IBM Worklight 6.1 - Content of HTML file not displayed - ibm-mobilefirst

I have recently downloaded the IBM Worklight Developer edition from the Eclipse Marketplace.
In order to deploy the app when I right-click on the HTML file and choose Run As > Run On Server. It then asks me to select Localhost which is running on my machine. When the index.html file is displayed in the window, a blank page comes and the contents of the body of my HTML file are not visible.
I am unable to build and deploy and run any project in IBM Worklight.

It is not working for you, because you are doing it wrong...
Read the IBM Worklight Getting Started training materials before jumping headlong into Worklight...
After creating a new Worklight project and application, you need to:
Right-click the Worklight application
And choose Run As > Run on Worklight Development Server
Then you right-click on the Worklight project
And choose Open Worklight Console
Now you can preview your application.
Read the training materials.

Try this also.
After creating a new Worklight project and application, you need to:
Right-click the Worklight application
And choose Run As > Build All Environments.
Then And choose Run As > Preview
This will open your application in the browser
Hope this helps


Not able to run hybrid application in windows phone 8 in IBM Worklight

I made a project in IBM Worklight Version 6.2.I am have added android,iOS and WindowPhone8 Enviournment for the project.I am able to build and run the application in android and iOS.But when i imported the project in VS2012 for windowPhone8 It is not Working.It is not showing the Css and the click events are not working.Seems like it did not loaded Js and css but these files are present in folder structure.
Do i need to do any changes or am i doing anything wrong.Kindly help me running my project in Windows phone 8.
Thanks in Advance
From tests performed, the Windows environment is built and displayed correctly. You've been asked to provide the project where this is happening to you. Do that.
Try cleaning Visual Studio's cache, try to preview your app in MobileFirst Studio and make sure there are no errors.

IBM Worklight Studio Server not starting and not opening Worklight Console

I have recently installed Eclipse Juno 4.2 and IBM Worklight Studio 6.2.
I have created one demo project but its not running due to Following reason
Worklight Server Not starting
Cant Open Worklight Console.
Check Attached Screenshot For error
1.i have created one server
2.and i have start by right clicking on server.
got error
3.I cant find option "Run on IBM WORKLIGHT DEVELOPMENT SERVER" in Option Menu
4.When i try to open Worklight Console it throw error
First of all, you absolutly need not "create a server". This is done for you automatically.
You only need to:
Install Worklight Studio
Click the Worklight icon in the menu bar and select to create a new project and application
Expend the Worklight project from the Project Explorer view and right-click on the application folder (not the project folder like you've done)
Now you will see the Run As > Run on Worklight Development Server option...
This is all covered in the IBM Worklight Getting Started training modules.

IBM Worklight 6.1 - Server configuration procedure - defining the .war file

What is the war file that i should define in the "worklight server configuration description?"
After installing all components from installation manager go to:
Windows Start Menu -> IBM Worklight Server 6.1 -> Server Configuration Tool
In the new window that pops up go to Create a new WL server configuration. Enter a name and the next screen of this wizard ask for a worklight project war.
Is it a projects war file or something in the server installation folder?
I believe this section in the Configuration tool refers to the .war file of the Worklight project you have created using Worklight Studio.
In your Worklight project look inside the bin folder.
There you will find a .war file.
You can review the following training module to getting a better overview:
Moving from development environment to stand-alone QA and production servers
Also read through this Information Center topic:
Deploying the project WAR file

IBM Worklight 6.1 - Build and Deploy not available?

I have used Worklight 5 for Eclipse Juno multiple times and had great success when building hybrid apps for Android and iOS. However, I just recently installed a new version of Eclipse Juno on a new computer and later installed Android ADT and Worklight.
Eclipse works as normal for non-Worklight apps. When I create a Worklight 6.1 project and right-click the common folder, select "Run-As", I am not presented with any options to do just that. I am only seeing the options for "Preview and Run configurations" but should be seeing these mentioned options and "Build and Deploy".
Is there something corrupted in Worklight that I need to change to make these options re-appear? Are these options no longer used? If they are not used, how do I deploy a hybrid to Android, iOS, or any other platform?
In Worklight 6.1 they have re-swizzled the options a bit, but if you want the equivalent of "Build all and Deploy," select: "Run on Worklight Development Server." You need to select the App, not the common folder to get that option.
Since you say you've been using Worklight 5 and have now switched to Worklight 6.1.0, I suggest that you will review the following:
What's New in Worklight
What's New in Worklight
IBM Worklight training modules
The Run As > Build and Deploy action was renamed to Run As > Run on Worklight Development Server and additional actions were added as well. You will want to take some time to re-familiarize yourself with the production...
Tip: no need to re-build after every web resource change you make; just refresh your previewed app and the change will be there.
In the image:
Run on Worklight Development Server = build and deploy
Build Android Environment = build only, don't deploy
Run on Android Studio = if you've installed Android Studio, the built project will open there
Build Settings and Deploy Target = configurations for minification/concatenation/other as well as changing the server the app will be deployed to, etc.
If you do not see these actions, I think it'd be best if you will get a fresh copy of Eclipse Java EE (4.2.2 ("Juno" SR2) or 4.3.1 ("Kepler" SR1)) and re-install Worklight Developer Edition from the Eclipse Marketplace (or your Consumer/Enterprise Edition if you're a Business Partner/Customer).

IBM Worklight 5.0.6 defined in loginmodule 'rejectAll' in the authentication configuration file doesn't exist

I created the new Worklight project and application in Worklight v5.0.6 and it's running fine in the Developer Edition.
After building the project and trying to deploy it to my application server I get this error message:
nested exception is java.lang.RuntimeException: Class 'com.worklight.core.auth.ext.RejectingLoginModule' defined in login module 'rejectAll' in the authentication configuration file doesn't exist."
See the answer here: Failed deploying application using Worklight Console: "Failed to deploy application <appName>.wlapp'. : ERROR
Make sure that you are using the same Worklight version in both WAS
(the Worklight Server you have installed on it) and Worklight Studio
(the Eclipse plug-in you use in order to, eventually, generate the .wlapp).
To find out the Worklight version you have installed in WAS,
load Worklight Console and click on the "About" link at the top-right corner. The version number is displayed there.
To find out the Worklight version you have installed in
Eclipse, go to the Help menu >> About >> click the Worklight icon.
The version number is displayed there.
Mismatched Worklight versions are not recommended to have, and can/will cause such errors.
