Assignment to apparently nonexistent variables in VB.NET -

I have some VB.NET (which I don't normally deal with) code which must be converted to C# (which I normally do).
The code happens to be in a Windows Forms app. I notice a couple of places such as:
Public Sub New()
ParentWindow = Me
where there is no ParentWindow variable defined, and it doesn't seem to be inherited here:
Public Class MainWindow
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Private Shared parentWindow As MainWindow
(Though note that there is a similar variable with a lower-case first letter.)
and this:
DocumentCount = 0;
where, again, there is no corresponding variable definition and a straight conversion to C# Windows Forms indicates that there is no such member in the parent class.
Am I missing an import somewhere, or is this a feature peculiar to VB.NET that doesn't translate directly to C#?

If this is working it's likely that you have Option Explicit set to off. This is a feature of VB.Net that allows for variables to be used before they are declared. Try adding the following to the top of the file
Option Explicit On

VB is case insensitive, so it's actually assigning to parentWindow and documentCount.
(Edited in response to other comment)

VB is case insensitive. So parentWindow and ParentWindow may very well refer to the same variable. Usually the IDE fixes the case for you though...


Remove namespace or classname from VB.Net when used in VBA [duplicate]

Base Reference: Ten Code Conversions for VBA, Visual Basic .NET, and C#
Note: I have already created and imported a *.dll, this question is about aliases.
Let's say the programmatic name of a Test class is TestNameSpace.Test
public class Test ...
Now, say a C# solution has been sealed and compiled into a *.dll and I'm referencing it in a Excel's VBE. Note: at this point I cannot modify the programmatic name as if the *.dll wasn't written by me.
This is in VBA : Instead of declaring a variable like this:
Dim myTest As TestNameSpace.Test
Set myTest = new TestNameSpace.Test
I'd prefer to call it (still in VBE)
Dim myTest As Test
Set myText = new Test
In C# you would normally say
using newNameForTest = TestNamespace.Test;
newNameForTest myTest = new NewNameForTest;
Note: Assume there are no namespace conflicts in the VBA project
Question: is there an equivalent call in VBA to C# using or VB.NET imports aliases?
Interesting question (constantly using them but never thought about their exact meaning). The definition of the Imports statement (same for using) is pretty clear: its only function is shortening the references by removing the corresponding namespaces. Thus, the first question to ask is: has VBA such a thing (namespaces) at all? And the answer is no, as you can read from multiple sources; examples: Link 1 Link 2
In summary, after not having found a single reference to any VBA statement doing something similar to Imports/using and having confirmed that VBA does not consider the "structure" justifying their use (namespaces), I think that I am in a position to say: no, there is not such a thing in VBA.
Additionally you should bear in mind that it wouldn't have any real applicability. For example: when converting a VB.NET code where Imports might be used, like:
Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word
Dim wdApp As Application
the code would be changed completely, such that the resulting string will not be so long:
Dim wdApp As Word.Application ' Prefacing the library's display name.
I think that this is a good graphical reason explaining why VBA does not need to have this kind of things: VB.NET accounts for a wide variety of realities which have to be properly classified (namespaces); VBA accounts for a much smaller number of situations and thus can afford to not perform a so systematic, long-named classification.
-------------------------- CLARIFICATION
Imports/using is a mere name shortening, that is, instead of writing whatever.whatever2.whatever3 every time you use an object of the given namespace in a Module/ Class, you add an Imports/using statement at the start which, basically, means: "for all the members of the namespace X, just forget about all the heading bla, bla".
I am not saying that you cannot emulate this kind of behaviour; just highlighting that having an in-built functionality to short names makes sense in VB.NET, where the names can become really long, but not so much in VBA.
The answer is no: there is a built-in VBE feature that recognizes the references added to a project and creates aliases at run-time(VBE's runtime) if there are no name collisions
In case of name conflicts in your registry all . dots will be replaces with _ underscores.
» ProgId's (Programmatic Identifiers)
In COM, it is only used in late-binding. It's how you make a call to create a new object
Dim myObj = CreateObject("TestNamespace.Test")
» EarlyBinding and LateBinding
In early binding you specify the type of object you are creating by using the new keyword. The name of you object should pop up with the VBA's intellisense. It has nothing to do with the ProgId. To retrieve the actual namespace used for your object type - open Object Explorer F2 and locate it there
This article explain where the names come from in Early Binding Section
use the same link for When to use late binding
for MSDN Programmatic Identifiers section please see this

