'DATE' is not a recognized built-in function name - sql

I wish to find all records of the current day. I have a field Date of type DATE.
I am getting error on sql server
'DATE' is not a recognized built-in function name.
on this line
(DATE(EnterDate) = CURDATE() )

As the error states, there is no DATE function in SQL Server 2008 or 2012 (you tagged both so I'm not sure which you're targeting). You can, however, cast to a date type in SQL Server 2008 and above:
Note that there's no CURDATE function either, so I've translated that to GETDATE()

Use the following condition in your where cluase
^------------ Your Column Name with `Date` or 'DateTime' data type
CURDATE() is a mysql function, In Sql-Server we have GETDATE() function to get current date and time.

More efficient one is
WHERE EnterDate > DATEADD(dd, -1, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, GETDATE()))
Thanks #D Stanley #marc_S and #Mihai

Finally I get it done by
WHERE EnterDate > Convert(DATETIME,Convert(varchar,DATEADD(DAY,0,GETDATE()),101))

This is not the exact answer but example how to trim the time part from the date time variable
CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),date_manufactured,10) =CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),#startdate,10))


Convert string to date SQL Server

I have a query when I need to convert a string to datetime, I use
but it's still not working. My column fechac is of type Datetime.
If I pass in for example '2019-11-20 00:03:56.120', the query works but I don't need the time because is a parameter from an application web and I send the date example '2019-11-20'. Thanks!
This is my query:
FROM table
WHERE cb.fechac = CONVERT(DATETIME, '2019-11-20');
Use the format yyyyMMdd. With the datetime datatype yyyy-MM-dd is ambiguous. Otherwise, use a style code:
Reading a lot through the lines in the comments here, however, are you actually after..?:
WHERE fechac >= '20191120'
AND fechac < '20191121'
Final reading through the lines. it appears the OP is actuaklly passing a parameter (I assume of the data type date), therefore...
WHERE fechac >= #fechac
AND fechac < DATEADD(DAY, 1, #fechac)
This should work on any system, regardless of internationalization settings:
WHERE cb.fechac=convert(DATE,'20191120');
FROM table cb
WHERE cast(cb.fechac as date) = convert(date, '2019-11-20', 23)

Subtract two dates in Microsoft SQL Server

I want to subtract 2 dates in MS SQL Server.
Current date Last used date
'2016-03-30' '2015-02-03'
Current date refers to today's date, "Last used date" is a measure.
How to write a query in SQL Server?
I have this but doesn't work (it says "Operand data type is invalid for subtract operator")
SELECT DATEDIFF(day,'2014-06-05','2014-08-05') AS DiffDate
Output DiffDate 61
More practice please refer below W3 school:
Here you don't have to cast GETDATE() to date, as it is already datetime datatype. So your query will be as follows
SELECT DATEDIFF(day,CAST(LastUsedDate as date),GETDATE()) AS DifferneceDays
FROM TableName
The normal function to use is datediff():
select datediff(day, cast('2016-02-03' as date), cast('2016-03-30' as date))
You can subtract datetime values, but not dates. Alas.

Date without the time

I'm working with SQL Server 2005.
I have a column called purchase_time of type datetime. How do I select this column with the time part - just the date.
Would it be safe to get the datetime and split it via Python on the first space, or is this format locale dependant?
In versions < 2008 (which, based on other comments to some of the answers, I believe you are running), the most efficient way is to keep it as a datetime type and use date math to avoid string conversions.
SELECT DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, '20000101', purchase_time), '20000101')
FROM dbo.table;
If you want the date only for display purposes, not for calculations or grouping, that is probably best handled at the client. You can do it in SQL simply by saying:
SELECT dt = CONVERT(CHAR(10), purchase_time, 120)
FROM dbo.table;
In SQL Server 2008 you can use the newly added date type:
select convert(date, purchase_time) from TableName
In versions prior to SQL 2008, I used the following solution for this problem:
select convert(datetime, convert(int, convert(float, purchase_time)))
from TableName

Oracle to SQL server Date conversion

I would like to convert an Oracle SQL query into SQL server query.
But I encountered a problem with the following line :
AND to_date(to_char(M_DATE,'DD-MM-YYYY')) = '27/01/12'
I use
in order to get their data like that : DD-MM-YYYY 00:00:00.000 (data are stocked like : 25/02/12 15:32:06.578)
So I searched on the Internet, but I didn't find any available solution. But I'm not an experienced SQL user, so if anybody know the solution..
In general when removing any time values from a date I would use Date functions rather than converting to string
instead of
Although the end result is the same you are maintaining date format and while I have no specific results sets to prove it conclusively I have found this to be much quicker when dealing with large quantities of data.
In Oracle, I would remove the time element of a datetime using trunc - like so:
AND trunc(M_DATE) = ...
In SQLServer, I would convert to a date - like so:
AND convert(date,M_DATE) = ...
You could just do:
AND convert(varchar(8), M_DATE, 3) = '27/01/12'
Of course, that won't work if you have dates from other centuries.
I'm not sure what you mean by "data are stocked like"; be aware that the Microsoft SQL Server DATE type only has a precision of one day. If you want to have the time as well as the day, you should use the DATETIME2 type

Please tell me what is error in my date comparison sql query

Please help me to find out error in my SQL query. I have created this query to compare dates
select * from Joinplans jp
where cast(convert(varchar,GETDATE(),103) AS datetime) BETWEEN
CASE(convert(varchar,jp.planstartDate,103) AS datetime) AND
CASE(convert(varchar,DATEADD(DAY,jp.planDays,jp.planstartDate),103) AS DATETIME)
It's giving me the error:
incorrect near 'AS'
I am using SQL Server 2005.
You wrote case instead of cast in two instances.
If planStartDate is actually a date, then there is no need to cast it to a character column:
Select ...
From Joinplans jp
where GetDate() Between planStartDate And DateAdd(day, jp.planDays, jp.planStartDate)
Now, if planStartDate is storing both date and time data, then you might want to use something like:
Select ...
From Joinplans jp
Where planStartDate <= GetDate()
And GetDate() < DateAdd(day, jp.planDays + 1, jp.planStartDate)
This ensures that all times on the last date calculated via the DateAdd function are included