Background for read-only entity in NHibernate - nhibernate

I read the chapter 10 "read-only entities" in NHibernate Reference Documentation as the following:
But unfortunately I DO NOT know why use read-only entities. I think I need some background to understand it, for example:
1. immutable classes means "static" class in C# code? let's use code to display it
public class entity
public virtual int Id {get; }
public virtual DateTime CreatedTime
//how about I add this becasue it should be set before session.Save()
private set;
use the read-only entities for performance reason?(no dirty-check and save memoroy)
read-only entities will not be persisted forever
Any explanation is helpful, thanks very much in advance.

Lets have some clarification to your questions:
1) immutable classes means "static" class in C# code?
No, immutable means, that the object cannot be modified after creation. Meaning all property values cannot be changed. Usually you have to take care about that yourself in your code if and how to make an object immutable. A normal entity with properties having getters and setters are mutable, because you can call the setter... One way would be to have a readonly backing field and all properties of the object are not exposing a setter...
In case of nhibernate, you can map your entity with immutable flag. If you then try to update a property of a loaded instance, nh might throw an exception.
2) use the read-only entities for performance reason?(no dirty-check and save memory)
Yes that's one very good reason.
For example, if you want to display a list of entities somewhere in your application and you know that within the session you load those entities from the database, you will not modify and save them, you can load them as read-only which will let nh optimize it.
3) read-only entities will not be persisted forever ......
Don't know what you mean with this one?!
Read-only entities simply mean a read-only representation of what you have in your database. Nh expects the instance to be 100% in sync with the database representation. Any changes/updates to that entity would make it not read-only.
So in general it simply depends on what you need. If you just need read only access to entities within one session, you can use this feature to improve performance. Otherwise, do not use it.
Hope this answers your questions.