Reference to a non-shared member requires reference

I am updating some code from a vb6 application to VB.NET.
I have a problem that occurs when I try to open a form from the main form.
It calls this function:
Public Sub optDrawSafeFile_CheckedChanged(ByVal eventSender As System.Object, ByVal eventArgs As System.EventArgs) Handles optDrawSafeFile.CheckedChanged
If eventSender.Checked Then
' JRL 11-03-06
' change the enables
cboProject.SelectedIndex = frmMain.cboProjects.SelectedIndex
End If
End Sub
And when it goes to execute this line:
cboProject.SelectedIndex = frmMain.cboProjects.SelectedIndex
It blows up and says this:
frmMain is declared like this:
How can I fix this error?
It is described in more detail in this video.
Short answer: change frmMain to My.Forms.frmMain.
cboProject.SelectedIndex = My.Forms.frmMain.cboProjects.SelectedIndex
Long answer:
In VB6, referencing a form by its name allowed you to access it both as a class and an instance of that class. The instance that you access in this manner is called the default instance. This is not possible in VB.NET. However, VB.NET includes a dynamically generated class, My.Forms, that provides functionality similar to that of default instances.
See for more information about My.Forms and the "My" namespace.
A better and more object-oriented way to handle this, however, would be to pass the instance of the main form to the constructor of the frmAddMethod form and store it in an instance field.
So, within the class definition in frmAddMethod.vb:
Sub New(ByVal mainForm As frmMain)
_mainForm = mainForm
End Sub
Private _mainForm as frmMain
And when you create the frmAddMethod instance from frmMain, pass in "Me" to the constructor:
Dim addMethodForm as new frmAddMethod(Me)
"Me" is the instance of the class from which a non-shared class method was called.
This will allow you to use the _mainForm class field to access the instance of the main form from non-shared methods of frmAddMethod.
*Edited to recommend My.Forms instead of DefInstance per Plutonix's comment.
Nothing is "blowing up", your program is not crashing. Using a type name, like frmMain, where an object reference is expected is something that the VB.NET compiler allows. Specifically for the Form class, an appcompat hack for VB6 code. It is the debugger that doesn't think much of it. It merely gives you a diagnostic on your watch expression since it doesn't have the same appcompat hack as the compiler does. So doesn't know what to display.
You can use My.Forms instead to get the active form object reference. So make your watch expression:
Only do this when you are single-stepping the code, it will still go wrong if you use Debug + Break All to break into the program. Setting a watch expression on Me.cboProject is otherwise the obvious workaround in this specific case.

In VB.NET does MS require the fully qualified function name for the Right or Left string functions?

According to the Microsoft documentation, to determine the number of characters in str, use the Len function. If used in a Windows Form, or any other class that has a Right property, you must fully qualify the function with "Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.Right".
If I set "Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic" at the top of the form I still have to use the fully qualified name in my code. Why does MS require this?
Because, without the fully qualified name, if there are two methods with the same name, the compiler cannot choose one over the other. So you should take care of the problem giving the correct hint
To ease your typing you could add at the top of your code file this version of the Imports statement
Imports VB6 = Microsoft.VisualBasic
and then you could type
Dim stringLen = VB6.Len(yourStringVariable)
This is the MSDN introduction to Namespaces in VB.NET, in particular, in the first lines of the article is explained your problem Avoiding Namespaces Collisions
NET Framework namespaces address a problem sometimes called namespace
pollution, in which the developer of a class library is hampered by
the use of similar names in another library. These conflicts with
existing components are sometimes called name collisions.
For example, if you create a new class named ListBox, you can use it
inside your project without qualification. However, if you want to use
the .NET Framework ListBox class in the same project, you must use a
fully qualified reference to make the reference unique. If the
reference is not unique, Visual Basic produces an error stating that
the name is ambiguous.
And by the way, start to use the equivalent framework methods for Right, Left, and Len.
They are still available only to help the porting of old VB6 application, (and sometime they work differently). In new applications I suggest to use
string.Substring(start, len)
A winform, Form (derived from Control), have properties named Right and Left.
Public Class Form1
Inherits Form
Public Sub Test()
Dim location_left As Integer = Me.Left
Dim location_right As Integer = Me.Right
'Or simply:
location_left = Left '<- (Referring to Me.Left, not Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.Left)
location_right = Right '<- (Referring to Me.Right, not Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.Right)
End Sub
End Class
Therefore you'll need the use the full qualify name.

