Oracle 10g xe database error when connecting ORA-12528 - sql

I am trying to connect to my local database Oracle 10g XE however i am getting the following error ORA - 12528. This connection was working and this issue suddenly arose. I did LSNRCTL status the results are under:
What can i do to resolve this problem?
Welcome to LSNRCTL, type "help" for information.
LSNRCTL> status
Connecting to (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=)(PORT=1521))
Version TNSLSNR for 32-bit Windows: Version - Produ
Start Date 03-JAN-2014 15:37:04
Uptime 0 days 0 hr. 3 min. 27 sec
Trace Level off
Security ON: Local OS Authentication
Listener Log File C:\Development\oracle_xe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\ser
Listening Endpoints Summary...
Services Summary...
Service "XE_XPT" has 1 instance(s).
Instance "xe", status BLOCKED, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
Service "xe" has 1 instance(s).
Instance "xe", status BLOCKED, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
The command completed successfully

From the error messages manual:
ORA-12528: TNS:listener: all appropriate instances are blocking new connections
Cause: All instances supporting the service
requested by the client reported that they were blocking the new
connections. This condition may be temporary, such as at instance
Action: Attempt the connection again. If error persists, then
contact the administrator to check the status of the instances.
This isn't really a listener issues - the database appears to unavailable. You'll need to look at the alert log to see why. You could also try to connect locally using SQL*Plus; if you try to connect as a normal user it might give some indication (e.g. an archiver error, maybe), and if you connect as SYS and try to start up you'll probably get an even better idea. Looking for errors in the alert log might be more direct though.

Restart the DB instance as sysdba: run this command:
sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL> shutdown
SQL> startup
In my case the server run out of space so I need to delete some unnecessary files first.


Cannot create connection in SQL Developer with new user added in PDB

First of, I'm still new when it comes to Oracle DBs and how they tend to do stuff so please forgive if I'm failing to see something obvious. I spent around 5 hours troubleshooting following issue and can't seem to resolve it on my own. Would really appreciate any help I can get.
I'm running SQL Developer for Oracle XE 18c database on my personal PC, trying to learn APEX with it and I'm having issues creating connection to DB with new user, once new user is added. Relevant info:
Able to connect to database using New connection prompt > sys as SYSDBA / password or system / password screenshot of successful test
Must change from CDB to PDB (in my case to XEPDB1 with ALTER SESSION) if I want to add user
If I try to add user either through SQL or GUI when in CDB - I get error ORA-65096: invalid common user or role name in oracle (meaning I have to switch to PDB - ok, no problem)
Once I switch to PDB - I am able to add user properly
User is simple name, simple pass, no way it can be missed, made 5-6 different accounts while trying, demo/demo, test/test, we'll use username: master / password: masterkey in this example
Once I try to create New connection > master / masterkey I get Status : Failure -Test failed: ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied, this is happening with every single user I created logon denied
Same happens if I try logging through SQLPlus sqlplus success for system user
All the tutorials, explanations and answers I found, make it so simple to log in with system > create new user > create new connection with that same user. Simple as that, but not me.
Now, I do see my created user under Other users section but I believe I should be able to have this user separately, as it's own connection, right?
screenshot for that
I will appreciate every help I can get. Let me know if you need any other configuration data.
lsnrctl services output:
LSNRCTL for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production on 09-MAY-2021 02:52:21
Copyright (c) 1991, 2018, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Services Summary...
Service "33a4c118d1384fc5842519d99267b5b7" has 1 instance(s).
Instance "xe", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
"DEDICATED" established:13 refused:0 state:ready
Service "CLRExtProc" has 1 instance(s).
Instance "CLRExtProc", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
"DEDICATED" established:0 refused:0
Service "XE" has 1 instance(s).
Instance "xe", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
"DEDICATED" established:13 refused:0 state:ready
Service "XEXDB" has 1 instance(s).
Instance "xe", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
"D000" established:0 refused:0 current:0 max:1022 state:ready
DISPATCHER <machine: DESKTOP-LU84249, pid: 7788>
Service "xepdb1" has 1 instance(s).
Instance "xe", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
"DEDICATED" established:13 refused:0 state:ready
The command completed successfully```
Resolved by rebooting PC. Database was installed few hours earlier and I didn't reboot PC ever since, even with everything else properly configured. Connected successfully using service name XEPDB1 (should be default for XE DBs).

Unable to run SQL Powershell using Agent account

In a SQL server in my environment, couple of days after patch(Not immediately after), syspolicy purge job started failing at step 3 executing powershell. When I created a test job with a simple print statement that is not working as well. If i create a Proxy with my account and run the job it suceeds. The agent account is a domain account with both local admin and sysadmin permissions on SQL server. I'm not sure why it crashes with the below error message everytime it calls powershell.
Application popup error - SQLPS.exe The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000142). Click OK to close the application.
Reboot it is!! Whew! There aint anything wrong with the Agent account. Something with the agent account was broke! Glad the issue is resolved.
Note:: The server was rebooted after the patch and there was no pending reboot. Also, after patching the job ran successfully 2 days. So just a weird failure! I'm unable to find what broke the account.

