Load Remote Image and add to Scroll View - scrollview

I'm loading an image from a URL and I'm trying to get it to appear on my scroll view, but it seems to only print it on the main view. Is there a way I can tell it to print on the scroll view?
This is the code I'm using:
rowImg = display.loadRemoteImage("http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/photobooth/NASAEarth-01.jpg", "GET", networkListener, "banner.png",system.TemporaryDirectory, (globalData.contentX * rows2) + globalData.contentX/2, 20 + (i - 1) % 6 * 140)

You can do it as follows:
local widget = require( "widget" )
local scrollView = widget.newScrollView{
width = display.contentWidth,
height = display.contentHeight,
scrollWidth = 0,
scrollHeight = 0,
horizontalScrollDisabled = true,
hideBackground = true
local function networkListener( event )
if ( event.isError ) then
print ( "Network error - download failed" )
event.target.alpha = 0
transition.to( event.target, { alpha = 1.0 } )
scrollView:insert(event.target) -- This will add your remote image to the scroll view
display.loadRemoteImage( "http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/photobooth/NASAEarth-01.jpg", "GET", networkListener, "helloCopy.png", system.TemporaryDirectory, 0, 0 )
Keep Coding............ :)


How do you get motion blur working in SceneKit?

According to WWDC 2017, motionBlurIntensity was added as a property to SCNCamera. I've tried the following and failed to get SceneKit to blur my scene when the camera is moved:
Set wantsHDR to true
Add SCNDisableWideGamut as a Boolean with the value of YES in every Info.plist in my Xcode project
Move a SCNBox by changing its SCNNode's position in front of the camera with motionBlurIntensity set to 1.0
Move the camera itself by changing its SCNNode's position with motionBlurIntensity set to 1.0
Animate the camera using an SCNTransaction with motionBlurIntensity set to 1.0 instead of changing its position each frame
Do the above with motionBlurIntensity set to 500 or greater
I run the following code every rendered frame like so:
camNode.position = SCNVector3Make(cx, cy, cz);
camNode.eulerAngles = SCNVector3Make(rotx, roty, rotz);
camNode.camera.wantsDepthOfField = enableDOF;
camNode.camera.wantsHDR = enableHDR;
camNode.camera.zNear = camNearVal;
camNode.camera.zFar = camFarVal;
camNode.camera.focalLength = camFocalLength;
camNode.camera.usesOrthographicProjection = usingOrthoProjection;
camNode.camera.projectionTransform = SCNMatrix4FromGLKMatrix4(GLKMatrix4MakeWithArray(projection));
// Ortho options
camNode.camera.orthographicScale = orthoScale;
if(cam_projectionDir == 1)
camNode.camera.projectionDirection = SCNCameraProjectionDirectionHorizontal;
camNode.camera.projectionDirection = SCNCameraProjectionDirectionVertical;
// DOF
camNode.camera.sensorHeight = dof_sensorHeight;
camNode.camera.focusDistance = dof_focusDistance;
camNode.camera.fStop = dof_fStop;
camNode.camera.apertureBladeCount = dof_apertureBladeCount;
camNode.camera.focalBlurSampleCount = dof_focalBlurSampleCount;
// Motion blur
camNode.camera.motionBlurIntensity = motionBlurIntensity;
And here is where the SCNRenderer sets its pointOfView to the camera:
mainRenderer.scene = mainScene;
mainRenderer.pointOfView = camNode;
id<MTLCommandBuffer> myCommandBuffer = [_commandQueue commandBuffer];
[mainRenderer updateAtTime: currentFrame];
[mainRenderer renderWithViewport:CGRectMake(0,0,(CGFloat)_viewWidth, (CGFloat)_viewHeight) commandBuffer:myCommandBuffer passDescriptor:_renderPassDescriptor];
[myCommandBuffer commit];
HDR effects like Bloom and SSAO work properly, just not motion blur.
I'm using Xcode Version 10.1 on macOS Mojave.
I ran the Badger sample app and the motion blur in that project works on my computer.
Am I missing something here? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
The default value of a motionBlurIntensity property is 0.0. It results in no motion blur effect. Higher values (toward a maximum of 1.0) create more pronounced motion blur effects. Motion blur is not supported when wide-gamut color rendering is enabled. Wide-gamut rendering is enabled by default on supported devices; to opt out, set the SCNDisableWideGamut key in your app's Info.plist file.
Test it with my code:
let cameraNode1 = SCNNode()
cameraNode1.camera = SCNCamera()
cameraNode1.camera?.motionBlurIntensity = 3 // MOTION BLUR
let move = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "translation")
move.fromValue = NSValue(scnVector3: SCNVector3(x: 7, y: -5, z: 0))
move.toValue = NSValue(scnVector3: SCNVector3(x: 7, y: 5, z: 0))
move.duration = 0.5
move.repeatCount = 20
move.autoreverses = true
move.repeatCount = .infinity
let sphereNode1 = SCNNode()
sphereNode1.geometry = SCNSphere(radius: 2)
sphereNode1.addAnimation(move, forKey: "back and forth")
Works perfectly.