OOP confusion in classes

I am from a C# background and have been doing programming for quite some time now. But only recently i started giving some thoughts on how i program. Apparently, my OOP is very bad.
I have a few questions maybe someone can help me out. They are basic but i want to confirm.
1- In C#, we can declare class properties like
private int _test;
and there setter getters like
public int Test {get; set;}
Now, lets say i have to use this property inside the class. Which one will i use ? the private one or the public one ? or they both are the same ?
2- Lets say that i have to implement a class that does XML Parsing. There can be different things that we can use as input for the class like "FILE PATH". Should i make this a class PROPERTY or should i just pass it as an argument to a public function in the class ? Which approach is better. Check the following
I can create a class property and use like this
public string FilePath {get; set;}
public int Parse()
var document = XDocument.Load(this.FilePath);
.........//Remaining code
I can pass the filepath as a parameter
public int Parse(string filePath)
On what basis should i make a decision that i should make a property or i should pass something as argument ?
I know the solutions of these questions but i want to know the correct approach. If you can recommend some video lectures or books that will be nice also.
Fields vs Properties
Seems like you've got a few terms confused.
private int _test;
This is an instance field (also called member).
This field will allow direct access to the value from inside the class.
Note that I said "inside the class". Because it is private, it is not accessible from outside the class. This is important to preserve encapsulation, a cornerstone of OOP. Encapsulation basically tells us that instance members can't be accessed directly outside the class.
For this reason we make the member private and provide methods that "set" and "get" the variable (at least: in Java this is the way). These methods are exposed to the outside world and force whoever is using your class to go trough your methods instead of accessing your variable directly.
It should be noted that you also want to use your methods/properties when you're inside the current class. Each time you don't, you risk bypassing validation rules. Play it safe and always use the methods instead of the backing field.
The netto result from this is that you can force your logic to be applied to changes (set) or retrieval (get). The best example is validation: by forcing people to use your method, your validation logic will be applied before (possibly) setting a field to a new value.
public int Test {get; set;}
This is an automatically implemented property. A property is crudely spoken an easier way of using get/set methods.
Behind the scenes, your code translates to
private int _somevariableyoudontknow;
public void setTest(int t){
this._somevariableyoudontknow = t;
public int getTest(){
return this._somevariableyoudontknow;
So it is really very much alike to getters and setters. What's so nice about properties is that you can define on one line the things you'd do in 7 lines, while still maintaining all the possibilities from explicit getters and setters.
Where is my validation logic, you ask?
In order to add validation logic, you have to create a custom implemented property.
The syntax looks like this:
private int _iChoseThisName;
public int Test {
get {
return _iChoseThisName;
set {
if(value > 5) { return _iChoseThisName; }
throw new ArgumentException("Value must be over 5!");
Basically all we did was provide an implementation for your get and set. Notice the value keyword!
Properties can be used as such:
var result = SomeClass.Test; // returns the value from the 'Test' property
SomeClass.Test = 10; // sets the value of the 'Test' property
Last small note: just because you have a property named Test, does not mean the backing variable is named test or _test. The compiler will generate a variablename for you that serves as the backing field in a manner that you will never have duplication.
XML Parsing
If you want your second answer answered, you're going to have to show how your current architecture looks.
It shouldn't be necessary though: it makes most sense to pass it as a parameter with your constructor. You should just create a new XmlParser (random name) object for each file you want to parse. Once you're parsing, you don't want to change the file location.
If you do want this: create a method that does the parsing and let it take the filename as a parameter, that way you still keep it in one call.
You don't want to create a property for the simple reason that you might forget to both set the property and call the parse method.
There are really two questions wrapped in your first question.
1) Should I use getters and setters (Accessors and Mutators) to access a member variable.
The answer depends on whether the implementation of the variable is likely to change. In some cases, the interface type (the type returned by the getter, and set by the setter) needs to be kept consistent but the underlying mechanism for storing the data may change. For instance, the type of the property may be a String but in fact the data is stored in a portion of a much larger String and the getter extracts that portion of the String and returns it to the user.
2) What visibility should I give a property?
Visibility is entirely dependent on use. If the property needs to be accessible to other classes or to classes that inherit from the base class then the property needs to be public or protected.
I never expose implementation to external concerns. Which is to say I always put a getter and setter on public and protected data because it helps me ensure that I will keep the interface the same even if the underlying implementation changes. Another common issue with external changes is that I want a chance to intercept an outside user's attempt to modify a property, maybe to prevent it, but more likely to keep the objects state in a good or safe state. This is especially important for cached values that may be exposed as properties. Think of a property that sums the contents of an array of values. You don't want to recalculate the value every time it is referenced so you need to be certain that the setter for the elements in the array tells the object that the sum needs to be recalculated. This way you keep the calculation to a minimum.
I think the second question is: When do I make a value that I could pass in to a constructor public?
It depends on what the value is used for. I generally think that there are two distinct types of variables passed in to constructors. Those that assist in the creation of the object (your XML file path is a good example of this) and those that are passed in because the object is going to be responsible for their management. An example of this is in collections which you can often initialize the collection with an array.
I follow these guidelines.
If the value passed in can be changed without damaging the state of the object then it can be made into a property and publicly visible.
If changing the value passed in will damage the state of the object or redefine its identity then it should be left to the constructor to initialize the state and not be accesible again through property methods.
A lot of these terms are confusing because of the many different paradigms and languages in OO Design. The best place to learn about good practices in OO Design is to start with a good book on Patterns. While the so-called Gang of Four Book was the standard for many years, there have since been many better books written.
Here are a couple resources on Design Patterns:
And a couple on C# specific.
I can possibly answer your first question. You asked "I have to use this property inside the class." That sounds to me like you need to use your private variable. The public method which you provided I believe will only do two things: Allow a client to set one of your private variables, or to allow a client to "see" (get) the private variable. But if you want to "use this property inside the class", the private variable is the one that should be your focus while working with the data within the class. Happy holidays :)
The following is my personal opinion based on my personal experience in various programming languages. I do not think that best practices are necessarily static for all projects.
When to use getters, when to use private instance variables directly
it depends.
You probably know that, but let's talk about why we usually want getters and setters instead of public instance variables: it allows us to aquire the full power of OOP.
While an instance variable is just some dump piece of memory (the amount of dumbness surely depends on the language you're working in), a getter is not bound to a specific memory location. The getter allows childs in the OOP hirarchy to override the behaviour of the "instance variable" without being bound to it. Thus, if you have an interface with various implementations, some may use ab instance variable, while others may use IO to fetch data from the network, calculate it from other values, etc.
Thus, getters do not necessarily return the instance variable (in some languages this is more complicated, such as c++ with the virtual keyword, but I'll try to be language-independent here).
Why is that related to the inner class behaviour? If you have a class with a non-final getter, the getter and the inner variable may return different values. Thus, if you need to be sure it is the inner value, use it directly. If you, however, rely on the "real" value, always use the getter.
If the getter is final or the language enforces the getter to be equal (and this case is way more common than the first case), I personally prefer accessing the private field directly; this makes code easy to read (imho) and does not yield any performance penalty (does not apply to all languages).
When to use parameters, when to use instance variables/properties
use parameters whereever possible.
Never use instance variables or properties as parameters. A method should be as self-contained as possible. In the example you stated, the parameterized version is way better imo.
Intance variables (with getters or not) are properties of the instance. As they are part of the instance, they should be logically bound to it.
Have a look at your example. If you hear the word XMLParser, what do you think about it? Do you think that a parser can only parse a single file it is bound to? Or do you think that a parser can parse any files? I tend to the last one (additionally, using an instance variable would additionally kill thread-safety).
Another example: You wish to create an XMLArchiver, taking multiple xml documents into a single archive. When implementing, you'd have the filename as a parameter of the constructor maybe opening an outputstream towards the file and storing a reference to it as an instance variable. Then, you'd call archiver.add(stuff-to-add) multiple times. As you see, the file (thus, the filename) is naturally bound to the XMLArchiver instance, not to the method adding files to it.

