How to measure different coordinates from a PDF file on Windows? - pdf

I am looking for a way to measure the coordinates of different rectangles on a PDF file?
Mainly I do have to perform some overprinting on an existing PDF and I need to know the x,y,w,h on where I am supposed to write the texts.
It seems that on Mac has this ability but so far I wasn't able to find anything on Windows that does the same.
Please do not confuse this feature with the Measuring Tools from Adobe Reader which are used to measure distance in printed construction stuff, not the PDF page itself.
It seems that the default using of measure is point, so I need something that would allow to select a rectangle and that will tell me the coordinates.
Please do not suggest on exporting as a imagine and using something else to measure the pixels on the image.
Update: -- PDF Units, that's what I am looking for, something to measure the PDF coordinates in PDF units.

Disclaimer: I work for Atalasoft.
I know you said not to suggest this, but honestly, it's the easiest approach:
If you mean "sweep out a rectangle in the UI and report the coordinates", that's pretty straight forward, but it's going to be a build-your-own type of thing. What you will need are:
A PDF rasterizer (GhostScript, Acrobat, FoxIt, Atalasoft) to get you an image at a specific resolution.
A tool to display that image in a window and let you sweep out a rectangle (this is straight forward winforms type code for .NET, but we have a control that does this out of the box - combining 1 & 2 into one step).
A tool that can look at the structure of a PDF page and report back the crop box (if any) and the media box for each page (iText, DotPdf).
A tool/understanding of matrix transformations to build the matrix that goes from display space into PDF space (and/or vice versa, probably in iText, definitely in DotPdf)
The code flow becomes something like:
For each page:
Open document, pull out crop and media box, rasterize page, build transformation matrix.
Display image, build/hook into event for selection changing.
Push the image viewer rectangle coordinates through the transformation matrix.
From a coding point of view (assuming 0 prior knowledge of this, but a decent understanding of linear algebra), from 3 days to a 2 weeks. If I were to write it, it would probably take on the order of a few hours, but I wrote most of our PDF tools and this is pretty easy.
If your goal is to intuit where rectangles are on the page and report back those coordinates, that's also doable, but it decidedly non-trivial in comparison. You need to write code that can rip through a PDF display list and interpret the contents correctly. That means being able to handle all the cumulative matrix transformations, the graphics state changes, the gstate object use, Form XObject placement, and so on. You need to answer the question "what is a rectangle?" because in PDF placement, it could be an re operator, a set of degenerate beziers, a set of lines, an image of a rectangle or (surprise!) a combination of all of the above. Honestly, intuiting anything about the content on a PDF page is a Herculean task.


Same image operations applied to two different PDFs, different results

I'm working with two PDFs that are not identical, but are to have the same operation applied to them.
The first one is generated by Microsoft Office 365 by downloading a Word document as a PDF
The second one is generated by Google Drive by downloading a Google Docs document as a PDF
I'm working with some preliminary code using Aspose to apply the same image to both PDF files using exactly the same code. I'm not inclined to blame the library right away as it is capable of generating the correct output when operating on the Office 365 document:
// note: Anyone familiar with the PDF format itself should have no
// issues inferring the low-level operations being performed here...
fun Page.writeImage(image: InputStream) {
val imageName = resources.images.add(image.inMemory());
val rectangle = rectangleFromTopLeft(0.0, 0.0, 400.0, 200.0);
val matrix = rectangle.defaultMatrix();
Regardless of which file I provide, the coordinates for the rectangle and matrix in both these cases remain the same.
For the Office 365 derived PDF, the image is applied to the page as I specify. Where things get weird is when I open the Google Docs derived PDF, the image is applied flipped vertically and at the bottom of the page!
View the four PDF files in their before and after states.
I would love for any PDF experts to perhaps be able to explain to me what's going on here. My initial suspicion is that some prior state or operation in the Google Docs PDF is in effect prior to my image operation.
That said, I'm not familiar enough (yet!) with the PDF spec to pick it out...
I don't know who you should blame, but there is a straightforward reason for the difference.
The Google Docs document has a page stream that begins with:
1 0 0 -1 0 792 cm
This basically does the vertical flipping of the page, the 792 is to compensate and move things back on the page - it should be the height of the page in points.
It does not encapsulate this in a q ... Q pair to do a "save ... restore", which means this matrix is now set for the remainder of all that follows on the page. As you might already know, the PDF specification does not provide a way to reset the page matrix, you can only append to it.
When you add content to the page at the end, your content now inherits this matrix, which is why you see it flipped and at the bottom.
The Microsoft file does not do this and as a result it's handled properly. In this case the matrix remains the identity matrix and you end up with your content where you expected it.
How to fix this? Well, if your library doesn't provide a way to know what the current page matrix is, that's going to be very difficult. It can of course be solved "just for this document" by applying the inverse matrix to cancel out the stupid thing Google did here, but I can imagine this is not the ultimate way to handle this you'd be looking for.

