FuseFabric - Add a config file via console - fuseesb

In FuseFabric we can add configuration files using the web console, using the Config Files Tab and just write the name of the configFile and inside it the properties foo=foo
Well, this is very simple, and my question is: How can I do this using the Fabric console ??
just typing commands ????? D:
I've seen the fabric:profile and its options, and I can edit the properties, but only when there is an already existing PID.
Thank you for every answers !

You can use this command:
fabric:profile-edit --pid PID/Property=Value Profile [Version]
Otherwise, maintaining property files on the file system and using import to re-import the settings works fine also.
Use profile-display to see the correct PID.


Bigquery authentication with .profile or .bashrc file

I am trying to set my environment variable (on Mac) to request from Google Bigquery by using the following guideline:
Source: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/libraries
I'm doing it to avoid having to type in export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/home/user/Downloads/service-account-file.json" into VS Code terminal, everytime I want to run something from Bigquery.
How I do it? (which doesn't work)
(I create both .bashrc and .profile file, because not sure which one do I need) Create both files and put it in:
Insert into both files the following:
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/Users/GunardiLin/Credentials/service-account-file.json"
Put the google credentials to: /Users/GunardiLin/Credentials/service-account-file.json
(The credential file is 100 % correct, because I tested it by inserting the following manually export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/Users/GunardiLin/Credentials/service-account-file.json . Afterwards my program to request on Bigquery works fine. Doing it manually everytime I start the VS Code is not ideal for me.)
After Step 3, I get the following error:
Can somebody help me with this problem?
I am using MacOS, VS Code, Conda. Thank you in advance.

JMeter Distributed Testing java.io.FileNotFoundException: rmi_keystore.jks (No such file or directory)

setting up a distributed test with Jmeter i ended up in this problem.
First of all i'm aware setting the jmeter.property server.rmi.ssl.disable=true is a work around.
Still i'd like to see if it is possible to use this rmi_keystore.jks. The Jmeter documentation
https://jmeter.apache.org/usermanual/remote-test.html is clear enough about setting up the environment but doesn't mention at all how specify the path to the rmi_keystore.jks, or if this has to be the rmi_keystore.jks on the worker or the one in the controller.
I noticed if you do a test on your machine as worker and controller ( as this guy does https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ok8Cqc0wipk ) setting the absolute path to the rmi_keystore.jks works.
Ex. server.rmi.ssl.truststore.file=C:\path\to\the\rmi_keystore.jks and server.rmi.ssl.keystore.file=C:\path\to\the\rmi_keystore.jks and.
But this doesn't work when controller has a different path to the rmi_keystore.jks then the worker.
My question is : how can I set the right jmeter properties server.rmi.ssl.truststore.file and server.rmi.ssl.keystore.file to resolve the FileNotFoundException? Stating that default values don't work?
thank you everyone
You need to:
Generate the rmi_keystore.jks file on the master machine
Copy it to all the slaves
The default location (where JMeter looks for the file) is rmi_keystore.jks, to wit if you drop it to "bin" folder of your JMeter installation on master and slaves - JMeter will find it and start using.
The server.rmi.ssl.keystore.file property should be used if you want to customize the file name and/or location so if it is different you can either set slave-specific location via user.properties file or pass it via -J command-line argument.
If location is common for all the slaves and you want to override it in a single shot - provide it via -G command-line argument.
More information:
Configuring JMeter
Full list of command-line options
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide
You can use create-rmi-keystore.bat to generate the rmi_keystore.jks. You will find it under Bin folder.