three.js Unproject camera within group

I have a camera as child within a Group object and I need to get the origin/direction:
var cameraRig = new THREE.Group();
cameraRig.add( cameraPerspective );
cameraRig.add( cameraOrtho );
scene.add( cameraRig );
function relativeMousePosition () {
var canvasBoundingBox = renderer.domElement.getBoundingClientRect();
var mouse3D = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0.5);
mouse3D.x = ((mouseX - 0) / canvasBoundingBox.width) * 2 - 1;
mouse3D.y = -((mouseY - 0) / canvasBoundingBox.height) * 2 + 1;
return mouse3D;
var dir = relativeMousePosition().unproject(camera).sub(cameraPerspective.position).normalize();
var origin = cameraPerspective.position;
The above code gives a origin + direction with the context of the cameraRig. When I exclude the camera out, having the scene as direct parent, it gives me the world origin/direction which I want. So how to incorporate the cameraRig to get world origin/direction, so I can do picking or whatever?
FIDDLE: https://jsfiddle.net/647qzhab/1/
As mentioned in the comment by Falk:
var dir = relativeMousePosition().unproject(camera).sub(cameraPerspective.getWorldPosition()).normalize();
var origin = cameraPerspective.getWorldPosition();
The result is better, but not yet fully satisfiing, as the camera rotation seems not applied yet.
I need to update matrixWorld for the cameraRig:

fit a image on a background image with wideimage

is it possible to fit image onto a white background image using wideimage and in that way to show the image without deformations?.
Now I have this, this source merges a background image with an uploaded image, but a part of image loses
public function createThumb($pathimg, $img, $id) {
$paththumb = 'img/upload/thumbs/' . $img;
$imagen = WideImage::load($pathimg);
$width = $imagen->getWidth();
$height = $imagen->getHeight();
$newWidth = 427;
$newHeight = ($newWidth / $width) * $height;
$imagen->resize($newWidth, $newHeight, 'fill')->saveToFile($paththumb);
$img1 = WideImage::load(realpath($paththumb));
$watermark = WideImage::load(realpath('img/bg.jpg'));
$new = $img1->merge($watermark, 0, 0, 20);

Background color change on dynamic page

I am building a webstore, where the quantity of displayed products is dinamically changing, by pressing "Show more" button. Background color should be changing multiple times while scrolling down and I found this article, which solves this problem, but it has fixed page height. Is it possible to change that?
You use a parameter to control the adaption rate and set this according to your needs if you don't know the page size on forehand (because a dynamic load for instance).
cStart = [250, 195, 56] // Gold
, cEnd = [179, 217, 112] // Lime
, cDiff = [cEnd[0] - cStart[0], cEnd[1] - cStart[1], cEnd[1] - cStart[0]];
$(document).scroll(function() {
var speed = 0.0005;
var p = $(this).scrollTop()* speed;
p = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, p)); // Clamp to [0, 1]
var cBg = [Math.round(cStart[0] + cDiff[0] * p), Math.round(cStart[1] + cDiff[1] * p), Math.round(cStart[2] + cDiff[2] * p)];
$("body").css('background-color', 'rgb(' + cBg.join(',') +')');

Flex 3 - Enable context menu for text object under a transparent PNG

Here is the situation. In my app I have an overlay layer that is composed of a transparent PNG. I have replaced the hitarea for the png with a 1x1 image using the following code:
[Embed(source = "/assets/1x1image.png")]
private var onexonebitmapClass:Class;
private function loadCompleteHandler(event:Event):void
// Create the bitmap
var onexonebitmap:BitmapData = new onexonebitmapClass().bitmapData;
var bitmap:Bitmap;
bitmap = event.target.content as Bitmap;
bitmap.smoothing = true;
var _hitarea:Sprite = createHitArea(onexonebitmap, 1);
var rect:flash.geom.Rectangle = _box.toFlexRectangle(sprite.width, sprite.height);
var drawnBox:Sprite = new FlexSprite();
bitmap.width = rect.width;
bitmap.height = rect.height;
bitmap.x = -loader.width / 2;
bitmap.y = -loader.height / 2;
bitmap.alpha = _alpha;
_hitarea.alpha = 0;
drawnBox.x = rect.x + rect.width / 2;
drawnBox.y = rect.y + rect.height / 2;
// Add the bitmap as a child to the drawnBox
// Rotate the object.
drawnBox.rotation = _rotation;
// Add the drawnBox to the sprite
// Set the hitarea to drawnBox
drawnBox.hitArea = _hitarea;
private function createHitArea(bitmapData:BitmapData, grainSize:uint = 1):Sprite
var _hitarea:Sprite = new Sprite();
_hitarea.graphics.beginFill(0x900000, 1.0);
for (var x:uint = 0; x < bitmapData.width; x += grainSize)
for (var y:uint = grainSize; y < bitmapData.height; y += grainSize)
if (x <= bitmapData.width && y <= bitmapData.height && bitmapData.getPixel(x, y) != 0)
_hitarea.graphics.drawRect(x, y, grainSize, grainSize);
return _hitarea;
This is based off the work done here: Creating a hitarea for PNG Image with transparent (alpha) regions in Flex
Using the above code I am able to basically ignore the overlay layer for all mouse events (click, double click, move, etc.) However, I am unable to capture the right click (context menu) event for items that are beneath the overlay.
For instance I have a spell check component that checks the spelling on any textitem and like most other spell checkers if the word is incorrect or not in the dictionary underlines the word in red and if you right click on it would give you a list of suggestions in the contextmenu. This is working great when the text box is not under the overlay, but if the text box is under the overlay I get nothing back.
If anyone can give me some pointers on how to capture the right click event on a textItem that is under a transparent png that would be great.