How can you implement non-standard Leap Motion gestures? - leap-motion

The Leap Motion API only supports four standard gestures: circle, swipe, key tap and screen tap. In my application I need other gestures, but I do not know how can I add them or if it is even possible to add more gestures. I read the API and it was no help.
In my application I want to allow the user to hold an object and drag it. Is that possible using the Leap Motion API? If so, how can I do this?

You will need to create your own methods to recognize the starting point, the process, and the ending point of a gesture.
Starting point:
How will your program recognize you are trying to hold something? A simple gesture I can think of is 2 fingers linked with 1 palm. So in the frame, if you see 2 fingers linked with 1 palm and the fingers are maybe 10-20 mm apart, you can recognize it as a gesture to hold something. When these conditions are fulfilled, the program will recognize the gesture and you can write some code inside these conditions.
For a very ugly example in C#:
Starting point:
Boolean gesture_detected = false;
Frame frame = controller.Frame();
HandList hands = controller.Hands;
if (hands.Count == 1)
foreach (Hand hand in hands)
if (hand.fingers.Count == 2)
int fingerA_x,fingerB_x;
foreach (Finger finger in hand.fingers)
if(fingerA_x == 0)
fingerA_x = finger.x;
} else
fingerB_x = finger.x;
if((fingerA_x - fingerB_x) < 20)
//Gesture is detected. Do something...
gesture_detected = true;
What is your gesture trying to do? If you want to move around, you will have to call a mouse method to do a drag. Search for the method mouse_event() in C++ under PInvoke using the event MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN.
Ending point:
After you finish dragging, you need to call a mouse method event like MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP to simulate a mouse drag that has finished. But how will your program detect when you should stop the drag? Most logical way is if the gesture is no longer being detected in the frame. So write an else condition to process the alternate scenario.
if (!gesture_detected)
// Do something

Did wonder myself at a point in time if there was a need to derive some Leap Motion classe(s) in order to define custom classes as with other API's, turns out you do not have to. Here below is a short example in C++, the Leap Motion native language, of a custom gesture definition, the Lift gesture which lifts in the air all kinematic objects in your world.
The gesture definition calls for 2 visible hands, both open flat with palms up and moving up slower than the pre-defined (currently deprecated) Leap Motion Swipe gesture, so there is no confusion between the 2 gestures in case the Swipe gesture has been enabled during start-up in the Leap Motion callback function void GestureListener::onConnect(const Leap::Controller& controller).
As seen from the example, the gesture definition imposes constraints on both hands normals and velocities, so it won't be detected at random but not too many constraints, so it can still be executed with some reasonable effort.
// lift gesture: 2 hands open flat, both palms up and moving up slowly
void LeapMotion::liftGesture(int numberHands, std::vector<glm::vec3> palmNormals, std::vector<glm::vec3> palmVelocities) {
if ((numberHands == 2) &&
(palmNormals[0].x < 0.4f) && (palmNormals[1].x < 0.4f) &&
(palmNormals[0].y > 0.9f) && (palmNormals[1].y > 0.9f) &&
(palmNormals[0].z < 0.4f) && (palmNormals[1].z < 0.4f) &&
(palmVelocities[0].z > 50.0f) && (palmVelocities[1].z > 50.0f) &&
(palmVelocities[0].z < 300.0f) && (palmVelocities[1].z < 300.0f)) {
m_gesture = LIFT;
logFileStderr(VERBOSE, "\nLift gesture...\n");


