In VB.NET does MS require the fully qualified function name for the Right or Left string functions? -

According to the Microsoft documentation, to determine the number of characters in str, use the Len function. If used in a Windows Form, or any other class that has a Right property, you must fully qualify the function with "Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.Right".
If I set "Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic" at the top of the form I still have to use the fully qualified name in my code. Why does MS require this?

Because, without the fully qualified name, if there are two methods with the same name, the compiler cannot choose one over the other. So you should take care of the problem giving the correct hint
To ease your typing you could add at the top of your code file this version of the Imports statement
Imports VB6 = Microsoft.VisualBasic
and then you could type
Dim stringLen = VB6.Len(yourStringVariable)
This is the MSDN introduction to Namespaces in VB.NET, in particular, in the first lines of the article is explained your problem Avoiding Namespaces Collisions
NET Framework namespaces address a problem sometimes called namespace
pollution, in which the developer of a class library is hampered by
the use of similar names in another library. These conflicts with
existing components are sometimes called name collisions.
For example, if you create a new class named ListBox, you can use it
inside your project without qualification. However, if you want to use
the .NET Framework ListBox class in the same project, you must use a
fully qualified reference to make the reference unique. If the
reference is not unique, Visual Basic produces an error stating that
the name is ambiguous.
And by the way, start to use the equivalent framework methods for Right, Left, and Len.
They are still available only to help the porting of old VB6 application, (and sometime they work differently). In new applications I suggest to use
string.Substring(start, len)

A winform, Form (derived from Control), have properties named Right and Left.
Public Class Form1
Inherits Form
Public Sub Test()
Dim location_left As Integer = Me.Left
Dim location_right As Integer = Me.Right
'Or simply:
location_left = Left '<- (Referring to Me.Left, not Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.Left)
location_right = Right '<- (Referring to Me.Right, not Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.Right)
End Sub
End Class
Therefore you'll need the use the full qualify name.


Remove namespace or classname from VB.Net when used in VBA [duplicate]

Base Reference: Ten Code Conversions for VBA, Visual Basic .NET, and C#
Note: I have already created and imported a *.dll, this question is about aliases.
Let's say the programmatic name of a Test class is TestNameSpace.Test
public class Test ...
Now, say a C# solution has been sealed and compiled into a *.dll and I'm referencing it in a Excel's VBE. Note: at this point I cannot modify the programmatic name as if the *.dll wasn't written by me.
This is in VBA : Instead of declaring a variable like this:
Dim myTest As TestNameSpace.Test
Set myTest = new TestNameSpace.Test
I'd prefer to call it (still in VBE)
Dim myTest As Test
Set myText = new Test
In C# you would normally say
using newNameForTest = TestNamespace.Test;
newNameForTest myTest = new NewNameForTest;
Note: Assume there are no namespace conflicts in the VBA project
Question: is there an equivalent call in VBA to C# using or VB.NET imports aliases?
Interesting question (constantly using them but never thought about their exact meaning). The definition of the Imports statement (same for using) is pretty clear: its only function is shortening the references by removing the corresponding namespaces. Thus, the first question to ask is: has VBA such a thing (namespaces) at all? And the answer is no, as you can read from multiple sources; examples: Link 1 Link 2
In summary, after not having found a single reference to any VBA statement doing something similar to Imports/using and having confirmed that VBA does not consider the "structure" justifying their use (namespaces), I think that I am in a position to say: no, there is not such a thing in VBA.
Additionally you should bear in mind that it wouldn't have any real applicability. For example: when converting a VB.NET code where Imports might be used, like:
Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word
Dim wdApp As Application
the code would be changed completely, such that the resulting string will not be so long:
Dim wdApp As Word.Application ' Prefacing the library's display name.
I think that this is a good graphical reason explaining why VBA does not need to have this kind of things: VB.NET accounts for a wide variety of realities which have to be properly classified (namespaces); VBA accounts for a much smaller number of situations and thus can afford to not perform a so systematic, long-named classification.
-------------------------- CLARIFICATION
Imports/using is a mere name shortening, that is, instead of writing whatever.whatever2.whatever3 every time you use an object of the given namespace in a Module/ Class, you add an Imports/using statement at the start which, basically, means: "for all the members of the namespace X, just forget about all the heading bla, bla".
I am not saying that you cannot emulate this kind of behaviour; just highlighting that having an in-built functionality to short names makes sense in VB.NET, where the names can become really long, but not so much in VBA.
The answer is no: there is a built-in VBE feature that recognizes the references added to a project and creates aliases at run-time(VBE's runtime) if there are no name collisions
In case of name conflicts in your registry all . dots will be replaces with _ underscores.
» ProgId's (Programmatic Identifiers)
In COM, it is only used in late-binding. It's how you make a call to create a new object
Dim myObj = CreateObject("TestNamespace.Test")
» EarlyBinding and LateBinding
In early binding you specify the type of object you are creating by using the new keyword. The name of you object should pop up with the VBA's intellisense. It has nothing to do with the ProgId. To retrieve the actual namespace used for your object type - open Object Explorer F2 and locate it there
This article explain where the names come from in Early Binding Section
use the same link for When to use late binding
for MSDN Programmatic Identifiers section please see this

