Excel VBA Copy and Paste Loop within Loop - vba

I’ve been working on this VBA code for a while and since I’m a complete noob I feel like I haven’t gotten anywhere. I’ve been researching a ton, but can’t seem to combine answers to help with my scenario.
Essentially what I’m trying to do is grab data, line by line, from one worksheet and extrapolate it to another worksheet. I believe this will involve loops and I’m so new with VBA I don’t know how to do it.
Here’s the logic I’m attempting:
For each row on worksheet 1, I would like to perform 3 different copy and paste activities to worksheet 2 and then it will loop down to the next row on sheet1 and do the 3 activities and so on. This will continue downwards until column A is blank in sheet1. Sheet1 data starts at A3 and sheets2 paste area starts at A2.
The first activity is to copy cells F3,D3,A3, and H3 (in that order so F3 will be A2, D3 will be B2 etc) from sheet 1 to sheet 2 to A2,B2,C2, etc. A destination functions can’t be used because I need just the values and no other formats—one of the many issues I’ve ran in to.
The next activity is to copy cells F3,D3,A3 and I3 from sheet 1 to sheet2 pasted below the previous copy and paste—again no formats just values. Also to note, some of these may be blank (except A column) but I still need that row there with at least column A data—this goes to say with all these activities.
The third activity is to copy and paste sheet1’s F3,D3, and A3 a certain number of times referencing K3’s number—and each copy and paste will be in the next available blank cell. So if the number in K3 it will look like it created 3 rows in sheet2—totaling 5 rows on sheet2 since activity1 and 2 each create their own row.
After these three activities are completed for row 3 on sheet 1, it will then move to row 4 and do the previous three activities and paste to sheet2. And again it will be pasting no formats and in the next blank row on sheet 2. Also again, this loop will stop once the cell in Column A is blank.
Below is my incomplete code. I don’t even think it will help one bit and it would probably be better not to even look at it. I’ve just started to get frustrated since I can’t even do a simple copy and paste, yet alone loops within loops. I also haven’t even started on my third activity. I greatly appreciate it!
Sub copyTest3()
Dim proj As Range, release As Range, pm As Range, lead As Range, coord As Range
Dim leadCopy As Range, coordCopy As Range
Dim i As Range
Set proj = Range("A3", Range("A3").End(xlDown))
Set release = Range("D3", Range("D3").End(xlDown))
Set pm = Range("F3", Range("F3").End(xlDown))
Set lead = Range("H3", Range("H3").End(xlDown))
Set coord = Range("I3", Range("I3").End(xlDown))
Set leadCopy = Union(pm, release, proj, lead)
Set coordCopy = Union(pm, release, proj, coord)
For i = 1 To Range(ActiveSheet.Range("A3"), ActiveSheet.Range("A3").End(xlDown))
ActiveSheet.PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
Application.CutCopyMode = False
ActiveSheet.PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
Next i
End Sub

There are many ways to do this, and some are more efficient than others. My solution may not be the most efficient, but hopefully it will be easy for you to understand so that you can learn.
It's very difficult to understand what you're attempting to do in activity three, so I wasn't able to provide a solution to that step. Use my code as a template for step three and if you run into issues, feel free to leave a comment.
Notice that I don't use .Activate, .Select, or .Copy in this code. .Activate and .Select are huge efficiency killers, and they make it easier for your code to "break," so avoid using them when possible. .Copy isn't necessary when working with values or formulas and will also slow your code down.
Sub testLoopPaste()
Dim i As Long
Dim ii As Long
Dim i3 as Long
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim sht1 As Worksheet
Dim sht2 As Worksheet
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set sht1 = wb.Sheets("Sheet1")
Set sht2 = wb.Sheets("Sheet2")
'Find the last row (in column A) with data.
LastRow = sht1.Range("A:A").Find("*", searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Row
ii = 2
'This is the beginning of the loop
For i = 3 To LastRow
'First activity
sht2.Range("A" & ii) = sht1.Range("F" & i).Value
sht2.Range("B" & ii) = sht1.Range("D" & i).Value
sht2.Range("C" & ii) = sht1.Range("A" & i).Value
sht2.Range("D" & ii) = sht1.Range("H" & i).Value
ii = ii + 1
'Second activity
sht2.Range("A" & ii) = sht1.Range("F" & i).Value
sht2.Range("B" & ii) = sht1.Range("D" & i).Value
sht2.Range("C" & ii) = sht1.Range("A" & i).Value
sht2.Range("D" & ii) = sht1.Range("I" & i).Value
ii = ii + 1
'Third activity
For i3 = 1 To sht1.Range("K" & I)
sht2.Range("A" & ii) = sht1.Range("F" & i).Value
sht2.Range("B" & ii) = sht1.Range("D" & i).Value
sht2.Range("C" & ii) = sht1.Range("A" & i).Value
ii = ii + 1
Next i3
Next i
End Sub