Blurry results on EPS/PDF import [duplicate]

I want to create a visualization of a matrix for some academic work. I decided to go about this by having the pixels in the image correspond to the values in the matrix. I created the nice small png that follows:
When properly scaled up, you get a very reasonable image:
This is a screenshot from within inkscape. However, when export this as a pdf, both evince and chrome do a terrible job at upscaling what should be very trivial, and instead I get something that looks like:
The pdf itself seems to scale appropriately well for printing, but unfortunately I do a lot of my editing without printing, and this looks unacceptable. I did find this incredibly old thread about people seeming to have a similar issue with chrome's pdf viewer, and the "solution" was to just upscale the raster graphics. This is a solution, but is terribly inefficient.
Is anyone aware of a way to change the pdf so that it gets upscaled appropriately? Maybe a config change in evince or chrome that will render these properly? Even a nice way to go from a raster image to a vector image might be suitable?
The comments aggregated into an answer...
An image dictionary in a PDF has an (optional) boolean entry Interpolate. It is specified as a flag indicating whether image interpolation shall be performed by a conforming reader.
The program used by the OP to create the PDF, Inkscape, seems to have explicitly set this flag to true. Editing the PDF to unset this flag creates a file which looks as desired by the OP.
(This also is a solution proposed in this Inkscape forum thread eventually found by the OP, which is to save the PDF with high-resolution bitmaps embedded. File -> Inkscape Preferences -> Bitmaps -> Resolution for Create Bitmap Copy, and set it to 6000 dpi)
The fact that interpolation looks different in different viewers and different output media, is by design. The PDF specification states on interpolation:
A conforming Reader may choose to not implement this feature of PDF, or may use any specific implementation of interpolation that it wishes.
A different way to get around this problem (especially as some PDF viewers have the tendency to not really live up to the specification and e.g. interpolate ignoring that flag) would be to use vector graphics here, drawing the bitmap pixels as rectangles. The result should be optimal.

Photoshop jsx image grid

What I am ultimately trying to do is to create a grid of images for print that are minor variations of the same thing (different text is all). Looking through online resources I was able to create a script that changes the text and exports all of the images necessary (several hundred). What I am trying to do now is to import all of these images into a new photoshop document and lay them all out in a grid and I can't seem to find any examples of this.
Can anyone point me in the right direction to place a file at a specific coordinate (I'm using CS5 and have the design suite so if there is a way in illustrator to do this quickly...)?
Also, I'm open to other ideas on how to do this (even other programs) easily. It's for labels so the positioning on the sheet has to be pretty precise...
The art layer object has a translate() method that takes delta x and y params. You'll need to open each image, copy it to the target document, get its current location (using artLayer.bounds) and do the math to find the deltas to position it where you want it. Your deltas can be in pixels so you'll get plenty of precision.
Check out your 'JavaScript Scripting Reference' pdf in your Adobe install directory for more details.
Ok I'm marking Anna's response as the answer because though I didn't fully test it, it seems like it should work and answers the original question with jsx. However I'm also leaving my final solution in case anyone else runs across this with the same issue and may prefer this method as well.
What I ended up doing instead is using InDesign. I figured out that it has a grid option that lets you import a number of files and place them all in an equal grid in a single command. This is almost exactly what I was looking for, except that it leaves a small border/margin in between the columns and grids and mine were designed to meet exactly.
I couldn't figure out how to make it not have the border (I have very little experience with InDesign, it may be possible). However I was able to select all my images and scale them uniformly to be the correct size, then I just selected each column and dragged it over to snap to the adjacent column and the same with rows...

Possible to control PDF layout with iText?

I'm writing some logic to build a large single PDF file that our users can print at their convenience. I'm using Java's iText library (through Clojure's clj-pdf).
I'm trying to have the PDF show the same exact template form on every single page, however I can't seem to find any documentation or indication that one can have PDF content "fit to a page".
The text in these forms varies a little bit, so there's a chance it might require more of fewer text lines per page. This means that the content has a chance of spilling over to the next page, or being too short, making the next page creep up into the previous one, breaking the requirement of "one form per page" for the rest of the document.
I'm trying to figure out if my option is pretty much only to manually check the length of the text on each page and potentially crop it by hand if I goes over n lines, or if the PDF format somehow supports a smart way of having paragraphs+tables+headings all fit in one page. Some UI systems allow you to control how spill-over is handled, anywhere from cropping to resizing the font, so I'm curious if PDF supports anything of that sort.
Edit: ended up going with pagebreaks for simplicity, wasn't aware of that option when I wrote this question.
If you want to take control over the space taken by text, for instance to fit it on a single page, the way to go would be to create a ColumnText object and to add the content in simulation mode. If the text fits the page, add it for real. If it doesn't, use a smaller font size. This is demonstrated in the MovieAds example where snippets of text are fitted into AcroForm fields.

Reading text + graphic (like lines) info from an existing pdf

I want to read an existing pdf & extract the text and graphics information. Within graphics, currently i just need the drawn lines. There are many vendor component for reading PDF text, but are there ones that can give graphics info too ? Though free/open-source is preferred, I'm ok to commercial ones too.
The requirement is:
For every page in PDF:
Reading text blocks
Getting to know the canvas co-ordinate of the text block (rectangle containing the block). Note, for text with higher font size, the rect size will change.
Lines - need collection of (x1,y1,x2,y2) for every line in a page in pdf
- Seeker
This is my field, though the question is a bit old. Hopefully this still helps.
You leave some room for assumptions, so here are mine:
you seek a script, rather than stand-alone software
your object is archival
you are running command-line scripts:
Use this command line script, detailed at:
you are running server-side code using imagemagick or graphicsmagick functions:
Something like "convert -background white -flatten test1.pdf test1.jpg" (imagemagick) will render the whole PDF page into a jpeg. If you want to then crop it to the image(s), then it depends upon the context of the project to determine the best script(s) to do that.
A rather complex question. If you wish to provide more details about the project, then I can provide some more guidance. Best of luck.