Return imageView rotation position and stop if at a particular position

hoping someone can help. I am creating an app whereby the user will touch a series of images to rotate them. What I am trying to do. Is highlight the image once the user has rotated to a particular position.
Is this possible? If, so any tips greatly appreciated.
edit - ok here's an example instead!
First, the simplest way, based off the code example you just posted:
r1c1.setOnClickListener {
r1c1.animate().apply{ duration = 100 rotationBy(270f) }.start()
So the issue here is that you want to highlight the view when it's rotated to, say 90 degrees, right? But it has an animation to complete first. You have three options really
do something like if (r1c1.rotation + 270f == 90) and highlight now, as the animation starts, which might look weird
do that check now, but use withEndAction to run the highlighting code if necessary
use withEndAction to do the checking and highlighting, after the anim has finished
the latter probably makes the most sense - after the animation finishes, check if its display state needs to change. That would be something like this:
r1c1.animate().setDuration(100).rotationBy(270f).withEndAction {
// need to do modulo so 720 == 360 == 0 etc
if (r1c1.rotation % 360 == TARGET_ROTATION) highlight(r1c1)
I'm assuming you have some way of highlighting the ImageViews and you weren't asking for ways to do that!
Unfortunately, the problem here is that if the user taps the view in the middle of animating, it will cancel that animation and start a new one, including the rotationBy(270) from whatever rotation the view currently happens to be at. Double tap and you'll end up with a view at an angle, and it will almost never match a 90-degree value now! That's why it's easier to just hold the state, change it by fixed, valid amounts, and just tell the view what it should look like.
So instead, you'd have a value for the current rotation, update that, and use that for your highlighting checks:
# var stored outside the click listener - this is your source of truth
viewRotation += 270f
# using rotation instead of rotationBy - we're setting a specific value, not an offset
r1c1.animate().setDuration(100).rotation(viewRotation).withEndAction {
// checking our internal rotation state, not the view!
if (viewRotation % 360 == TARGET_ROTATION) highlight(r1c1)
I'm not saying have a single rotation var hanging around like that - you could, but see the next bit - it's gonna get messy real quick if you have a lot of ImageViews to wrangle. But this is just to demonstrate the basic idea - you hold your own state value, you're in control of what it can be set to, and the View just reflects that state, not the other way around.
Ok, so organisation - I'm guessing from r1c1 that you have a grid of cells, all with the same general behaviour. That means a lot of repeat code, unless you try and generalise it and stick it in one place - like one click listener, that does the same thing, just on whichever view it was clicked on
(I know you said youre a beginner, and I don't like loading too many concepts on someone at once, but from what it sounds like you're doing this could get incredibly bloated and hard to work with real fast, so this is important!)
Basically, View.onClickListener's onClick function passes in the view that was clicked, as a parameter - basically so you can do what I've been saying, reuse the same click listener and just do different things depending on what was passed in. Instead of a lambda (the code in { }, basically a quick and dirty function you're using in one place) you could make a general click listener function that you set on all your ImageViews
fun spin(view: View) {
// we need to store and look up a rotation for each view, like in a Map
rotations[view] = rotations[view] + 270f
// no explicit references like r1c1 now, it's "whatever view was passed in"
view.animate().setDuration(100).rotation(rotations[view]).withEndAction {
// Probably need a different target rotation for each view too?
if (rotations[view] % 360 == targetRotations[view]) highlight(view)
then your click listener setup would be like
r1c1.setOnClickListener { spin(it) }
or you can pass it as a function reference (this is already too long to explain, but this works in this situation, so you can use it if you want)
I'd recommend generating a list of all your ImageView cells when you look them up (there are a few ways to handle this kind of thing) but having a collection lets you do things like
allCells.forEach { it.setOnClickListener(::spin) }
and now that's all your click listeners set to the same function, and that function will handle whichever view was clicked and the state associated with it. Get the idea?
So your basic structure is something like
// maybe not vals depending on how you initialise things!
val rotations: MutableMap<View, Float>
val targetRotations: Map<View, Float>
val allCells: List<ImageView>
// or onCreateView or whatever
fun onCreate() {
allCells.forEach { it.setOnClickListener(::spin) }
fun spin(view: View) {
rotations[view] = rotations[view] + 270f
view.animate().setDuration(100).rotation(rotations[view]).withEndAction {
val highlightActive = rotations[view] % 360 == targetRotations[view]
highlight(view, highlightActive)
fun highlight(view: View, enable: Boolean) {
// do highlighting on view if enable is true, otherwise turn it off
I didn't get into the whole "wrapper class for an ImageView holding all its state" thing, which would probably be a better way to go, but I didn't want to go too far and complicate things. This is already a silly length. I might do a quick answer on it just as a demonstration or whatever
The other answer is long enough as it is, but here's what I meant about encapsulating things
class RotatableImageView(val view: ImageView, startRotation: Rotation, val targetRotation: Rotation) {
private var rotation = startRotation.degrees
init {
view.rotation = rotation
view.setOnClickListener { spin() }
private fun spin() {
private fun updateHighlight() {
val highlightEnabled = (rotation % 360f) == targetRotation.degrees
// TODO: highlighting!
companion object {
const val ROTATION_AMOUNT = 90f
enum class Rotation(var degrees: Float) {
ROT_0(0f), ROT_90(90f), ROT_180(180f), ROT_270(270f);
companion object {
// just avoids creating a new array each time we call random()
private val rotations = values()
fun random() = rotations.random()
Basically instead of having a map of Views to current rotation values, a map of Views to target values etc, all that state for each View is just bundled up into an object instead. Everything's handled internally, all you need to do from the outside is find your ImageViews in the layout, and pass them into the RotatableImageView constructor. That sets up a click listener and handles highlighting its ImageView if necessary, you don't need to do anything else!
The enum is just an example of creating a type to represent valid values - when you create a RotatableImageView, you have to pass one of these in, and the only possible values are valid rotation amounts. You could give them default values too (which could be Rotation.random() if you wanted) so the constructor call can just be RotatableImageView(imageView)
(you could make more use of this kind of thing, like using it for the internal rotation amounts too, but in this case it's awkward because 0 is not the same as 360 when animating the view, and it might spin the wrong way - so you pretty much have to keep track of the actual rotation value you're setting on the view)
Just as a quick FYI (and this is why I was saying what you're doing could get unwieldy enough that it's worth learning some tricks), instead of doing findViewById on a ton of IDs, it can be easier to just find all the ImageViews - wrapping them in a layout with an ID (like maybe a GridLayout?) can make it easier to find the things you want
val cells = findViewById<ViewGroup>(<ImageView>()
then you can do things like
rotatables = { RotatableImageView(it) }
depends what you need to do, but that's one possible way. Basically if you find yourself repeating the same thing with minor changes, like the infomercials say, There Has To Be A Better Way!