The way I usually approach copying data between sheets in Excel is to create source range and destination range objects, each range referring to just one row. When I want to move on to the next row, I use Offset to return a range offset to the next row.
Since the ranges only refer to one row, you can index them with an integer to get the cells in the row. E.g. if cursor refers to columns A through D in row 3, cursor(3) will give you the cell C3.
Dim src_cursor As Range
Dim dest_cursor As Range
Set src_cursor = ActiveSheet.Range("A3:I3")
Set dest_cursor = Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A2:D2")
'' Loop until column A is empty in source data
Do Until IsEmpty(src_cursor(1))
dest_cursor(1) = src_cursor(6) '' copy F -> A
dest_cursor(2) = src_cursor(4) '' copy D -> B
'' and so on
'' move cursors to next row
Set src_cursor = src_cursor.Offset(1, 0)
Set dest_cursor = dest_cursor.Offset(1, 0)
Also, this might be getting a little off topic, but it's a better practice to use an Enum to name the column numbers instead of hardcoding them like I did here.


VBA: Give a value to blank cells in rows that meet certain criteria

Well I have done a lot of research and found a lot of relevant questions and answers but couldn't quite figure out how to cater that information to my specific need.
I am working on a project to create a macro that will correct mistakes and fill in information commonly found in product catalogs that I work with.
One thing I am trying to accomplish is to give the value "unassigned" to each blank cell in a row that is marked "Y" in column B.
I've found out how to change every cell in those particular rows and have it adjust dynamically to the number of rows. What I can't figure out is how to do the same for the number of columns. In my code below everything between columns B and S is included. Column B will always be in the same spot but column S will not always be the last column.
Dim tracked As String
Dim endCell As Range
Dim endRow As Long
Dim endColumn As Long
Dim start As Long
endRow = ActiveSheet.Range("D2").End(xlDown).Row
endColumn = ActiveSheet.Range("A1").End(xlToRight).Column
Let tracked = "B2:" & "B" & endRow
Set trackItem = ActiveSheet.Range(tracked)
For Each y In trackItem
If Left(y.Value, 1) = "Y" Then
'start = y.Row
'Set endCell = ActiveSheet.Cells(endColumn, start)
ActiveSheet.Range("B" & y.Row & ":" & "S" & endColumn).Value = "Unassigned"
End If
Next y
I included some code that I've left commented out so you can see what I've tried.
So, I can successfully change the value of all cells within that range but I need to know how to do it with a range where the number of columns will not always be the same. In addition, I want to select the blank cells only within this range and assign them a value. I imagine this will need to be done row by row as the correct criteria will not always be together.
I'm surprised more people don't use 'UsedRange' when there is a need to loop through all the cells that have data on a sheet. (Just yesterday someone was complaining that it takes too long to loop through all 17,179,869,184 cells on a worksheet...)
This example lists & counts the "used" range, and will easily adapt to your needs.
Sub List_Used_Cells()
Dim c As Range, x As Long
For Each c In ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Cells
Debug.Print c.Address & " ";
x = x + 1
Next c
Debug.Print " -> " & x & " Cells in Range '" & ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Address & "' are considered 'used'."
End Sub

