Im new to Unity and just started to do some experminets with the oculus to play around some and hopefully gain some knowledge along the way..
however.. I dont get how to get the x,y,z (and w?) values of the gyro..or any value at all from the actuall gyro.. in my case the camera-rotation cant be used since I need the "default" orientation option to be disabled since I want to create my own custom behavior for the camera.
You need to first enable the gyroscope before you can get values from it.
Input.gyro.enable = true; //Preferably in the Start() function.
You should now be able to read values for example for user acceleration along x, use
float userAccel = Input.gyro.userAcceleration.x;
in this video, I shows you how to spawn enemies outside of a fixed camera. (this is in GDscript by the way) How could I make this work with a moving camera? I wanna make a zombie fighting game with a moving camera and zombies spawning outside that.
I would really appreciate help with this.
I've tried researching on the internet about how to do it, but I just didn't find it.
After looking at the video, I see they are using this line to spawn:
Global.instance_node(enemy_1, enemy_position, self)
This suggest to me a couple thing:
The position is probably either relative to the self passed as argument or global.
There must be an Autoload called Global that I need to check to make sure.
And the answer is in another castle video.
In the video Godot Wave Shooter Tutorial #2 - Player Shooting we find this code:
extends Node
func instance_node(node, location, parent):
var node_isntance = node.instance()
node_instance.global_position = location
return node_instance
And thus, we are working with global coordinates global_position. Thus enemy_position is used as global coordinates.
Ok, instead of using enemy_position as global coordinates we are going to use it as local coordinates of the Camera2D (or a child of it). Which means you need a reference to the Camera2D (which I don't know where do you have it).
You could make your code in a child of the Camera2D, or take the transform of the Camera2D using a RemoteTransform2D. Either way, you could then work in its local coordinates. Thus you would do this:
Global.instance_node(enemy_1, to_global(enemy_position), self)
Or you could have a reference by exporting a NodePath (or in the newest Godot you can export a Camera2D) from your script and set it via the inspector. So you can do this:
Global.instance_node(enemy_1, camera.to_global(enemy_position), self)
Where camera is your reference to the Camera2D.
In the following section of
func _on_Enemy_spawn_timer_timeout():
var enemy_position = Vector2(rand_range(-160, 670), rand_range(-90, 390))
I believe you can add the X and Y coordinates of the camera to their corresponding random ranges in the enemy position Vector2. This will displace the enemy depending on where the camera is currently located.
You can get the position of the camera with this:
get_parent().get_node("Name of your camera").position
When this is all put together:
func _on_Enemy_spawn_timer_timeout():
var enemy_position = Vector2(rand_range(-160, 670) + get_parent().get_node("Name of your camera").position.x, rand_range(-90, 390) + get_parent().get_node("Name of your camera").position.y)
Keep in mind that you might need to displace the values in the following while loop as well. I hope this helps.
I'm using MQL5 (my first code).
I want to use a script that uses MA, but first, I wanted to confirm the value to verify I'm doing correctly. Using a very basic code into script:
double x=0;
x = iMA(Symbol(),Period(),100,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE);
Alert("The actual MA from last 100 points of EURUSD actually is: " + x;
The expected value is near the actual price... 1.23456, but this function is returning 10.00000 or 11.0000.
I believe I'm missing something, and helplink is not quite clear enough.
I already saw another similar function: MA[0] which seems to bring the moving average from specific candle, but, I don't know how to manage the Period range (100) or if is related to Close/Open variables on it. I didn't find any specific helplink to review.
Any ideas are very appreciated!!!
x should be int, it is a handler of the MA. So each indicator when created in MT5 receives its handler, and you can use it later to get what you need. If you need several MA's - create several handlers and give each of them different names (x1, x2 or add some sense). Expert advisors in the default build of MT5 are good examples on what to do.
The iMA function Returns the handle of a specified technical indicator, not the "moving average" value.
For example, to get the value of the Moving average you can use this (in MQ4):
EMA34Value = CopyBuffer(EMA34Handler, 0,0);
I am new to Qt and trying to implement a real time plot using QSplineSeries with Qt 5.7. I need to scroll the x axis as new data comes in every 100ms. It seems the CPU usage reaches 100% if I do not purge the old data which was appended to the series, using graphSeriesX->remove(0). I found two ways of scrolling the x axis.
const uint8_t X_RANGE_COUNT = 50;
const uint8_t X_RANGE_MAX = X_RANGE_COUNT - 1;
qreal y = (axisX->max() - axisX->min()) / axisX->tickCount();
m_x += y;
if (m_x > axisX->max()) {
axisX->setMin(m_x - 100);
if (graphSeries1->count() > X_RANGE_COUNT) {
The problem with the above is that m_x is of type qreal and at some time if I keep the demo running continuously, it will reach it's MAX value and the axisX->setMax call will fail making the plot not work anymore. What would be the correct way to fix this use case?
qreal x = plotArea().width() / X_RANGE_MAX;
chart->scroll(x, 0)
if (graphSeries1->count() > X_RANGE_COUNT) {
However it's not clear to me how can I use the graphSeriesX->remove(0) call in this scenario. The graph will keep getting wiped out since once the series get appended with X_RANGE_COUNT values, the if block will always be true removing 0th value but the scroll somehow does not work the way manually setting maximum for x axis works and after a while I have no graph. scroll works if I do not call remove but then my CPU usage reaches 100%.
