consistent hashing vs. rendezvous (HRW) hashing - what are the tradeoffs? - load-balancing

There is a lot available on the Net about consistent hashing, and implementations in several languages available. The Wikipedia entry for the topic references another algorithm with the same goals:
Rendezvous Hashing
This algorithm seems simpler, and doesn't need the addition of replicas/virtuals around the ring to deal with uneven loading issues. As the article mentions, it appears to run in O(n) which would be an issue for large n, but references a paper stating it can be structured to run in O(log n).
My question for people with experience in this area is, why would one choose consistent hashing over HRW, or the reverse? Are there use cases where one of these solutions is the better choice?
Many thanks.

Primarily I would say the advantage of consistent hashing is when it comes to hotspots. Depending on the implementation its possible to manually modify the token ranges to deal with them.
With HRW if somehow you end up with hotspots (ie caused by poor hashing algorithm choices) there isn't much you can do about it short of removing the hotspot and adding a new one which should balance the requests out.
Big advantage to HRW is when you add or remove nodes you maintain an even distribution across everything. With consistent hashes they resolve this by giving each node 200 or so virtual nodes, which also makes it difficult to manually manage ranges.

Speaking as someone who's just had to choose between the two approaches and who ultimately plumped for HRW hashing: My use case was a simple load balancing one with absolutely no reassignment requirement -- if a node died it's perfectly OK to just choose a new one and start again. No re balancing of existing data is required.
1) Consistent Hashing requires a persistent hashmap of the nodes and vnodes (or at least a sensible implementation does, you could build all the objects on every request.... but you really don't want to!). HWR does not (it's state-less). Nothing needs to be modified when machines join or leave the cluster - there is no concurrency to worry about (except that your clients have a good view of the state of the cluster which is the same in both cases)
2) HRW is easier to explain and understand (and the code is shorter). For example this is a complete HRW algorythm implemented in Riverbed Stingray TrafficScript. (Note there are better hash algorithms to choose than MD5 - it's overkill for this job)
$nodes = pool.listActiveNodes("stingray_test");
# Get the key
$key = http.getFormParam("param");
$biggest_hash = "";
$node_selected = "";
foreach ($node in $nodes) {
$hash_comparator = string.hashMD5($node . '-' . $key);
# If the combined hash is the biggest we've seen, we have a candidate
if ( $hash_comparator > $biggest_hash ) {
$biggest_hash = $hash_comparator;
$node_selected = $node;
connection.setPersistenceNode( $node_selected );
3) HRW provides an even distribution when you lose or gain nodes (assuming you chose a sensible hash function). Consistent Hashing doesn't guarantee that but with enough vnodes it's probably not going to be an issue
4) Consistent Routing may be faster - in normal operation it should be an order Log(N) where N is the number of nodes * the replica factor for vnodes. However, if you don't have a lot of nodes (I didn't) then HRW is going to be probably fast enough for you.
4.1) As you mentioned wikipedia mentions that there is a way to do HWR in log(N) time. I don't know how to do that! I'm happy with my O(N) time on 5 nodes.....
In the end, the simplicity and the stateless nature of HRW made the choice for me....