Paste copied lists at the very end of a row

At the moment I’m only able to copy&paste stuff from one row.
I use the code below:
Dim lastRow As Long
With Sheets("Tab1")
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(.Columns(3)) <> 0 Then
lastRow = .Cells(Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row + 1
lastRow = 1
End If
.Range("C" & lastRow).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
End With
My problem is that I need to copy and paste lists. Can someone show me how to use this code to copy&paste lists?
I wanted to copy more rows, like (A25:S25, A27:S27, A30:S30)
It should copy always the same rows.
There are two reasons for your code copying just one row:
The code selects just one row to copy
The select just on row to Paste
.Range("C" & lastRow).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues …
As it’s not clear if you want to copy several rows despite selecting just one or to copy that one row to several rows I’ll cover both options in order to give you an idea of what to do in both cases:
Setting the range to be copied
a. To copy just range B85:S85 one row only then what you are doing is correct
b. To copy X rows down from row 85 (including row 85)
c. To copy Y rows up from row 85 (including row 85)
Wbk.Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B85:S85").Offset(1-Y, 0).Resize(Y)
d. To copy the range bounded by any combination of blank rows and blank columns in which "B85:S85" is included (see Range.CurrentRegion Property (Excel))
Note that this will include also any rows above and below row 85 if they have at least one cell not blank that causes the "current region" to extend upwards or downwards and it will also include any columns to the left of columns B or to the right of column S if they have at least one cell not blank that causes the "current region" to extend sideways
This procedure demonstrates the options explained above:
Sub Range_Set()
Dim rSrc As Range
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Tabelle2")
'If want to copy just this row 85
Application.Goto .Cells(1), 1
Set rSrc = .Range("B85:S85")
rSrc.Select: Stop
'If want to copy 5 rows down from row 85 (including row 85)
Application.Goto .Cells(1), 1
Set rSrc = .Range("B85:S85").Resize(5)
rSrc.Select: Stop
'If want to copy 5 rows up from row 85 (including row 85)
Application.Goto .Cells(1), 1
Set rSrc = .Range("B85:S85").Offset(-4, 0).Resize(5)
rSrc.Select: Stop
'If want to copy then range bounded by any combination of blank rows and blank columns in which "B85:S85" is included
'This will include also any rows above and below row 85 if they have at least one cell not blank that causes the "current region" to extend upwards or downwards
'Also will include also any columns to the left of columns B or to the right of column S if they have at least one cell not blank that causes the "current region" to extend sideways
Application.Goto .Cells(1), 1
Set rSrc = .Range("B85:S85").CurrentRegion
rSrc.Select: Stop
End With
End Sub
Setting the range where the copy takes place
To copy the source range as it is, then just need to select the first cell of your target range and the paste.special will cover paste the target to all cells required as per the size all target cell. However is you want to copy range B85:S85’ to several cell then you need to select the target rows. For example if we want to copyB85:S85’ over five rows starting at C5 then we need to set the target range as
.Range("C12").Resize(5).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
As we are going to copy only the values of the source, I suggest to use the Range.Value property of the Range object instead of the Copy…Paste method. One advantage of using this property is to avoid the use of the Clipboard.
Try this code (select\adjust the options as per your requirements)
Sub Range_Value()
Dim Wbk As Workbook
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim rSrc As Range
Rem Declare Objects
Set Wbk = ThisWorkbook 'use this if procedure is resident in the wbk with the tables
'Set Wbk = Workbooks(WbkName) 'use this if procedure is not resident in the wbk with the tables - update wbk name
With Wbk.Sheets("Tab1")
lastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row
Rem Set Copy Range
'since we are going to paste only values then we can save us from using the clippboard
