ScrollView UI Issue in ios 7 - objective-c

I am new to ios 7. I have to create an iPhone App which supports ios version 6.0.I created an Empty Application and I am using StoryBoard for designing UI's.
This is the screen that is generated in ios 6.1.3. On landscape mode the design is :
I am unable to see the field Firstname and its textfield.I haven't used AutoLayout.Here is the design View in xib.
It should support both the landscape and portrait orientations.How Can I do that?
In ios 7, the same UI in simulator is :
Please help me to solve this UI Issue...

You have to uncheck the Adjust ScrollView Insets, like this to solve that issue of not showing firstname textfield.
and your other problem will be solved by using autolayout.

you need to set every view controller to edgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdgeNone for iOS7 version. If you set this the component alignment will be proper as per iOS6 version.
Hope this may be helpful


Storyboard for iPhone-only application displaying iPad sizes?

I am following along with a tutorial on and I am using XCode 6, while the tutorial uses XCode 5, so perhaps this is the problem. I have created a tabbed application and set devices to iPhone but my storyboard file looks like it's displaying iPad sizes. Why is this? My storyboards for other projects are not displayed like that.
In Xcode 6 Main.storyboard is the single storyboard for all devices, no matter their screen size. Open the storyboard and you’ll see that it contains a single view controller, but of an unfamiliar size. Storyboards in previous versions of Xcode had to match the screen size of the target device. This clearly isn’t possible with the “one storyboard to rule them all” approach, so the storyboard is given an abstract size instead.
Please check this tutorial :

Cannot fix the viewcontroller to landscape

I try to fix my viewcontroller to landscape using Simulated Metrics by changing the orientation to Landscape (like change orientation. It worked a few days ago. But when I created a new project (a single application), and repeat these steps, it does not work anymore.
Is there any solution for that? Or I missed something?
Note: I am using XCode5 and iOS 7.
Set the Device Orientation of the Deployment Info to Landscape Left, the problem will be resolved.

UIViewcontroller's view frame starting at unexpected location

We are started to convert our iOS 6 application into iOS 7. I tried to create one screen for my application. I used Xib file for design, I designed the screen from top to bottom with UILabel and UIButtons. When I tried to run the app in Simulator it showing differently from xib design. In simulator the designs are came down and bottom UILabel has hide.
I got the self.view.frame from viewDidLoad() was (0,64,32,504). But, it is showing correctly in viewDidAppear (0,0,320,568).
How can I resolve this issue in Xcode 5? Could you please help me to solve this.Looking forward your reply. Thanks.
You cannot depend on the frame in -viewDidLoad, because it hasn't been resized for the device at that point. You need to wait for -viewDidAppear.

In Xcode my UIButton is centered, however when I build and run the app it isn't. How do I fix this?

In Xcode my UIButton is centered and locked in the right place using the grids but when I run the app I'm building from a tutorial I'm following the button is slightly to the right.
Is there a quick fix for this other than shifting the button to the left in Xcode until it's centered in simulator which is pointless because the guides in Xcode are there to help so I'd like to take advantage of them and not need to do this.
Make sure you have unchecked the use Autolayout option for your Xib.
if is horizontal centered image, try like this:
ps: make sure that the parent view of the UIButton is also centered in the screen
After updating XCode I realised the issue was that XCode was launching ios simulator for 3.5inch iphone. I changed the device to iphone 4inch retina and this fixed the issue.

How to position static buttons and iPhone 5

I am working on an app where i have 12 buttons and labels underneath on one of the views. They are placed on the storyboard directly. I want to make sure they will get properly repositioned in iPhone 5. The solution that i tried is just to deselect all the lines in the autosizing for all the buttons. Now when i try it on iphone 5 the buttons get resized. The problem if i stretch the storyboard and move the buttons they get messed up when running on the smaller screen. So i can only position them on the smaller screen and then it seems to work. The app does not rotate. I would like to know if this is a good solution or there is a better solution for this case. I would like for the app to support iOS 5+
Thank you!
If you want layouts to work with varying screen sizes, you should become familiar with the new constraint-based layout scheme in iOS 6. A WWDC video on the subject can be viewed at
Essentially, you're going to use the old struts and springs system for pre-iOS 5 and conditionally use the new scheme for iOS 6. (iPhone 5 won't run any iOS version prior to 6.)