Updating IIS website using WCF standard endpoints with Powershell - wcf

We have an ASP.Net website running under the 4.0 framework in IIS 7.5 on a Windows Server 2008 R2 box. A portion of the web site functionality utilizes WCF and has a "standardEndpoints" section in the web.config.
The website works fine and everything works fine if we want to use the IIS Management Console GUI to do things.
We would like to use powershell to make changes to the web.site but when we run "Set-WebConfigurationProperty" an error is generated indicating that the "standardEndpoints" section of the web.config can't be processed.
The hotfix referenced here is not the solution. The website works, the hotfix appears to be only for Server 2008 (not R2), and when you try to install it, it says "not applicable for this server".
We did discover by running $PSVersionTable that PowerShell was referencing version 2.0 of the CLR. We installed Powershell 3.0 and now Powershell is referencing version 4.0 of the CLR but the problem persists.
We are looking to see if there is a simple solution to this. I suspect we may not have the right version of the IIS management script dll but can't find a different one to use. If the solution gets to complicated, we will just wipe the server and start from scratch.
Thanks for any suggestions,


Visual Studio 2017 RC4 Webdeploy results in ERROR_USER_UNAUTHORIZED

Tried everything. Deploying same type of web project (Net.Core 1.1) with VS2015 at the very same location using exactly same parameters works without any problems.
Is there any known issue with release RC.4+26206?
This what my server log says:
Only Windows Administrators are allowed to connect using a server connection. Other users should use the 'Connect To Site or Application' task to be able to connect.
Ok... Found a solution. Same reason as documented here: .net core web deploy requires admin permissions, so VS2017 requires right now a windows account of group Administrators to publish net core projects.
Hopefully this will be fixed soon.
Note: The official VS 2017 RTW still has this bug.

Do i need to install asp.net mvc4 on iis server

I am going to deploy my application tomorrow ,so i have few questions.I want to deploy asp.net mvc4 application on 2003 server where .net framework 4.0 is installed.My question is do i need to install asp.net mvc4 also there.Or if i copy the dll responsible for mvc in to that system is sufficient?
another question is i am using entityframework and oracle database so using ODP.NET, if this is the case do i need to install ODP.NET over there or just copying DLL system.dataaccess dll is sufficient?
Rest all i follow this two links will it work
The two links are http://haacked.com/archive/2008/11/26/asp.net-mvc-on-iis-6-walkthrough.aspx/
How to deploy MVC application in 2003 server IIS
today i tried and unfortunately i came to know that the framework which i was running .net 4.5 will not be supported in 2003.I made my project in to .net 4.0 and everything working fine in local system,but remote system lot of errors are coming.Method not found etc. I came to know that i have to degrade EF 5.0 to 4.4 i did it like replaced dll and changed one line begin with section but no luck as of now.I have to change somewhere else also.Do you know any proper mechanism which i need to carry forward for this?
No need to install anything explicitly except .Net 4.0. All you need is make sure that all dependencies (assemblies) of your application i.e. MVC, ODP.Net etc are present in bin directory of your application. Also make sure that ASP.Net v4.0 Web service extension is enabled in IIS.
Steps to enable web service extension.
Open IIS 6.0 Manager
Click Web Service Extensions
Enable ASP.NET 4.0
Check below screenshot.

Ninject 2.0 incompatibility with Server 2008 R2?

I'm dev'ing an MVC 2 website targeting .NET 4.0 and using Ninject 2.0 (dev box running Win 7 64 pro). All is going well on the dev side, I really enjoyed using Ninject and it works a charm.
Until I deploy it to the server. Once I deploy the app to the server (a virtual machine running Win Server 2008 R2 x64, IIS 7.5) the ninject binding appear to simply not happen. I was first getting a null reference exception on the Logger that I was calling in OnApplicationStarted, I manually bound that and I got another null reference exception the very next time the code called for an injected component. Manually changing that one pushes the problem down the line.
I'm not getting any errors at all locally, and I'm not getting errors in the event log other than the null reference exceptions on injected components.
I have already verified that the server has .Net 4.0, MVC 2's dll, both Ninject DLLs and the DLLs of all my components. I was compiling against "any cpu" as well, in release mode.
Any ideas or known bugs w/ the platform I've described?
I'd post source code except that I figured it's not relevant since it's working locally unchanged.
Ninject works fine on Server 2008 R2. If you are experiencing a difference in functionality between your machine and the server, then something is different in your setup. There is no way to help you with the information you have provided so far. Please create a sample project that exhibits the issue and it will be a lot easier to help you.

SSL with Visual Studio Development Server

Is it possible to use SSL with Visual Studio Development Server (a.k.a. Web Application project)? I don't want to have to deploy IIS locally if possible. I'm running Windows 7.
NOTE: I've seen this (http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/354576/add-https-support-to-visual-studio-asp-net-development-server) but I was still hoping there was a workaround.
It cannot be done with VS 2008, so I've simply resorted to deploying my app to the local IIS as part of the start process with a generated cert.
We can use IIS Express with VS 2010 to develope and test web apps in SSL. Here is a complete article explaning how to use IIS Express and Visual Studion 2010 to develope websites in SSL
Working with SSL at Development Time is easier with IISExpress
Introducing IIS Express
this subject was covered here and it say's, you actually can't.
But you might take a look at this link, which might prove the contrary: (See link in comment, i'm not yet able to post more then 1 link per post ...doh)
Hope this helps.
It can be done in VS2010, I'm not sure if VS2008 supports the following approach. Configure Visual Studio to use use Microsoft IIS Express instead of the web server built in to Visual Studio.

How to install iis 6.0 on windows xp-32?

well, according to what I've found googling around, it's imposible... (maybe with with windows xp 64...)
but I thought that maybe someone could find a way to achieve it, or at least some workaround...
ps: I need to debug classic asp code, and my production environment is windows 2003, while my development machine is windows xp...
just to clarify, I can already debug classic asp code in iis 5 with vs 2003 and 2008, it's just that I stumbled upon a (very silly) bug that only appeared on iis 6 (when IIS 5 received and empty http status, it just assumed 200, while iis 6 kept asking for my credentials in an infinite loop, it was very silly in deed, but took me a lot of time -and cursing- to discover it)
IIS 6 cannot be installed on Win XP. However, debugging classic ASP code is possible on Windows XP / IIS 5.1 using Visual Studio 2003 and up. You will need to configure IIS 5.1 to "enable ASP server-side debugging" (disabled by default):
IIS settings http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/f1a6f781b9.png
Here is a more detailed article on how to debug classic ASP pages in Visual Studio - link
(NOTE: When running on XP Pro/IIS 5, you need to attach to dllhost.exe instead of w3wp.exe)
You posting in your 2nd link is correct. And read the faq. That spells out why it can't be done.
One option you can do is have a virtual machine of Server 2003 running on your laptop.