Sharepoint 2010 Workflow from Visio 2010 - Multiple Approval Process 2nd and 3rd blank? - sharepoint-2010

We have designed a custom workflow using Visio 2010. The workflow has been imported into a Sharepoint 2010 Server team site and is attached to a list. The workflow has three "start approval process" which uses the OOTB approval process . When I go to edit the workflow in Sharepoint 2010 Designer, I go through each step customizing it. Everything is working right up until I get to the second "start approval process" (the first "start approval process" allows me to see the entire structure and customize it to my liking). I click on the second one, it opens in another window with more properties, I select "Change the behavior of the overall task process" and there is no logic at all on this approval process, it is completely blank and only has an opening step (start typing or use the insert group in the ribbon).
When I take this same Visio 2010 and import it into a completely different Sharepoint 2010 Server, import it and try the same process, it works fine...I can modify all the approval process points.
I should state the difference between the two is that the one in which everything works, I'm importing and changing as a farm admin (test system). The other Sharepoint server in which it is not working, I definitely do not have full admin.
I'm willing to bet it is a permission issue, if it is, what permission should I grant and why is it working for one but not all?

Strangest thing, as soon as I completely closed Sharepoint Designer and re-opened it again, this issue did not occur!
Lesson learned, don't leave apps open on your desktop so long, Reggie!


Remove the popup message after removing the SQL document in SQL Server

Goal: don't display the popup when you remove/delete the SQL document in SQL Server.
Problem: before I downloaded the latest version of SQL Server, it didn't show any popup about status when I removed the SQL document.
When I downloaded the latest version of SQL Server, it suddenly started to display the popup.
It always displays when I remove/delete the SQL document in SQL Server.
How do I remove it?
Thank you!
Uninstalling third-party SQL software permanently removed the "Querying transaction count" popup for me. Details are below.
I downloaded Devart's "SQL Tools" pack. It was one installation file
that installed the 15 separate applications into SQL Server Management Studio. I didn't even open any of the applications yet or activate the free trial (not sure if it activates automatically or not), and ever since have been receiving the "Querying transaction count" popup every time a query window is closed.
This was reducing my productivity, so I spent a few hours researching how to remove this popup so I don't have to click the close button thousands of times. SSMS didn't update, there weren't any options within SSMS or Devart to remove this popup, and there weren't any solutions online other than to create a macro to replicate multiple keyboard strokes to disconnect the connection first and then close the query window.
I ended up uninstalling these 15 applications, and without even needing to restart my PC, the "Querying transaction count" stopped appearing. As an added bonus, the annoying "Buy Devart" PC ads with the too-tiny-to-click-to-close-X that were also popping up every few hours (15+ popup ads a day during Black Friday sale too) stopped appearing as well! Hallelujah! Maybe someone else experiencing this "Querying transaction count" SELECT ##trancount popup installed third-party software like Devart's and just needs to uninstall it.
The software below looks amazing and I'm still interested in trying them out if the free trial didn't automatically activate and expire, but will probably install them one at a time so I can figure out which of the 15 programs is causing this popup. SQL Complete was the only one that I kept and is not causing the popup, so it's 1 of the other 14.
Devart's SQL Tools
SQL Complete (Not Causing Popup)
Source Control
Unit Test
Schema Compare
Data Compare
Data Generator
Data Pump
Index Manager
Query Builder
Event Profiler
SQL Decryptor
DevOps Automation

MS Access "Cannot connect to the SharePoint site" Error on Large Linked Lists

I am having an issue with MS Access 2010 opening a large SharePoint linked list. It was working fine on a Friday afternoon around 4:30pm, but then, the following Monday morning, I began getting an error when trying to open a large SharePoint linked list. Not all of the linked lists, just the largest one, which has 8036 records (the view threshold is 10000). MS Access appears to open the list,but then the wait cursor appears and then after some time an error message (Cannot connect to the SharePoint site '') displays and all of the displayed data is removed.
I've asked our sys admins if there were any group policy or system updates that were pushed and they were not aware of any (but that doesn't mean there weren't any).
Here is a screencast video of the problem that I am having:
I have had success with SharePoint linked list, disconnecting them from Access and Linking anew. I have had mixed success with refresh link option in MS Access.