'instaed create a range to replace the values of the target range with the values of this range
'Uncomment\Update the option needed according to you requirements
'for this test I'm using option b
'a. To copy just row 85
'Set rSrc = Wbk.Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B85:S85")
'b. To copy X rows down from row 85 (including row 85) X=5
Set rSrc = Wbk.Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B85:S85").Resize(5)
'c. To copy 5 rows up from row 85 (including row 85) Y=5
'Set rSrc = Wbk.Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B85:S85").Offset(-4, 0).Resize(5)
'd. To copy the range bounded by any combination of blank rows and blank columns in which "B85:S85" is included
'This will include also any rows above and below row 85 if they have at least one cell not blank that causes the "current region" to extend upwards or downwards
'Also will include also any columns to the left of columns B or to the right of column S if they have at least one cell not blank that causes the "current region" to extend sideways
'Set rSrc = Wbk.Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B85:S85").CurrentRegion
' As mentioned before we won't use the clipboard
'instead we replace the values with the values of the target range created earlier
'however we need to extend the range to the same size of the source range
.Range("C" & lastRow + 1).Resize(rSrc.Rows.Count, rSrc.Columns.Count).Value = rSrc.Value2
End With
End Sub
Hope this is clear enough and helps you to make progress with you coding, nevertheless let me know of any questions you might have.
I'm not quite sure what you're looking for - but here' how to loop:
Sub test()
For i = 25 to 30
Range(Cells(i,20),Cells(i,39)).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
Next i
End Sub
That copies A25:S25 and pastes to T25:AM25...Then A26:S26, pastes T26:AM26, etc. until row 31.
Well now that the requirements are disclosed, we have the opportunity to apply another method. Bear in mind that the fact that the source range contains multiple areas may give us the idea of series of repetitive "copy paste values" which makes the undesirable use of the clipboard, or a repetitive Range Values.
This time instead of setting the source range as an object (which still can be done) we'll use an Array variable to grab the values of the multi-areas range
to later enter them in the target range as a unified and continuous range in one step.
This procedure sets an array with the values of the source range areas and then sets the values of the array to the target range using the Range.Value property.
Sub Range_MultiAreas_CopyValue()
Const kRowIni As Long = 25
Dim Wbk As Workbook
Dim aRngSrc() As Variant
Dim lRowLst As Long, l As Long, b As Byte
Rem Declare Objects
Set Wbk = ThisWorkbook
Rem Set Array with rows to copy as value
With Wbk.Sheets("Tabelle2")
l = kRowIni
For b = 1 To 30
If .Range("V" & l).Value2 = 0 Then
Rem Resize Array
On Error Resume Next
ReDim Preserve aRngSrc(1 + UBound(aRngSrc))
If Err.Number <> 0 Then ReDim Preserve aRngSrc(1)
On Error GoTo 0
Rem Set Row Values In Array
aRngSrc(UBound(aRngSrc)) = .Cells(l, 2).Resize(, 16).Value2
Rem Increase Row Pointer
l = l + 2
End If: Next: End With
Rem Reset Arrays Structure
With WorksheetFunction
aRngSrc = .Transpose(.Transpose(aRngSrc))
End With
Rem Let Array Values in Target Range
With Wbk.Sheets("Tab1")
lRowLst = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lRowLst = IIf(.Cells(1, 1) = Empty, 1, lRowLst + 1)
.Cells(lRowLst, 1).Resize(UBound(aRngSrc, 1), UBound(aRngSrc, 2)).Value = aRngSrc
End With
End Sub
Once again let me know of any question you might have about the resources used.
As it is not possible to Copy more than one row at once when gaps are between as siddharth rout said we tried to bypass the problem with looping through every signle row which should be copiedand added an if query.
This code is working and i am using "him" now
j = 0
For i = 1 To 30
With Sheets("Arbeiter-Tage")
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(.Columns(1)) <> 0 Then
lastRow = .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row + 1
lastRow = 1
End If
If ActiveSheet.Range("V" & 25 + j).Value = 0 Then
ActiveSheet.Range("B" & 25 + j & ":" & "Q" & 25 + j).Copy
.Range("A" & lastRow).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
End If
End With
j = j + 2

