DirectoryDialog in custom Wizard with SWT and JFace - eclipse-plugin

I have to create a custom wizard to develop a Eclipse Plug-in. I wish to use a DirectoryDialog but I can't get work with the other elements. I'm seeing that the DirectoyDialog is used in a "extends composite" class, but, is there any way to use in a "wizardPage"?
Thanks at all!

org.eclipse.swt.widgets.DirectoryDialog extends Dialog and can only be used as a pop-up dialog. It cannot be embedded in a wizard.
You can put a Button on the wizard page that displays the directory dialog when clicked.

Use the following code in your WizardPage
Button btnBrowse = new Button(container, SWT.NONE);
btnBrowse.addListener(SWT.Selection, new Listener() {
public void handleEvent(Event e) {
DirectoryDialog dirDialog = new DirectoryDialog(getShell());
dirDialog.setText("Select the parent directory for tools");
String location =;
getShell() api used in 4th line is from WizardPage class.


Listening for a file being clicked to - Eclipse Plugin

I am trying to write an Eclipse plugin where one of the features requires listening for when the user switches to another file in the editor via clicking.
For example, consider the screenshot below.
I want to know how to listen for when the user switching over to via double-clicking on it in the Project Explorer or clicking on the tab in the editor. Furthermore, I would like to get information about the element that was clicked. Note that I am asking specifically about changing a file through the two means I asked above.
I am a beginner with Plugin development. It would be helpful to explain with that in mind. Thanks.
You can use an IPartListener to listen for changes to parts including a part being activated:
IWorkbenchPage page = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage();
The partActivated method of the listener is probably what you want:
public void partActivated(final IWorkbenchPart part)
if (part instanceof IEditorPart) {
IEditorPart editor = (IEditorPart)part;
IEditorInput input = editor.getEditorInput();
IFile file = input.getAdapter(IFile.class);
if (file != null) {
// TODO handle file
I don't know of a way to tell why the part was activated.

How To Use Eclipse Help In a Wizard

I found two ways to allegedly make the help work for an Eclipse wizard.
The first is to set setHelpAvailable(true) on my instance of Wizard and let the WizardPage override the method:
public void performHelp() {
It displays a help button without an icon next to the "Back" button, but the method performHelp is never called.
The second way is to set it on the TrayDialog directly like this:
WizardDialog dialog = new WizardDialog(myShell, myWizard);
WorkbenchHelp.setHelp(dialog.getShell(), CONTEXT_ID);
This displays a button with an icon on the bottom left, but nothing happens when I click it.
The help system is set up (quiet a feat with the documentation, if I say so myself), but I can't figure out how to get either of these solutions to work. And I wonder if one of them should preferred over the other?
With the WizardDialog just call
In the createControl method of each WizardPage call the help system setHelp:
public void createControl(Composite parent)
Composite composite = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getHelpSystem().setHelp(composite, "help id");
... other code
Just for completeness sake: In my case the problem had nothing to do with the sparsely documented help feature, but with the fact that Eclipse Mars can't Hot Code Replace anymore.

Eclipse plugin development - How to add Radio buttons in WizardNewFileCreationPage

I am using WizardNewFileCreationPage to create a New File
public void addPages() {
mainPage = new WizardNewFileCreationPage("FILE", getSelection());
mainPage.setTitle("New File");
mainPage.setDescription("Add new file");
I want to add some Radio Buttons to it representing file extensions in this wizard so that users can select one of them as a file extension.
The WizardNewFileCreationPage is not meant to be extended with custom controls. From its JavaDoc:
Subclasses may override
Subclasses may extend
If you still want to add the radio buttons 'at your own risk', you can try to override createAdvancedControls and append you controls to the parent after calling super.
protected void createAdvancedControls(Composite parent) {
super.createAdvancedControls( parent );
Button radioButton = new Button( parent, SWT.RADIO );
// ...
Note that the layout of parent (currently) is a single-columned GridLayout, set the layout data accordingly.

Dynamic popup menu for all views

I need to provide a dynamic popup menu for all views. I can create a dynamic popup menu contributibution, but I must set the URI and register it for certain view. Now I'm trying to register the menu dynamically, when the user selects another view:
public class GlobalSelectionListener implements ISelectionListener {
HashSet<IWorkbenchPart> extended = new HashSet<IWorkbenchPart>();
public void selectionChanged(IWorkbenchPart part, ISelection selection) {
if (!extended.contains(part)) {
IWorkbenchPartSite wps = part.getSite();
if (wps == null)
//creates popup menu for this part
MenuManager mgr = new MenuManager();
mgr.add(new DynamicMenu()); //DynamicMenu extends ContributionItem
wps.registerContextMenu("identifier." + mgr.hashCode(), mgr, wps.getSelectionProvider());
System.out.println(part + " menu extended");
But this does not work. No one menu item appears in popup menu. I don't know, whether is it ever possible to do it this way. Is there any method to add popup menu for arbitrary view dynamically? It seems, that the registerContextMenu() method does something else.
The problem was not solved, nevertheless there is a workaround. It is possible to register the pop-up menu in plugin.xml file for all views and editors needed. Usualy the number of plugin usecases is limited. If you're writting a plugin, you know what you need the plugin for. Use the Spy plug-in (ALT+SHIFT+F1) to see the active menu contribution identifiers and register your contribution to the pop-up menu of all views and editors you need.

Getting current Tab/Document in DockPanel Suite

I'm using the DockPanel Suite by Weifen Luo in a little project (webbrowser) and have managed to be able to create tabs and navigate the webbrowser element inside each tab.
But how am I able to change the tabs title/name when the page is navigating to another site?
Basically I just need to get into the current tabs form.
You can get the current tab by using DockPanel's ActiveContent method. For example:
Form myForm = myDockPanel.ActiveContent();
myForm.TabText = "Stack Overflow";
DockPanel.ActiveDocument and DockPanel.ActivePane can also be useful.
After having worked on this a few weeks (not 'till now though :P) I have to say, that this is currently not possible.
You can manage your own (assuming your Document Form is a specific class) by managing:
'FormClosing' and 'Activated' events
'Activated' set your own "active" document to 'this'.
'FormClosing' set your own "active" document to null.
FormClosing is just to catch the case where you are closing the last document. Activated is what manages everything else, like when a new document gets created and is made the active window, etc.
You can use a static global to manage focus. Then access it from anywhere else:
public partial class MyDocument : DockContent
public static MyDocument ActiveDocument { get; private set; }
I needed the ability to check which document was active, and set that document to active again after changing some UI elements that automatically reset the active tab, so I used some pieces from here and the DockPanel FAQ, and did some digging to figure out the answer to this problem:
public string GetActive()
{ //Verify if forms that dock in main window are already open
foreach (DockContent form in dockMain.Contents)
if (form.DockHandler.Pane.ActiveContent.DockHandler.Form.Name.ToString() == form.Name.ToString())
string formName = form.Name.ToString();
return formName;
return null;
And then in some other method you will call:
string activeForm = GetActive();