Is it better to populate an object's properties in the constructor or when the property is referenced?

Background: I have an object with a dozen or so properties. The object is instantiated by passing a GUID to the constructor. This GUID is a primary key used to retrieve the property values from the database. Each property is stored in a separate table in the database. We are using EF4 to connect to the database.
Is it better to get all the properties at once from the database or is it better to fetch the property values from the database when the property is actually used in the code? What is the recommended best practice?
I would probably change the code to pass a Guid to a static factory method, which then did the lookup, and passed the recovered entity to the constructor. That way the constructor itself doesn't have to do as much work.
In most cases I would do all this eagerly though - it's usually odd to have an object which "feels" simple, but which then does potentially expensive and fallible database lookups when you access properties. And yes, you should strive to fetch everything in one database lookup - unless one of the properties is actually a collection in itself, etc. If it's just a case of fetching simple fields from the database, it would be crazy to perform one lookup per property access - which could end up giving inconsistent data, too.
At my job we use java / hibernate to handle the db related queries. You can configure it either way - lazy fetching waits for the application to request a property, or you can populate the object's properties on the initial query.
I'm not sure of a standard; however for our application we've found that populating the properties first turned out to be much faster. Its probably worth running a handful of tests to see how your application behaves - could be very different from ours.

DDD: Repositories are in-memory collections of objects?

I've noticed Repository is usually implemented in either of the following ways:
Method 1
void Add(object obj);
void Remove(object obj);
object GetBy(int id);
Method 2
void Save(object obj); // Used both for Insert and Update scenarios
void Remove(object obj);
object GetBy(int id);
Method 1 has collection semantics (which is how repositories are defined). We can get an object from a repository and modify it. But we don't tell the collection to update it. Implementing a repository this way requires another mechanism for persisting the changes made to an in-memory object. As far as I know, this is done using Unit of Work. However, some argue that UoW is only required when you need transaction control in your system.
Method 2 eliminates the need to have UoW. You can call the Save() method and it determines if the object is new and should be Inserted or is modified and should be Updated. It then uses the data mappers to persist the changes to the database. Whilst this makes life much easier, a repository modeled doesn't have collection semantics. This model has DAO semantics.
I'm really confused about this. If repositories mimic in-memory collection of objects, then we should model them according to Method 1.
What are your thoughts on this?
I personally have no issue with the Unit of Work pattern being a part of the solution. Obviously, you only need it for the CUD in CRUD. The fact that you are implementing a UoW pattern, though, does nothing more than dictate that you have a set of operations that need to go as a batch. That is slightly different than saying it needs to be a part of a transaction. If you abstract your repositories well enough, your UoW implementation can be agnostic to the backing mechanism that you are using - whether it is database, XML, etc.
As to the specific question, I think the difference between method one and method two are trivial, if for no other reason than most instances of method two contain a check to see if the identifier is set. If set, treat as update, otherwise, treat as insert. This logic is often built into the repository and is more for simplification of the exposed interface, in my opinion. The repository's purpose is to broker objects between a consumer and a data source and to remove having to have knowledge of the data source directly. I go with method two, because I trust the simple logic of detecting an identifier than having to rely on tracking object states all over the application.
The fact that the terminology for repository usage is so similar to both data access and object collections lend to the confusion. I just treat them as their own first class citizen and do what is best for the domain. ;-)
Maybe you want to have:
T Persist(T entityToPersist);
void Remove(T entityToRemove);
"Persist" being the same as "Save Or Update" or "Add Or Update" - ie. the Repo encapsulates creating new identities (the db may do this) but always returns the new instance with the identity reference.

What classes should I map against with NHibernate?

