Using Infinispan hotrod python client - infinispan

I want to test how hotrod python client works. While testing i am facing an issue where i am not able to store any element whose message id in request header is 128. While checking the code of and i found that HEADER_RES_FMT is set to ">BBBBB" for magic, msg_id, op_code, status and topology_mark. what i believe after going through documentation of hotrod protocol is, this format should be ">BLBBB" as datatype of message id vLong.
Also, i tried changing the format ">BLBBB", but then also it didn't work.
Any help will be appreciated.

Looks like a bug in the client, already reported here:
L won't work because the message id has a variable length (1 up to 9 bytes). I don't think struct.unpack can handle that, so the client should read the bytes one by one.


Unable to POST NZ employee openingBalances to Xero?

I am attempting to create a single opening balances record against an existing employee but keep getting a 400 Bad Request response with this detail...
At least one NZ opening balance item is required in the request
I am following the instructions as per this documentation...
URL : {DestinationID} is properly replaced with the employee GUID{DestinationID}/openingBalances
JSON Body[{"periodEndDate":"2011-01-30T00:00:00","daysPaid":5.00,"unpaidWeeks":0.00,"grossEarnings":1442.31}]
The Xero forums and support is pretty unreliable so I'm posting here in the hopes for a better response.
After some trial and error using the API Explorer that Xero provides I was able to get it working using their example....
I eventually learned that daysPaid and unpaidWeeks must both be integer whole numbers or else it fails.... The error message provided is misleading but this resolves the problem.

Karate : How to send query param without url encoding

I'm currently writing Automated REST API tests using Karate dsl and I'm encountering an issue when I try a kind of destructive test. Sending invalid query parameter.
I follow the recommendation from this post Karate: Query Param values are getting encoded who is to use the url only but it seems to not work with query parameter:
Scenario: Destructive testing - Illegal characters in parameters or payload
* def buildURL = '{"idClient":{"$eq":9223372036854775807}}'
Given url buildURL
When method GET
Then status 400
error: Illegal character in query at index 39:{"idClient":{"$eq":9223372036854775807}}
I have the same kind of test for url path where it works fine, but for query param, this way does not seems to work.
To be clear, my goal is to send query params or at least the character { without url encoding
Any idea to solve that ?
Thanks in advance
karate version : 0.9.6
First, you are trying illegal characters as per the spec, so you may need to manually "URL-encode" the URL - and you already seem to be aware of all this, based on the link in your question. Maybe your server is not compliant with the spec.
Recommend you try upgrading to 1.0 and also refer this open issue:
Anything beyond this will require you to help / contribute code.

Power BI issues with Incapsula

I'm trying to get data->web to a service that uses Incapsula for DDOS and I'm getting the error:
DataSource.Error: The server committed a protocol violation.
Section=ResponseHeader Detail=CR must be followed by LF
There was a workaround posted here:
Power BI (Power Query) Web request results in "CR must be followed by LF" Error
But that workaround won't work for me, as the data that is returned is not a Web.Page (rather it's JSON) and therefore the Web.Page function will return a message that the results don't look like a
Query looks like this:
= Json.Document(Web.Contents("url", [Headers=[Authorization="Basic {encoded value}", #"X-Forte-Auth-Organization-Id"="{org_id}"]]))
and will actually work when I use the query validator, but when I exit out to use I get the error shown above.
If I do this:
=Json.Document(Web.Page(Web.Contents(url, [Headers=[Authorization="Basic {encoded value}", #"X-Forte-Auth-Organization-Id"="{org_id}"]])))
then I get this error:
DataFormat.Error: The resource at 'url' cannot be retrieved using
Web.Page. It doesn't appear to be a web page.
Stack overflow wouldn't let me post the actual urls because I don't have enough reputation.
Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
[Disclaimer: I work for Incapsula]
I recommend contacting Incapsula support at support[at]
They can help you with this, but are unable to post the response publically.

Cannot send USSD GSM Modem

I am working with SMS Application using VB.NET and Serial Ports using GSM modem. I checked the following threads on this site but it cannot answer my problem. Here's what I've done
+CUSD: 1
+CUSD: (0-2)
I also changed the message format to PDU and Text but the result stays the same. It always show Error.
Please help.
First try this :
mine is like this
+CSCS: "PCCP437"
To know what kind of encoding is used.
And to know the supported encoding by your modem do this :
+CSCS: ("UCS2","GSM","PCCP437","PCDN","IRA","8859-1","HEX","UTF-8")
It will return valid values for encoding.
Set it like this :
Now your command will be like this using UCS-2 encoding :
Tell what you find?

Command Status 0x00000011 with submit_multi for SMPP integration

Hi am integrating with Sybase Mobile 365 Services and I have gotten submit_sm and deliver_sm to work fine. I am trying to get submit_multi to work, but no matter what I try I get back a Command Status = 11. Does anyone have any thoughts as to what that command status means? Why I would get that? I have tried different service types and everything else I can think of... with no success.
Command Status = 11 (ESME_RINVDSTADR) means "Invalid destination address".
This mean that probably the the dest_address field in your submit_multi request is wrong.
The dest_address field for submit_multi should be a list of destination address structures as defined in SMPP 3.4 Specification - chapter
The number of destination addresses in the list is set in the number_of_dests field.
Additionally, you could also check that the dest_addr_ton (Type of Number) and dest_addr_npi (Numbering Plan Indicator) are correct for each destination address. For more details about this check out this link.