Show formula of a cell, but values instead of references - vba

I am using a formula to show a cells formula in another cell.
I want to show the values of each reference in this formula, instead of the reference.
Want it to be
Function I am using now to show formula as it is
Function GetFormula(Cell As Range) As String
GetFormula = Cell.Formula
End Function

Here is a very basic example which can handle cases like
Let's say the above formulas are in cell A1 to A5
All cells are in the same sheet
There is no worksheet function like SUM, Vlookup etc
No Error handling done. Assuming that you will take care of it
Sample Worksheet
Sub Sample()
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To 5
Debug.Print ConvertToValues(Range("A" & i))
Next i
End Sub
Function ConvertToValues(rng As Range)
Dim sTmp As String, sOpr As String, sOrig As String
Dim s As String, v As String
Dim MyAr
Dim i As Long
sOpr = "+,/,-,*,&,(,),{,},[,]"
MyAr = Split(sOpr, ",")
sTmp = Replace(rng.Formula, "$", "")
sOrig = sTmp
For i = LBound(MyAr) To UBound(MyAr)
sTmp = Replace(sTmp, MyAr(i), "SIDROUT")
Next i
MyAr = Split(sTmp, "SIDROUT")
For i = LBound(MyAr) To UBound(MyAr)
s = MyAr(i)
If Len(Trim(s)) <> 0 Then
v = Range(s).Value
sOrig = Replace(sOrig, s, v)
End If
Next i
If sOrig <> "" Then _
ConvertToValues = "=" & sOrig
End Function
Let me know if the above code fails in a particular scenario and I will update the code.


Two Strings won't concatenate VBA Excel

I am writing a little Excel-Macro with VBA. Now I would like to concat two Strings and save them into a String-Array.
What I got:
Dim rowNumberString As String
Dim colIndexString As String
Dim headerArray(1 To colIndexArrayRange) As String
colIndexNumber = 14
colCount = 5
rowNumberString = "12"
addAnotherColumnToArray = True
' Fill the column array with all the month's entries
While addAnotherColumnToArray
colCount = colCount + 1
colIndexNumber = colIndexNumber + 1
If colIndexArray(colCount) = "" Then
colIndexString = Split(Cells(1, colIndexNumber).Address(True, False), "$")(0)
colIndexArray(colCount) = colIndexString & rowNumberString
End If
Debug.Print colCount & "=" & colIndexArray(colCount)
If (colIndexNumber > 61) Then
addAnotherColumnToArray = False
End If
The output:
' ....
So it seems that this line:
` colIndexArray(colCount) = colIndexString & rowNumberString`
is not concatenating the String the way it should. What did I do wrong? I thought the &-Operator would always work for Strings in VBA.
As I stated in my comment, you could be going about this in a completely different way.
Not sure what you are trying to accomplish, but a For...Next statement using Objects, rather than Strings should help you accomplish your task.
Option Explicit
Sub TEST()
Dim ws As Worksheet, Rng12 As Range, Cell As Range
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
Set Rng12 = ws.Range("L12:Z12") 'Adjust your range
For Each Cell In Rng12
Debug.Print Cell.Address
Next Cell
End Sub

formula giving wrong values after copying another sheet

i have small problem with workbook "data_base" ...after copying the data to another sheet the formula in column "D" should show
like this below
"=IF([#[Time Out]]="","",([Time Out]-[Time In])*24)"
but its showing as below
"=IF(TTM_Form.xlsm!Table2[#[Time Out]]="","",(TTM_Form.xlsm!Table2[Time Out]-TTM_Form.xlsm!Table2[Time In])*24)"
and i am not getting the proper results ...can you please let me know how to avoid it.
code line below
.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy Destination:=Destination.Range("A1")
You could try something like:
Destination.Range("A1").Formula = Origin.Range("F1").Formula
If you have table and column names in your formula, naturally you will have the same table and column names after copy/paste.
Suppose that your table layout is as follows:
1- You can either manually amend the formula as =IF(E2="","",(E2-F2)*24) and then copy/paste with your code.
2- Or you can have the code do it for you:
Sub cpy()
Sheets("Sheet2").Range("D2").Formula = str(Sheets("Sheet1").Range("D2"))
End Sub
Function str(rng As Range) As String
Dim brakets As Object, regEx As Object
Dim colname As String, colletter As String
Dim i As Long, colno As Long, rowno As Long
Set regEx = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
str = rng.Formula
With regEx
.Global = True
.Pattern = "\[(.*?)\]"
Set brakets = .Execute(str)
For i = 0 To brakets.count - 1
colname = Replace(Replace(Replace(brakets(i).submatches(0), "#", ""), "[", ""), "]", "")
colno = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(colname, Sheets(rng.Parent.Name).Rows(1), 0)
colletter = Split(Cells(1, colno).Address(True, False), "$")(0)
rowno = rng.Row
str = Replace(str, brakets(i), colletter & rowno)
Next i
End With
str = Replace(Replace(Replace(str, "#", ""), "[", ""), "]", "")
End Function

