YouTrack: How to set user's email notification for any activity in any project - youtrack

How can I set up a saved search on which I can make a user receive notifications for any type of status change on items in any project, or if that's not possible, in any project in which he's simply a member (doesn't need to have reported the item, or have had it assigned to him)?
The 'for:' and 'by:' filters don't seem to give me the capability to set up something like this. Is this possible, to have a sort of 'Super-Watcher' that gets email updates on everything?
I'm self-hosting the free version of YouTrack (4.2.4, build #6055 [24-Jun-2013 20:37]).

Create a saved search with a query like
State:Open or State:-Open
This query will match any issue in any project that's visible to the user.


How to send email notifications for every log note of a record

I would like to implement a way to send an email notification (containing content of a log note) to all followers of a record for every log note of that record. I would also like to implement a way for email-replies to said email notifications to appear as log notes of that particular record.
What would I need to do to achieve this (at the back-end) or does Odoo already have a quick solution for this? I thought of creating a template, and overriding the _message_subscribe function to send its content as an email. Although I'm not sure how to go about linking email-replies back to the portal as log notes.
One of many solutions to this requirement is to set the mail subtype "Note" as default activated.
Those subtypes can be configured on record follower base. So every User can have it's own subtype configurations.
But to just set a default, this should easily work. I'm not a fan of the requirement at all, but atleast i'm a fan of the solution :-P
Just go to Subtypes menu (Settings -> Technical -> Email -> Subtypes) search for "Note" and activate field "default"

In a hosted Azure Devops environment is it possible to create notifications for fields not provide out-of-the-box?

We are using a hosted AzureDevops (ADO) instance to track requirements, bugs, and manual test runs. I know how to create notifications, and i know how to create new fields in ADO.
My question is: is it possible to create notifications for fields such as "Outcome" which is the result of a manual test case the values of which are active, blocked, or failed.
The goal is to create a notification when: assignedTo=#me AND outcome CHANGES (although, I'd accept most combinations.
From the document Default and supported notifications, We can see it is impossible to create a notification from the test case results on the change of the outcome. For test case results is not a work item, the results changed but the test work item is not changed.
Though it cannot be created in a standard way, you can create a custom field (named OutCome) by creating an inherited process. And change your current process to this inherited process
Then create a custom notification to send you an email on the change of the field outcome. You have to manually update the outcome field of the test case from Boards.
You can also go to Developer community to submit suggest a feature request. Hopely Microsoft development team will consider this feature and adding the notification for Test case results.

Zapier update In podio says i don't have permission but clearly I do

Also checked box in podio app to allow users to update and modify items.
Put still get this error in zapier when trying to update
"The app returned "The user with id 1653273 does
not have the right update on item with id 6". It looks like your
connected account doesn't have permission to complete this step. You
should contact the administrator for your account and make sure you
have the needed permissions."
David here, from the Zapier Platform team.
That looks like an issue on the Podio end that Zapier is surfacing. I'd try reconnecting the account in Zapier (maybe you need a fresh token to pick up the permission changes?). If that doesn't work, Podio support is probably your best bet for getting an answer. They'll have the tools to troubleshoot your issue.
Pavlo here, from Podio team :)
Something is wrong with your config, I'm 100500% sure that item with id 6 is not yours and you don't have rights to update it :) Please debug your flow and ensure that you are trying to modify correct item.
i didn't realize item id was a universal id within podio and not just something that would reference in that app. so id 6 seemed reasonable from that perspective as that app only had a couple items in it to test. so i have not gotten the right value from the zapier item look up go to to the zapier item update and it worked flawlessly.

How to get notified with any new issue created in YouTrack?

We have like 10 projects in our YouTrack installation. I want a new team colleague to get notified everytime a new issue is created for one specific project.
Is there something like project manager role? Or do I have to make a custom search and subscribe to it?
Actually, the both options are possible.
You can make your college a project lead. To do this you should go to this particular project settings (/editProject/) and choose this person in Project lead dropdown. In this case a special saved search Unassigned in <Project> is created and the person is subscribed to notifications about created issues in this search.
However, the disadvantage of this solution is that you can have only one project lead per project. So, if you want several people to get such notifications, you can make a similar saved search (with a search line like project: <id> #Unassigned) and subscribe each user for this search - go to their profiles, select Filters and Notifications tab, find this saved search in saved searches list and check corresponding on issue created checkbox.

Creating a form to send multiple emails to existing emails using Rails

I'm building an order management system for customers. I need to set it up so I can build a form that emails a brief of the order status to a customer. The trick is that a customer can have multiple emails i.e no limits on that and the form I need to set up would show the brief generated in a textbox(nothing hard there) as well as a list of checkboxes with the email addresses which to send to.
Clicking on/off the checkboxes determines which addresses would the brief be sent to. I have everything worked out except for one main thing i.e the form - I'm not sure how can I actually set this part up i.e I'm using simple_form here and I'm not sure which model would I be making the form against? Do I need to build another model here? I'm pretty stuck.
May be you can create model like Email without database and use all ActiveRecord helper methods. These articles may be helpful.