Transfer specific data from one whole worksheet to another

Is it possible to transfer specific data from one worksheet to another?
What I want to do is to find all the data that has a specific string and transfer it to other worksheet. For example, I want to find data that has AC in it using the MID function, without any regards to its column and row, and transfer it to another worksheet.
So far, all I know is you need to have a specific range just like this code for it to work:
LastRow = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For Each MyCell In Range("E2:E" & LastRow)
MyCell.Value = Mid(Range("A" & MyCell.Row), 6, 2)
But the thing is it only searches a certain column, what I want is to search all the data inside a worksheet. Is this possible?
The main idea is to find / search something in this worksheet that correspond to a certain criteria.
get the data.
transfer it to another worksheet.
Something like this might help you out. You may have to tweak it to your suitability.
Sub TransferAC()
Dim C As Range
For Each C In Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:B3").Cells
If InStr(1, LCase(C.Value), "ac", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
Worksheets("Sheet2").Range(C.Address).Value = C.Value
End If
End Sub
To test this, create Sheet1 like so (and create an empty Sheet2):
1 testing racing
2 fencing dashing
3 pacing sleeping
When you run the procedure, Sheet2 will have
1 racing
3 pacing
If columns and rows are unknown but we know that they start from A1, simulate doing CTRL+DOWN-arrow-key to get the last non-empty cell in the same column and CTRL+RIGHT-arrow-key from A1 to get the last non-empty cell to the right. That will be assumed as the non-empty range.
Sub TransferAC()
Dim RangeString As String
RangeString = Selection.Address
RangeString = RangeString & ":" & Selection.Address
Dim C As Range
For Each C In Worksheets("Sheet1").Range(RangeString).Cells
If InStr(1, LCase(C.Value), "ac", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
Worksheets("Sheet2").Range(C.Address).Value = C.Value
End If
End Sub
The other alternative is to give range from A1:XFD1048576 (all cells), but that may become impractical to use.

How would I go about searching for, and then importing values of a known structure from one excel file to another?

I have an excel file exported from another program with a bunch of data in it. From all of this data, I only need certain pieces of it. The data I need looks like this (with different numbers than 1.111 and 4.444):
C1: 1.111 4.444
C2: 1.111 4.444
C10: 1.111 1.111
The file has upwards of 30 sets of this data, all contained in columns A to C, except I do not know which rows they start at and end at. What I want to do is search the excel file for this data, and paste it into another file side-by-side (where C1's, C2's, etc. numbers line up in the same row.)
A YouTube tutorial gave me the following code that would be used to grab values at a known location in the file:
Sub ImportFluidData()
Dim FileNames As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
FileNames = Applcation.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:="Excel Filter (*Analysis.xlsx), *.xlsx", Title:="Open Files(s)", MultiSelect:=True)
For i = 1 To UBound(FileNames)
Workbooks.Open FileNames(i)
Windows("Fluid Properties.xlsm").Activate
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Transpose:=True
Workbooks.Open FileNames(i)
ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Activate
Next i
End Sub
My problem is that instead of a known range, I need to replace Range(-------------).Select with a statement that searches for and selects the data descried above. How would I go about searching for and selecting such data? I quite literally just started using VBA today, so please try to avoid any VBA-specific jargo.
Thanks for the help!
Edit: the tutorial was for importing data at a known spot in multiple files, so that's why it's set up for looping through multiple files. I only need to search through one file, which will likely make the code a lot shorter.
If I understood well, you find yourself in a situation in which you have a uniform set of data that can be in a random position of a column (let's do the example with the column B):
If this is the case, then what you need to do is to find the start and the end point of your range. Which means:
Find your start point ##:
Dim startRow As Long: startRow = Range("B1").End(xlDown).Row
Find your end point
Dim endRow As Long: endRow = Range("B" & startRow).End(xlDown).Row
Select your range
Range("B" & startRow & ":B" & endRow).Select
The above will select the range B9:B14, but if there were 10 rather than 15 or 20 elements it would have found them as well.
Looping through the 30+ sets
#pnuts comment made me realized I had "partially" read the question, I report here his comment:
I think there may be 30+ instances all in the same two columns - ie maybe as the populated set you show (though possibly 10 rows rather than 6) and then 29+ other such sets, spaced apart by a variable number of blank rows.
In that case you should first of all define the last row of the sheet, i.e.
Dim lastRowOfSheet As Long: lastRowOfSheet = Range("Z1").End(xlDown).Row '<-- I assume in column Z there's nothing, please choose it accordingly
Hence, you need to Loop through the various datasets until you don't find the last one. which means:
'first static definitions outside the loop
Dim startRow As Long: startRow = Range("B1").End(xlDown).Row
Dim endRow As Long: endRow = Range("B" & startRow).End(xlDown).Row
Do While endRow <> lastRowOfSheet
'************SELECTING THE DATA SET**************
Range("B" & startRow & ":B" & endRow).Select
'do what you need to do after having selected the proper range
'last re-definition before to loop again
startRow = Range("B" & endRow +1).End(xlDown).Row
endRow = Range("B" & startRow).End(xlDown).Row '<-- if this touches the end, it means it was the last dataset so we will go out of the loop

