Let's say i have two tables
Id Name
1 Foo
2 Bar
CustomerId, Amount, AmountVAT, Accountable(bit)
1 10 11 1
1 20 22 0
2 5 6 0
2 2 3 0
I need a single record for every joined and grouped Customer and CustomerPurchase group.
Every record would contain
columns from table Customer
some aggregation functions like SUM
a 'calculated' column. For example difference of other columns
result of subquery to CustomerPurchase table
An example of result i would like to get
Name Total TotalVAT VAT TotalAccountable
Foo 30 33 3 10
Bar 7 9 2 0
I was able to get a single row only by grouping by all the common columns, which i dont think is the right way to do. Plus i have no idea how to do the 'VAT' column and 'TotalAccountable' column, which filters out only certain rows of CustomerPurchase, and then runs some kind of aggregate function on the result. Following example doesn't work ofc but i wanted to show what i would like to achieve
select C.Name,
SUM(CP.Amount) as 'Total',
SUM(CP.AmountVAT) as 'TotalVAT',
diff? as 'VAT',
subquery? as 'TotalAccountable'
from Customer C
inner join CustomerPurchase CR
on C.Id = CR.CustomerId
group by C.Id
I would suggest you just need the follow slight changes to your query. I would also consider for clarity, if you can, to use the terms net and gross which is typical for prices excluding and including VAT.
select c.[Name],
Sum(cp.Amount) as Total,
Sum(cp.AmountVAT) as TotalVAT,
Sum(cp.AmountVAT) - Sum(CP.Amount) as VAT,
Sum(case when cp.Accountable = 1 then cp.Amount end) as TotalAccountable
from Customer c
join CustomerPurchase cp on cp.CustomerId = c.Id
group by c.[Name];
This code works. However, I want to run it without the filter for contract_No and then it doesn't work:-(. I'm sure im missing a left join and some steps.
Basically I have Contracts and contract lines (same table - Contract_repo), and I want to create a grouping of contract lines based on how many payments they have had last 12 months (different table on another level - Payments - and then count contract lines per group and rolled up to contract_No level.
Select a.Contract_No,count (*) as "Active Contract Lines",
(select count(distinct b.Contract_Line_No)
from Payments b
where b.Contract_NO = 32778
and b.Contract_Line_No=(
select distinct
case when Count(
Case when MONTHS_BETWEEN((CURRENT DATE - 1 MONTH),c.Period) < 11
then 1 end
then c.Contract_Line_No end
from Payments c
where c.Contract_No = b.Contract_No
group by c.Contract_Line_No
) as "Contract_Line = 0 trx L12M"
from Contract_Repo a
where a.Contract_NO = 32778
and a.status = 1
group by a.Contract_NO
This is my desired output:
Active Lines
Lines with zero trx
Lines with 12 trx
I currently have a select statement that is causing me issues, i have two tables:
Customer table
ID Month4Value Month5Value
1 24 5
Orders table
ID Year Month Value Quantity
1 2018 8 10 2
1 2018 4 2 1
1 2018 6 10 4
1 2018 4 7 3
I currently have the below view:
Create View Values as
Select ID, Year, Month, ROUND(SUM(Value*Quantity),2) as NewQuantity
FROM Orders
GROUP BY ID, Year, Month
The below select statement is what i am trying to run
Select Customer.ID, Customer.Month5Value, NewQuantity
from Customer inner join Values on Customer.ID = Values.ID
where ROUND(Customer.Month5Value, 2) <> ROUND(NewQuantity,2)
AND Values.Year = 2018
AND Values.Month = 5
What i am trying to achieve is to find any mismatches between the Orders table and the Customer table. In the above example, what i am expecting is to highlight that the value in Customer.Month5Value does not match the total of the (Quantity*Value) from the Orders table.
As there are 0 orders for Month 5 in the Orders Table, the Month5Value should be 0. However, it returns no entrys.
Any thoughts about what i have missed?
I have updated my query to this:
Select Customer.ID, Customer.Month5Value, NewQuantity
from Customer left join Values on Customer.ID = Values.ID
where ROUND(Customer.Month5Value, 2) <> ISNULL((Select NewQuantity from Customer left join Values on Customer.ID = Values.ID where Values.Month = 5 and Values.Year = 2018),0)
This has given me a list of IDs which have an incorrect amount in Month5Value on the Customer table, but displays lines for each month entry
ID Month5Value NewQuantity
1 5 24
1 5 40
1 5 20
How can i adjust this so that I get one line per ID with the correct value for NewQuantity (either 0 or NULL in this case)?
