I am creating a Vaadin (version 7) portlet, my development environment is eclipse 4.3.1 + tomcat-7.0.27+Liferay-portal-6.1.1-ce-ga2, I am checking the stuff on tomcat and the portlet runs fine there.
Now my deployment environment is Glassfish-3.1.2+Liferay-portal-6.1.1-ce-ga2, the same portlet and the log message is: "sampleApp was successfully deployed", the Portlet error is "Failed to load the bootstrap javascript: ./../../VAADIN/vaadinBootstrap.js".
Please help me solve this.
From Book of Vaadin:
Liferay 6.1, [...], comes bundled with an older Vaadin 6 version. If you want to use Vaadin 7, you need to remove the bundled version and install the newer one manually as described in this chapter.
In these instructions, we assume that you use Liferay bundled with Apache Tomcat, although you can use almost any other application server with Liferay just as well.
12.5.1. Removing the Bundled Installation
Before installing a new Vaadin version, you need to remove the version bundled with Liferay. You need to remove the Vaadin library JAR from the library directory of the portal and the VAADIN directory from under the root context. For example, with Tomcat, they are usually located as follows:
12.5.2. Installing Vaadin
Get the Vaadin installation package from the Vaadin download page
Extract the following Vaadin JARs from the installation package:
as well as the vaadin-shared-deps.jar and jsoup.jar dependencies from the lib folder
Rename the JAR files as they were listed above, without the version number
Put the libraries in tomcat-x.x.x/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/lib/
Extract the VAADIN folders from vaadin-server.jar, vaadin-themes.jar, and vaadin-client-compiled.jar and copy their contents to tomcat-x.x.x/webapps/ROOT/html/VAADIN.
$ cd tomcat-x.x.x/webapps/ROOT/html
$ unzip path-to/vaadin-server-7.1.0.jar 'VAADIN/*'
$ unzip path-to/vaadin-themes-7.1.0.jar 'VAADIN/*'
$ unzip path-to/vaadin-client-compiled-7.1.0.jar 'VAADIN/*'
You need to define the widget set, the theme, and the JAR in the portal-ext.properties configuration file for Liferay, as described earlier. The file should normally be placed in the Liferay installation directory. See Liferay documentation for details on the configuration file.
Below is an example of a portal-ext.properties file:
# Path under which the VAADIN directory is located.
# (/html is the default so it is not needed.)
# vaadin.resources.path=/html
# Portal-wide widget set
# Theme to use
I have added a tomcat server and in my maven ui project I do a maven install. Then I start the tomcat server and it deploys my ui project as a exploded war. Now if I make changes to a js, css or html file should be be seen in the target web app as they do not need to be compiled. Right now I don't see the changes. Is there a setting for it.
Make sure that the your artifact is build when making the project (File > Project Structure > Artifacts > YOUR_EXPLODED_ARTIFACT > Build on make).
Furthermore, use exploded artifact which name ends with .war or .ear.
See more here:
IntelliJ hot swapping classes, but not JSF pages
Looks like Tomcat uses the target folder of maven as the code for webapp. Hence doing an install, moves all code to the target folder and if the file is js, html, css than it gets picked up, when you revist the page.
I am using Axway server which runs on jre 1.5 . So it accepts all classed builded below 1.6 . But problem is I read THIS LINK and I got this line as guide
* Java Developer Kit (JDK) 1.4.x or greater for deployment and 1.5.x (Java 5) for compiling/building. As of AMQ 5.5.0 you need JDK 1.6.0 to**
Which says I can use ActiveMQs below version 5.5 for jre 1.5.
when I use ActiveMQ 5.4.3 am getting bad class version error.Please help me.
This is the line where am getting this error
Object o = Class.forName("org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory",
You could extract the jar as a zip file, and then look inside the folder and check inside the META-INF directory. The MANIFEST.MF file will tell you what version of the jvm the jar was compiled with. I just grabbed the 5.4.3 version of the activemq jar and it said this:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Archiver-Version: Plexus Archiver
Created-By: Apache Maven
Built-By: chirino
**Build-Jdk: 1.6.0_26**
Specification-Title: ActiveMQ :: Jar Bundle
Specification-Version: 5.4.3
Specification-Vendor: The Apache Software Foundation
Implementation-Title: ActiveMQ :: Jar Bundle
Implementation-Version: 5.4.3
Implementation-Vendor-Id: org.apache.activemq
Implementation-Vendor: The Apache Software Foundation
which clearly shows that it was built with the 1.6 jvm. Might need to download the source and build it on 1.5 manually.
In maven repository the last version of activemq built on jdk 1.5 is 5.4.2.