Haxe: Handling horizontal scroll events

I recently started using Haxe, so pardon me if my question has an obvious answer or if my description of the problem is a little sloppy, but I'm going to try my best to explain it.
I'm working on a laptop that has a multitouch-supported track pad, and a normal optical mouse with only a vertical scroll wheel (no horizontal clicking available on there). I'm looking for a way to handle horizontal scroll input / events. OpenFL's mouse events support vertical scrolling well enough. Both the mouse scrolling and the two-finger track pad scrolling work fine for the vertical axis. It looks like the same event is generated when either of those input methods are used, which is understandable. But I can't seem to find an event that would be generated when a horizontal scroll is performed. The track pad allows for horizontal scrolling, since web browsers respond to the command, but I can't find any way to make my program respond to this input. Lime's "onMouseWheel" function doesn't respond to the input either. Do you guys have any suggestions for capturing this kind of input for an app targeted for Windows?
Thanks in advance
UPDATE: What I'm looking for here is not a question of how to scroll the screen horizontally, but how to recognize the horizontal scroll event coming from hardware, for example two fingers on the track pad or a sideways click of the middle mouse wheel. Lime's onMouseWheel has two params, deltaX and deltaY, but no events are triggered that give back a non-zero deltaX value. Vertical scrolling fires an event that returns deltaX = 0 and deltaY = +/- 1, but horizontal scrolling doesn't even trigger an event.
This can be done in several ways. The first is to add an event handler to mouse wheel for the object instance that you want to attach the event handler to, so MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL and use the delta variable to determine the scroll direction. What you may also need to do is handle a key down event which enables horizontal scrolling instead of vertical.
Some example code:
mySprite.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, onScroll);
mySprite.addEventHandler(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onKeyDown);
mySprite.addEventHandler(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, onKeyUp);
private var horizontal:Bool;
private function onScroll(e:MouseEvent):Void
if ( > 0 && horizontal)
else if ( < 0 && horizontal)
private function onKeyDown(e:KeyboardEvent):Void
if (e.keyCode == 18)
horizontal = true;
private function onKeyUp(e:KeyboardEvent):Void
if (e.keyCode == 18)
horizontal = false;
You will need to define the scrollRect in your constructor somewhere to specify the scrolling bounds of the sprite.