Public variables are not REALLY public in VBA in Forms

Below is a question that I will answer myself, however it caused a GREAT deal of frustration for me and I had a lot of trouble searching for it on the web, so I am posting here in hopes of saving some time & effort for others, and maybe for myself if I forget this in the future:
For VBA (in my case, MS Excel), the Public declaration is supposed to make the variable (or function) globally accessible by other functions or subroutines in that module, as well as in any other module.
Turns out this is not true, in the case of Forms, and I suspect also in Sheets, but I haven't verified the latter.
In short, the following will NOT create a public, accessible variable when created in a Form, and will therefore crash, saying that the bYesNo and dRate variables are undefined in mModule1:
(inside fMyForm)
Public bYesNo As Boolean`
Public dRate As Double
Private Sub SetVals()
bYesNo = Me.cbShouldIHaveADrink.value
dRate = CDec(Me.tbHowManyPerHour.value)
End Sub
(Presume the textbox & checkbox are defined in the form)
(inside mModule1)
Private Sub PrintVals()
Debug.Print CStr(bYesNo)
Debug.Print CStr(dRate)
End Sub
However, if you make the slight alteration below, it all will work fine:
(inside fMyForm)
Private Sub SetVals()
bYesNo = Me.cbShouldIHaveADrink.value
dRate = CDec(Me.tbHowManyPerHour.value)
End Sub
(Presume the textbox & checkbox are defined in the form)
(inside mModule1)
Public bYesNo As Boolean`
Public dRate As Double
Private Sub PrintVals()
Debug.Print CStr(bYesNo)
Debug.Print CStr(dRate)
End Sub
mModule1 will work perfectly fine and, assuming that the fMyForm is always called first, then by the time the PrintVals routine is run, the values from the textbox and checkbox in the form will properly be captured.
I honestly cannot possibly fathom what MS was thinking with this change, but the lack of consistency is a huge suck on efficiency, learning idiosyncracies like these, which are so poorly documented that a Google search in 2013 for something that has likely been around for a decade or more is so challenging to search.
First comment:
Userform and Sheet modules are Object modules: they don't behave the same way as a regular module. You can however refer to a variable in a userform in a similar way to how you'd refer to a class property. In your example referring to fMyForm.bYesNo would work fine. If you'd not declared bYesNo as Public it wouldn't be visible to code outside of the form, so when you make it Public it really is different from non-Public. – Tim Williams Apr 11 '13 at 21:39
is actually a correct answer...
As a quick add-on answer to the community answer, just for a heads-up:
When you instantiate your forms, you can use the form object itself, or you can create a new instance of the form object by using New and putting it in a variable. The latter method is cleaner IMO, since this makes the usage less singleton-ish.
However, when in your userform you Call Unload(Me), all public members will be wiped clean. So, if your code goes like this:
Dim oForm as frmWhatever
Set oForm = New frmWhatever
Call oForm.Show(vbModal)
If Not oForm.bCancelled Then ' <- poof - bCancelled is wiped clean at this point
The solution I use to prevent this, and it is a nice alternative solution for the OP as well, is to capture all IO with the form (i.e. all public members) into a separate class, and use an instance of that class to communicate with the form. So, e.g.
Dim oFormResult As CWhateverResult
Set oFormResult = New CWhateverResult
Dim oForm as frmWhatever
Set oForm = New frmWhatever
Call oForm.Initialize(oFormResult)
Call oForm.Show(vbModal)
If Not oFormResult.bCancelled Then ' <- safe
There are other limitations to Public within Excel VBA.
MSoft documentation in states that public variables are global to the VBA project - it's not true.
Public variables are only global to the workbook within which they are declared, and then only across standard modules. Public variables declared within workbook code are not visible in standard modules, even though standard module sub's are - which are defined to be public.
Public variables declared in one workbook's standard modules are certainly not accessible from other workbooks in the same VBA project, contrary to the MSoft documentation.

InvokeMember using GetField. Field not found in VB.NET

This is probably a simple one but I can't seem to figure it out.
I have a bunch of form items created by the form designer declared as (in frmAquRun.Designer.vb)
Public WithEvents btnAquRunEvent1 As VisibiltyButtonLib.VisibilityButton
Public WithEvents btnAquRunEvent2 As VisibiltyButtonLib.VisibilityButton
... etc
And I basically want to be able to supply a number to a function access each of these fields. So I wrote this function. (in frmAquRun.vb)
Const EVENT_BUTTON_PREFIX As String = "btnAquRunEvent"
Public Function getEventButton(ByVal id As Integer) As Windows.Forms.Button
Dim returnButton As Windows.Forms.Button = Nothing
returnButton = DirectCast(Me.GetType().InvokeMember(eventButtonName, Reflection.BindingFlags.GetField Or Reflection.BindingFlags.Public Or Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance, Nothing, Me, Nothing), Windows.Forms.Button)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Return returnButton
End Function
But it always seems to be generating field not found exceptions.
The message in the exception is "Field 'ATSIS_ControlProgram.frmAquRun.btnAquRunEvent1' not found.".
The namespace and form name in the message are correct. Any idea what i'm doing wrong?
The problem is that for WithEvents fields, VB actually creates a property that does the necessary event handler attaching and detaching. The generated property has the name of the field. The actual backing field gets renamed to _ + original name.1)
So in order for your code to work just prefix the button name by _ or use the BindingFlag that corresponds to the property getter (instead of GetField).
Alternatively, you can do this a lot easier by using the Controls collection of the form:
returnButton = DirectCast(Me.Controls(eventButtonName), Windows.Forms.Button)
But beware that this only works if the button is top-level, i.e. not nested within a container control on the form.
1) This is an implementation detail of the VB compiler but it’s portable (especially to Mono’s vbnc compiler) since the handling for WithEvents fields is described in great detail in the VB language specifications.
The problem is that the event handlers aren't really fields. As compiled they're really properties that implement add_btnAquRunEventX, remove_btnAquRunEventX and fire_btnAquRunEventX methods. There are ways of using reflection to get around this, but that's probably not the best way to approach the problem. Instead you can simply create a List<> and populate it with the event handlers, then index into that list.
I'm a little rusty in VB syntax but it should look something like this:
Dim events = New List<EventHandler>()
events.Add( btnAquRunEvent1 )
events.Add( btnAquRunEvent2 )
events( 0 )( null, EventArgs.Empty )
Take a step back though and evaluate why you're invoking by index. There may be a simpler way of abstracting the whole thing that doesn't involve all this indirection.