How to move SharePoint designer developed workflow one site to another site?

How to move SharePoint designer developed workflow one site to another site.
what are the steps by do i am follow .
It is advisable to create a reusable workflow from designer, if you want to move to another site.
If you have created list workflow,
here is good article that demonstrates step by step guidelines to move SP designer list workflow from one site to another site.

SharePoint workflow development

I get a weird error message when trying to create new Visual Studio 2010 project of type "SharePoint 2010 Sequential workflow":
"The SharePoint site at "somesite" is missing a target, task, or history list. Each of these lists is required to associate a workflow template. Please create a list and then launch this wizard."
I already have two projects in my Visual Studio 2010 solution: MyListsDef with many SharePoint custom lists defined and MySiteDef with site definition to populate those lists when new SharePoint site is created.
I have to create SharePoint workflow project for some of my lists in Visual Studio 2010.
I made some steps prior creation of third (SharePoint Sequential workflow) project in my solution:
Compile and package both MyListsDef and MySiteDef,
Install both MyListsDef.wsp and MySiteDef.wsp as solutions on my SharePoint 2010 server,
Create new SharePoint 2010 site based on MySiteDef template,
Create new Visual Studio 2010 project "SharePoint 2010 Sequential workflow" with reference to SharePoint site, created in step #3.
However, I always get the error "... is missing a target, task, or history list." every time I select a site, created in step #3, as a reference in a sequential workflow wizard in Visual Studio 2010 in step #4.
What does this error mean and what lists are missing?
What I am doing wrong?
What is a typical way to develop SharePoint workflows with custom lists?
Thanks in advance,
This happens when required lists for workflows are not created.
Do the below to make it work :
ACTIVATE any feature thats relaetd to workflow (1st at SITE COLL level then at WEB level)
Go to the site and select a list
Then ADD A WORKFLOW and then select some workflow (ex: approval)
The above process will create required lists for workflow processing.
Now you can continue with Visual Studio work.

Does Sharepoint 2010 out of the box have rich right click context menus

All my googling returned only information related to how to add additional right click features.
I swear somewhere I saw screenshots of MSS2010 being used where right clicking provided the menu to do various operations, versus having to use the ribbon, or worse that awful menu pictured here.
I was expecting this to all be drag drop... :(
I'm really disappointed with the lack of ajaxy-ness built into mss2010. I can't believe every save/apply reloads the whole page.
SharePoint is a massive product. Microsoft appears to be adding and improving as much functionality as it can in each release.
A high priority of Microsoft for SharePoint 2010 was to redo the HTML for the end user pages. And it is much improved. The poorly formed, table heavy HTML of SharePoint 2007 now has more divs and unordered lists. However, you have stated that you do not like their design choices of the ribbon and full page refreshes. And you also do not like that UI improvements did not extend to system pages in the layouts directory.
SharePoint 2010 was released almost a year ago. Functionality changed during the beta, but it is unlikely that big changes will be introduced at this point. Your two best bets for getting your desired functionality are:
Create a CodePlex project that provides the functionality you want. If the project becomes popular, Microsoft might include it in the next release.
Based on Sharepoint Feature Request, post your request to the SharePoint forums with a subject of "FEATURE REQUEST". If Microsoft agrees to your request, it could be included in the next release.
MacroView specializes in document management, email management and knowledge management solutions based on Microsoft Office and Microsoft SharePoint.
MacroView DMF and MacroView Message add a new pane to Outlook which displays all the areas of the SharePoint environment for which you have access permission. The new pane in Outlook provides:
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