Installing Google Adwords Api Library (using docker)

Googles documentation on installing the library, found here: https://github.com/googleads/googleads-php-lib/blob/master/README.md#getting-started, instructs us to copy adsapi_php.ini, as constructed here: https://github.com/googleads/googleads-php-lib/blob/master/examples/AdWords/adsapi_php.ini, to your home directory.
I filled out the necessary variables in the .ini, and I am using docker so I have placed this file inside my container at /var/www/home/node/ and when I run the command composer require googleads/googleads-php-lib I am given the following error in the command prompt:
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
Problem 1
- Installation request for googleads/googleads-php-lib ^37.1 -> satisfiable by googleads/googleads-php-lib[37.1.0].
- googleads/googleads-php-lib 37.1.0 requires ext-soap * -> the requested PHP extension soap is missing from your system.
To enable extensions, verify that they are enabled in your .ini files:
- /usr/local/etc/php/php.ini
- /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/adsapi_php.ini
- /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/docker-php-ext-pdo_pgsql.ini
- /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/docker-php-ext-sodium.ini
- /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/docker-php-ext-xdebug.ini
You can also run `php --ini` inside terminal to see which files are used by PHP in CLI mode.
Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json to its original content.
I assumed the issue was my adsapi_php.ini was simply in the wrong location as it contains what I believe is necessary to avoid the above issue, but I have tried placing it in several different places and yet I always get the same error.
Any help would be appreciated!
Just try to edit php.ini inside docker (docker exec -t {container} bashand enable there the extenstion soap

PhantomJS -headless browseer

I have to automate a test case in which a list in a particular dashboard is created. We decided to use PhantomJS headless browser. Since I am new to it, I tried creating test myself. Following are the steps I followed just to open the target website.
Created directory phantoms
cd phantoms and installed phantom module using command npm install phantom --save
Created file createlist.js:
createlist.js contents:
var phantom = require('phantom');
var page = require('webpage');
page.open('http://facebook.com', function(status) {
console.log("Status: " + status);
if(status === "success") {
When i execute command node create_list.js, I am getting the following error:
page.open('interact2.responsys.net/interact/jsp/jindex.jsp&#‌​39;, function(st atus) { ^ TypeError: page.open is not a function at Object.<anonymous> (C:\Users\shilshet\New folder\phantom\create_list.js:3 :6) at Module._compile (module.js:413:34)
If I try to execute command like
phantomjs C:/Users/shilshet/New folder/phantom/create_list.js
I am getting this error
bash: phantomjs: command not found
Note: I am using cygwin to execute commands
What I am going wrong? I installed phantomjs module also in the same folder as my node.js.
Could anyone let me know apart from using headless browser, how does one create a profile list in Oracle responsys via REST API call?
While the first answer here should work, it's not the best way to accomplish what you need. The cleaner way to solve your issue is to add the location of your phantomjs executable to your PATH variable defined in a file such as ~/.bash_history.
The file may not be defined, so you may need to create the file, and then add PATH="/path/to/phantomjs/executable"
If you prefer to edit your PATH var via a GUI: Edit PATH variable via Windows GUI
The reason you need to do this, is that your system natively iterates over paths defined in the 'PATH' variable in order to determine where executable files are. Since phantomjs is not included in the PATH variable (nonexistent in the environment), and you try to run 'phantomjs', your system simply does not know which executable to call (or rather it doesn't know it exists)
The reason this is the better approach is:
You don't need to explicitly write out the path of where phantomjs is located every time you want to run it (it's just cleaner looking too)
What happens if you you call phantomjs from multiple files, and the location of where phantomjs is stored changes? If you explicitly typed phantomjs' absolute path everywhere, then you need to change EVERY place you typed it! Nightmare! With this approach, you simply change it in one place; the file that defines your PATH variable
It's pretty conventional to add new file paths to your PATH env variable. You shouldn't clutter it, but it makes sense in this case to add it
For this: "Could anyone let me know apart from using headless browser, how does one create a profile list in Oracle responsys via REST API call?"... I would recommend asking a separate question. I personally don't know, but if you raise the new question, you may get support from someone who does.
Hope this helps! If you need any help whatsoever, let me know.
You mixed up two ways of running PhantomJS.
The more straightforward, more simple way is just launching PhantomJS from command line and giving it the path of a script as an argument. On Windows you would do it like this:
"C:/Users/shilshet/New folder/phantom/phantomjs.exe" "C:/Users/shilshet/New folder/phantom/create_list.js"
Note the quotes here, they're needed because there are spaces in filenames.

Where does Vagrant download its .box files to?

