freebase api - restore content by GUID - api

I'm trying to get topic details by guid, since it is the only parameter I've got from the client. Is it possible to get all details regarding topic by it's guid? I was trying with "trans raw" but very small amount of information were returned from freebase. Also, I was trying with mql:{"query":[{ "guid":"#9202a8c04000641f800000001b6c8698" }]}
But didn't had any success with that either. Any help here please?

Ignoring the question of why you are asking to be paid for a job that you didn't know how to do, you should try something along the lines of this:
There's a large amount of documentation available on on how to use the various APIs.
Also note that you are using a deprecated API which is going away, although that isn't an issue if this is a one-time task.


How to use {loc_physical_ms} to get city and ZIP code on your website?

So I have a client that wants to do a Google Ad campaign for certain locations. From what we gathered, you can set up location of interest and pass on a parameter {loc_physical_ms} that can be used to get some details based on that ID. My question is, how do I access that info? Is it by using an API? I did looked at the reference here:
But it is not explained how I can use that ID on my website to get something like the ZIP code and city of the click. I been looking around, but to no avail. Any suggestion is welcome.
Thanks in advance!
Ok, found the solution. So for anyone that may come across this, that link I have above provides you with a CSV with the latest Geo Target list. I was under the impression that Google would provide an API for us to use, but that is not the case here. You will have to import that data into your database, and then use it from there. So once you have that data in your database, you can then just make a query that will use the ID from the parameter {loc_physical_ms} from the database as reference for your query.

Twitter API Standard Search: Can I get hidden replies?

I am trying to get as much data as a I can out of the Twitter API for an academic research project. Even though I only have access to the Standard API the data should be as accurate as possible. I am building myself a "wrapper" around Twarc and other utilities in Python that gets me most of the data I want in just the format I need. A big problem was getting all the replies, but I was able to solve it with a bit of trickery: Searching from the tweet in question onwards and then checking if the tweets in the obtained sample have the original tweet ID in "in_reply_to_tweet_id". Rinse and repeat with those newly obtained tweets.
Then I noticed the new moderation feature Twitter implemented in March. Now the moderated comments under "More replies" do not show up in my search output.
I find all replies except the following: Under "More replies" ("Mehr Antworten" in German), there is a reply chain started by a extreme right leaning (possibly troll) account ("#Der Steuerzahler") that got moderated and shoved down there. This does not show up in API searches, even if I let the code iterate for over an hour just looking for replies to this particular original tweet.
My question is pretty general: Aside from getting replies as they come in (i.e. before they are moderated) via Filter API, is it possible to find these moderated tweets via the Standard Search API? Not looking for a ready-made solution, general pointers suffice. If I can't find them via Search, then I obviously won't try it with that anymore.
Thanks in advance.

JQL query that shows the tasks which have new comments on them

I work for a university and my group uses JIRA to maintain our technology helpdesk. We often send messages to customers and wait days to hear a response. I am looking for a filter that will show all the open tasks which are assigned to me and have a new comment from someone other than me. This way I don't have to look through all of my tasks, I can easily tell from this filter, whether any of my tickets now require a response from me.
So far I have this search:
assignee = currentUser() AND status != Done AND
updatedDate > startOfDay(-1d) AND updatedDate < endOfDay(-0d)
It doesn't look like Jira provides a way to access number of comments, last comment date, etc. The closest thing I could find in their reference was Comment which only checks the text of a comment.
Possible Alternatives
Add yourself as a watcher of the Jira issues and setup email notifications. This is what I do to manage my Jira issues. I setup a Jira folder in my email and an automated filter to move all Jira notifications into it. Then I just look through that folder multiple times per day. The downside is you'll keep more notifications than you actually need or care about.
Use Jira's REST API. If you or someone at your school has some programming knowledge, you could probably use the Jira API. Potential solution:
Use the search endpoint to get a list of issues. You can pass JQL to the API to filter the issues.
Use the get issue endpoint to get the details of each issue returned from the search. Within those details are all the comments on the issue, including the time the comment was posted.

eBay LMS Trading API AddFixedPriceItemRequest returns 'SKU already in use' error

I've been working on an automatized eBay-upload-item module for a while now and every time I think it could work, eBay comes up with a new non-sense error. Currently the error is:
SKU already in use
I have 0 items in my listing, (active, ended, unsold etc), literally, 0 items anywhere. And when i try to make a BULK upload via the Trading API using individual AddFixedPriceItemRequest per item (including variations), I get the above error, which makes no sense.
All my SKUs are uniquely generated and then checked for against a database that stores them so as to avoid duplication. There is no documentation anywhere, and just basing my debugging on eBay's error reporting can drive anyone into insanity.
Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks
First of all, make sure that the item you're trying to upload is not a Multi-SKU item. This error can appear for multiple problems related to any part of your listing.
It would be also great if you can post API request and response here.

How to get reposted tracks from my activities?

Using the Souncloud API, I'd like to retrieve the reposted tracks from my activities. The /me/activities endpoint seems suited for this and I tried the different types provided.
However, I didn't find out how to get that data. Does anyone know?
Replace User Id, limit and offset with what you need:
You could try the following approach:
Get the users that shared a track via /tracks/{id}/shared-to/users endpoint.
Fetch the tracks postet by this user via /tracks endpoint, as the _user_id_ is contained.
Compare the tracks metadata with the one you originally posted.
I am not into the Soundcloud API, but taking a close look at it seems to make this approach at least as technical possible, though e.g. fetching all tracks won't be a production solution, of course. It's more a hint. Perhaps reposting means something totally different in this context.
And the specified entpoint exists in the general api doc, so I don't know if you would have to extend the java-api-wrapper for using it.