Currently, we use NHibernate to map business objects to database tables. Said business objects enforce business rules: The set accessors will throw an exception on the spot if the contract for that property is violated. Also, the properties enforce relationships with other objects (sometimes bidirectional!). Well, whenever NHibernate loads an object from the database (e.g. when ISession.Get(id) is called), the set accessors of the mapped properties are used to put the data into the object.
What's good is that the middle tier of the application enforces business logic. What's bad is that the database does not. Sometimes crap finds its way into the database. If crap is loaded into the application, it bails (throws an exception). Sometimes it clearly should bail because it cannot do anything, but what if it can continue working? E.g., an admin tool that gathers real-time reports runs a high risk of failing unnecessarily instead of allowing an admin to even fix a (potential) problem.
I don't have an example on me right now, but in some instances, letting NHibernate use the "front door" properties that also enforce relationships (especially bidi) leads to bugs.
What are the best solutions?
Currently, I will, on a per-property basis, create a "back door" just for NHibernate:
public virtual int Blah {get {return _Blah;} set {/*enforces BR's*/}}
protected virtual int _Blah {get {return blah;} set {blah = value;}}
private int blah;
I showed the above in C# 2 (no default properties) to demonstrate how this gets us basically 3 layers of, or views, to blah!!! While this certainly works, it does not seem ideal as it requires the BL to provide one (public) interface for the app-at-large, and another (protected) interface for the data access layer.
There is an additional problem: To my knowledge, NHibernate does not give you a way to distinguish between the name of the property in the BL and the name of the property in the entity model (i.e. the name you use when you query, e.g. via HQL--whenever you give NHibernate the name (string) of a property). This becomes a problem when, at first, the BR's for some property Blah are no problem, so you refer to it in your O/R mapping... but then later, you have to add some BR's that do become a problem, so then you have to change your O/R mapping to use a new _Blah property, which breaks all existing queries using "Blah" (common problem with programming against strings).
Has anyone solved these problems?!
While I found most of your architecture problematic, the usual way to deal with this stuff is having NHibernate use the backing field instead of the setter.
In your example above, you don't need to define an additional protected property. Just use this in the mapping:
<property name="Blah" access="nosetter.lowercase"/>
This is described in the docs, (Table 5.1. Access Strategies)

Is it possible to use NHibernate without altering a DDD model that is part of a framework

