How To Use Eclipse Help In a Wizard - eclipse-plugin

I found two ways to allegedly make the help work for an Eclipse wizard.
The first is to set setHelpAvailable(true) on my instance of Wizard and let the WizardPage override the method:
public void performHelp() {
It displays a help button without an icon next to the "Back" button, but the method performHelp is never called.
The second way is to set it on the TrayDialog directly like this:
WizardDialog dialog = new WizardDialog(myShell, myWizard);
WorkbenchHelp.setHelp(dialog.getShell(), CONTEXT_ID);
This displays a button with an icon on the bottom left, but nothing happens when I click it.
The help system is set up (quiet a feat with the documentation, if I say so myself), but I can't figure out how to get either of these solutions to work. And I wonder if one of them should preferred over the other?

With the WizardDialog just call
In the createControl method of each WizardPage call the help system setHelp:
public void createControl(Composite parent)
Composite composite = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getHelpSystem().setHelp(composite, "help id");
... other code

Just for completeness sake: In my case the problem had nothing to do with the sparsely documented help feature, but with the fact that Eclipse Mars can't Hot Code Replace anymore.


VSCT: Place Search Textbox below the toolwindow toolbar

I have made a toolbar that has a Search Textbox, using the visual studio built in search for the toolwindowpane:
That is working just fine right now after overriding the methods, however i also added a toolbar to the toolwindow from the vsct file, however it is positioning the search and the toolbar in the same row:
Is there any way to position the search bar underneath the toolbar just like the solution explorer in visual studio? If not, is there a way to decrease the toolbar size so it uses the minimum space so it doesn't look weird like in the picture?
Thank you.
EDIT: Constructor of the class that inherits ToolWindowPane:
public CpcObjectsWindow() : base(null)
this.Caption = "CPC Objects";
// This is the user control hosted by the tool window; Note that, even if this class implements IDisposable,
// we are not calling Dispose on this object. This is because ToolWindowPane calls Dispose on
// the object returned by the Content property.
this.Content = new CpcObjectsWindowControl();
this.ToolBar = new CommandID(new Guid(CpcExtensionPackage.guidCpcExtensionPackageCmdSet), CpcExtensionPackage.cpcObjectsToolbar);
this.ToolBarLocation = (int)VSTWT_LOCATION.VSTWT_TOP;
I tried to add search to a tool window , a search control appears at the top of the tool window.
I tried to search form the ToolWindowPane Class but there is not any property can set the size of search bar. I think that you can submit a feature request on DC.

How to access components inside a custom ToolWindow from an action?

I have registered an action in the EditorPopupMenu (this is right click menu). I also have a bunch of components inside a ToolWindow (that I designed using the GUI Designer plugin) that I want to update the values of.
There have been some posts on the IntelliJ forums about this, and the typical answer seems to advice using the ToolWindow's ContentManager, and obtain the JPanel containing all your components. E.g. the following:
Project p = e.getProject();
ToolWindow toolWindow;
toolWindow = ToolWindowManager.getInstance(p).getToolWindow("My ToolWindow ID");
ContentManager contentManager = toolWindow.getContentManager();
JPanel jp = (JPanel) contentManager.getContent(0).getComponent();
This feels counterintuitive... Having to navigate inside JPanel's to find a bunch of components. What if I decided to put my components inside a different container? Suddenly the way I navigate to my components would break down.
Is it really the most practical way to constrain myself to the way my GUI is built? Can't I access these components in a different way?
I found a way to access my custom myToolWindow. This should help quite some people.
Make sure that your custom MyToolWindow extends the class SimpleToolWindowPanel.
In your custom myToolWindowFactory class, pass your custom MyToolWindow to ContentFactory.createContent() as the first argument. NOT one of the JPanel's inside MyToolWindow as is done in the ToolWindow examples given in the official IntelliJ documentation...
In your MyToolWindow constructor, call the method setContent(<YourJPanelContainingYourComponents>).
I found the answer by experimenting on example 5 from this link:
public JBTabbedTerminalWidget getTerminalWidget(ToolWindow window) {;
if (myTerminalWidget == null) {
JComponent parentPanel = window.getContentManager().getContents()[0].getComponent();
if (parentPanel instanceof SimpleToolWindowPanel) {
SimpleToolWindowPanel panel = (SimpleToolWindowPanel) parentPanel;
JPanel jPanel = (JPanel) panel.getComponents()[0];
myTerminalWidget = (JBTabbedTerminalWidget) jPanel.getComponents()[0];
} else {
NotificationUtils.infoNotification("Wait for Freeline to initialize");
return myTerminalWidget;

Listening for a file being clicked to - Eclipse Plugin

I am trying to write an Eclipse plugin where one of the features requires listening for when the user switches to another file in the editor via clicking.
For example, consider the screenshot below.
I want to know how to listen for when the user switching over to via double-clicking on it in the Project Explorer or clicking on the tab in the editor. Furthermore, I would like to get information about the element that was clicked. Note that I am asking specifically about changing a file through the two means I asked above.
I am a beginner with Plugin development. It would be helpful to explain with that in mind. Thanks.
You can use an IPartListener to listen for changes to parts including a part being activated:
IWorkbenchPage page = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage();
The partActivated method of the listener is probably what you want:
public void partActivated(final IWorkbenchPart part)
if (part instanceof IEditorPart) {
IEditorPart editor = (IEditorPart)part;
IEditorInput input = editor.getEditorInput();
IFile file = input.getAdapter(IFile.class);
if (file != null) {
// TODO handle file
I don't know of a way to tell why the part was activated.

DirectoryDialog in custom Wizard with SWT and JFace

I have to create a custom wizard to develop a Eclipse Plug-in. I wish to use a DirectoryDialog but I can't get work with the other elements. I'm seeing that the DirectoyDialog is used in a "extends composite" class, but, is there any way to use in a "wizardPage"?
Thanks at all!
org.eclipse.swt.widgets.DirectoryDialog extends Dialog and can only be used as a pop-up dialog. It cannot be embedded in a wizard.
You can put a Button on the wizard page that displays the directory dialog when clicked.
Use the following code in your WizardPage
Button btnBrowse = new Button(container, SWT.NONE);
btnBrowse.addListener(SWT.Selection, new Listener() {
public void handleEvent(Event e) {
DirectoryDialog dirDialog = new DirectoryDialog(getShell());
dirDialog.setText("Select the parent directory for tools");
String location =;
getShell() api used in 4th line is from WizardPage class.

Removing the BackStack Entry in MetroStyle Application

How can I implement removing the backStack Entry in Metro style applications?
will clear the navigation history for you.
I found this answer useful:
How to clear Backstack of the frame and start afresh
Write your own NavigationService and store the navigationstate in the constructor.
string state;
public NavigationService(Frame mainFrame)
state = mainFrame.GetNavigationState();
_mainFrame = mainFrame;
_mainFrame.Navigating += _mainFrame_Navigating;
Then implement this method on the service and call it when needed:
public void ClearBackstack()
It doesn't seem to be possible. If you want to clear the back stack entirely (e.g. if you have a "home" button), you can use the code supplied in the LayoutAwarePage.cs file in the grid sample app.
if (this.Frame != null)
while (this.Frame.CanGoBack) this.Frame.GoBack();
While this doesn't actually clear the stack, it does take you back to the program's start location and there will be no further back-direction entries in the list. If you want to back out of a dead-end page by pressing a button, you could modify this behaviour to step back a number of pages and effectively remove the back entries.