Redis ZRANGEBYLEX command complexity

According documentation section for ZRANGEBYLEX command, there is following information. If store keys in ordered set with zero score, later keys can be retrieved with lexicographical order. And ZRANGEBYLEX operation complexity will be O(log(N)+M), where N is total elements count and M is result set size. Documentation has some information about string comparation, but tells nothing about structure, in which elements will be stored.
But after some experiments and reading source code, it's probably what ZRANGEBYLEX operation has a linear time search, when every element in ziplist will be matched against request. If so, complexity will be more larger than described above - about O(N), because every element in ziplist will be scanned.
After debugging with gdb, it's clean that ZRANGEBYLEX command is implemented in genericZrangebylexCommand function. Control flow continues at eptr = zzlFirstInLexRange(zl,&range);, so major work for element retrieving will be performed at zzlFirstInLexRange function. All namings and following control flow consider that ziplist structure is used, and all comparation with input operands are done sequentially element by element.
Inspecting memory with analysis after inserting well-known keys in redis store, it seems that ZSET elements are really stored in ziplist - byte-per-byte comparation with gauge confirm it.
So question - how can documentation be wrong and propagate logarithmic complexity where linear one appears? Or maybe ZRANGEBYLEX command works slightly different? Thanks in advance.
how can documentation be wrong and propagate logarithmic complexity where linear one appears?
The documentation has been wrong on more than a few occasions, but it is an ongoing open source effort that you can contribute to via the repository (
Or maybe ZRANGEBYLEX command works slightly different?
Your conclusion is correct in the sense that Sorted Set search operations, whether lexicographical or not, exhibit linear time complexity when Ziplists are used for encoding them.
Ziplists are an optimization that prefers CPU to memory, meaning it is meant for use on small sets (i.e. low N values). It is controlled via configuration (see the zset-max-ziplist-entries and zset-max-ziplist-value directives), and once the data grows above the specified thresholds the ziplist encoding is converted to a skip list.
Because ziplists are small (little Ns), their complexity can be assumed to be constant, i.e. O(1). On the other hand, due to their nature, skip lists exhibit logarithmic search time. IMO that means that the documentation's integrity remains intact, as it provides the worst case complexity.

Redis PFADD to check a exists-in-set query

I have a requirement to process multiple records from a queue. But due to some external issues the items may sporadically occur multiple times.
I need to process items only once
What I planned to use is PFADD into redis every record ( as a md5sum) and then see if that returns success. If that shows no increment then the record is a duplicate else process the record.
This seems pretty straightforward , but I am getting too many false positives while using PFADD
Is there a better way to do this ?
Being the probabilistic data structure that it is, Redis' HyperLogLog exhibits 0.81% standard error. You can reduce (but never get rid of) the probability for false positives by using multiple HLLs, each counting a the value of a different hash function on your record.
Also note that if you're using a single HLL there's no real need to hash the record - just PFADD as is.
Alternatively, use a Redis Set to keep all the identifiers/hashes/records and have 100%-accurate membership tests with SISMEMBER. This approach requires more (RAM) resources as you're storing each processed element, but unless your queue is really huge that shouldn't be a problem for a modest Redis instance. To keep memory consumption under control, switch between Sets according to the date and set an expiry on the Set keys (another approach is to use a single Sorted Set and manually remove old items from it by keeping their timestamp in the score).
In general in distributed systems you have to choose between processing items either :
at most once
at least once
Processing something exactly-once would be convenient however this is generally impossible.
That being said there could be acceptable workarounds for your specific use case, and as you suggest storing the items already processed could be an acceptable solution.
Be aware though that PFADD uses HyperLogLog, which is fast and scales but is approximate about the count of the items, so in this case I do not think this is what you want.
However if you are fine with having a small probability of errors, the most appropriate data structure here would be a Bloom filter (as described here for Redis), which can be implemented in a very memory-efficient way.
A simple, efficient, and recommended solution would be to use a simple redis key (for instance a hash) storing a boolean-like value ("0", "1" or "true", "false") for instance with the HSET or SET with the NX option instruction. You could also put it under a namespace if you wish to. It has the added benefit of being able to expire keys also.
It would avoid you to use a set (not the SET command, but rather the SINTER, SUNION commands), which doesn't necessarily work well with Redis cluster if you want to scale to more than one node. SISMEMBER is still fine though (but lacks some features from hashes such as time to live).
If you use a hash, I would also advise you to pick a hash function that has fewer chances of collisions than md5 (a collision means that two different objects end up with the same hash).
An alternative approach to the hash would be to assign an uuid to every item when putting it in the queue (or a squuid if you want to have some time information).

