Progress bar within JqueryUi tab - jquery-ui-tabs

Hi I am using Jquery Ui Tabs to generate tabs dynamically . Now on every click i am calling an action through Struts2 and pulling content from database and showing it in tab content. My requirement is until the action completes i need to show a progress or wait bar within the tab content. I am using HTML page for display . Please suggest! Help is appreciated!

you can either use the sj:tab attributes indicator or loadingText to achieve this.
For using indicator, you need to first place your progress bar with assigned id within your page and hide it by default. The tab will then show this progress bar before the tab content is loaded.
For loadingText, the tab simply display the text you set into the tab before the content is loaded.


Selenium: How to get text without clicking on tab?

I'm trying to find text that is located on a specific tab. For some reason the text is available in the html but when I use the command driver.find_element_by_id('hand-graph-title-overview').text without clicking on the 'Overview' tab it returns a empty string. However, when I do click on the 'Overview' tab it will return 'Unpaired OOP' successfully. Does anyone know how to get the text without clicking on the tab?
Images of what I'm trying to scrape.
Maybe try and get the 'value' attribute of the element.
The answer is no. You can't access the element from the other tab without focusing on it. Retrieval of text is totally based on the presence of the element on the current page. When you click on tab then automatically it gets loaded in the dom and then only you can access the element.

How to get summary validation from multiple tabs in ASP.Net MVC?

I have a multiple tabs in a page and each tab (lets say Menu, Edit, Tools) has a couple of text field. Each field have Required Data Annotation. I have one Save Button to save all the fields from multiple tabs. Now my problem is when I am in Menu tab and without entering anything in the text box and click Save Button I got validation summary. If I move to other tab (Edit tab) without entering anything in the textbox in the File tab and I did the same thing in the Edit tab I got validation summary of the current tab (Edit tab) only but not the other one.
How can I get validation summary from all the tabs? OR
Can we validate while moving from one tab to other?
FYI, Each tab is <a href = "#tab-Menu">
Elements on your non-active tabs are most probably hidden. Bu default after version 1.9 jquery validation does not validate hidden elements (ignore: ":hidden"). You can see discussion here:
To enable validating even hidden elements, use this code:
// This will validate all tabs at once, not just current tab.
ignore: ""
More info on what you can specify is here

How to create a nice add button to list view like in the Weather app?

Following these steps:
Open the Weather app.
Right click
Click on places
See that little item with the + symbol? I want to do something exactly like that, the looks and behaviour.
Assuming you are just trying to get some basic ideas about metro-ui controls and you are on Release Preview.
When you do right click, the control that's being triggered is called App Bar. The "place" button is a App Bar Command. Clicking on the button will take you to another page (HTML or XAML). This page contains a ListView control with GridLayout. You can dynamically change the ListView Template and assign different actions to the itemInvoke event.
Here is a quick tutorial for App Bar and commands:
Here is a quick tutorial for List View control: - tab control?

I have a Tab Control on a Winform. I want to add another page but I want it to appear between the current page 1 and page 2, basically I want to insert it. How can I do this?
If you are looking to do this from the deseigner:
Under the TabControl Properties,
select TabPages. This will bring up
the tab pages dialog.
Click the Add button. Should add a
new tab page at the end.
Use the arrows to move the page to
the position required.
If you wish to do this from code:
Have a look at TabControl.TabPages.Insert
Inserts a tab page into the collection
at the specified index.

Oracle Form Builder: Switching between tabs in a form

i am building a form in oracle forms builder
i have a tabbed canvas
i need to know how to swap to the next tab when a button is pressed
so what do i program into the next-tab button??
Best way normally is to navigate to an item on the new tab page, e.g.
OR you can make the tab page topmost explicitly: