Moving and Deleting Files in a Loop in VB.Net -

I'm trying to improve a system I have that already works. However I've ran into a problem I can't seem to find an answer to using google, perhaps I'm not searching the right questions?
I'm using a For Each loop to gather files in a directory. I then try to get each file name and some other information and determine if I should move the file temporarily or delete the file.
Example of the code used:
For Each File In Directory.GetFiles(Profile)
Dim tmpFile As System.IO.FileInfo = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFileInfo(File) 'Never moves to the next file.
Dim Name As String = tmpFile.Name
Dim AccessDate As String = tmpFile.LastWriteTime.Date()
Dim CurrentDate As String = My.Computer.Clock.LocalTime.Date()
If AccessDate < CurrentDate Then
My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteFile(File) 'Moves to the next file without any issues.
Threading.Thread.Sleep(150) 'If no sleep program will lock up
If Not Directory.Exists(Path) Then
My.Computer.FileSystem.MoveFile(File, Path & Name)
My.Computer.FileSystem.MoveFile(File, Path & Name)
End If
End If
I have defined in the code what my problem is, and forgive me if there is a better way to do this, I'm self taught and still learning many things. If there's an easier way please point me in that direction.
Essentially I hit an error saying "File not found" on the move because tmpFile is not moving to the next File in the directory.


Merge pdf files with VBA and Foxit

I use Foxit Phantompdf, the complete version and ACCESS.
In our program, we have to save multiple pdf files, some of them should be merged in single files when saved.
Here is the code I use;
Dim phApp As PhantomPDF.Application
Dim n1 As String
Dim n2 As String
n1 = "c:\Temp\F3769-190136-GROUPE OCÉAN.pdf"
n2 = "c:\Temp\f3769-190136-GROUPE OCÉAN- facture.pdf"
Set phApp = CreateObject("PhantomPDF.Application")
Dim phCreator As PhantomPDF.Creator
Set phCreator = phApp.Creator
***'Call phCreator.CombineFiles("c:\Temp\F3769-190136-GROUPE OCÉAN.pdf|c:\Temp\f3769-190136-GROUPE OCÉAN- facture.pdf", "c:\Temp\F3769-190136-GROUPE OCÉAN.pdf", COMBINE_ADD_CONTENTS)***
Call phCreator.CombineFiles("""c:\Temp\" & n1 & "|'" & n2 & """" & ", " & """c:\Temp\F3769-190136-GROUPE OCÉAN.pdf"""" &", COMBINE_ADD_CONTENTS)
When I try it with the complete files names (in bold) the code works perfectly.
However, when I try to use variables, I get a
"Argument not optional"
Can somebody help me ?
Your string definitions in call line is incorrect.
You have defined n1 and n2 with the c:\temp already, and in your string conversion you add this again. I do not know if this is the route cause to your issue.
Furthermore I do not know the actual needed syntax for this phcreator.combine()
But is it not possible using only:
call pHcreator.combine(n1 & "|" & n2, …
The 'Argument not option' might imply you should add another input to your pHcreator, I would guess it could have something to do with FOXIT's combine function page settings. Try adding a input variable integer at the end of the function maybe?
But the fact that it works when writing strings in clear text would maybe suggest that the string manipulations is not correct?
I'm not a vba professional, but interested in the outcome, working myself with Foxit and also want to combine with vba. I'm currently not using version 9 som I seem to be out of luck, and only upgrading it I know what I want to do is possible.
I tried it, but got the same error message. So I took advantage of the fact that the function works when the file names are in plain text. I copied the files to be merged in a temporary folder and rename them. The renamed files are the then used in the merge function. It works perfectly, but Foxit adds a table of content page, and I don't know, yet, how to remove it. Here is my solution:
Private Sub Command4_Click()
Dim addi As String 'file to be merged to main file
Dim princi As String 'main file
Dim phApp As PhantomPDF.Application
'A temporary folder, in this case c:\t2, should be present
'In this example c:\Temp is the working folder
addi = "c:\Temp\filetomerge.pdf" 'full path of file to be merged
princi = "c:\Temp\mainfile.pdf" 'full path of main file
'fadd,pdf and fmain.pdf are the temporay files used in Foxit's function
FileCopy addi, "c:\t2\fadd.pdf" 'temporary file to be merged in temporary folder
FileCopy princi, "c:\t2\fmain.pdf" 'temporary main file in temporary folder
'Merge action
Set phApp = CreateObject("PhantomPDF.Application")
Dim phCreator As PhantomPDF.Creator
Set phCreator = phApp.Creator
Call phCreator.CombineFiles("c:\t2\fmain.pdf|c:\t2\fadd.pdf", "c:\t2\fmain.pdf", COMBINE_ADD_CONTENTS)
'Save merged file in working folder under main file name
Kill princi
FileCopy "c:\t2\fmain.pdf", princi
'delete temporary files
Kill "c:\t2\fadd.pdf"
Kill "c:\t2\fmain.pdf"
End Sub

