Add a specified # of record to MSAccess Table Automatically - sql

Happy Holidays. I have two dependent tables, [orders] and [reviews], linked by a "one to many relationship". On the [Orders], the PK is [Order#], there is a column for [#_of_reviews_ordered]. On the [reviews] table (the PK is an auto number) the linked field is [order#] and the number of records (records on the table) should equal "[Orders].[#_of_reviews_ordered]".
Is there a simple way to accomplish this without having to do add the records to [reviews] manually?

The only way I can think to do this without VBA is fairly convoluted and would only work if your number of reviews orders fits within a finite (and reasonably small) range. For my explanation I will assume # of review will be between 0 and 3
You would need to create a table called, say, TemplateReviews. This would have at least one field called "KeyNumber", which should not actually be a key. You could also repeat as many fields as desired from Reviews, and use them to store default values for the rows to be inserted.
The important thing about TemplateReviews is that you must set it up in advance to have N rows with KeyNumber=N for each possible value of KeyNumber. For my example, we can have 0 to 3 # of reviews. So TemplateReviews will have:
0 rows with KeyNumber=0
1 row with KeyNumber=1
2 rows with KeyNumber=2
3 rows with KeyNumber=3
Once you have TemplateReviews set up, you need to create an Insert query based on it. The query will insert rows from TemplateReviews into Reviews. But you also have to filter KeyNumber to match the value on the currently selected Order, as in
You then need run Insert query to run using a macro triggered by a button (etc) on the Orders form. This only works the first time you click the button... but you can modify the criteria expression above to subtract the number of existing reviews, as in
=Forms!Orders![#_of_reviews] - DCount("*","Reviews","OrderId=" & Forms!Orders![order#])
Hope this helps. If you got this approach working, you could then replace the button with a single line of VBA code in the Order form AfterUpdate event to trigger the insert query.


MS Access - Counting Occurrences of a word in multiple columns

I have a database with a couple tables that tracks personnel errors that require rework by another person. Basically, a person on the job could rework up to 10 different work packages by other people throughout their shift. To make it easy, I just have columns in the table for rework_1/original_worker_1/rework_comment_1 (repeated up to 10) and the person who had to rework it. All of my worker's names are in a separate table so I can add people and my forms update dynamically with their names. What I want to do is this:
Pull a person from my worker's name table.
Search for all occurrences of their name in another table in in column original_worker_X (where X is 1 - 10).
Output the values: Workers Name / How Many Times I found it in the original_worker_X columns.
From here I would need to make a bar graph so that each person's name had a bar with how many times someone had to rework something they did originally.
If I could do this with PHP and MySQL I would be in the money because I could brute force something with some PHP variables, queries, and loops but I am an access novice at best! I appreciate any help you wizards can provide.
Table 1:
Table 2:
Expected Output Numbers:
so i will suggest you do the following
Create a new table,lets say table 3 with three fields
A. ID, pkey, auto number
B. original_worker, text field
C. Person_doing_rework, text field
You will need ten insert statements that will insert each of the original worker 1-10, as well as person doing re-work , this is to a normalise table
Currently, the design of your table is a bit crude, and having a select statement with group by columns numbering 10 is not achievable
Below are samples of the insert statements
INSERT INTO Table3 (original_worker,Person_doing_rework)
SELECT original_worker1,Person_doing_rework
FROM table2 where isnotNull(original_worker1)
INSERT INTO Table3 (original_worker,Person_doing_rework)
SELECT original_worker2,Person_doing_rework
FROM table2 where isnotNull(original_worker2)
replicate this for original_worker3 to original_worker10
Third step
You need a delete statement that will delete all from table 3, this is to ensure that the records from table 3 is not duplicated, since we don't have a pkey/fkey relationship between table 2 and 3
Fourth step
Place all the queries into a macro in the following order
A. Delete query to run first
B. Insert queries to run next
Fifth step
Add a msgbox in the macro, that will run last, this is to inform you that all the other macro steps, i.e A and B above has successfully run.
Sixth step
You can now have a select statement from table 3 that can count the number of times an original workers' work is re worked upon, because you now have two main fields in table 3, one for original_work, and two for Person_reworked.
So any time you want to find out how many times some ones work has been re worked upon, you have to just click the macro button, this will run all the queries and put values you need in the table 3, after which you can view the details via the query in step 6.
SELECT original_worker, Count(Person_doing_rework), FROM table3 GROUP BY original_worker;

Return subform values based on muliple criteria in Access

I need to select one or more values from the same field in subform 1 and display the applicable values in subform 2.
I have done this kind of thing by selecting criteria from multiple fields but not with multiple line-item values from the same field. My first thought was to build a dynamic SQL string to populate subform 2 but just wondering if there is an easier way to do this.
At the moment if I select a line-item in subform 1 (flight itinerary), subform 2 will only show the applicable flight segments for that itinerary. If a customer has more that one flight itinerary for the same trip in subform 1 I need to show all flight segments for the entire trip in subform 2.
Thanks to Lee Mac's suggestion to utilize the IN() function/operator, I was able to feed the IN() function with a subquery string to return the data I need without having to loop through a recordset. Just had to ensure that the subquery only returned values for a single field (in this case the ID field) or it would error out.
I created a function to fill in the Segment numbers in order.