I think the INNER JOIN is removing any records which are missing from VALUES. Replacing the INNER JOIN with LEFT JOIN may give the result you are looking for.
I am trying to use a parameter of a table as a criteria for itself, and can't quite get my sql statement right. It seems to be a relatively simple query; I'm using a sub query for my criteria, but it is not filtering out other rows on my table.
Manufacturing production floor: I have a bunch of machinists on their machines right now running an operation (OprSeq) of a job (JobNum). From the LaborDtl table, which keeps a record of all labor activity, I can see what labor is currently active (ActiveTrans = 1). With this criteria of active labor, I want to sum up all the past labor transactions on each active labor entry. So I need a LaborDtl table of inactive labor activity with the criteria of active labor from the same table.
The code:
Heres my 'criteria' subquery:
FROM Erp.LaborDtl
WHERE LaborDtl.ActiveTrans = 1
Which returns active transactions, here's the first couple (sorted by job):
Job Operation
000193 90
000457 70
000457 70
020008-1 140
020008-2 130
020010 60
020035 130
020175 40
020175-2 50
020186 80
020199 10
020203 50
020212 40
020258 60
020272 10
020283 30
020298 10
020299 30
Then here's the full SQL Statement, with the query above embedded:
LaborDtl.OprSeq as "Op",
SUM(LaborDtl.LaborQty) as "Total Labor"
FROM Erp.LaborDtl
FROM Erp.LaborDtl
WHERE LaborDtl.ActiveTrans = 1 --Labor table of just current activity
GROUP BY LaborDtl.JobNum, LaborDtl.OprSeq
I expect to see only the Job and Operation numbers that exist in my sub query, but I'm getting both jobs and operations that don't exist in my sub query. Here are the first 10 (note, the first JobNum should be 000193 per my criteria)
JobNum Op Total Labor
0 0.00000000
000004 1 32.00000000
000019 1 106.00000000
000029 1 175.00000000
000143 1 85.00000000
000164 1 58.00000000
000181 1 500.00000000
000227 1 116.00000000
000421 1 154.00000000
000458 1 67.00000000
You're missing some condition to tie the outer and inner queries together. Right now, without that criteria, the inner query just returns "true", as there are jobs with active activities and thus all the rows in the outer query are returned. Note that you'll have to add aliases to the tables, as the inner and outer query use the same table:
SELECT a.JobNum, a.OprSeq as "Op", SUM(a.LaborQty) as "Total Labor"
FROM Erp.LaborDtl a
WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * -- The select list doesn't really matter here
FROM Erp.LaborDtl b
WHERE a.JobNum = b.JobNum AND -- Here!
a.OprSeq = b.OprSeq AND -- And here!
b.ActiveTrans = 1 -- Labor table of just current activity
GROUP BY a.JobNum, a.OprSeq
Note, however, that there's an easier (IMHO) way. Since you're grouping by JobNum and OprSeq anyway, you could just count the number of active transactions and using a having clause to query only those that have at least one active transaction:
SELECT JobNum, OprSeq as "Op", SUM(LaborQty) as "Total Labor"
FROM Erp.LaborDtl
GROUP BY JobNum, OprSeq
Without knowing RDBMS vendor and version this is the best I can do:
t1.OprSeq as "Op",
SUM(t1.LaborQty) as "Total Labor"
FROM Erp.LaborDtl t1
FROM Erp.LaborDtl t2
WHERE t2.ActiveTrans = 1 --Labor table of just current activity
and t2.Company = t1.Company
and t2.JobNum = t1.JobNum
and t2.OprSeq = t1.OprSeq
GROUP BY t1.JobNum, t1.OprSeq
I have a Monthly Status database view I need to build a report based on. The data in the view looks something like this:
Category | Revenue | Yearh | Month
Bikes 10 000 2008 1
Bikes 12 000 2008 2
Bikes 12 000 2008 3
Bikes 15 000 2008 1
Bikes 11 000 2007 2
Bikes 11 500 2007 3
Bikes 15 400 2007 4
... And so forth
The view has a product category, a revenue, a year and a month. I want to create a report comparing 2007 and 2008, showing 0 for the months with no sales. So the report should look something like this:
Category | Month | Rev. This Year | Rev. Last Year
Bikes 1 10 000 0
Bikes 2 12 000 11 000
Bikes 3 12 000 11 500
Bikes 4 0 15 400
The key thing to notice is how month 1 only has sales in 2008, and therefore is 0 for 2007. Also, month 4 only has no sales in 2008, hence the 0, while it has sales in 2007 and still show up.