Accessing an object over class

When reading an old project of mine I found something suspicious where I don't really understand why this part is working:
Public Shared Sub getXMLforProject(QueryString As String)
Dim linkStart As String = ""
Dim linkEnd As String = "&tempMax=2000"
Dim target As String = linkStart & QueryString & linkEnd
'replaces parts that need encoding,
'groups(1) is the sign e.g. <= and groups(2) is the text that needs encoding
'groups(0) is the text of the full match (sign and encoding text)
target = rx.Replace(target, Function(m As Match) encodeURLString(m.Groups(1).Value) + encodeURLString(m.Groups(2).Value))
Return True
End Sub
the respective path that seams suspicious to me is the line
There is a class called GUI that realises the user interface, but in the file context there is no objects named "GUI" available, so the access must be done by using the class. How is it possible for this to work? Is there an implicit mechanism that redirects the call from the GUI-class to the GUI-object?
You are using VB.NET, it emulates the behavior of the Form class from earlier Visual Basic editions where using the type name was a legal way to refer to an instance of the class. Kinda necessary to give programmers a fighting chance to convert their VB6 projects. Underlying plumbing is the My.Forms object.
So, 99.9% odds are that the GUI class derives from System.Windows.Forms.Form. Especially given that it has a WebBrowser member. The Form is the host window for the browser.

Declare Attribute in VB.NET

In my VB 6.0 code, I declare have the following line:
Attribute VB_Name = "MyFile"
However, in VB.NET, I get the error "expecting declaration". Isn't this a declaration statement? Is there a good reference for finding the differences between VB.NET and VB 6.0?
There's no need for the above code at all in VB.NET.
In VB 6, it specifies the name of the file from within code—this is used for things like the window title, as well as allowing you to explicitly qualify references to the members of that class in your code.
In VB.NET, the name used in the declaration of the class already serves that purpose. You no longer need to provide an explicit name with an Attribute. Consider the following mini-class:
Public Class MyFile
Public Sub DoWork()
'do something here
End Sub
End Class
To call the DoWork method of the class you've named MyFile from another place in your code, you would simply write:
just as you could after you specified the VB_Name attribute under previous versions of VB.
Also note that the file name that your class/module is saved as can be something completely different; the name you specify in the class declaration is not dependent on the name you've given the file itself, just like previous versions.

Assignment to apparently nonexistent variables in VB.NET

I have some VB.NET (which I don't normally deal with) code which must be converted to C# (which I normally do).
The code happens to be in a Windows Forms app. I notice a couple of places such as:
Public Sub New()
ParentWindow = Me
where there is no ParentWindow variable defined, and it doesn't seem to be inherited here:
Public Class MainWindow
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Private Shared parentWindow As MainWindow
(Though note that there is a similar variable with a lower-case first letter.)
and this:
DocumentCount = 0;
where, again, there is no corresponding variable definition and a straight conversion to C# Windows Forms indicates that there is no such member in the parent class.
Am I missing an import somewhere, or is this a feature peculiar to VB.NET that doesn't translate directly to C#?
If this is working it's likely that you have Option Explicit set to off. This is a feature of VB.Net that allows for variables to be used before they are declared. Try adding the following to the top of the file
Option Explicit On
VB is case insensitive, so it's actually assigning to parentWindow and documentCount.
(Edited in response to other comment)
VB is case insensitive. So parentWindow and ParentWindow may very well refer to the same variable. Usually the IDE fixes the case for you though...

