Facebook pay UI isn't displaying says we don't accept payments anymore - facebook-javascript-sdk

We're using the javascript version of the SDK and finally can get the UI to display something except the message that displays is
"You can't buy things on [our app name] because they don't accept payments anymore. You can keep playing or try a new game"
Can't figure out why it would be displaying this message instead of showing the correct pay dialog with the different pay options such as mobile, cc, paypal, etc.

I added
action: 'purchaseitem'
to the object being passed to the FB.ui function and now it displays.


Call app within another app and get a response from this app

I am developing an application for this new card machines that look like a smartphone, but inside my app I should call the card machine payment app and get a payment answer if it worked or not,
Would there be any way to do this to get the application response that was opened by my application?
I tried using Linking, but every time you open the app, it returns true, that is, it returns true because the app was opened, not the response that the app returns would be if the payment went well.
enter image description here
Thanks for the personal help but I did it, develop a module in react-native to call the application and get feedback by deepLinks thanks everyone follow her link

iTunes Connect error: "An In-App Purchase has been returned"

I'm seeing the following error in iTunes Connect in the in-app purchase section for my app:
An In-App Purchase has been returned and is highlighted in the table
All of the in-app purchases for a new app have been rejected. They all show a status of Developer Action Needed. Going to each individual in-app purchase shows an exclamation sign with:
Your In-App Purchase has been returned. You must modify or delete
the highlighted item.
However, it there's no explanation at all of what the error is. This seems to be a problem a lot of developers have just started seeing:
Any ideas what's causing this? Is it just another iTunes Connect bug?
I had the same problem, following is the screenshot of how my in-app purchase's details page did show a yellow highlighted portion:
What I did is: added another language.. then deleted the previous rejected language, then added the previously rejected-then-deleted language and then deleted the second added language. :-) And it worked!
There is some issue with your binary or metadata that caused app review to reject your app. You need to address that issue. AND: Rather than reject the IAP, app review 'returned' it. If they had rejected it you would have needed to recode a new IAP because once rejected an IAP can't be resubmitted. Once you address the reason the app was rejected, all you need do is open the IAP, add a " " to any field, save it, remove the " ", save it again and it will be ready. I do not recall if you also need to attach it to the new binary or whether it remains attached.
Similar issue
To fix it, I edited >App Store Information >Subscription Display Name, saved the change, then immediately reverted my changes!

How to handle In-App purchase was complete outside the app (maybe in itunes app)?

I have an auto-renew subscription type in-app purchase product developed under iOS7.
Sometime user may not have billing information.
Therefore, after tapping purchase button, users will be redirected to itunes app for complete their billing information.
After they finished it, the purchase confirm dialog will show up.
Users tapped "Confirm" to do purchase but they were not redirected back to my app.
Instead, they needed to open my app by themselves.
And the un-completed transaction didn't come back neither.
It doesn't make sense. Does anybody know why?

Can't Create Facebook App

First time trying to create a Facebook app. Browsed to https://developers.facebook.com/apps and it had a link for to register before creating a link where you just accept the T&C's. Now it says, "Create an app to start..." But there is no button to click to create app.
I was having this SAME exact problem just now. I have a verified personal account (email and credit card) and I couldn't see the button. This is what I was getting:
I was at my wits end after 5 hours of reading similar questions and started pulling my eyelashes out...because I have no hair. I tried:
Turning off AdBlock
Testing in multiple browsers and OS'
Inspecting the area with Chrome Inspector...which turned up an empty #DeveleperAppDashHeader div
Praying to the rain gods
Eventually, I became so desperate that I started typing random urls, and this one, by the Odin's Raven, worked: http://developers.facebook.com/setup
It creates a popup window that will let you get the ball rolling. Let me know if this worked, because I am damn near ready to hump my chair with excitement.
Also, I suspect that this is a bug...because if I can create an App using this link but not through the dev dashboard, then something is up.
Here is an explanation about how to create a new app - http://ftutorials.com/create-facebook-app/
First you should check that you are not trying to create a new application from business account. You can create new app only from a facebook account of a real user.
Also there is some facebook bug, that after you click on "Create app", nothing happens, but your app is created.

Facebook App request in iOS (not using Dialog)

I need to send a request throw my app to user's friends in Facebook (After the app on Facebook is authorized) I know there is a way to do it through the SDK :
[self.facebook dialog:#"apprequests" andParams:params andDelegate:nil];
But I don't need that way to show the dialog I just need to be able to send the request in the background when the user select the friend from (Table View for example).
Is this possible?
The Facebook Dialog API has not been updated (yet, hopefully). You can't bypass the dialog the way you want to do it.
But, you can :
preselect the friends with your own GUI and gives the apprequest the selected facebook ids. This way, the dialog is just to confirm the request.
activate the frictionless parameter, to avoid the dialog the next time you send the request for the same selected friends (the confirm dialog seems to show anyway, though, and immediately disappear, it gives a not-so-nice blink on the screen).
here's the related documentation, in case you need it : https://developers.facebook.com/docs/howtos/send-requests-using-ios-sdk/