Does surveymonkey api return the unique ID associated with their unique id specifications? - api

Can anyone tell me if they are know for certain whether or not survey monkey's api has the ability to return the unique ID associated with their designated unique id specifications:
It states the following regarding viewing this in the aforementioned link:
When these results come back on the survey, that custom ID of "00001"
appears in the Custom Value field in the Analyze > Browse Responses
However I cannot find any mention of this data being returned from their API in the API documentation:

It can be retrieved by sending 'custom_id' as a requested field to 'get_respondent_list':
It will then be in the 'custom_id' field in the respondent's dictionary.


Retrieve customer related to payment

Anyone know if it's possible to retrieve the customer name related to a transaction from the API?
I see it under "Paid by" if I follow the "payment_url" in the connect v1{{location_id}}/payments/{{payment_id}} endpoint but can't see to find it anywhere else
Background: I'm working on a ticketing system that breaks out items by item_category so a kitchen gets only food items and the bar gets only drink items.
I have queues and itemized tickets by category BUT I can't seem to find the customer's name anywhere
You'll need to utilize the V2 Transactions API. When you call ListTransactions or RetrieveTransaction (ListTransactions), the Transaction object will have an array of Tenders, tenders, which has a field called customer_id. With this id, you will be able to pass it to RetrieveCustomer (RetrieveCustomer) to find out their name. Note that if you're not explicitly filling out their name, the name might not be available (an "instant profile" (Instant Profiles) will be created with whatever information can be retrieve from the card used to pay).
Update: Alternatively, as suggested by #Dan, would be to strip the payment_url from a V1 RetrievePayment (RetrievePayment) which includes the transaction_id at the end of the URL: This is more efficient as you won't need to loop through transactions, and allow you to send it straight to RetrieveTransaction.

Google Plus Activity list 'id' deprecated

I am trying to retrieve the list of activities for a given {user_id} using the following url end points
I am trying to look at the response and the documentation says that id field of an activity is deprecated.
Then how do we identify the uniqueness of a post from google plus if the id field is deprecated. Any help on this issue would be appreciated.
The idof an activity hasn't been deprecated and can still be use to uniquely identify a post. This id is also used as parameter in other methods like comments.list
What has been deprecated is the id of the activity list. Instead of this field the etag field of the activity list response can now be used to check whether it's a new list or a cached response without changes.

How to design RESTful URL with many input parameters

I am working to create a Java based RESTful API that uses Spring MVC.
Now for some of the API endpoints-- multiple different parameters are required... I am not talking about a list of values-- more like parameter1, parameter2, parameter3, parameter4 and so on-- where all the 4 (or more) parameters are of different data types as well.
How do I design the API endpoint URL for the above scenario, eg for 4 separate input parameters? Is there any recommended way/best practice for doing this? Or do I simply concatenate the 4 values, with ach pair of values separated by a delimiter like "/"?
EDIT from user comment:
Example: I have to retrieve a custom object(a 'file') based on 4 input parameters--(Integer) userid, (Integer) fileid, (String) type, and (String) usertype. Should I simply create a REST Endpoint like "getfile/{userid}/{fileid}/{type}/{usertype}-- or is there a better (or recommended way) to construct such REST endpoints?
In REST start by thinking about the resource and coming up with immutable permalinks (doesn't change)to identify that resource.
So, in your example (in comment), you said you want to retrieve a file resource for a user and type (file type or user type?)
So, start with just enough information to identify the resource. If the id is unique, then this is enough to identify the resource regardless of the user who owns the file:
That's also important as the url if a file could change owners - remember we want to identify the resource with just the components needed so it can be a permalink.
You could also list the files for a specific user:
The response would contain a list of files and each of those items in the list would contain links to the files (/files/{fileId})
If for some reason the file id is not unique but is unique only in the context of a user (files don't change owners and id increments within a user - wierd) then you would need these components to identify the resource:
Also note the order based on the description. In that wierd case, we said the files are logically contained and IDed by the user and that's also the containment in the url structure.
Hope that helps.
A GET request to file/{usertype}/{user}/{type}/{fileid} sounds good

Create Salesforce Case object with nested relationships using REST API

I am attempting to create a new Case object using the REST API but need to find out how to format the JSON body to pass in nested SObjects.
It's not apparent in the Docs, and I can't seem to find any examples. Anyone have any pointers or have done this before?
The SF web UI uses a text lookup field to set the (related) Contact and Account, and I need to figure out how to either bypass the need for a lookup or embed the SObjects of the related records in the JSON.
[{"message":"The value provided for foreign key reference Contact is not a nested SObject","errorCode":"INVALID_FIELD"}]
Figured it out by simply setting the AccountId and ContactId attributes on the new Case object.
I also haven't seen any documentation about this, but if you look at the object metadata returned by the REST API for any standard object, it seems that the suffix 'Id' is appended to any field of type "reference". For example, Case has OwnerId, LastModifiedById, CreatedById, etc. This suffix is not present in the field names displayed in the browser interface. The WSDL for the SOAP API includes both the ID as a simple element of type "ID", as well as a complex child element for nesting the actual record.

Organising resource (URI) in REST API

Scenario 1
In my web application say for there is a screen for adding an employee to system. As soon as user tabs after entering name of the employee, it generates the employee code automatically (which is the next field) based on some logic and already present records in the database.
Now I want to expose rest API for this application so that third party devs can build on top of it. So, I will have a resource called as /Employee which will respond for GET, PUT and DELETE verbs. But when a client needs to autofill the code, which is a GET operation, it will be on what resource? Should I make a new resource /EmployeeCodeFor/{Name} or I should get it on /Employee/{Name}/GenerateCode? If I go with /Employee/{Name}/GenerateCode then what about my resource to GET, PUT and DELETE for Employee i.e. actually /Employee/{Id}?
Scenario 2
Here lets take the case of a stackoverflow post. So lets say the resource would be /Post/{Id}. In the same way as in the previous example it lists me possible duplicate question as soon as I tab out of the Title field.
Again on what URL I should get those possible duplicates?
I can't think of more scenarios just now. But many such kind of scenarios may come up in real life application development. How to implement them in RESTful way?
Update on scenario 1
Code and Id are two different fields. Id is primary key, code can be duplicate across departments just to illustrate. Also to generate a code, name should be provided first. So, if user types a name "FirstName LastName" then server might generate FL003 as code assuming that there are already two more employees with firstname starting from F and lastname starting from L in the said department. Department can be identified based on the logged in user.
One way to allow the server an opportunity to pre-fill a bunch of elements in a new resource is to do
POST /Employees
{with empty body}
201 Created
<Employee Id="3443">
This gives the server one chance to provide default values. If you are looking for a more interactive way for the server to provide feedback during the input, I have another approach but it will take quite a bit more explaining.
Scenario 1
Let say your employee code is a unique identifier. In this case, to get it, you would allow the user to complete any field for the new employee and then make a POST. The server would generate the code and respond to the POST with a link to /Employee/{generated_code} which is the record for your newly created employee.
A GET on /Employee would return a list of all employees. A GET on /Employee/{a_code} will give you the employee detail.
Scenario 2
You could have some kind of query on the /Post collection like /Post?title_like={question_title}. A GET /Post?title_like=REST How to would return you a list of all questions containing "REST How to".