.NET Default Properties Error [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why can I access an item in KeyCollection/ValueCollection by index even if it doesn't implement IList(Of Key)?
(2 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have a VB.NET project where I am able to iterate through the keys and values collections of a dictionary object using an index:
When this code is taken from the test project and placed into the real project I get the following error:
'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary(Of Double, String).KeyCollection' cannot be indexed because it has no default property.
'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary(Of Double, String).ValueCollection' cannot be indexed because it has no default property.
This is using VB.NET and VS 2008. I don't know what the difference would be from one project to the next that would cause this error. The test is a console application and the program is a winforms app.
What conditions would cause the default property of these collections to change?
Edit - Thank you for all of the answers that tell me how to loop through a dictionary. Those, answers, however, do not answer my question of why I can use an index in one project and not the other. Should I not be able to copy and paste the code from one .net project to another and have it work the same? And, no, option strict, is not the cause of the problem.
Edit - Attempt to reproduce what I'm seeing:
Create a new VB.NET Console Application using VS 2008
Copy and paste the following code into the module:
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Module Module1
Public dtf As Dictionary(Of Double, String)
Public Sub BuildDictionary()
dtf = New Dictionary(Of Double, String)
dtf.Add(1.0, "1")
dtf.Add(0.0, "0")
End Sub
Public Sub Search()
For idx As Integer = 0 To dtf.Keys.Count - 1
If dtf.Keys(idx) = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
In the line in sub search that says "dtf.Keys(idx) = 0" place your cursor after the right parenthesis and backspace you should get a tooltip that says, "<Extension> ElementAtOrDefault(index as Integer) as Double - index: the zero based element of the index to retrieve.
I am not getting that in my other project. Even though it seem I have the same references and settings.
KeyCollection does not implement indexers like that, you must enumerate through the MyDictionary.Keys.
foreach(double key in MyDictionary.Keys)
Console.Write( MyDictionary[ key ] )
For Each key As Double in MyDictionary.Keys
Console.Write( MyDictionary( key )
Next key
Looping with a for(;i++;) wouldn't be the correct way of going through your hashtable (dictionary) since it is not an array it really has no concept of an array index (array[index])
I bet your real project had OPTION STRICT ON, as all projects should, and that your test project had it OFF. That's why you didn't get a compiler error in your test project.
EDIT: the poster says he has OPTION STRICT ON for both projects. That makes this more interesting.
I still think the most likely reason for this difference is that in one case, the compiler compiled the code and saw the error; but in the other case, the compiler didn't comile the code. Is this the same version of Visual Studio on the same machine at the same time? Same .NET Framework version in both cases?
Are these both the same type of project, for instance, are they both console applications? I ask because ASP.NET Web Site "projects" usually don't attempt to compile code until the code is called. If your test project were such a "project", and if you didn't actualy test the code (that is, if you didn't actually step into this code and see it work), then you might have assumed that the fact you could press F5 meant that all the code was compiled, when it wasn't.
My next thoughts would be to see if MyDictionary was really of the same type in both cases.
Beyond that, if you really need to know why this happened, I'd make a copy of the "real" project, and start changing it to be more and more like the test project. This would probably be a matter of mass deletions at first. I'd keep changing it either until the problem was found, or until the two were identical.
EDIT 2: The default console project imports the System.Linq namespace (see the "References" tab in project properties). This import brings the ElementAtOrDefault extension method into scope. This extension method extends IEnumerable(Of T); in your case IEnumerable(Of Double), which is what the Keys property implements.
What surprises me about this is that VB.NET is automatically applying this extension method. In C#, the method would need to be explicitly named.
If you remove the Import of System.Linq, you'll find that your test application gets the same error as the production application.
The Keys and Values property of Dictionary(Of TKey,TValue) do not have an indexer property. They are implementations of ICollection vs. IList and hence don't support accesses by Index. If you want to iterate through a Dictionary, the best way is a For Each loop.
For Each pair in MyDictionary
Dim key = pair.Key
Dim value = pair.Value
Have you checked to make sure that System.Core is referenced in both projects and that you have a project level imports for System.Linq? That's the only thing I can think of that would produce a difference in ElementAtOrDefault which is a method inside of system.Core.
I'm still a bit baffled why that method would be bound to for a simple indexer. Going to look into that