What does the "IO Error: Socket read timed out" means (SQL developer)

When I try to open SQL developer then I am getting this error:
An error was encountered performing the requested operation:
IO Error: Socket read timed out
The Network Adapter could not establish the connection Vendor code 17002
What is the problem?
Typical causes for that error:
Your database listener is not running
It is running, but maybe there is a firewall intervening
It is running, no firewall issue, but you have provided incorrect connection details.
Make sure your installation is on a LOCAL drive!
If your SQL Developer is launched from a network location (specifically, a different location than your database network location), that could be the issue.
I was having the same problem and I moved my installation to my local drive and it connected right away :)
Above answers are exact causes but to resolve this:
Go to server machine and login as root then run:
( # xhost + )
Then come to oracle user and run:
( $ lsnrctl reload LISTENER_NAME )

Weblogic Bridge Message - Failure of server APACHE bridge:

Here in this case, when a client is trying to access a particular URI, they are able to get a SUCCESS response for GET, but for the POST message, they are recieving a 500 error. Which is nothing but INTERNAL SERVER ERROR.
please look at the ERROR below:
Weblogic Bridge Message
Failure of server APACHE bridge:
Cannot open TEMP post file '/tmp/_wl_proxy/_post_1818_8' for POST of 3978 bytes
Weblogic Bridge Message
Failure of server APACHE bridge:
Internal Server failure, APACHE plugin. Cannot continue.
Eventually this was resolved after giving a 777 permission to /tmp/_wl_proxy and the client was able to access the page SUCCESSFULLY.
If this is a permission issue, then apache should throw 403 error, but i dont know why it was throwing 500 error.
if there is a internal server error, then both GET and POST response should be 500, So if anyone can answer this , it would be a great learning experience. Thanks..!!
You many not want to give Write to all (777) permission to /tmp/_wl_proxy directory. Check which userID apache is running under and only give writer permission to that userID.
This could be also with tmp directory full.
Here is what I did to solve this problem:
Go to weblogic management console (http://:7001/console)
Go to the server section, you will probably find one of your servers' status not running. This is what I found in my case;
Some features couldn't be run unless you have administrative privilege, I advice you stop all servers and re-run them as an administrator as you follow your servers status in the administrative console.
If the above doesn't work, something has to do with your either report or form server configuration is hindering the servers from starting up. In all cases you need to monitor the administration console.

Cannot start LocalDB

Cannot start LocalDB instance, I have installed and re-installed over and over.
Keep getting this error :
Start of LocalDB instance "v11.0" failed because of the following error:
Error occurred during LocalDB instance startup: SQL Server process failed to start.
Anyone any advice ? ?
Microsoft SQL Server 2012, i have ensured the FULL installation options, stopped all services SQL related and tried restarting .
sqllocaldb info
gives me :
when i try
sqllocaldb start v11.0
I get the above error.
When all else fails and you don't care about data loss, delete and recreate your LocalDB\v11.0 database! At the command prompt
sqllocaldb delete v11.0
sqllocaldb create v11.0
(Sqllocaldb is in your PATH right? It was for me.)
I was getting a similar error, but when running
sqllocaldb start
The local db started successfully. Also when checking the event log I saw an error along the lines of
Windows API call WaitForMultipleObjects returned error code: 575
What fixed it for me:
In IIS, configure the app pool to run under an account with permissions to the DB on the server (advanced options of the app pool)
In the advanced option of the app pool, set Load User Profile to true
It worths looking at LocalDB log files too, it is more detailed than event log:
%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server Local DB\Instances\ProjectsV12\error.log
Besides recreating the instance I had to delete the content of this folder:
This is where I have the mdf and ldf files.
My solution:
Go to: %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server Local DB\ and allow total control of the folder "Instances" to everyone group.
I know this is not OK but it solved my problem and i don't really care about the data of that folder as this is a developing and testing computer.
Same problem here. Here's how I fixed it using bits of the other solutions posted here.
I had dozens of these errors in the application event log:
Windows API call WaitForMultipleObjects returned error code: 575. Windows system error message is: {Application Error}
The application was unable to start correctly (0x%lx). Click OK to close the application.
Reported at line: 3730.
I realized that I had SQL Server Management Studio installed on my development machine, but no other SQL components. I installed the database engine, shared components, and localdb from SQL Express
After installing, I still get the same error in event log :(
Found this article:
Cannot start LocalDB
Run the following in cmd to get the localdb instance name:
C:> sqllocaldb info
In my install, I had:
I ran the following to delete the instances:
sqllocaldb delete MSSQLLocalDB
sqllocaldb delete ProjectsV13
I ran into issues trying to delete/create these (sqllocaldb delete MSSQLLocalDB). I ended up deleting all of the folders and files under '%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server Local DB\Instances*' (You need to stop SQL Server and kill all sqlserver processes)
Then running 'sqllocaldb create' created and started the default instance and all files.
Had this issue suddenly too but saw nothing weird in logs. Was able to get it running by running the following in an administrator command prompt:
sqllocaldb start
I had this issue. I was trying to use Windows Authentication through an application, but the IIS App Pool credentials were wrong. I was using my Windows user name (ie: NETWORK\name) as my identity, but I changed it to the built-in "LocalSystem" and it worked.
You should check the Event Log for additional information.
Product Name
SQL Server
Product Version
Product Build Number
Event ID
Event Source
SQL Server Local Database Runtime 11.0
Local Database Runtime API
Message Text
Error occurred during Local Database instance startup: SQL Server
process failed to start.
A SQL Server process is started but SQL Server startup failed.
User Action
See the event log for details.
What worked for me was the local IIS application pool I was using was the ApplicationPoolIdentity and that did not have permission to login to MSSQLLocalDB. As soon as a I changed the app pool identity to my windows login account - I was able to connect ok.
Had this issue on Windows 10 when our application was run with compatibility for Windows 8 enabled. Turning off the compatibility setting fixed it.
Before you try something drastic:
After waiting for about 5 minutes it "healed" itself.
(May be this is what this log message is pointing at: "The RANU instance is terminating in response to its internal time out")
I can not yet comment posts here but I really want to give a hint for the in my case extremely helpful post above:
If your LocalDB instance is run by the Windows SYSTEM user (as in my case) the path to error.log is this (MS SQL Server 2012 Express LocalDB on Win11): C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server Local DB\Instances\<InstanceName> (enter this path subfolder by subfolder to avoid access problems!)