XNA 2D object collision (without Tiles/Grid)

First time posting here. Tried to look for topics previously to help.
I'm using Visual Basic, but so far I've been able to follow C# and just translate into VB.
I would like collision without tiles. Smooth movement without any sort of snapping. I already have the movement down, and my sprites stop at the edges of the screen.
I've read I could use Bounds and Intersects, which I have tried. When I apply an IF statement to the arrow keys each time they are pressed, using Bounds and Intersects (I just prevent sprite movement if it is intersecting), it works for ONE key. I move left into an object, and I stop. If I apply the IF to all keys, it will work the first time. Say I move left into an object, the IF statement checks if the Intersects is true or not and acts accordingly.
Now I want to move right, away from the object. I can't since my sprite is ALREADY colliding with the object, since each arrow key is programmed to NOT move if there is Intersection. I see perfectly why this happens.
The code I currently have: (Each arrow key has the same code, altered to it)
If Keyboard.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).IsKeyDown(Keys.Right) And rBlockBounds.X <=
graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width - rBlockBounds.Width = True Then
If rBlockBoundBoxBounds.Intersects(rObstructBounds) Then
rBlockBounds.X += 0
rBlockBoundBoxBounds.X = rBlockBounds.X - 1
rBlockBounds.X += 1
rBlockBoundBoxBounds.X = rBlockBounds.X - 1
End If
End If
rBlockBounds is my sprite As Rectangle
rBlockBoundBoxBounds is another Rectangle (1 pixle bigger than rBlockBounds) used as a Hit Box more or less that moves with rBlockBounds, and is the thing doing the collision checking
rObstructBounds is the stationary object that I'm moving my Sprite into.
Anyone have suggestions on how I can make this work?
Since I myself program in C#, not VB I can not code your solution but instead I can explain a better way of approaching it.
What you want to do is prevent the two rectangles from ever intersecting. To do this you will need to implement a move method into your code which can check if the two tiles are colliding. Here is a C# example:
public bool MoveX(float distance) // Move Player Horizontally in this example
rBlockBounds.X += distance;
rBlockBounds.X -= distance;
return false;
return true;
Which essentially means that if you run into an object you will be pushed out of it. Since it occurs in one tick you won't get any jutty back-and-front animations.
And that should do what you want. You can test this out and then implement it for y-coordinates as well.
Also, you might notice I've made the function return a bool. This is optional but allows you to check if your player has moved or not.
Note if you teleport an object into another one it will cause problems so remember to implement this every time you move anything.
But that should do what you want.
Note since your objects are not in a tiled grid, you will need to move lots of time in very small steps.
Something like this:
public bool MoveX(float distance) // Move Player Horizontally in this example
rBlockBounds.X += distance;
rBlockBounds.X -= distance;
return false;
return true;
public bool MoveX(float distance, int repeat)
for(int i=0; i < repeat; i++)
rBlockBounds.X += distance;
rBlockBounds.X -= distance;
return false;
return true;
Where the second one will take multiple steps. Here is why you would use it:
MoveX(500); // Will move 500 right. Could easily skip over objects!
MoveX(5, 100); // Will move 5 right one hundred times
// ^ This will take more time but will not skip object
Similarly for yours you could do this:
MoveX(3); // If contact object will be max 3 pixels away
MoveX(1, 3); // If contact object will be max 1 pixels away
MoveX(0.5f, 6); // If contact object will be max 0.5 pixels away
Now I am guessing all your x, y positions are integers. If so you could get away doing the second call and come exactly next to each other. If not you would do the third call.
Hope this helped.