Aerospike - Store *small quantity* of large values

Let's say I am storing up to 5 byte arrays, each 50kB, per user.
Possible Implementations:
1) One byte array per record, indexed by secondary key.
Pros: Fast read/write.
Cons: High cardinality query (up to 5 results per query). Bad for horizontal scaling, if byte arrays are frequently accessed.
2) All byte arrays in single record in separate bins
Pros: Fast read
Neutral: Blocksize must be greater than 250kB
Cons: Slow write (one change means rewriting all byte arrays).
3) Store byte arrays in a LLIST LDT
Pros: Avoid the cons of solution (1) and (2)
Cons: LDTs are generally slow
4) Store each byte array in a separate record, keyed to a UUID. Store a UUID list in another record.
Pros: Writes to each byte array does not require rewriting all arrays. No low-cardinality concern of secondary indexes. Avoids use of LDT.
Cons: A client read is 2-stage: Get list of UUIDs from meta record, then multi-get for each UUID (very slow?)
5) Store each byte array as a separate record, using a pre-determined primary key scheme (e.g. userid_index, e.g. 123_0, 123_1, 123_2, 123_3, 123_4)
Pros: Avoid 2-stage read
Cons: Theoretical collision possibility with another user (e.g. user1_index1 and user2_index2 product same hash). I know this is (very, very) low-probability, but avoidance is still preferred (imagine one user being able to read the byte array of another user due to collision).
My Evaluation
For balanced read/write OR high read/low write situations, use #2 (One record, multiple bins). A rewrite is more costly, but avoids other cons (LDT penalty, 2-stage read).
For a high (re)write/low read situation, use #3 (LDT). This avoids having to rewrite all byte arrays when one of them is updated, due to the fact that records are copy-on-write.
Which implementation is preferable, given the current data pattern (small quantity, large objects)? Do you agree with my evaluation (above)?
Here is some input. (I want to disclose that I do work at Aerospike).
Do avoid #3. Do not use LDT as the feature is definitely not as mature as the rest of the platform, especially when it comes to performance / reliability during cluster rebalance (migrations) situations when nodes leave/join a cluster.
I would try to stick as much as possible with basic Key/Value transactions. That should always be the fastest and most scalable. As you pointed out, option #1 would not scale. Secondary indices also do have an overhead in memory and currently do not allow for fast start (enterprise edition only anyways).
You are also correct on #2 for high write loads, especially if you are going to always update 1 bin...
So, this leaves options #4 and #5. For option #5, the collision will not happen in practice. You can go over the math, it will simply not happen. If it does, you will get famous and can publish a paper :) (there may even be a price for having found a collision). Also, note thatyou have the option to store the key along the record which will provide you with a 'key check' on writes which should be very cheap (since records are read anyway before being written). Option #4 would work as well, it will just do an extra read (which should be super fast).
It all depends on where you want the bit extra complexity. So you can do some simple benchmarking between the 2 options if you have that luxury before deciding.

How to represent a binary relation

I plan to make a class that represents a strict partially ordered set, and I assume the most natural way to model its interface is as a binary relation. This gives functions like:
bool test(elementA, elementB); //return true if elementA < elementB
void set(elementA, elementB); //declare that elementA < elementB
void clear(elementA, elementB); //forget that elementA < elementB
and possibly functions like:
void applyTransitivity(); //if test(a,b) and test(b, c), then set(a, c)
bool checkIrreflexivity(); //return true if for no a, a < a
bool checkAsymmetry(); //return true if for no a and b, a < b and b < a
The naive implementation would be to have a list of pairs such that (a, b) indicates a < b. However, it's probably not optimal. For example, test would be linear time. Perhaps it could be better done as a hash map of lists.
Ideally, though, the in memory representation would by its nature enforce applyTransitivity to always be "in effect" and not permit the creation of edges that cause reflexivity or symmetry. In other words, the degrees of freedom of the data structure represent the degrees of freedom of a strict poset. Is there a known way to do this? Or, more realistically, is there a means of checking for being cyclical, and maintaining transitivity that is amortized and iterative with each call to set and clear, so that the cost of enforcing the correctness is low. Is there a working implementation?
Okay, let's talk about achieving bare metal-scraping micro-efficiency, and you can choose how deep down that abyss you want to go. At this architectural level, there are no data structures like hash maps and lists, there aren't even data types, just bits and bytes in memory.
As an aside, you'll also find a lot of info on representations here by looking into common representations of DAGs. However, most of the common reps are designed more for convenience than efficiency.
Here, we want the data for a to be fused with that adjacency data into a single memory block. So you want to store the 'list', so to speak, of items that have a relation to a in a's own memory block so that we can potentially access a and all the elements related to a within a single cache line (bonus points if those related elements might also fit in the same cache line, but that's an NP-hard problem).
You can do that by storing, say, 32-bit indices in a. We can model such objects like so if we go a little higher level and use C for exemplary purposes:
struct Node
// node data
int links[]; // variable-length struct
This makes the Node a variable-length structure whose size and potentially even address changes, so we need an extra level of indirection to get stability and avoid invalidation, like an index to an index (if you control the memory allocator/array and it's purely contiguous), or an index to a pointer (or reference in some languages).
That makes your test function still involve a linear time search, but linear with respect to the number of elements related to a, not the number of elements total. Because we used a variable-length structure, a and its neighbor indices will potentially fit in a single cache line, and it's likely that a will already be in the cache just to make the query.
It's similar to the basic idea you had of the hash map storing lists, but without the explosion of lists overhead and without the hash lookup (which may be constant time but not nearly as fast as just accessing the connections to a from the same memory block). Most importantly, it's far more cache-friendly, and that's often going to make the difference between a few cycles and hundreds.
Now this means that you still have to roll up your sleeves and check for things like cycles yourself. If you want a data structure that more directly and conveniently models the problem, you'll find a nicer fit with graph data structures revolving around a formalization of a directed edge. However, those are much more convenient than they are efficient.
If you need the container to be generic and a can be any given type, T, then you can always wrap it (using C++ now):
template <class T>
struct Node
T node_data;
int links[1]; // VLS, not necessarily actually storing 1 element
And still fuse this all into one memory block this way. We need placement new here to preserve those C++ object semantics and possibly keep an eye on alignment here.
Transitivity checks always involves a search of some sort (breadth first or depth first). I don't think there's any rep that avoids this unless you want to memoize/cache a potentially massive explosion of transitive data.
At this point you should have something pretty fast if you want to go this deep down the abyss and have a solution that's really hard to maintain and understand. I've unfortunately found that this doesn't impress the ladies very much as with the case of having a car that goes really fast, but it can make your software go really, really fast.