Random File Selector?

It's been years since I've used Visual Basic. I downgraded from 2017 to 2010 (The version I was using while I was in school). I figured VB would be the best way to attempt a solution. (Although I'm sure there are other languages that would do it as well.)
I'm looking to get back into programming. Let me get to the problem.
My friend has an ever growing amount of text documents in a folder, and he wants a program to choose one at random, and open it.
I thought I'd put a TextBox with a Button that would let him open the folder where he stores his files. Then this program would read the number of text files in that folder, and randomly generate a number between one and that number, select, and open the document with its default program (if it's text, notepad; if it's DocX then word.)
I've been sitting at a blinking cursor for 45 minutes. I've gone on YouTube for help with this project.
Any advice, or help you guys can give me? Does this need to be simplified?
That sounds like a reasonable strategy to me.
It might be worth displaying some sort of progress to the user, say by putting the name of current file name being read into the status bar, in case there's a long delay reading the file names due to the large number of files in the folder, and/or a slow-running network drive. If you do this, remember to put a DoEvents into your loop to allow screen updates to display.
There's a separate thread on how to open files in their native handler here.
Hope this helps - good luck!
Option Explicit
Public oFSO As Object
Public arrFiles()
Public lngFiles As Long
Sub Main()
Dim sPath As String
sPath = InputBox("Enter folder path", "Folder path")
' clear starting point
lngFiles = 0
Erase arrFiles
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Call recurse(sPath)
Dim lngRandomFileNumber As Long
lngRandomFileNumber = CLng(lngFiles * Rnd) + 1
MsgBox "This is random file, that will be opened: " & arrFiles(lngRandomFileNumber)
Call CreateObject("Shell.Application").Open(arrFiles(lngRandomFileNumber))
End Sub
Sub recurse(sPath As String)
Dim oFolder As Object
Dim oSubFolder As Object
Dim oFile As Object
Set oFolder = oFSO.GetFolder(sPath)
'Collect file information
For Each oFile In oFolder.Files
lngFiles = lngFiles + 1
ReDim Preserve arrFiles(lngFiles + 1)
arrFiles(lngFiles) = sPath & "\" & oFile.Name
Next oFile
'looking for all subfolders
For Each oSubFolder In oFolder.SubFolders
'recursive call
Call recurse(oSubFolder.path)
Next oSubFolder
End Sub
You can paste this code in any VBA supporting application (MS Access, MS Excel, MS Word), call VBA editor (Shift + F11) and paste this code. After that press F5 and select Main() function. You'll see prompt to enter folder path, and after that you would get random file path.
I think it should be understandable in practice to see what program do
Updated: #Belladonna mentioned it clearly, to open file in default program.
NB: This code is passes through subfolders also, if you want to exclude subfolders, you should comment the recursive call block in recurce function

