android:text=" "What If" " how to write this text inside (android:text) attribute,along with double quotes in Android - android-button

I am new to android, what i want is to show a button containing text including double quotes as given below...but I am getting an error as..... "Attribute is missing the Android namespace prefix"
android![enter image description here][1]:text="Continue to "What if" " />

You need to escape the double quotes by using a backslash
android:text="Continue to \"What if\" "
Another option is to use the " XML entity for the double quote symbol.
Here is a question about using double quotes in the text attribute.

android:text='Continue to "What if"'
Found it... thanx guyz...


How can I write and ampersand in a v-input in vue?

How can I write and ampersand in a v-input in vue?
description="I agree to Terms & Conditions
Try the following including using the html code for ampersand as well as correcting usage of single and double quotes:
description="I agree to <a href='/legal-information/terms-conditions' target='_blank'>Terms & Conditions</a>"
Hopefully that helps!

How to pass a string with double quoutes as property in VueJS?

I just tried to use code like below:
<editor init-text="String "Test""></editor>
But DOM breaks because of qoutes in given string.
How to avoid that problem?
Escape the quotes with a \
<editor init-text="String \"Test\""></editor>
Or mix single ' and double " quotes
<editor init-text='String "Test"'></editor>

How to escape a dot in emmet

I am using Atom to write a react-native application. Basically I need a snippet that expands to:
if I try something like: TabBarIOS>TabBarIOS.Item*2 it uses the dot to add a className attribute, so it produces:
<TabBarIOS className="Item"></TabBarIOS>
<TabBarIOS className="Item"></TabBarIOS>
The official documentation includes syntax to escape "|" and "$" with "\", sadly that does not work for dots. Is there a way to escape that dot in order to get it included in the tag name?

Uploading Files Not Working - trim the initial characters

I am trying to upload a file using the WebBrowser control. It trims the starting character sometimes one and sometimes three then choose window gives error Invalid file name!. Can't seem to do it and need some help.
Here is the Html:
<input name="UploadedFile" id="UploadedFile" type="file" />
<input name="up" id="up" type="button" value="Upload" />
Here is the vb code:
Dim el = elc.GetElementsByName("UploadedFile")
' SendKeys.Send("Capture.png" & "{ENTER}")
SendKeys.Send("C:\Capture.png" + "{ENTER}")
that the file upload button comes up and hit enter, but can't input full filename into the file name area.
If I use thisSendKeys.Send("C:\Capture.png" + "{ENTER}"). It gives this error:
Choose window error screenshot
If I use this SendKeys.Send("Capture.png" + "{ENTER}"). It gives this error:
Choose window error screenshot
And if I put extra character then it works fine but it doesn't always trim one character so I can't put an extra character to solve this error.
The problem might be that the sendkeys comes up too fast behind focus, so the first few characters don't get picked up. Try just filling the textbox all at once with one line by setting the textbox's value rather than trying to imitate user keystrokes, this could replace both the focus and sendkeys lines:
WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("UploadedFile").SetAttribute("value", "C:\Capture.png")
...and then call the button-click
You are right #soohoonigan the sendkeys comes up too fast but that is not an answer for that. I did this like that.
Here is my code:
Dim el = elc.GetElementsByName("UploadedFile")
Public Async Sub SetFile()
Await Task.Delay(1000)
SendKeys.Send("c:\Capture.png" & "{ENTER}")
End Sub
It's working fine.

want to display information with link to marker on map using gmaps4jsf

I am using gmaps4jsf jar file and getting dynamic marker on google map. marker having some information and once i click on marker then get the popup and i wrote there "Click me!" i want to provide link on marker data
jsf code:
<m:map id="map" width="650px" height="450px" latitude="#{map.latitude}" longitude="#{map.longitude}" enableScrollWheelZoom="true" zoom="9">
<m:marker latitude="#{point2.latitude}" longitude="#{point2.longitude}" >
<m:htmlInformationWindow htmlText="Click me!" />
<p:commandButton value="Display" action="#{map.display}" update="form"/>
you want to write somthing like this,
<m:htmlInformationWindow htmlText="Click <a href='info.xhtml' target='_blank'>me!</a>" />
target='_blank' means you link will be open in new tab if you want to open same tab then you can remove the target.
but in jsf you can't acheive symbol without & operater so you need to like this where < means "<" and &gt means ">"
<m:htmlInformationWindow htmlText="Click <a href='info.xhtml' target='_blank'>me!</a>" />