For Each Next loop unexpectedly skipping some entries [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Excel VBA deleting rows in a for loop misses rows
(4 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I have been coding a macro in Excel that scans through a list of records, finds any cells with "CHOFF" in the contents, copying the row that contains it, and pasting those cells into another sheet. It is part of a longer code that formats a report.
It has worked just fine, except that the "For Each" loop has been skipping over some of the entries seemingly at random. It isn't every other row, and I have tried sorting it differently, but the same cells are skipped regardless, so it doesn't seem to be about order of cells. I tried using InStr instead of cell.value, but the same cells were still skipped over.
Do you have any idea what could be causing the code just not to recognize some cells scattered within the range?
The code in question is below:
Dim Rng As Range
Dim Cell As Range
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
Set Rng = Range(Range("C1"), Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
x = 2
For Each Cell In Rng
If Cell.Value = "CHOFF" Then
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
y = x
x = y + 1
End If
Next Cell
The For Each...Next loop doesn't automatically keep track of which rows you have deleted. When you delete a row, Cell still points to the same address (which is now the row below the original one, since that was deleted). Then on the next time round the loop, Cell moves onto the next cell, skipping one.
To fix this, you could move Cell up one within the If statement (e.g. with Set Cell = Cell.Offset(-1,0)). But I think this is one of the rare cases where a simple For loop is better than For Each:
Dim lngLastRow As Long
Dim lngSourceRow As Long
Dim lngDestRow As Long
Dim objSourceWS As Worksheet
Dim objDestWS As Worksheet
Set objSourceWS = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1)
Set objDestWS = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(2)
lngLastRow = objSourceWS.Range("C" & objSourceWS.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
lngDestRow = 1
For lngSourceRow = lngLastRow To 1 Step -1
If objSourceWS.Cells(lngSourceRow, 3).Value = "CHOFF" Then
objSourceWS.Rows(lngSourceRow).Copy Destination:=objDestWS.Cells(lngDestRow, 1)
lngDestRow = lngDestRow + 1
End If
Next lngSourceRow
This loops backwards (as per Portland Runner's suggestion) to avoid having to do anything about deleted rows. It also tidies up a couple of other things in your code:
You don't need to do any Selecting, and it's better not to (see this question for why)
You can specify a destination within Range.Copy rather than having to do a separate select and paste
You can change the value of a variable "in place" without having to assign it to a second variable first (i.e. x = x + 1 is fine)
you should use Long rather than Integer for variables that contain row numbers, since there are more rows in an Excel spreadsheet than an Integer can handle (at least 65536 compared to 32767 max for an Integer)
Obviously test that it still does what you require!
Try using Selection.Copy instead of Selection.Cut
If you have to remove those lines you can mark the lines (for example writing something in an unused cell) inside the loop and then remove it once finished the main loop.
I had a similar issue when I was trying to delete certain rows. The way I overcame it was by iterating through the loop several times using the following:
For c = 1 To 100
Dim d As Long: d = 1
With Sheets("Sheet")
For e = 22 To nLastRow Step 1
If .Range("G" & e) = "" Or .Range("I" & e) = "" Then
.Range("G" & e).EntireRow.Delete
.Range("I" & e).EntireRow.Delete
d = d + 1
End If
End With
c = c + 1
So, basically if you incorporate the outer for loop from my code into your code, it should work.