Problem is due to the jvm config file entry for jar newly added.
I don't know and I am not responsible and I don't have permission to do any Admin related privileges.
I put the jar in CLASSPATH exactly.So its ok for all the classes to access that.
But problem is in JVM config file I have to put the entry, I mean I have to give name of the jar with CLASSPATH in jvm.config file of axway.Though I put my jar in class path without put entry in jvm.config, it is worthless.Because while jvm get initialized it checks the config file first to add jar with it.
I received this error on deploying the file to WebLogic.
Should I make any alteration to the Weblogic.xml file?
Error: Unresolved Webapp Library references for "ServletContext#8793091[app:casman-jsf-3 module:casman-jsf-3.5-SNAPSHOT.war path: spec-version:2.5]", defined in weblogic.xml [Extension-Name: jstl, Specification-Version: 1.1, exact-match: true], [Extension-Name: jsf-myfaces, Specification-Version: 1.1, exact-match: true]
To fix this, I had to take the following steps (I am developing using Eclipse and deploying to Weblogic 10.3.5):
REMOVE weblogic.xml from the /WebContent/WEB-INF/ directory
Add needed jars to your lib directory (/WEB-INF/lib/) including JSTL.jar
Add project libraries to your Deployment Descriptor
Install EAR or WAR to Weblogic
This resolved the issue.
the error is because some library referenced in the Weblogic.xml is not being accessed during deployment.
try to call all the referencing libraries through run (Windows OS). Like if you have some reference to a library called \systemlib\alllibs\lib1.jar, then go to run and try calling in the library file or see manually if you can access the file in the server.
If the file is present then for unix/linux server, check if there are no access rights issue on the system. like if the library was placed by the root user and the weblogic user(Application server) does not have rights to read or write on the library folder. Remove any such issues.
Lastly, since the error specifically says JSTL, therefore check if the JRE version and JSTL version are in sync.
If still the error is not resolved, then please share the weblogic.xml also
Do a deep search of "jsf" in your wlServer\common\deployable-libraries folder .
Find the library corresponding to that extension and install it into your server.
Re-deploye the application
It worked for me
I'm trying to do grails clean on my grails project on centoOS server ... It starts downloading dependencies but gets stuck on a particular jar, if I try downloading the jar directly from the browser it working but hangs when I do grails clean
[root]# /root/grails-1.3.4/bin/grails clean
Welcome to Grails 1.3.4 - http://grails.org/
Licensed under Apache Standard License 2.0
Grails home is set to: /root/grails-1.3.4
Base Directory: /root/cooldealsnew
Resolving dependencies...
Dependencies resolved in 1435ms.
Running script /root/grails-1.3.4/scripts/Clean.groovy
Environment set to development
Downloading: http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/junit/junit/3.8.1/junit-3.8.1.jar ...
maybe you are in a network environment requiring a proxy to access external resources
you can add proxy configurations being used by Grails commands using add-proxy
Hi I have just started using IntelliJ again and have version 9. I just installed the Mercurial plugin and now the ide won't start anymore.
Has an error of
Fatal error initializing class com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.ActionManager:
java.lang.VerifyError: class com.dcx.hg.MercurialVcs overrides final method getName.()Ljava/lang/String;
I now know that I should be using the plugin hg4idea
Is there a way I can remove this plugin so I can start the ide, I am sure there must be..
Thanks in advance.
I am running on a Mac, the Plugin directory is located in ~/Library/Application Support/IntelliJIDEA60/ You can just delete the offending plugin. Note, depending on your edition of the IDE, the directory may be different. For example, IdeaIC2016.3
Version 11 for Windows stores plugins also in c:\Users\<username>\.IntelliJIdea11\config\plugins\ so delete plugins from that location as suggested by #duffymo.
If you look in the directory where you installed IntelliJ, you'll see a /plugins directory. Perhaps if you delete the Mercurial plugin folder you'll be able to restart the UI. Worth a try.
NOTE: Check here for OS/version related plugin path.
Ran into the same problem with another plugin. The solution was to remove the offending plugin folder or jar from the Plugins folder - see the exact location below for your OS.
The locations of the user plugins folder for different platforms are listed at https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/entries/23358108-Directories-used-by-the-IDE-to-store-settings-caches-plugins-and-logs:
# e.g.:
~/Library/Application Support/<PRODUCT><VERSION>
Windows Vista, 7, 8:
Windows XP:
Version 15 on Ubuntu:
cd ~/.IntelliJIdea15/config/plugins
rm -r <offending_plugin>
Just delete the plugin. In my MacOS, the path to the plugins folder is:
/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/<your version>/plugins