Is it possible to launch more than one Webstorm instance using the command-line launcher? - ide

Webstorm can be launched from the command line using the command wstorm. However, would it be possible to launch more than one instance? Usually, the second time I run wstorm, it doesn't open another Webstorm for me and does nothing.

In OS X, this is apparently caused by an outdated wstorm (a Python script at /usr/local/bin/wstorm). I verified the solution indicated in this ticket with WebStorm 2016.1.3:
Go to Tools > Create Command-line Launcher....
UPDATE Nov-2016: As of WebStorm 2016.3, the default name of the launcher changed from wstorm to webstorm. If you prefer wstorm instead, make sure to edit the script name before clicking OK:

Just run:
WebStorm.exe "Full\path\to\the\project\that\contains\the\.idea\folder\of\your\project"
The project will run in the same instance but in a separted window as described here:
NOTE: This was tested on WebStorm 9.0.3 and may not work on previous versions.


Get Output from Terminal Window IDE

I am developing a plugin in Intellij to be used in Pycharm. One problem that I am currently facing is, how can I get the output from the IDE terminal after I execute some command. To execute a command I use the ShellTerminalWidget that creates a new tab in the IDE terminal and executes the command I want. But I need a way to read that output.
Command Execution
It seems consoleFilterProvider extension is what you need.
A simple plugin example with the feature can be found here:

Cucumber-java test steps execute twice in IntelliJ

Normally I run Cucumber-Jvm tests using Run/Debug configuration. Once I tried to run one tests using Run window by selecting the scenario (right click and run)
From that point on wards I see each time when I run test using Edit Configuration I see steps run twice.
I am using IntelliJ Community version
Anyone had this issue before could be any settings change.
Right click on the Play button on your .feature file and select the last choice 'Create Scenario ...'. On the Program arguments box you should have CucumberJvm5SMFormatter only ONCE. I had:
--plugin --plugin --name "^My Scenario$"
Simply, I deleted the second line:
--plugin --name "^My Scenario$"
and it ran perfectly!
Also depends on number of examples you have provided in cucumber
You have probably another test with the same name

GraphDB Failed to create JVM after attempting to change java options

Running GraphDB on windows.
I right clicked the icon, clicked settings. Tried to set Xmx512Mb, (so I mistyped, should have been Xmx512M). Now trying to run GraphDB says "Failed to create JVM", even after uninstalling and re installing.
Where can I find and undo what I typed in the settings if the UI is not starting up?
In other words, where is this configuration stored?
I removed AppData/Roaming/GraphDB and AppData/Local/GraphDB Free
Just to generalize it, If you set an invalid Java option parameter, GraphDB Free may fail to start after the application restart. The only way to solve this problem is to remove the invalid line from the file:
%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\\packager\jvmuserargs.cfg (Windows)
~/Library/Application Support/ (Mac OS)
~/.local/ (Linux).
In addition to Damyan's answer there is a GraphDB Free.cfg file in C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\GraphDB Free\app\ which you can edit.

Sigasi in Eclipse

I have just installed the Sigasi Studio pluginin Eclipse (version: Eclipse IDE 2018-12). When I try to launch it,to make a new VHDL file, I get the following:
The selected wizard could not be started. org/eclipse/lsp4j/Range
(occurred in com.sigasi.hdt.vhdl.ui.VhdlExecutableExtensionFactory)
How I could solve it, please?
Thank you in advance.
Thanks to the Sigasi support, I was able to solve the problem. They wrote me:
The lsp4j plugin version is to recent for the xtext version that ships
with Sigasi Studio 4.2. This issue has been resolved in the preview
channel of release 4.3. Therefore - if you wish to use the plugin
version of Sigasi Studio - I recommend to install the 4.3 preview
following the steps explained on
That's all. Now, I would like to configure Sigasi with GHDL (as a compiler, when I run the project) and GTKWAVE (ad a waves viewer). How can I do that?
Thanks in advance.
SIGASI + GHDL + GTKWAVE (all in one)
It is very powerful combo that you can set up. ATTENTION i use macOS 10.13.6:
Step 1
Make sure you have both installed GHDL and GTKWAVE typing
$ which gtkwave
$ which ghdl
Step 2
Open Sigasi an make new Project and create an additional file with:
/usr/local/bin/ghdl -a --workdir=$WORKING_DIR/work.ghdl $WORKING_DIR/$PROJECT_NAME/$PROJECT_NAME.vhd;
/usr/local/bin/ghdl -a --workdir=$WORKING_DIR/work.ghdl $WORKING_DIR/$PROJECT_NAME/$PROJECT_NAME_TB.vhd;
/usr/local/bin/ghdl -e --workdir=$WORKING_DIR/work.ghdl $PROJECT_NAME_TB;
/usr/local/bin/ghdl -r --workdir=$WORKING_DIR/work.ghdl $PROJECT_NAME_TB --vcd=$WORKING_DIR/$PROJECT_NAME/simulation.vcd;
now, be aware, for each project you create your own variables like
I use always Dropbox for such approach because then i can access via Windows as well.
And of course, there is a possibility to create custom variables in Sigasi -> External Tool Configurator -> Program -> compile_sh -> environment to pass them to make independent. Here you have to deal with it by yourself =)
Step 3 .
Set up you External Tools Configurations to let shell script be executed by Sigasi Studio and create the .vcd file for gtkwave:
Click on currently created Project (in my case it is the PWM_Generator).
After that click on Run -> External Tools -> External Tools Configurations ....
Then go to the left sidebar and under Program create your own anchor like compile_sh.
Finally you have your route :
And now extend this anchor by a custom created shell script :
Main->Location gets ${workspace_loc:/PWM_Generator/}
Main->Working Directory gets ${workspace_loc:/PWM_Generator}
Click Apply and Run and that's it !!! After this you can program VHDL / Verilog and compile via Run -> External Tools -> compile_sh having created .vcd. In your project appears the gtkwave file and there just double click and it starts. =)

Debugging individual protractor files with WebStorm

I want to be able to right click on an individual protractor test, click debug or run and have it execute. I can do this from the command line but I want to be able to debug with WebStorm to leverage the debugger.
By default when right clicking and debugging a file webstorm runs:
runnerw.exe "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe"
--debug-brk=57698 --nolazy myspec.js
Can I have it run the following substituting the filename which I've selected:
node node_modules\protractor\bin\protractor
--specs "/specs/myspec.js"
As a crappy work around I have the following:
This runs a single file but I need to edit the configuration each time to change the spec i'm testing. --specs "myproject/specs/test0043.js"
Does WebStorm allow you to dynamically substitute the test file?
Can I do have it run the following substituting the file I've selected:
node node_modules\protractor\bin\protractor
--specs "/specs/myspec.js"
and can you run the same not using WebStorm (in command line)? If you can, it's not a problem to do the same in webstorm
try ddescribe and iit
iit('should ...')
Will run only those tests marked with iit.
ddescribe will only run the tests under that suite(s)
Try the ddescriber plugin