How to move SharePoint designer developed workflow one site to another site? - sharepoint-2010

How to move SharePoint designer developed workflow one site to another site.
what are the steps by do i am follow .

It is advisable to create a reusable workflow from designer, if you want to move to another site.
If you have created list workflow,
here is good article that demonstrates step by step guidelines to move SP designer list workflow from one site to another site.


Is there an easy way to create a custom dashboard for users of the Project Portal for TFS?

This might be a better question for, but since i am using TFS there may be differences, i am not sure.
I need to create a dashboard for a couple users that outlines our current sprint queries. They only need to see kind of the same hierarchy we would see if viewing a tree view in Visual Studio's Team Explorer (when running a tree query).
There are Sharepoint 2010 Dashboards.
Referenced here
Edit: Sharepoint 2010 configuration for compatibility explained here will be needed I guess.

Extracting all List Content from multiple Lists from a Site Collection from a SharePoint 2010 Farm

i am a Sharepoint administrator of a small farm. One of our solution provider has created a huge amount of WebSites at an SharePoint 2010 that have a hierachialy order. And every WebSite has a Custom list with the name "User. Now i want to extract from every WebSite this list into one csv file. The best would be to also extract the Name of the WebSite directly as a new column.
I understand that i have to use the SPSiteDataQuery Class but i am new to developing for sharepoint so i am not sure where to start. Also i would like to have it to run weekly, like some kind of service.
I should note that i have some knowledge in c#
Can someone help me please ?
Using SharePoint Timer Job you can execute you code weekly base then fetch User data from all webs.

Sharepoint 2010 Workflow from Visio 2010 - Multiple Approval Process 2nd and 3rd blank?

We have designed a custom workflow using Visio 2010. The workflow has been imported into a Sharepoint 2010 Server team site and is attached to a list. The workflow has three "start approval process" which uses the OOTB approval process . When I go to edit the workflow in Sharepoint 2010 Designer, I go through each step customizing it. Everything is working right up until I get to the second "start approval process" (the first "start approval process" allows me to see the entire structure and customize it to my liking). I click on the second one, it opens in another window with more properties, I select "Change the behavior of the overall task process" and there is no logic at all on this approval process, it is completely blank and only has an opening step (start typing or use the insert group in the ribbon).
When I take this same Visio 2010 and import it into a completely different Sharepoint 2010 Server, import it and try the same process, it works fine...I can modify all the approval process points.
I should state the difference between the two is that the one in which everything works, I'm importing and changing as a farm admin (test system). The other Sharepoint server in which it is not working, I definitely do not have full admin.
I'm willing to bet it is a permission issue, if it is, what permission should I grant and why is it working for one but not all?
Strangest thing, as soon as I completely closed Sharepoint Designer and re-opened it again, this issue did not occur!
Lesson learned, don't leave apps open on your desktop so long, Reggie!

Does Sharepoint 2010 out of the box have rich right click context menus

All my googling returned only information related to how to add additional right click features.
I swear somewhere I saw screenshots of MSS2010 being used where right clicking provided the menu to do various operations, versus having to use the ribbon, or worse that awful menu pictured here.
I was expecting this to all be drag drop... :(
I'm really disappointed with the lack of ajaxy-ness built into mss2010. I can't believe every save/apply reloads the whole page.
SharePoint is a massive product. Microsoft appears to be adding and improving as much functionality as it can in each release.
A high priority of Microsoft for SharePoint 2010 was to redo the HTML for the end user pages. And it is much improved. The poorly formed, table heavy HTML of SharePoint 2007 now has more divs and unordered lists. However, you have stated that you do not like their design choices of the ribbon and full page refreshes. And you also do not like that UI improvements did not extend to system pages in the layouts directory.
SharePoint 2010 was released almost a year ago. Functionality changed during the beta, but it is unlikely that big changes will be introduced at this point. Your two best bets for getting your desired functionality are:
Create a CodePlex project that provides the functionality you want. If the project becomes popular, Microsoft might include it in the next release.
Based on Sharepoint Feature Request, post your request to the SharePoint forums with a subject of "FEATURE REQUEST". If Microsoft agrees to your request, it could be included in the next release.
MacroView specializes in document management, email management and knowledge management solutions based on Microsoft Office and Microsoft SharePoint.
MacroView DMF and MacroView Message add a new pane to Outlook which displays all the areas of the SharePoint environment for which you have access permission. The new pane in Outlook provides:
Searching across the SharePoint DM store with results displayed in Outlook
Formatted previews of files in SharePoint, without the need to download and open
Extensive right-click menu for files and areas
Right-click to create new Libraries and Folders
One-click access to your Favorite document libraries and folders in SharePoint
Automatic creation of Favorites – e.g. for Projects for which you are a timekeeper
Drag & Drop from everywhere to anywhere to save emails or attachments to ANY area where you have permission
Go here for more information

Is there any simple way to crawl all of the SharePoint 2010 site information to save it into a database?

I'm working with Visual Studio 2010 and Sharepoint 2010. I would like to know if there's a way to have a web part that crawls all the data within a SharePoint site so I can save it into a custom db.
You can certainly create a custom web part that will do this. I do not know of an out of the box web part that will work. I began writing something like this when I found SharePoint List Source and Destination. It's a CodePlex project for an SSIS SharePoint adapter. We did not need a user interface for the extract, so we used it successfully last year for transferring data between SQL Server and SharePoint.
Sounds like all you need to do is use the API, OOB web services, or the Client OM to write some code and access the lists directly. Which approach you take depends mostly on where the code will run.
Well I found this article - Document Library Tree View Web Part for SharePoint - it is a Web Part that shows all the info of any of the document libraries within a site. At least I know how to crawl that kind of library.