Is there a way to get details on a HITType given the HITTypeId? - mechanicalturk

I'm looking to get details on a HITType in Amazon Mechanical Turk, specifically the parameter values used when it was created. Is there an API call or a command line tool command that will let me see the things like the title, description, reward, assignment duration, keywords, auto approval delay, and qualification requirements?

This has been discussed on the developer forum. The answer from AWS was that there is no way to do this, but they'll think about adding it...maybe...sometime...probably never, though.


Mturk: three tasks but only one HIT

How can this be done with Mechanical Turk?
1- Worker fills in an evaluation test
2- The same worker uses an online e-learning site specifically on the topics that he/she failed.
3- The same worker passes again the evaluation test in order to confirm he/she made progress.
The test and the training can both be done online. Results and communications via email.
This sounds like a lot of manual work or custom programming.
You might want to use a Mechanical Turk Partner like They work with many researchers to create customized solutions using what they call Concierge Services".
It sounds like manual work to me as well. If you do not want to program it then the manual option is to split it into three separate HITs and add a custom qualification after the first and second HIT. These qualifications would be required to accept the second and third HIT respectively.

Mechanical Turk - Fetch results for a batch via API

We've created batches of HITs using the Mechanical Turk web interface. Now all we want to do is download the results for a batch using the API, the same way you can download the results for a batch in the web interface using "Download CSV".
The documentation from Amazon says that downloading the results from the API is possible and I would be surprised if it isn't. But after a lot of programming hours and testing I have not been able to get the results of a batch.
Our problem is not to get the HIT data, that stuff is easy with GetHIT. Our problem isn't either to get the assignment data, that's easily done with GetAssignmentsForHIT. Our problem is to figure out the HIT IDs of a batch so that we only fetch the results of that batch.
We thought we would be able to do this with GetHITsForQualificationType but since we use the same HIT type ID for all batches this isn't possible. The only other operation I can see is SearchHITs, but this operation only lets you "sort" values and not "filter" by e.g batch ID.
If Amazon is a SOA company and they follow the "eat your own dog food" concept, then I wonder how they generate the results in "Download CSV" using their API?
Any hints would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
I believe you could use SearchHITs to pull out all HITs. Then grab the details for each HIT using GetHIT. Then filter all the HITs by "RequesterAnnotation" which actually contains the batch ID, e.g "BatchId:1234567;". This might be the only solution. Sounds a bit far fetched though.
The workflow is exactly as you describe in your Update #1:
(1) Use SearchHITs to get all of your HITs.
(2) Get details with GetHIT (You can actually skip this step because the "Requester Annotation" field comes with SearchHITs if you include the HITDetail response group).
(3) Filter the results by the annotation field to get the HITs you want.
(4) Use GetAssignmentsForHIT to retrieve assignments.
The "batch id" is something that appears to only be accessible to Amazon for use on the Requester User Interface. (see some discussion on the MTurk Developer Forum)
And, of course, the API is going to give you results in XML, which you'll need to parse to turn them into a CSV.

freebase api - restore content by GUID

I'm trying to get topic details by guid, since it is the only parameter I've got from the client. Is it possible to get all details regarding topic by it's guid? I was trying with "trans raw" but very small amount of information were returned from freebase. Also, I was trying with mql:{"query":[{ "guid":"#9202a8c04000641f800000001b6c8698" }]}
But didn't had any success with that either. Any help here please?
Ignoring the question of why you are asking to be paid for a job that you didn't know how to do, you should try something along the lines of this:
There's a large amount of documentation available on on how to use the various APIs.
Also note that you are using a deprecated API which is going away, although that isn't an issue if this is a one-time task.

get auto approved hits from amazon mturk

I am using gem ruby-aws. I create hits and manually accept or reject the assignments or wait for mturk to auto-approve the hits. Now, I want to get those hits that are auto-approved by amazon mechanical turk. Is there any way I can do it? I hope my question is clear. I checked the Amazon Mturk documentation but could not find anything, am I missing something here?
HITs aren't auto-approved, only assignments, although the assignment autoapproval is often triggered on consensus being reached within a HIT. It also is triggered after a certain period of time if you haven't manually accepted or rejected an assignment.
If you want to distinguish between assignments you've approved and assignments that were auto-approved by Amazon, you could put something in the RequesterFeedback when you do the approval, e.g. Approved by SG, then ignore those assignments.
Finally, you could check the ApprovalTime and the AutoApprovalTime, and if they are the same, then you know that it was very likely done by Amazon and not by you.

How to fetch, display Amazon Marketplace listings by item?

My question pretty much says it all: I'm looking for a way to display Amazon Marketplace listings based on an item lookup. Example: If I do a call to ItemLookup with an ASIN of 0590353403 (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone), I'm looking for a result set of perhaps the top ten new or used Marketplace listings, preferably with seller information attached.
I apologize if this is clearly documented somewhere, but I have been looking all through the Amazon API docs and on Google to no avail. StackOverflow doesn't seem to have any Related Questions that match what I'm asking, either.
Thanks in advance!
After some further research, it seems I've found what I was looking for. In order to get a listing of all sale offers -- not just those from Amazon itself -- you must specify the MerchantId parameter in your query to the web service. This parameter can take on a few different values: "Amazon" (default), "All," "Featured," or a specific Merchant ID.
To get all the offer information, including seller names and the like, you must also submit the parameter ResponseGroup with the value "OfferFull."
Hope this helps somebody else out down the line! :-)