Can someone point me in the right direction on how to use scroll while using remove to keep the CPU usage low?
It seems like the best way to update data for a QChart is through void QXYSeries::replace(QVector<QPointF> points). From the documentation, it's much faster than clearing all the data (and don't forget to use a vector instead of a list). The audio example from the documentation does exactly that. Updating the axes with setMin, setMax and setRange all seem to use a lot of CPU. I'll try to see if there's a way around that.
What do you mean by "does not work the way manually setting maximum for x axis works"? The Second method you have shown works if you define x-axis range to be between 0 and X_RANGE_MAX. Is this not what you are after?
Something like: chart->axisX()->setRange(0, X_RANGE_MAX);
I'm writing program about Kinect skeleton track program.While the Definition of the gesture is written in the program. I want the definition of gesture to be defined by the user.One way of doing this is by DFA. I don't konw how to start with C#. Can any one help?
Try using Lists to store the coordinates of the skeleton's joints (kind of a buffer) and then you could maybe run a DFA. you could define your transitions as a range of coordinates for every direction , and the final state would be when the elements in the buffer are approximativily in the same area.
So in C# you will need to create a datatype to save the sequece of the gesture that will get updated when the user adds one.Lists for buffers as I stated below.
When saving the gesture your code will look like :
While(!Joint_stable && (i < buffer.count() ) )
While ((buffer.Joint.ElementAt(i+1).X-buffer.Joint.ElementAt(i)).X>0 && (buffer.Joint.ElementAt(i+1)-buffer.Joint.ElementAt(i).Y )>0 ) //Think about adding tolerence here
Just an advice , the kinect sensor is not that accurate so try to establish a kind of tolerance.
I Hope that my answer will help you or at least give you some inspiration :)
I'm having trouble with physics in unity 3d. I'm wanting my ball to bounce off of walls and go another direction. When the ball hits the wall it just bounces straight back. I have tried changing the direction to be orthogonal to the direction it hits the wall but it doesn't change direction. Due to this, the ball just keeps hitting the wall and bouncing straight back.
Secondly, sometimes the ball goes through the wall. The walls have box colliders while the ball has a sphere collider. They all have continuous dynamic as the collision detection mode.
Here's a link to a similar thread:
Personally, I would code the rotation using LookAt as GargarathSunman suggests in this link, but if you want to do it with physics, you'll probably need to build the javelin in at least a couple of parts, as the others suggest in the link, and add different drag and angular drag values to each part,perhaps density as well. If you threw a javelin in a vacuum, it would never land point down because air drag plays such an important part (all things fall at the same rate regardless of mass, thank you Sir Isaac Newton). It's a difficult simulation for the physics engine to get right.
Maybe try to get the collider point between your sphere and your wall then catch your rigidbody velocity and revert it by the collision point normal.
an example of a script to do that ---> (put this script on a wall with collider )
C# script:
public class WallBumper : MonoBehaviour
private Vector3 _revertDirection;
public int speedReflectionVector = 2;
* name : OnCollisionEnter
* return type : void
* Make every gameObject with a RigidBody bounce againt this platform
* ********************************************/
void OnCollisionEnter(Collision e)
ContactPoint cp = e.contacts[0];
_revertDirection = Vector3.Reflect(e.rigidbody.velocity, cp.normal * -1);
e.rigidbody.velocity = (_revertDirection.normalized * speedReflectionVector);
I recently has an issue with a rocket going through targets due to speed and even with continuous dynamic collision detection I couldn't keep this from happening a lot.
I solved this using a script "DontGoThroughThings" posted in This uses raycasting between current and previous positions and then ensures the frame ends with the colliders connected for messages an OnTrigger event. Has worked everytime since and it's just a matter of attaching the script so super easy to use.
I think the physics answer is as others have suggested to use multiple components with different drag although typically I think you only want a single RigidBody on the parent. Instead of direction using transform.LookAt you could try and calculate using Quaternion.LookRotation from the rigidbody.velocity. Then use Vector3.Angle to find out how much are are off. The greater the angle diference the more force should be experienced and then use RigidBody.ApplyTorque. Maybe use the Sin(angleDifference) * a constant so less force is applied to torque as you approach proper rotation.
Here is some code I used on my rocket although you'll have to substitute some things as I was pointing toward a fixed target and you'll want to use your velocity.
var rotationDirection = Quaternion.LookRotation(lockedTarget.transform.position - this.transform.position);
var anglesToGo = Vector3.Angle(this.transform.rotation.eulerAngles, rotationDirection.eulerAngles);
if (anglesToGo > RotationVelocity)
var rotationDirectionToMake = (rotationDirection * Quaternion.Inverse(this.transform.rotation)).eulerAngles.normalized * RotationVelocity;