Possible combinations of values

I'm trying to adapt the Sub + Function from this thread to my need:
write all possible combinations
Tim Williams solution.
It works fine since all columns have at least 2 values. I'm after if there is a workaround to make it work even if some of the columns have just one value in it.
In the Sub command I could change to
col.Add Application.Transpose(sht.Range(Cells(3, c.Column), Cells(Rows.Count, c.Column).End(xlUp)))
and it goes fine.
But the Function is crashing at this line:
ReDim pos(1 To numIn)
just when processing the column that has just one value in it.
Thaks in advance for any help.
I have a more elegant solution with following assumptions:
The data and write to cells are on the same activesheet
Start combination from a cell you specify and going downward then right
Stops going rightward as soon as the cell of the same row is empty
writes the combination from a cell you specify going downwards
Screenshots after the code (Bug fixed on 1 row only on a data column):
Private Const sSEP = "|" ' Separator Character
Sub ListCombinations()
Dim oRngTopLeft As Range, oRngWriteTo As Range
Set oRngWriteTo = Range("E1")
Set oRngTopLeft = Range("A1")
WriteCombinations oRngWriteTo, oRngTopLeft
Set oRngWriteTo = Nothing
Set oRngTopLeft = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub WriteCombinations(ByRef oRngWriteTo As Range, ByRef oRngTop As Range, Optional sPrefix As String)
Dim iR As Long ' Row Offset
Dim lLastRow As Long ' Last Row of the same column
Dim sTmp As String ' Temp string
If IsEmpty(oRngTop) Then Exit Sub ' Quit if input cell is Empty
lLastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, oRngTop.Column).End(xlUp).Row
'lLastRow = oRngTop.End(xlDown).Row ' <- Bug when 1 row only
For iR = 0 To lLastRow - 1
sTmp = ""
If sPrefix <> "" Then
sTmp = sPrefix & sSEP & oRngTop.Offset(iR, 0).Value
sTmp = oRngTop.Offset(iR, 0).Value
End If
' No recurse if next column starts empty
If IsEmpty(oRngTop.Offset(0, 1)) Then
oRngWriteTo.Value = sTmp ' Write value
Set oRngWriteTo = oRngWriteTo.Offset(1, 0) ' move to next writing cell
WriteCombinations oRngWriteTo, oRngTop.Offset(0, 1), sTmp
End If
End Sub

How to get row based on multiple criteria?