Merge Sort in a data store?

I'm trying to make a "friend stream" for the project I'm working on. I have individual users streams saved in Redis ZSETS. Something like:
key : { stream_id : time }
user1-stream: { 1:9931112, 3:93291, 9:9181273, ...}
user2-stream: { 4:4239191, 2:92919, 7:3293021, ...}
user3-stream: { 8:3299213, 5:97313, 6:7919921, ...}
user4-friends: [1,2,3]
Right now, to make user4's friend stream, I would call:
ZUNIONSTORE user4-friend-stream, [user1-stream, user2-stream, user3-stream]
However, ZUNIONSTORE is slow when you try to merge ZSETS totaling more than 1-2000 elements.
I'd really love to have Redis do a merge sort on the ZSETS, and limit the results to a few hundred elements. Are there any off-the-shelf data stores that will do what I want? If not, is there any kind of framework for developing redis-like data stores?
I suppose I could just fork Redis and add the function I need, but I was hoping to avoid that.
People tend to think that a zset is just a skip list. This is wrong. It is a skip list (ordered data structure) plus a non ordered dictionary (implemented as a hash table). The semantic of a merge operation would have to be defined. For instance, how would you merge non disjoint zsets whose common items do not have the same score?
To implement a merge algorithm for ZUNIONSTORE, you would have to get the items ordered (easy with the skip lists), merge them while building the output (which happens to be a zset as well: skiplist plus dictionary).
Because the cardinality of the result cannot be guessed at the beginning of the algorithm, I don't think it is possible to build this skiplist + dictionary in linear time. It will be O(n log n) at best. So the merge is linear, but building the output is not: it defeats the benefit of using a merge algorithm.
Now, if you want to implement a ZUNION (i.e. directly returning the result, not building the result as a zset), and limit the result to a given number of items, a merge algorithm makes sense.
RDBMS supporting merge joins can typically do it (but this is usually not very efficient, due to the cost of random I/Os). I'm not aware of a NoSQL store supporting similar capabilities.
To implement it in Redis, you could try a Lua server-side script, but it may be complex, and I think it will be efficient only if the zsets are much larger than the limit provided in the zunion. In that case, the limit on the number of items will offset the overhead of running interpreted Lua code.
The last possibility is to implement it in C in the Redis source code, which is not that difficult. The drawback is the burden to maintain a patch for the Redis versions you use. Redis itself provides no framework to do that, and the idea of defining Redis plugins (isolated from Redis source code) is generally rejected by the author.