LibGdx Input Handling and Collision Detection

I'm playing with libGdx, creating a simple platformer game. I'm using Tiled to create the map and the LibGdx tiledMap renderer.
It's a similar setup to the SuperKoalio libgdx example.
My Collision detection at the moment, it just determining whether the player has hit a tile to the right of it, above it or below it. When it detects a collision to the right, it sets the players state to standing.
Control of the player is done through the InputHandler. When the D key is pressed, it sets the players state to walking, when the key is released, it sets the state to standing.
My problem is, that if I'm holding down D, and I jump and hit a platform and stop, even when the player has dropped back down and should be able to continue moving, it won't, not until I release the D key and press it again. I can jump fine, but not walk.
Any ideas on why this is and how I can fix it? I've been staring at it for so long that I might be missing something obvious, in which case a fresh pair of eyes might help.
This is the code I've got right at the start of my player.update function to get the player moving.
if(state == State.Standing) {
velocity.x = 0;
} else if(state == State.Walking || state == State.Jumping) {
velocity.x = MAX_VELOCITY;
And this is an extract of the collision code :
for (Rectangle tile : tiles) {
if (playerRect.overlaps(tile)) {
state = State.Standing;
Originally, the collision response set x velocity to 0, and the velocity was used to determine the state, which still produced the same problem.
As your Collision-detection is allready working, the thing you need to change is the collision handling.
You set the Players state to Standing.
Instead of doing this you culd set a flag collision and in the update check this flag:
if(state == State.Standing || collision) {
velocity.x = 0;
} else if(state == State.Walking || state == State.Jumping) {
velocity.x = MAX_VELOCITY;
This way you know, if you don't move becuase you can't (collision==true) or if you don't move, because you don't press the key (state != State.Standing)
Of course you also need to know, when you don't collide anymore.
For this you could reset the collision flag after setting the velocity and recalculate it the next frame.

Check if user finished sliding on a continuous UISlider?

In my app, I have a couple of UISlider instances to change various values. The values are displayed right next to the slider, as well as rendered in a 3d space in another visible part of the app.
The 3d part includes some rather heavy calculations, and right now it doesn't seem possible to update it live as the slider changes. That would imply that I'd have to set the slider's continuous property to NO, therefore only getting updates when the slider has finished changing.
I'd prefer to have the displayed value update live, however. Is there a way to have a slider that is continuous (so I can update my value-label in real time) and still sends some kind of message once the user has finished interacting with it? My gut feeling right now is to subclass UISlider and override the touchesEnded: method. Is that feasible?
You can do this with simple target/actions.
Set a target and action for the UIControlEventValueChanged event, and then another target and action for the UIControlEventTouchUpInside event. With the continuous property set to YES, the value changed event will fire as the slider changes value, while the touch up inside event will only fire when the user releases the control.
I just had to do this, so I looked up touch properties, and used the full IBAction header.
This should be a viable alternative for people who want some extra control, though Jas's is definitely easier on the code side.
- (IBAction)itemSlider:(UISlider *)itemSlider withEvent:(UIEvent*)e;
UITouch * touch = [e.allTouches anyObject];
if( touch.phase != UITouchPhaseMoved && touch.phase != UITouchPhaseBegan)
//The user hasn't ended using the slider yet.
Also note you should connect the UIControlEventTouchUpOutside event as well in case the user drags his finger out of the control before lifting it.
In Swift 3:
#IBAction func sliderValueChanged(_ slider: UISlider, _ event: UIEvent) {
guard let touch = event.allTouches?.first, touch.phase != .ended else {
// ended
// not ended yet