I'm trying to search a worksheet for a row where the values in the first 3 columns match a set of 3 criteria. I'm using this linear search:
Function findRow(pName as string,fNo as string,mType as string) As Long
Dim rowCtr As Long
rowCtr = 2
While Not rowMatchesCriteria(rowCtr, pName,fNo,mType)
rowCtr = rowCtr + 1
End Function
Function rowMatchesCriteria(row As Long, pName As String, fNo As String, mType As String) As Boolean
rowMatchesCriteria = dSheet.Cells(row,1)=pName _
And dSheet.Cells(row,2)=fNo _
And dSheet.Cells(row,3)=mType
End Function
We can assume that for any 3 criteria, there is only one match. However, this is very slow. dSheet has ~35,000 entries to search through, and I need to perform ~400,000 searches.
I looked at some of the solutions in this question, and while I'm sure that using AutoFilter or an advanced would be faster than a linear search, I don't understand how to get the index of the row that the filter returns. What I'm looking for would be:
Sub makeUpdate(c1 as string,c2 as string,c3 as string)
Dim result as long
result = findRow(c1,c2,c3)
dSheet.Cells(result,updateColumn) = someUpdateValue
End Sub
How do I actually return the result row that I'm looking for once I've applied AutoFilter?
For performance you're hard-pressed to beat a Dictionary-based lookup table:
Sub FindMatches()
Dim d As Object, rw As Range, k, t
Dim arr, arrOut, nR, n
t = Timer
'create the row map (40k rows)
Set d = GetRowLookup(Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A2:C40001"))
Debug.Print Timer - t, "map"
t = Timer
'run lookups on the row map
'(same values I used to create the map, but randomly-sorted)
For Each rw In Sheets("sheet2").Range("A2:C480000").Rows
k = GetKey(rw)
If d.exists(k) Then rw.Cells(3).Offset(0, 1).Value = d(k)
Next rw
Debug.Print Timer - t, "slow version"
t = Timer
'run lookups again - faster version
arr = Sheets("sheet2").Range("A2:C480000").Value
nR = UBound(arr, 1)
ReDim arrOut(1 To nR, 1 To 1)
For n = 1 To nR
k = arr(n, 1) & Chr(0) & arr(n, 2) & Chr(0) & arr(n, 3)
If d.exists(k) Then arrOut(n, 1) = d(k)
Next n
Sheets("sheet2").Range("D2").Resize(nR, 1).Value = arrOut
Debug.Print Timer - t, "fast version"
End Sub
'create a dictionary lookup based on three column values
Function GetRowLookup(rng As Range)
Dim d As Object, k, rw As Range
Set d = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
For Each rw In rng.Rows
k = GetKey(rw)
d.Add k, rw.Cells(1).Row 'not checking for duplicates!
Next rw
Set GetRowLookup = d
End Function
'create a key from a given row
Function GetKey(rw As Range)
GetKey = rw.Cells(1).Value & Chr(0) & rw.Cells(2).Value & _
Chr(0) & rw.Cells(3).Value
End Function
If you want to do an exact lookup on 3 columns, you can use VLOOKUP using a slight trick: you create a key based on your 3 columns. E.g. if you want to perform your query on columns B, C, D, create a key column in A based on your three columns (e.g. =B1&C1&D1). Then:
should do the magic.
One simple solution could be using excel function MATCH as array formula.
No for-each loops so I guess this could run very fast.
Formula will look e.g. like this MATCH("A"&"B"&"C",RANGE_1&RANGE_2&RANGE_3,0)
Option Explicit
Private Const FORMULA_TEMPLATE As String = _
Private Const EXACT_MATCH = 0
Sub test()
Dim result
result = findRow("A", "B", "C")
Debug.Print "A,B,C was found on row : [" & result & "]"
End Sub
Function findRow(pName As String, fNo As String, mType As String) As Long
On Error GoTo Err_Handler
Dim originalReferenceStyle
originalReferenceStyle = Application.ReferenceStyle
Application.ReferenceStyle = xlR1C1
Dim data As Range
Set data = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
Dim formula As String
' Add criteria
formula = Replace(FORMULA_TEMPLATE, "CRITERIA_1", pName)
formula = Replace(formula, "CRITERIA_2", fNo)
formula = Replace(formula, "CRITERIA_3", mType)
' Add ranges where search
formula = Replace(formula, "RANGE_1", data.Columns(1).Address(ReferenceStyle:=xlR1C1))
formula = Replace(formula, "RANGE_2", data.Columns(2).Address(ReferenceStyle:=xlR1C1))
formula = Replace(formula, "RANGE_3", data.Columns(3).Address(ReferenceStyle:=xlR1C1))
' Add match type
formula = Replace(formula, "MATCH_TYPE", EXACT_MATCH)
' Get formula result
findRow = Application.Evaluate(formula)
' Set reference style back
Application.ReferenceStyle = originalReferenceStyle
End Function
Output: A,B,C was found on row : [4]
In order to improve the best answer (multi criteria search), you would want to check for duplicates to avoid error.
'create a dictionary lookup based on three column values
Function GetRowLookup(rng As Range)
Dim d As Object, k, rw As Range
Set d = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
For Each rw In rng.Rows
k = GetKey(rw)
if not d.exists(k) then
d.Add k, rw.Cells(1).Row 'checking for duplicates!
end if
Next rw
Set GetRowLookup = d
End Function

How to compare string from cell with string from inputBox()

I have a spread sheet that look like so:
Group | Name | Title
X WS -
X DH -
X M -
X DH -
X WS -
I want to loop through all the cells in name and replace the initial there with their full name in addition to adding the correct title. My script is failing to accurately compare the strings and go into the if-statement:
Sub enterNameAndTitle()
lastCell = InputBox("Last cell")
rInitials = InputBox("Initials")
rFullName = InputBox("Full Name")
rTitle = InputBox("Title")
Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In Range("b2:b" & lastCell).Cells
MsgBox (cell.Text & " : " & rInitials)
If StrComp(UCase(cell.Value), UCase(rInitials)) = 0 Then
cell.Value = rFullName
ActiveSheet.Cells(cell.Row, cell.Column + 1).Value = rTitle
End If
Next cell
End Sub
So I first collect the data and then loop through all the values. Does anyone know what I am doing incorrectly? Why doesn't it compare the string accurately?
I don't see anything wrong, but there are 2 things I would try
One is to use TRIM to make sure neither string has leading or trailing blanks
The 2nd is to change the if to if(ucase(trim(cell.value))=ucase(trim(rInitials)))
The problem was one of differing types and the only way that seemed to work for me was to re-cast both variables as type String using CStr()
Sub enterNameAndTitle()
Dim lastCell As String
lastCell = InputBox("Last cell")
'Cast to string
Dim rInitials As String
rInitials = CStr(InputBox("Initials"))
Dim rFullName As String
rFullName = InputBox("Full Name")
Dim rTitle As String
rTitle = InputBox("Title")
Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In Range("b2:b" & lastCell).Cells
Dim cellText As String
'Cast to string
cellText = CStr(cell.Text)
If (Trim(UCase(cell.Value)) = Trim(UCase(rInitials))) Then
MsgBox ("test1")
cell.Value = rFullName
ActiveSheet.Cells(cell.Row, cell.Column + 1).Value = rTitle
End If
Next cell
End Sub