I dig a lot of things about the DDD approach (Ubiquitous language, Aggregates, Repositories, etc.) and I think that, contrary to what I read a lot, entities should have behavior rather then being agnostic. All examples I see tend to present entities with virtual automatic properties and an empty constructor (protected or worst, public) and that's it. I consider this kind of objects more like DTOs then entities.
I'm in the process of creating a framework with its specific API and I don't want to be tied to an ORM. So I built the domain first (without thinking of persistence) and now I would like to use NHibernate as persistence tool so I added a new project to my current solution to help ensure that my model isn't altered to support NHibernate. This project should be an implementation of the abstract repositories that live inside my domain. And now the difficulties arise.
Since it is my first time with NHibernate (I'm also trying Fluent Nhibernate but it seems even more restricting) I would like to know :
Is it possible to use NHibernate without altering a DDD model that is part of a framework
The things (constraints) that are necessary for NHibernate to work as expected and efficiently (virtual properties, empty constructors, etc.) I think this list would be helpful to a lot of people who are starting to learn NHibernate.
Please keep in mind that I'm building a framework so the Open/Closed Principle is very important for me.
P.S.: Sorry if my english is not good, I'm from Montreal and I speak french.
Edit 1: Here is one problem I have with NHibernate now - How to map Type with Nhibernate (and Fluent NHibernate)
For NHibernate:
All mapped classes require a default (no-arguments) constructor. The default constructor does not have to be public (it can be private so that it is not a part of the API), but it must exist. This is because NHibernate must be able to create an instance of the mapped class without passing any arguments. (There are workarounds, but don't do that.)
All mapped properties for which lazy-loading will be required must be marked virtual. This includes all reference properties and all collection properties. This is because NHibernate must be able to generate a proxy class deriving the mapped class and overriding the mapped property.
All mapped collection properties should use an interface as the property type. For example, use IList<T> rather than List<T>. This is because the collections types in the .NET Framework tend to be sealed, and NHibernate must be able to replace a default instance of the collection type with its own instance of the collection type, and NHibernate has its own internal implementations of the collection types.
For NHibernate, prefer Iesi.Collections.Generic.ISet<T> to System.Collections.Generic.IList<T>, unless you are sure that what you want is actually a list rather than a set. This requires being conversant in the theoretical definitions of list and set and in what your domain model requires. Use a list when you know that the elements must be in some specific order.
Also note that it's typically not easy to swap object-relational mapping frameworks, and in many cases it is impossible, when you have anything beyond a trivial domain model.
The short answer to your question is that it is not possible, but if don't need lazy loading the required alterations are trivial.
No matter what, you will have add default constructors to classes that do not already have them. If you are willing to forgo lazy-loading, those default constructors can be private, and you don't have to make any other changes to your domain model to use NHibernate.
That's awfully close to persistence ignorance.
Having said that, if you want lazy-loading, you'll need to make several changes (outlined in other answers to this question) so that NHibernate can create proxies of your aggregated entities. I'm personally still trying to decide whether lazy-loading is an enabling technology for DDD or if it's a premature optimization that requires too many intrusive changes to my POCOs. I'm leaning toward the former, though I really wish NHibernate could be configured to use a specific constructors.
You might also take a look at Davy Brion's blog (I particularly liked Implementing A Value Object With NHibernate), which is really illuminating if you're interested in domain-driven-design and avoiding anemic domain models.
In my experience, the only thing that NHibernate requires of a domain is virtual properties and methods and a default no-argument constructor, which as Jeff mentioned, can be marked private or protected if need be. That's it. NHibernate is my OR/M of choice, and I find the entire NHibernate stack (NHibernate, NHibernate Validator, Fluent NHibernate, LINQ to NHibernate) to be the most compelling framework for persisting POCO domains.
A few things you can do with NHibernate:
Decorate your domain model with NHV attributes. These constaints allow you to do three things: validate your objects, ensure that invalid entities are not persisted via NHibernate, and help autogenerate your schema when using using NHibernate's SchemaExport or SchemaUpdate tools.
Map your domain model to your persistent storage using Fluent NHibernate. The main advantage, for me, in using FNH is the ability to auto map your entities based on conventions that you set. Additonally, you can override these automappings where necessary, manually write class maps to take full control of the mappings, and use the xml hbm files if you need to.
Once you buy into using NH, you can easily use the SchemaExport or SchemaUpdate tools to create and execute DDL against your database, allowing you to automatically migrate domain changes to your database when initilizing the NH session factory. This allows you to forget about the database, for all intents and purposes, and concentrate instead on your domain. Note, this may not be useful or ideal in many circumstances, but for quick, local development of domain-centric apps, I find it convenient.
Additionally, I like using generic repositories to handle CRUD scenarios. For example, I usually have an IRepository that defines methods for getting all entites as an IQueryable, a single entity by id, for saving an entity, and for deleting an entity. For anything else, NH offers a rich set of querying mechanisms -- you can use LINQ to NHibernate, HQL, Criteria queries, and straight SQL if need be.
Th only compromise you have to make is using NHV attributes in your domain. This is not a deal breaker for me, since NHV is a stand-alone framework which adds additional capabilities if you choose to use NHibernate.
I have built a few apps using NH, and each has a persistence ignorant domain with all persistence concerns separated into its own assembly. That means one assembly for your domain, and another for your fluent mappings, session management, and validation integration. It's very nice and clean and does the job well.
By the way: your English is pretty darn good, I wish my French was up to par ;-).
Just to put my two bits in, I struggled with the same thing once but I overcame this by:
Adding protected default constructor to every entity.
Making Id virtual
Let's take for example upvote and downvote for Vote entity on my experiment website: (NHibernate + MySQL with Mono)
public class Vote : Entity
private User _user;
private Fact _fact;
// true: upvote, false: downvote
private bool _isupvoted;
// for nHibernate
protected Vote() { }
public Vote(User user, Fact fact, bool is_upvoted)
Validator.NotNull(user, "user is required.");
Validator.NotNull(fact, "fact is required.");
_fact= fact;
_user = user;
_isupvoted = is_upvoted;
public User User
get { return _user; }
public Fact Fact
get { return _fact; }
public bool Isupvoted
get { return _isupvoted; }
This class inherits from Entity where we stick all the minimum necessary for Nhibernate.
public abstract class Entity
protected int _id;
public virtual int Id { get {return _id;} }
and Fluent mapping where you Reveal the private property.
public class VoteMap : ClassMap<Vote>
public VoteMap()
Id(x => x.Id).Column("id");
References(x => x.Fact).Column("fact_id").Not.Nullable();
References(x => x.User).Column("user_id").Not.Nullable();
You could probably place protected default constructor in Entity class and configure nHibernate to use it instead but I didn't look into it yet.