Also, the report is actually for financial year - so I would love to have empty columns with 0 in both if there was no sales in say month 5 for either 2007 or 2008.
The query I got looks something like this:
IsNull(SP2.TotalRevenue, 0) AS LastYearTotalRevenue
FROM PVMonthlyStatusReport AS SP1
SP1.Program = SP2.Program AND
SP2.Year = SP1.Year - 1 AND
SP1.Month = SP2.Month
SP1.Program = 'Bikes' AND
SP1.Category = #Category AND
(SP1.Year >= #FinancialYear AND SP1.Year <= #FinancialYear + 1) AND
((SP1.Year = #FinancialYear AND SP1.Month > 6) OR
(SP1.Year = #FinancialYear + 1 AND SP1.Month <= 6))
ORDER BY SP1.Year, SP1.Month
The problem with this query is that it would not return the fourth row in my example data above, since we didn't have any sales in 2008, but we actually did in 2007.
This is probably a common query/problem, but my SQL is rusty after doing front-end development for so long. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Oh, btw, I'm using SQL 2005 for this query so if there are any helpful new features that might help me let me know.
The Case Statement is my best sql friend. You also need a table for time to generate your 0 rev in both months.
Assumptions are based on the availability of following tables:
sales: Category | Revenue | Yearh |
tm: Year | Month (populated with all
dates required for reporting)
Example 1 without empty rows:
,SUM(CASE WHEN YEAR = 2008 THEN Revenue ELSE 0 END) this_year
,SUM(CASE WHEN YEAR = 2007 THEN Revenue ELSE 0 END) last_year
year in (2008,2007)
group by
Category | Month | Rev. This Year | Rev. Last Year
Bikes 1 10 000 0
Bikes 2 12 000 11 000
Bikes 3 12 000 11 500
Bikes 4 0 15 400
Example 2 with empty rows:
I am going to use a sub query (but others may not) and will return an empty row for every product and year month combo.
,SUM(CASE WHEN YEAR = 2008 THEN Revenue ELSE 0 END) this_year
,SUM(CASE WHEN YEAR = 2007 THEN Revenue ELSE 0 END) last_year
Right join (select distinct --try out left, right and cross joins to test results.
sales --this ideally would be from a products table
cross join tm
year in (2008,2007)) fill
fill.year in (2008,2007)
group by
Category | Month | Rev. This Year | Rev. Last Year
Bikes 1 10 000 0
Bikes 2 12 000 11 000
Bikes 3 12 000 11 500
Bikes 4 0 15 400
Bikes 5 0 0
Bikes 6 0 0
Bikes 7 0 0
Bikes 8 0 0
Note that most reporting tools will do this crosstab or matrix functionality, and now that i think of it SQL Server 2005 has pivot syntax that will do this as well.
Here are some additional resources.
#Christian -- markdown editor -- UGH; especially when the preview and the final version of your post disagree...
#Christian -- full outer join -- the full outer join is overruled by the fact that there are references to SP1 in the WHERE clause, and the WHERE clause is applied after the JOIN. To do a full outer join with filtering on one of the tables, you need to put your WHERE clause into a subquery, so the filtering happens before the join, or try to build all of your WHERE criteria onto the JOIN ON clause, which is insanely ugly. Well, there's actually no pretty way to do this one.
#Jonas: Considering this:
Also, the report is actually for financial year - so I would love to have empty columns with 0 in both if there was no sales in say month 5 for either 2007 or 2008.
and the fact that this job can't be done with a pretty query, I would definitely try to get the results you actually want. No point in having an ugly query and not even getting the exact data you actually want. ;)
So, I'd suggest doing this in 5 steps:
1. create a temp table in the format you want your results to match
2. populate it with twelve rows, with 1-12 in the month column
3. update the "This Year" column using your SP1 logic
4. update the "Last Year" column using your SP2 logic
5. select from the temp table
Of course, I guess I'm working from the assumption that you can create a stored procedure to accomplish this. You might technically be able to run this whole batch inline, but that kind of ugliness is very rarely seen. If you can't make an SP, I suggest you fall back on the full outer join via subquery, but it won't get you a row when a month had no sales either year.