Change the path of an Excel file linked to Access 2011 with VBA

I was trying something more fancy and did post on accessforums, where I got got no responses and on programmers access, where I got links to more reading material, but which did not help me - probably due to my lack of VBA expertise.
I have done lots of other programming like PHP and Arduino, but VBA is new for me, although I been watching hours of videos, they don't quite cover what I want to do.
After 4 days of researching an failed attempts, I have simplified my approach and I would appreciate some "real" help with actual code.
I have multiple Excel source file with 9 tabs each.
All the source files are in the same directory, (not in the same directory as the database)
Only one source is ever linked.
Each tab of the source file is a linked table within Access.
I wish regularly switch source files.
I want to replace only the connect file property (i.e. the full file path) for each of the 9 sheets/tabs that use the particular file.
The full path must be "picked up" from my form and applied on an event e.g. on closing of form.
I have built a form in which I can enter the file name to use and which calculates the full path to the file in question.
I have a button on the form, which is used to close the form.
Private Sub Form_Close()
Dim dbs As Database
Dim tdf As TableDef
Dim sfl As String
Dim basePath As String
Dim sName As String
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set sfl = "SourceData_"
Set sName = "JoeSmith"
Set basePath = "D:\Databases\BOM Consolidator\data_source"
' Loop through all tables in the database.
For Each tdf In dbs.TableDefs
If InStr(10, tdf.Connect, sfl, 1) > 10 Then
tdf.Connect = ";DATABASE=" & basePath & sfl & sName & "\" & dbs
Err = 0
On Error Resume Next
tdf.RefreshLink ' Relink the table.
If Err <> 0 Then
End If
End If
Next tdf End Sub
In the above I am entering the path etc directly just to get it working first.
Access froze :(
Help would be appreciated.
Posting this before I try a restart.
After a restart it is not freezing.
It is saying I have a missing object.
The first line is highlighted in yellow, so I assume something must go in the parenthesis, but no idea what.
If it was a function, I would normally put a variable that is not declared inside the function. This being a subroutine, I was not expecting it to ask for something...
Ultimately I will turn it into a function, sothat I can provide the file name.
A clue to what is needed on the first line please...?
Oh also I am using "Code Builder" - is that the correct option to use with closing a form?

Deleting temp folder files with

I’m trying to programmatically clear out my temps folder however it can't delete files that are in use, which would be okay as long as it would then delete all the files not in use. However my code basically demands either we delete all or none, not just those not in use.
Below is the code could anybody please tell me how I can work around this?
'Deletes files in temporary directory...
Dim MYDAYS_2 As String
Dim MYTEMPFOLDER As String = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath
'this reads the regestry key otherwise gives a default value in its place (365)...
'Deletes all files older then the day specifyed in the variable MDAYS...
For Each file As IO.FileInfo In New IO.DirectoryInfo(MYTEMPFOLDER).GetFiles("*.*")
If (Now - file.CreationTime).Days > MYDAYS_2 Then file.Delete()
You could use a simple try/catch:
For Each file As IO.FileInfo In New IO.DirectoryInfo(MYTEMPFOLDER).GetFiles("*.*")
If (Now - file.CreationTime).Days > MYDAYS_2 Then
' log exception or ignore '
End Try
End If

the process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process in

help me.. i'm new in visual basic....
when i'm running the update it shows the error
The process cannot access the file 'C:\Documents and Settings\Macky\My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\Marcelo 2.2.3\Marcelo\bin\Debug\Students\MIC953867.jpg' because it is being used by another process.
my code is this
Public Sub copingfile()
If inFileName = Nothing Then
studpic.Image = Nothing
outFileName = inFileName
pos = inFileName.LastIndexOf(".")
If (pos > 0) Then
outFileName = outFileName.Substring(0, pos)
End If
outFileName += ".jpg"
str = Application.StartupPath & "\Students\"
saveJPEGFile.FileName = str & StudID.Text & ".jpg" '& outFileName
fil1.Copy(inFileName, saveJPEGFile.FileName, True) 'the error shows here...
outFileName = saveJPEGFile.FileName()
End If
End Sub
I can save new student information with picture.. but when it comes in updating the picture these codes didn't work......
fil1.Copy(inFileName, saveJPEGFile.FileName, True)
You're attempting overwrite a file that's open or being used. If the file is open in a viewer/editor, then it can't be copied over. Either you opened it manually, or did so through code and it's still "attached" to something running.
If it's not open in a window, try stopping your code and deleting that file manually. If you can, it's pretty obvious something in code is still using it when you get to the line that errored. You'll need to figure out where that file is still being used (Open stream somewhere? Open in VS, itself?), as it doesn't appear to be in the code you provided.
You are going to need to show more code, you are using variables not in your code listing. Plus you do not show the code that originally saves your image.
But here is my guess...are you sure you closed the file when you saved it for the first time? You cannot generally copy to, or from, a file that is open.
(Files can be opened as shared, but I don't think you are doing that).
Post more code if you get a chance.