Determining the Level of Hierarchy in SQL - sql

I've a data of an ERP Standard Feature called Bill of Material, Where It'll have a tree Structure.
I has 4 column as Unique_Id,from,is_main and srno
So here 1st Column is an unique Id,2nd Column indicated its Parent row, 3rd Column Indicates whether it has a sub set or not and 4th is just another series of the Subset.
Link for the Screenshots : Screenshots
So Picture indicates the Hierarchy of the above data.
So I need to get the Answer as Level of Hierarchy. As picture shows the Maximum of 4 stages of Hierarchy.

This is Sample query, You have to change according to you
WITH temp AS
SELECT A.Unique_Id, A.from, A.is_main , A.srno
FROM [dbo].[Your_Table_Name] A
SELECT B.Unique_Id, A.from, B.is_main , B.srno
FROM temp AS B
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Your_Table_Name] A ON B.from= A.Unique_Id


How to represent a tree structure with ORDER BY OR GROUP BY

Given a table 'TEMPLATES'(with columns ID,NAME,IS_MASTER,MASTER_ID etc) which describes multiple content management system elements e.g. masters, templates etc.
The column IS_MASTER filters the master-docs. I want to filter all master-docs and the associated elements(documents), which point to the master over the 'MASTER_ID' column of the same table but I want to order the rows one after another for example after a result row which shows a master should be listed the elements, which point to this master (and not all rows mixed up like in the screenshot) :
But I can only do it in this way, I don't know how to order or group by
You could do this:
select *
from templates
order by nvl(master_id, id);
This would tell the database to sort by master_id, and if that column is empty (NULL) to use the id. This way the master and its children are sorted together.
Alternatively you can use a hierarchical query:
select *
from templates
start with master_id is null
connect by master_id = prior id;

SQL: Joining two table based on certain description

I have two tables:
And I want to add GTIN from table 2 to table 1 based on brand name. Though I cant use = or like because as you see in highlighted row they are not fully matched.
For example
Second row in table 1, suppose to have first GTIN from table 2 because both are Ziagen 300mg tablet. However all of what I tried failed to match all row correctly.
Postgres has a pg_trgm module described here. Start with a cross join joining both tables and calculate the similarity(t1.brand,t2.brand) function, which returns the real number.
Next filter the results based on some heuristic number. Then narrow down with choosing single best match using row_number() window function.
The results might be not accurate, you could improve it by taking generic similarity into account as well.
with cross_similarity(generic1,brand1,gtin,brand2,generic2,sim) as (
select *, similarity(t1.brand, t2.brand) as sim
from t1,
where similarity(t1.brand, t2.brand) > 0
, max_similarity as (
select *,
row_number() over (partition by gtin order by sim desc) as best_match_rank
from cross_similarity
select * from max_similarity where best_match_rank =1;

CDC in sql server

i have enabled CDC feature on one of my database. now i have below table data in cdc tables
MemberID LastName __$operation
1 David 4
1 Dave 4
2 Jimmy 4
2 Test 4
Now my problem is that i have to query the cdc table and get all the rows that are the latest one for all the members (most recent updated value). for example the query would return
MemberID LastName __$operation
1 Dave 4
2 Test 4
In addition to the _$operation column, there are also the _$start_lsn and __$seq_val columns. Ordering by those two should get you there.
You can not only determine by _$operations for CDC. If you want to do it correct use other column fields that are:
So I'm not 100% sure I understand what you are asking for, but if you need the latest values for all the members in the table then ignore the CDC table and just query the table itself as this is where all the latest values are afterall.
If you need to see the latest values for all the members that have been changed within a certain time period, then you should use the cdc.fn_cdc_get_net_changes_(capture_instance) function, detailed here:
This allows you to specify a start and end date for the capture period (via the sys.fn_cdc_map_time_to_lsn function which allows you to map the LSNs to actual times) and it will then output the net changes to the table within this period.
The cdc.fn_cdc_get_net_changes_(capture_instance) changes is generated depending on your table name, so as you have not specified what this is, I have called it dbo_members, please change as required, here is an example of how you can get a list of the latest values for all changed members within the last day using the functions detailed above:
DECLARE #begin_time DATETIME ,
#end_time DATETIME ,
#begin_lsn BINARY(10) ,
#end_lsn BINARY(10);
SELECT #begin_time = GETDATE() - 1 ,
#end_time = GETDATE();
SELECT #begin_lsn = sys.fn_cdc_map_time_to_lsn('smallest greater than',
SELECT #end_lsn = sys.fn_cdc_map_time_to_lsn('largest less than or equal',
SELECT [MemberID] ,
FROM cdc.fn_cdc_get_net_changes_dbo_members(#begin_lsn, #end_lsn, 'all')
As per steoleary you can simply check the data table for the latest values and ignore CDC altogether, but if you are looking to what changed with values from and to, then you will need to refer to the _$operation values 3 (deleted) and 4 (inserted) values in conjunction with the __$start_lsn. The inserted and deleted values correspond to those tables you would use when writing triggers btw.
To just see what column values changes as a precursor to actually evaluating those values, then you can use the __$update_mask column, tied into the cdc.captured_columns table which will provide you the actual column names, by implementing the sys.fn_cdc_is_bit_set(captured_columns.column_ordinal, __$update_mask) function where the result = 1.
Welcome to the wacky world of CDC and the copious amounts of late nights and caffeine hits required to even attempt to master it!
If your cdc system table name is cdc.dbo_demo_ct then with following query you will get desired result:
FROM (SELECT Row_number() OVER (partition BY a.MemberID ORDER BY b.tran_end_time DESC) t,
FROM cdc.dbo_demo_ct a
INNER JOIN cdc.lsn_time_mapping b
ON a.__$start_lsn = b.start_lsn) T
WHERE T.t = 1