What happens to the .box file after the following command is executed?
vagrant box add lucid32 http://files.vagrantup.com/lucid32.box
I can't find the lucid32.box file on the file system after download has completed.
As mentioned in the docs, boxes are stored at:
Mac OS X and Linux: ~/.vagrant.d/boxes
Windows: C:/Users/USERNAME/.vagrant.d/boxes
On Mac/Linux System, the successfully downloaded boxes are located at:
and unsuccessful boxes are located at:
On Windows systems it is located under the Users folder:
Hope this will help. Thanks
To change the Path, you can set a new Path to an Enviroment-Variable named:
export VAGRANT_HOME=my/new/path/goes/here/
Thats maybe nice if you want to have those vagrant-Images on another HDD.
More Information here in the Documentations: http://docs.vagrantup.com/v2/other/environmental-variables.html
The actual .box file is deleted by Vagrant once the download and box installation is complete. As mentioned in other answers, whilst downloading, the .box file is stored as:
where the file name is 'box' followed by a 40 byte hexadecimal hash. A temporary file on my system for example, is:
As far as I can tell, this file is never saved with a *.box extension, which explains why the searches above failed to locate it. There are two ways to retrieve the actual box file:
Download the .box file from vagrantcloud.com
Find the box you're interested in on the atlas. For example,
Replace the domain name with vagrantcloud.com. So https://atlas.hashicorp.com/ubuntu/boxes/trusty64/versions/20150530.0.1
becomes https://vagrantcloud.com/ubuntu/boxes/trusty64/versions/20150530.0.1/providers/virtualbox.box.
Add /providers/virtualbox.box to the end of that URL. So https://vagrantcloud.com/ubuntu/boxes/trusty64/versions/20150530.0.1 becomes https://vagrantcloud.com/ubuntu/boxes/trusty64/versions/20150530.0.1/providers/virtualbox.box
Save the .box file
Use the .box as you wish, for example, hosting it yourself and pointing config.vm.box_url to the URL. OR
Get the .box directly from Vagrant
This requires you to modify the ruby source to prevent Vagrant from deleting the box after successful download.
Locate the box_add.rb file in your Vagrant installation directory. On my system it's located at /Applications/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.5.2/lib/vagrant/action/builtin/box_add.rb
Find the box_add function. Within the box_add function, there is a block that reads:
# Make sure we delete the temporary file after we add it,
# unless we were interrupted, in which case we keep it around
# so we can resume the download later.
if !#download_interrupted
#logger.debug("Deleting temporary box: #{box_url}")
box_url.delete if box_url
rescue Errno::ENOENT
# Not a big deal, the temp file may not actually exist
Comment this block out.
Add another box using vagrant add box <boxname>.
Wait for it to download.
You can watch it save in the ~/.vagrant.d/tmp/ directory as a boxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX file.
Rename the the file to something more useful. Eg, mv boxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX trusty64.box.
Why would you want this?
For me, this has been useful to retrieve the .box file so it can be hosted on local, fast infrastructure as opposed to downloading from HashiCorp's Atlas box catalog or another box provider.
This really should be part of the default Vagrant functionality as it has a very definitive use case.
#Luke Peterson: There's a simpler way to get .box file.
Just go to https://atlas.hashicorp.com/boxes/search, search for the box you'd like to download. Notice the URL of the box, e.g:
Then you can download this box using URL like this:
I tried and successfully download all the boxes I need. Hope that help.
On Windows, the location can be found here. I didn't find any documentation on the internet for this, and this wasn't immediately obvious to me:
In addition to
You have to delete the files in VirtualBox/OtherVMprovider to make a clean start.
On Windows 10 with Vagrant 2.2.2, setting the environment variable VAGRANT_HOME will ensure that boxes are downloaded to a subfolder of the folder specified for VAGRANT_HOME.
In my case I set VAGRANT_HOME to e:\vagrant_home, and the boxes get stored under e:\vagrant_home\boxes.
This works for me.
That's where the boxes are stored. The virtual machines are being created in the folder configured in Virtual Box. To set the VirtualBox VM storage folder, go to: VirtualBox GUI --> File --> Preferences --> General --> Default Machine Folder.