Android Studio can't run my APP (<no module>) - module

I did import a Eclipse project to Android Studio.
However, I can't execute my APP because I have only in Android Application.
It appears in Android Test, but I am not able to select the module in Android Application.
Is this a bug?

Posting your update I removed from your question as an answer:
It was really a BUG solved in latest SDK Eclipse and AS updates.


Android Studio no syntax highlighting

Okay, I've wanted to give React Native a try, did a fresh install of Android Studio 4.1.1 on my Ubuntu 19.10, bootstrapped a simple project via react-native CLI, opened it and instantly noticed that JSX highlighting is broken, google around, but the only thing I found is this link -
Tried to reboot, to create a new project from scratch, I did not load my PyCharm settings when installed Android Studio, have not installed any plugins yet. So yeah - any ideas how do I get my highlighting working?
UPD: code navigation also seems to be broken. May be I need to try other version of Android Studio...
UPD 2: Tried Expo with Typescript project setup, studio asked to install a plugins that supports tsx, then restarted and now even the comments are not supported lol.
Note that Android Studio does not have support for JavaScript. You may want to try IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition or WebStorm if you do not need to work with Java.

Titanium appcelerator is capricious,

I face a big problem with titanium appcelerator, this morning i work as usual on my app dev, sundenly i am not able to run my project as this picture shows :
When i click on run i just have "Package" and iOs and android simulator are gone.
I tried rebooting the studio, my mac but nothing.
I use : Appcelerator Studio, build: and xcode Version 7.3.1 (7D1014)
Thanks for your help.
To steps you can try:
Did you try to run your project via CLI ?
Try to locate your sdk in Studio go to settings->platforms->set titanium sdk home (if it is already set, set it again)

Sony Remote Camera API sample Android app - Android Studio

I am having difficulty running the Android sample application for the Sony Action Cam API in Android Studio. I've tried to import the project into Android Studio, but I must not be configuring all the settings properly. Has anyone done this that can provide a step by step. My only experience with Android development was in Eclipse, but I want to try Android Studio as its the latest technology.
Maybe Sony can create a version of this project for Android Studio and make it available from the download page. Please!
I was able to build and run the latest (SDK 1.90) sample app after importing the CameraRemoteSampleApp sample project into Android Studio (Beta) 0.8.14. Please check again.
Best Regards, Prem, Developer World team

Issue in installing Android platform 2.2

I am new to titanium, i already set Android sdk its working fine with my eclipse indigo. I mean i can able to launch android 2.2 google api emulator in that IDE. But In titanium it showing error message Items required An Android SDK is missing.Titanium requires Android platform 2.2 I have follow this post Titanium Studio cannot find Android SDK and fixed some path issues. But still i am getting same error. Need guidance to set up environment.

Is there any way to put Titanium code into Eclipse?

If Ive developed an Android app in Titanium (Appcelerator), is it possible to change it to use in Eclipse?
Thank you
I use Eclipse, you can import your Titanium projects in eclipse but not with import but instead create a new web project and set the project location to the Titanium project you have created using Titanium developer.
Titanium Studio, the development environment for Titanium, is a branded and somewhat customized version of Eclipse.
Yes sure, you can put Titanium code within Eclipse:-
First be sure you have javascript Web development Eclipse version. You can download here:
After that you have to install plugin using Eclipse IDE.
Import Titanium’s mobile application into Eclipse for faste development.
For more information Check this link: