarget
Dim o As Object
cmdt = CType(GetDocument(), IOleCommandTarget)
cmdt.Exec(cmdGUID, Convert.ToUInt32(MiscCommandTarget.Options), _
' NOTE: Due to the way this CMDID is handled inside of Internet Explorer,
' this Catch block will always fire, even though the dialog
' and its operations completed successfully. Suppressing this
' error will cause no harm to your host.
End Try
End Sub

just set the webbrowser ScriptErrorsSuppressed property to true and thats all


VB.Net GeckoFX disable dialog errors

While the title might be confusing, I hope this will explain it better.
So, I want to make an VB.Net webbrowser with a GeckoWebBrowser control.
The issue I am facing is that Gecko keeps opening error dialogs even tho I am catching the Error in my code. I just want to disable those dialogs and load an simple html site instead.
Code (Where wbMain is the GeckoWebBrowser control):
Function navigate(ByVal address As String)
Catch ex As Exception
wbMain.LoadHtml("<h1>An error has occurred!</h1><p>Description: " & ex.Message & "</p>")
End Try
End Function
Gecko keeps doing those errors:
error (I can't post images yet)
But I just want it to display the html page instead of the dialog.
I apologize if I wasn't clear enough or have broken english
I suppose these are the browser alerts, so you need to create your own service which catches these messages.
Create a class which implements the nsIPromptService2 and nsIPrompt prompt interface. In VB syntax is like that I suppose:
class FilteredPromptService Implements nsIPromptService2, nsIPrompt
And then override all the methods required by these interfaces with your own custom logic.

Download dialog Box IE

I have use this code
Controlling IE11 "Do you want to Open/Save" dialogue window buttons in VBA
But I get the error
"user defined type not defined"
Dim o As IUIAutomation
Someone knows how can I fix it?
I guess you have to add a project reference to the UI Automation library. At least I could reproduce your error and fix it by adding the reference.
Add it using code
Public Sub AddReference()
End Sub
and goto excel>>option>>Trust Center>>Trust Center Setting>>Macro setting and check on the Trust access to the VBA project object model

Visual Basic : How to Block all message boxes, popups and alert dialog

I am making a webbrowser using VB 2010, and I often see popups regarding script errors or advertisement when browsing. I want to disable all message boxes and script error boxes too. I do not want to stop or block scripts from running, I want browser to continue running them but not to show the popup alerts.
WebBrowser1.silent = True isn't working
Thanks in advance
You have tagged this as VB.NET, which I believe is incorrect. In .NET you would use webBrowser.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = true as shown here: Disable JavaScript error in WebBrowser control
The Silent property is available on the ActiveX web browser control in VB6 and probably VBA (?). I believe there is a problem with setting Silent to true there, because it gets set back to false at run time whenever the control is loaded. There is an example on how to work around that by using a timer control, which is available here:

Error on Load Event when using My.Settings

I am currently having an issue with the usage of embedded settings in my application. I intend to use them with the form load/closing event, but I am recieving an error like this user:
Error when loading mySettings [Visual basics 2010]
I looked at my settings.vb file and everything appears to be in order, but I am not really sure what could have become incorrect/corrupt because it is all generated when I make changes to the project properties. In order to check if my usage of the settings was correct I created a new project with:
Private Sub Load()
Textbox1.Text = My.Settings.Test
End Sub
Private Sub Close()
My.Settings.Test = TextBox1.Text
End Sub
Everything is working perfectly in the new project, so the error is isolated to my particular project. Has anyone encountered this or have any ideas on how to remedy it?
Thanks for any help!
Exact Same Error from another user:
For those people googling this in the future here is the solution in my case:
Click View Detail and continue navigation through the error detail until you find the path to the app.config file. Once you find it move it to a backup location and run your app again. The file will be regenerated correctly.

Operating on a web page using the Document Object

I have a VB.Net app that needs to print a bunch of pages from a secure intranet site; the app was made and was working for a non-secure site but now the app needs to login before accessing the web pages necessary to print.
I get the error "Object Reference not set to an instance of an object" when I use my new Sub which follows:
Private Sub SiteLogin()
WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("user").SetAttribute("value", "username")
WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("password").SetAttribute("value", "mypassword")
End Sub
I got the code from this VB tutorial, but I seem to be missing something in how I'm referencing the WebBrowser.Document object. I've never used VB.Net before so I don't know much about this problem, I have the following sub which DOES work from the original program however:
Private Sub WebPrint()
WebDocLoaded = False
'lblMessage.Text = "Waiting for report page to load"
Do Until WebDocLoaded
End Sub
This Sub prints the given page in IE, so I figured I could use the same WebBrowser1 object for the login Sub, as I don't know how to or whether I should declare a separate object for the SiteLogin Sub. Both of these functions are called after the WebBrowser1 object is defined however.
I just need to be able to submit a simple login form to a set URL, and this info needs to all be hardcoded (there's no option to set the location or login info nor should there be). If there's another way to log into this site via VB.Net or if I need to give more information let me know.
.Navigate returns before the page load is complete so the DOM is not ready & .Document is not accessible.
See; How to wait until WebBrowser is completely loaded in VB.NET?