The trick is to do a FULL JOIN, with ISNULL's to get the joined columns from either table. I usually wrap this into a view or derived table, otherwise you need to use ISNULL in the WHERE clause as well.
ISNULL(ThisYear.Program, PriorYear.Program) as Program,
ISNULL(ThisYear.Month, PriorYear.Month),
ISNULL(ThisYear.TotalRevenue, 0) as ThisYearTotalRevenue,
ISNULL(PriorYear.TotalRevenue, 0) as PriorYearTotalRevenue
SELECT Program, Month, SUM(TotalRevenue) as TotalRevenue
FROM PVMonthlyStatusReport
WHERE Year = #FinancialYear
GROUP BY Program, Month
) as ThisYear
SELECT Program, Month, SUM(TotalRevenue) as TotalRevenue
FROM PVMonthlyStatusReport
WHERE Year = (#FinancialYear - 1)
GROUP BY Program, Month
) as PriorYear ON
ThisYear.Program = PriorYear.Program
AND ThisYear.Month = PriorYear.Month
) as Revenue
Program = 'Bikes'
That should get you your minimum requirements - rows with sales in either 2007 or 2008, or both. To get rows with no sales in either year, you just need to INNER JOIN to a 1-12 numbers table (you do have one of those, don't you?).
About the markdown - Yeah that is frustrating. The editor did preview my HTML table, but after posting it was gone - So had to remove all HTML formatting from the post...
#kcrumley I think we've reached similar conclusions. This query easily gets real ugly. I actually solved this before reading your answer, using a similar (but yet different approach). I have access to create stored procedures and functions on the reporting database. I created a Table Valued function accepting a product category and a financial year as the parameter. Based on that the function will populate a table containing 12 rows. The rows will be populated with data from the view if any sales available, if not the row will have 0 values.
I then join the two tables returned by the functions. Since I know all tables will have twelve roves it's allot easier, and I can join on Product Category and Month:
SP1.TotalRevenue AS ThisYearRevenue,
SP2.TotalRevenue AS LastYearRevenue
FROM GetFinancialYear(#Category, 'First Look', 2008) AS SP1
RIGHT JOIN GetFinancialYear(#Category, 'First Look', 2007) AS SP2 ON
SP1.Program = SP2.Program AND
SP1.Month = SP2.Month
I think your approach is probably a little cleaner as the GetFinancialYear function is quite messy! But at least it works - which makes me happy for now ;)
I could be wrong but shouldn't you be using a full outer join instead of just a left join? That way you will be getting 'empty' columns from both tables.
Using pivot and Dynamic Sql we can achieve this result
;With cte(Category , Revenue , Yearh , [Month])
SELECT 'Bikes', 10000, 2008,1 UNION ALL
SELECT 'Bikes', 12000, 2008,2 UNION ALL
SELECT 'Bikes', 12000, 2008,3 UNION ALL
SELECT 'Bikes', 15000, 2008,1 UNION ALL
SELECT 'Bikes', 11000, 2007,2 UNION ALL
SELECT 'Bikes', 11500, 2007,3 UNION ALL
SELECT 'Bikes', 15400, 2007,4
Declare #Column nvarchar(max),
#Column2 nvarchar(max),
#Sql nvarchar(max)
SELECT #Column=STUFF((SELECT DISTINCT ','+ 'ISNULL('+QUOTENAME(CAST(Yearh AS VArchar(10)))+','+'''0'''+')'+ 'AS '+ QUOTENAME(CAST(Yearh AS VArchar(10)))
FROM #Temp order by 1 desc FOR XML PATH ('')),1,1,'')
FROM #Temp FOR XML PATH ('')),1,1,'')
SET #Sql= N'SELECT Category,[Month],'+ #Column +'FRom #Temp
(MIN(Revenue) FOR yearh IN ('+#Column2+')
) AS Pvt
Print #Sql
Category Month 2008 2007
Bikes 1 10000 0
Bikes 2 12000 11000
Bikes 3 12000 11500
Bikes 4 0 15400