SQL INNER JOIN vs. WHERE ID IN(...) not the same results

I was surprised by the outcome of these two queries. I was expecting same from both. I have two tables that share a common field but there is not a relationship set up. The table (A) has a field EventID varchar(10) and table (B) has a field XXNumber varchar(15).
Values from table B column XXNumber are referenced in table A column EventID. Even though XXNumber can hold 15 chars, none of the 179K rows of data is longer than 10 chars.
So the requirement was:
"To avoid Duplicate table B and table A entries, if the XXNumber is contained in a table A >“Event ID” number, then it should not be counted."
To see how many common records I have I ran this query first - call it query alpha"
SELECT dbo.TableB.XXNumber FROM dbo.TableB WHERE dbo.TableB.XXNumber in
( select distinct dbo.TableA.EventId FROM dbo.TableA )
The result was 5322 rows.
The following query - call it query delta which looks like this:
SELECT DISTINCT dbo.TableB.XXNumber, dbo.TableB.EventId
FROM dbo.TableB INNER JOIN dbo.TableA ON dbo.TableB.XXNumber= dbo.TableB.EventId
haas returned 4308 rows.
Shouldn't the resulting number of rows be the same?
The WHERE ID IN () version will select all rows that match each distinct value in the list (regardless of whether you code DISTINCT indide the inner select or not - that's irrelevant). If a given value appears in the parent table more than once, you'll get multipke rows selected from the parent table for that single value found in the child table.
The INNER JOIN version will select each row from the parent table once for every successful join, so if there are 3 rows in the child table with the value, and 2 in the parent, then there will be 6 rows rows in the result for that value.
To make them "the same", add 'DISTINCT' to your main select.
To explain what you're seeing, we'd need to know more about your actual data.

How to search on levelOrder values un SQL?

I have a table in SQL Server that contains the following columns :
Id Name ParentId LevelOrder
8 vehicle 0 0/8/
9 car 8 0/8/9/
10 bike 8 0/8/10/
11 House 0 0/11/
This creates a tree.
Say that I have the LevelOrder 0/8/, this should return only the car and bike rows, but how do I handle this in SQL Server?
I have tried :
Select * FROM MyTable WHERE LevelOrder >= '0/8/'
but that does not work.
The underscore character will guarantee at least one character comes after '0/8/', so you don't get a match on the "vehicle" row.
FROM MyTable
WHERE LevelOrder LIKE '0/8/_%'
This code allows you to select values that start with 0/8/
Select * FROM MyTable WHERE LevelOrder like '0/8/%'
Okay -
While #Joe's answer is the simplest and easiest to implement (and possibly better performing than what I'm about to propose...), there are some issues with update anomalies.
You already have a parentId column. You need to synchronize both this and the levelOrder column, or risk inconsistent data. (I believe this also violates 1NF, although my understanding of the exact definition is a little sketchy...)
levelOrder contains the entire heirarchy. If any one parent is moved, all children rows must have levelOrder modified to reflect this (potentially very messy).
In light of this, here's what I recommend:
Drop the levelOrder column, as its existence will (generally) cause problems.
Use a recursive CTE and the parentId column to build the heirarchy dynamically. Either leave the column where it is, or move it to a dedicated relationship table. Moving one parent then requires only one cell to be updated, and cannot result in any (data, not semantic) anomalies. The CTE should look similar to this form (will need to be adjusted for purpose):
WITH heir_parent (parentId, id) as (SELECT parentId, id
FROM table
WHERE id =
SELECT b.parentId,
FROM heir_parent as a
JOIN table as b
ON b.parentId =
At the moment, the CTE returns a list of all children of the given id, with their id and their immediate parent. It can be adjusted to return a number of other things as well - although I recommend that the CTE be used only to generate the relationship, and join externally to get the remaining data.