How to make a lookup query to another table filter out records based on existing relationships between tables without macros?

Given those relationships, how do I limit the choice of Leader in a given record in GroupResults to only those StudentResults.IDs, which have Class&Group set to the same value as in the ID field of that record without creating forms and using VBA?
If I assign SELECT StudentResults.ID, StudentResults.FullName FROM StudentResults; to the Row Source in [Leader], like this ,
I get all the records in the table to choose from, regardless of the [Class&Group] field value, like this .
How do I restrict the assignable records to only those that belong to the corresponding group?
I'd spent a very long time trying to find a way to run a parametrised SQL query to pass the [Class&Group] to the WHERE clause, but eventually had to give up.
Thank you very much for your help!
P.S. I do realise that this may or may not be more of an ms-access, rather than SQL question.
Tables are not designed to be user interfaces. Conditional comboboxes, validation, etc. work best on forms. Comboxbox lookup dropdowns are more an Access GUI convenience to show parent table indicators for key number values.
When queries are then run from such tables, these drop downs fields show to help us humans who naturally understand names and indicators rather than integer primary/foreign keys. So instead of Student: 1, we see Student: John Doe. In fact, such table field drop downs even helps generate the same comboboxes on Access forms and reports in advance to avoid the designer in building them upon clicking the form icons on ribbon.
However, for your needs consider adjusting combobox by showing the [Class&Group] field so the user can see or match the group of specific Leader with appropriate one for current record in Class column. See adjusted query and column count/heads.
Row Source: SELECT s.ID, s.[Class&Group], s.FullName FROM StudentResults s
Bound Column: 1
Column Count: 3
Column Heads: Yes
Also, if you want the Leader name to always show when table or query is opened instead of ID, reverse the order in query and change bound column:
Row Source: SELECT s.FullName, s.[Class&Group], s.ID FROM StudentResults
Bound Column: 3
Column Count: 3
Column Heads: Yes

How to repeat records in access table number of times

I need your assistance to figure out how to achieve the following in MS access database.
I have a table with a lot of columns but one of them has a numeric value that will be used as how many times will the record will be repeated.
I need to make another table with repeated records based on Count column.
Build a numbers (aka tally) table (you can google it). I'll call it tblNumbers. Then all you need to do is create a query SELECT <yourTable>.* FROM <yourTable>, tblNumbers WHERE tblNumbers.Number <= <yourTable>.<numberField>

Using SQL databases I need to gather data for a client from multiple sources

I have multiple databases that contain pieces of data that I need to collect on my clients. Without giving any specific examples, due to confidentiality of the actual data, I will simply refer to what the field names are.
My Master table and three other tables contain the following columns -
Social Security Number,
Medicare Number,
Medicaid Number,
Phone Number,
Date of Birth,
Last Name,
First Name
The goal is to read a master record and, if all of the specified fields do not contain data, go and look at the other data sources to see if one of them DO contain the missing data.
Let me tell you an example of what the problem might be and see what suggestions you can give me to help me achieve my goal. In my example I will call the master table Table 1.
Table 1 - Is missing the DOB, SSN & Medicaid# for this record.
Table 2 - Contains the DOB, Medicare# and Last & First Name.
Table 3 - Has DOB, Medicaid#, Phone Number and Last & First Name.
Table 4 - DOB, SSN, Medicare#, and Phone Number, and Last & First Name.
Currently, I am doing the following:
I created a view called View 1 to combine all of the tables together. The uncommon fields are simply NULL for the tables no containing the field.
I have nested case statements for each of the desired fields. I look to see if the field in Table 1 is NULL, I begin doing a SubSelect statement to look for a matching record in the View 1 for each of the possible matching fields along with any secondary field to double check when needed - like if I do just DOB and Last & First Name matches.
I have a temporary table that gets updated with the findings prior to me running through the checks again. I run through it multiple times since the first time through it might not have had a hit with one field, but the second time through it would find a match.
Does anyone see a better way of doing it thn what I have described?
This is the part that loses me:
I have a temporary table that gets updated with the findings prior to
me running through the checks again. I run through it multiple times
since the first time through it might not have had a hit with one
field, but the second time through it would find a match.
Without that I would suggest left joining the tables to the master then using COALESCE() to find your best NOT NULL value.